
By JasmynTailor

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When all hope was lost, He began to make all things new. - This is the story of Anastasia and Austin. Very u... More

Introducing Anastasia
Final Author's Note
Bonus Chapter


991 78 13
By JasmynTailor

The wind blew as Anastasia sat under the stars.

This was her happy place.

Under an open heaven with no distractions.

Just her, a blanket, the stars, and best of all, God.

She normally took this time to unwind after a long, yet satisfying day at work, but this time was different.

"It was surprisingly good," She whispered to God as she rocked in her chair.

No matter what, no matter when God met her where she was.

Tonight, she was in a good place.

"I think he may be a good person. I noted it before, but after spending the afternoon with him, I see and believe it."


Uncommonly good.

"He's safe,"

He was himself. He didn't try to caress her. He was only Austin.

And there was no pressure.

She couldn't see the man suddenly deciding to make a move. From what she noticed, he was wise about how to move forward.

If he wasn't, she would walk away immediately.

Safety needed to remain.


She was wise enough to know that something could come from nothing. God would keep her.

She was sure of it.

Why else would He allow this to be?

"I won't question You. Instead, I'll enjoy this sweet time under Your stars, so beautifully made," She gushed while gazing upward.

Every night, she silently prayed to see a shooting star.

Tonight was like the others.

One day, she would see one and rejoice.

Until then, she was more than delighted to be still and know.

The Creator of the stars adored her more than she adored His stars.

What a wonderful revelation.


"I found it!"

Dominic walked into the living room with his brow raised.

"You're up early," He noted.

Austin ignored him and pressed the buy it now button.

He'd been searching up and down for the Super Mario Bros. movie for three days.

Finally, he found it.

"Three-day shipping," He murmured.

Could he wait three days?

He'd already waited three during the search.

"I can," He answered.

Those three extra days could be days of preparation.


Because he was a sucker.

He didn't want to be. He wanted to pretend to not care about the beautiful woman named Anastasia, or as she requested, chère, but it didn't seem to be possible.

He wasn't trying to do anything with her. He just really enjoyed being with her. It seemed like she sorta felt the same.

He hoped.

"You can, what? Tell me you aren't losing it, Bubba,"

Austin rolled his eyes and finished the purchase with a smile.

In three days, the tape would be here and so would Anastasia.

If it all worked out.

"You're lookin at the owner of a lightly used VHS tape of the Super Mario Bros," Austin said while wiggling his brows proudly.

Dominic laughed. "Good for you. That still doesn't explain why you're so excited," He trailed off with a questioning look.

Austin shrugged. "Can't a man just be happy?"

Dominic shook his head. "No. You were buzzing like a nut after you spent the day with Anastasia, and now you're grinning over a tape,"

There was definitely more to the story.

Also, Austin liked his sister.

It was clearer than a day without clouds.

Was it weird?

A little. But Dominic didn't mind. To each his own.

Opposites attract.

Or so he'd been told.

If Anastasia miraculously returned his feelings, it would be true and very strange.

In a good way.

"If you gotta know, nosy," Austin started annoyed, though he was smiling, "I got the tape to watch with Anastasia. She loves them crazy brothers and I like em too."

Dominic raised his brows and sat beside Austin. "Oh, I see," He elbowed him gently. "You like my sister and you want to make her like you. Good idea, though that movie is dreadful,"

Austin elbowed him back and smiled jovially, knowing Dominic wouldn't be happy with the agreement that he didn't agree with. "Well, no. That ain't it. She says it got her into dinosaurs, and you're watching with us,"


Dominic refused to watch the stupid movie. It was horribly written and had nothing to do with the actual video game.

This made Austin's smile widen. "Well, unless you want the bayou's finest alone with your pretty sister, you ain't sayin no."

Dominic groaned and held a pillow to his face.

Maybe he would wake up and it would be a nightmare.

Austin took the pillow from him and smiled. "She'll be more comfortable with you watching too, Nic. I ain't gon try nothin, but it's just best if you sit too. You know?"

He had actually put a lot of thought into it.

He honestly wouldn't do anything to Anastasia, but it was wiser for him to have another with them.

He couldn't control how thoughts came and went, and even if God said he was new, he wasn't confident enough to be alone with Anastasia in private.

He refused to ruin her.

"I guess you're right. But don't expect me to pay attention. It really is a horrible movie,"

Austin smacked his shoulder gladly. "You alright with me, Nic."

Dominic laughed dryly and took out his phone. "I'm assuming you don't have her number, so when should I tell her to come?"

Though Dominic was annoying, Austin loved him.

He was a good man to have on his side.

And he supported whatever it was Austin was doing with Anastasia.

He was indeed alright.


"Chère!" Austin greeted her with a big smile as he opened the door.

Tonight was the night.

She'd been anticipating it since Dominic texted her about it.

She hadn't seen the movie in a while, so she was ready to dive back into the craziness and phenomenal plot.

"Hi," She smiled back and walked into the house. "Where's Dominic?" She asked after looking around.

Austin shrugged. "He was just in here, chère. Must be hiding, the man is more excited than you are about the movie," He teased.

"I am not. He's a liar, Anastasia." Dominic said walking out of the kitchen with a slice of pizza and soda. "I'm only doing this for you." He told her before sitting on the couch begrudgingly.

Austin rolled his eyes as he followed Anastasia to the couch.

"Such a lovely brother, you are." She kissed his cheek and then laughed. "It must've been your night to cook,"

Austin chuckled as Dominic shrugged passively. "I've told you this countless times. I'm not coordinated enough to cook. Takeout is my specialty,"

Anastasia's cute nose scrunched up as she shook her head.

She was a sight.

"You must learn how to cook before you're married. I refuse to have a sister-in-law who has to cook or eat takeout every day." She told him. "Austin can show you. He made that spaghetti,"

A compliment.

Right to the heart.

Austin placed his hand over his heart and nodded dramatically. "I just got a compliment from Chère Randolph. My my, it must be my special day," He winked at the pretty woman and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Haha. Very funny."

He smiled proudly and stood up to put the tape in the player. "Without further ado, Super Mario Bros," He bowed and then sat back down.

Dominic sat in the middle and Anastsia was on his right.

They could've switched places, but who was Austin to complain?

The distance would help anyhow.

"I didn't know this was a Disney Channel movie," Anastasia murmured as the signature mountains came on the screen.

Austin's heart dropped.

It wasn't a movie made by Disney Channel.

He was scammed.

A computer with small pictures came on the screen with a man sitting in front of it.

The pictures all began to disappear as the man typed.

Anastasia gasped. "My word!"

"No way," Dominic murmured, almost dropping his plate.

Austin sighed, knowing good and well that Anastasia wouldn't stay to watch some stupid Disney movie.

"I'm sorry, y'all. Them people scammed me,"

Anastasia shook her head. "No. No, you don't know what this is?"

Austin shook his head cautiously. "Should I, chère?"

Dominic's mouth dropped. "You mean you've never seen the Even Stevens Movie? I'm sure you have,"

"No. I think I heard of it, but I ain't never saw it."

"Austin, you have to watch this. This is the movie we snuck to watch. Our parents didn't allow us to watch Disney or anything overtly silly." Anastasia explained, almost dreamily. "It's very stupid, but we love it."

Dominic nodded like a bobblehead. "You were scammed in the best way, Bubba. Just sit tight and enjoy the movie." He patted Austin's head and turned his full attention to the screen.

There was hope.

Austin was sure Anastasia would be disappointed, but God worked it out in a very weird way.



The Even Stevens Movie was amazing.

Anastasia's stomach hurt from all the laughing she did.

It was a classic.

"A-and when Ren tried to murder Louis! Miles looked like he was going to pee on himself. Comedy gold!" She explained to Austin, still trying to catch her breath.

It'd been years since she laughed this hard.

"I noticed that, chère. They were some crazy,"

Dominic howled. "My favorite part is when they take Mootai and blame it on Louis. Anything for good ratings!"

"No! No! W-when they chase the squirrel for food! That still kills me!" Anastasia wheezed, which surprised Austin.

He never expected her to like stupid movies.

A small smile grew on his face.

If she liked stupid movies, she could possibly like stupid men...

Though he wasn't stupid stupid. Only a joker at heart.

"I reckon my favorite is when Donnie sees his old classmate." Austin paused and mocked Laylo's expression. "My name is Laylo," He said in his simple tone.

Anastasia and Dominic stared at each other before laughing.

"You're hilarious, Austin! You should be a comedian," Anastasia wiped her eyes and shook her head.

Too much laughter was such a thing.

She was getting to his head with her praise.

Ugh and Amen.

"My name is Laylo," He said, giving into the strong desire to make her laugh.

He was a sucker in this losing battle.

Dominic rolled his eyes as he laughed.

Austin was on the deep end for Anastasia.

And Anastasia, she was eating him up like a kid in a candy store.

Would the theory be proved sooner than he thought?

"You're too much for me, Austin. I need to get home before I laugh too hard and break something," Anastasia said after catching her breath.

She stood up and stretched her legs she hadn't moved since the movie started. The Even Stevens Movie was far too good to miss a moment.

Austin stood up, making Dominic stand up as well.

He wasn't about to be shown up by Austin, again.

"It was good having you over, sis. You should come by again. We have to make this a thing," He insisted.

This was an easy way to connect with her without going too deep. Even Stevens or any movie couldn't make her think of Benjamin. Or he hoped.

Anastasia's smile almost knocked the wind out of Austin. "I'd really love that." She hugged Dominic tightly and kissed his cheek.

"Like he said, chère, this was good fun havin you. I ain't know you could laugh like that." Austin teased wearing a soft smile.

"Now you know, Mr. Impersonator," She teased back. "Next time, I hope it's your turn to cook. I don't think I could take any more pizza," She said while looking at Dominic accusingly, though she was only messing.

Next time.

His heart.


But ooh.

"Even if it ain't, for you, I'll make it my day, chère." He wiggled his brows and grinned like a maniac.

Anastasia laughed and shook her head. "I have to leave before I lose my breath. Goodnight, Austin."

The way she said his name.


Real soft and sweet.

He liked it.

Still, he wondered if Bubba would sound that nice coming from her.

He walked her to the door, with Dominic following.

"Drive safely, chère."

Her smile fell momentarily and she nodded. "Thank you,"

It was kind.

And it was a good thing to be told.

But why did it have to make her heart ache?

It was a good night.

And someday, she wouldn't feel this way when remembering Ben. He was everywhere. Good memories. Bad memories.

She knew this was part of healing, but still, it hurt so badly.

Austin and Dominic watched Anastasia get in her car and waited for her to be out of the driveway before going back inside.

"Man," Dominic said while shaking his head.

Austin hummed, still looking at the door where Anastasia once was.

"I'm just thinking about how silly you made yourself for my sister,"

Austin looked at Dominic and shrugged. "That's who I am, Nic. It ain't no show," He promised with a cheesy grin.

"Sure, and I have a suitcase filled with bacon,"

Austin chuckled. "You watch too much TV, beans,"

"And you like my sister. It's weird to see, but not bad. She likes you."

Austin almost got whiplash from the way he snapped his neck. "She what now?"

Dominic nodded. "Yeah. Not romantically, the way you do, but like a friend. And that's saying something for Anastasia. She doesn't talk to men. Our parents always try to push some man on her, but she never gives them the time of day." He explained. "But you, I honestly don't know how you did it. She wouldn't be laughing at you if she didn't like you, just putting that out there." He threw his hands up and then dusted them off.

"Man, that's somethin," Austin murmured far off.

Looks like he had a chance.

A teeny tiny teensy weensy one, but it was a chance.

Something could happen in these three months. If it was a extra good something, he might have to finally put down some roots.



Author's Note

Hey y'all!

Two chapters in one week! Would you look at that! Y'all better thank God!

Anastasia thinks Austin is good. Austin is finally accepting the truth. Anastasia really enjoys being around Austin for some reason...Austin is like AMEN! He has a fighting chance...Dominic is for it.

What did you think?

What's next?


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