Wandanat/ Scarletwidow onesho...

By Lesbinsanity

21.7K 406 261

This ship is fucking amazing. I will defend it to my last breath. If you disagree I will fight you. More

Long night Part 1
Wake Me When It's Over
Truth Serum
Truth serum part 2 ( Smut )
Show Them ( Wandanat and Stony )
I Don't Know Why I Can't Kill You (Part 1)
I Don't Know Why I Can't Kill You (Part 2)
I Don't Know Why I Can't Kill You ( Part 3 )
I Don't Know Why I Can't Kill You ( Part 4 )
Mine ( Smut )
Lamplight ( stars part 2 )
Pistols And Revolvers
Fire and Dreams ( Pistols And Revolvers part 2 )
writers block
It's Okay Now
It's Ok Now ( Part 3 )
Truth serum ( Part 3 )
Its Ok Now part 4 ( smut )
It's Ok Now ( Part 5 ) [Smut]
20k?!?!? ( real????)

It's Okay Now ( Part 2 ) ( Smut )

1.1K 18 25
By Lesbinsanity

Natasha was so happy to be able to do this with Wanda.
She was so grateful that Wanda trusted her, esspecially to a degree that she would let her expirience this with her.

The Russian's girlfriend lay still on top of her, soft breaths tickling Natasha's neck.

Honestly though she didn't care if they went all the way, as long as Wanda felt comfortable and safe, Natasha was content.

" You ok?" She asked gently, a little concerned about her girlfriend's silence.

" Yes. " The Sokovian replied, her words breathed into Natasha's neck.

" Actually I was wondering if maybe... we could get... a little more... comfortable?" Wanda hid her face in Natsha's neck, instantly overwhelmed by the smell of her as she anxiously awaited her reply.

" Wanda... are you asking if we could get... naked?" The Russian's voice was soft, but still had a bit of a taunting air to it.

" Well no, not naked but... are you... wearing anything under that?" Wanda squeezed her eyes shut.

" Are you sure?" Natasha's voice lost any hint of tauntation or sarcasm.

Wanda paused, thinking.
" Yes, I'm sure."

" Mm ok. I'm sure you won't be dissapointed." Wanda heard the smirk in Natasha's voice before she saw it.

Natasha got up, leaving Wanda to savor the last of her scent before it faded.

The Russian stood at the foot of the bed, looking eyes with Wanda.

Wanda watched as Natasha slowly pulled her t shirt over her head, revealing a fancy black lace bra with floral details.
And it held the most amazing thing Wanda had ever seen.
Pressed together in the most delicious way possible.
Her mind stopped as she tunnelvisioned.

Natasha was sure that for a moment, Wanda's pupuils turned into little black hearts as she stared at her breasts.

Wanda watched as Natasha bent over to pull down her jeans, boobs jiggling a bit as she did so.

Once Natasha was done, and left only in her bra, and matching panties, she smirked.

" Like what you see?" She asked, bending down to place her hands on the bed, giving Wanda a near fatal veiw.

Slowly Natasha got on the bed, crawling towards her girlfriend.

Natasha placed a finger under the Sokovian's chin, slowly raising her gaze to stare into the Russian's eyes.

" So much." Wanda replied. " But I didn't wear anything that fancy- wait, I have an idea." Wanda snapped her fingers, surrounding herself in red mist.
As her magic faded, Natasha's jaw dropped.

Wanda was now dressed in the same bra and panties as Natasha, but instead in a bright crimson colour that seemed to glow and shift before the Russian's eyes.
The same colour of fishnets adorned her legs, attached to her panties by short suspenders.
Crimson whisps danced and floated around her.
Her before faded lipstick was more vibrant then ever, and Natasha couldn't help but imagine those lips kissing every inch of her body.
Thick black eyeliner adorned her face, making her eyes glow.
Her hair seemed softer, and silkier than before, slightly floating around her.

Natasha's brain was both screaming and empty.

She couldn't form words, or thoughts, she couldn't do anything but take in every detail of the woman before her.

" Too much?" Wanda asked, unsure of what Natasha's silence meant.

Natasha fell limp on the matress, her brain was shutting down.

" Natty! Are you ok?" Wanda asked, worried.

" Too... hot... brain... not work..." Natasha managed to get out.

" What?" Wanda was confused.

" You... too sexy... brain... shutting down...boobs..."

Wanda blushed furiously, ducking her head and biting her lip.

" Uhhh... do you need a minute?" Wanda asked, unsure of how to respond.

" Mhmmmmmmm." Natasha murmered, closing her eyes.

About a minute passed before Natasha opened her eyes again.

She took a deep breath before laying her eyes on her girlfriend again.

" Sorry... I wasn't thinking right... I uh, did I upset you?" Natasha stared into Wanda's eyes, figuring they were the safest place for her right now.

" No, I was just a little confused and worried. Im glad you're ok." Wanda smiled.

Natasha tried her best to ignore the heat pooling in between her legs as her pussy went mental.

" You still feeling ok? Still comfortable?" Natasha asked, again not moving her gaze from the Sokovian's eyes.

" Mhm." Wanda smiled.

" You uh, have nice... breasts..." Wanda looked down as she blushed, words barely above a whisper.

" Y'know... they're not just for looking..." Natasha teased, carefull to avoid outright telling her she could touch them to avoid setting off alarm bells in her brain.

Wanda rejected her humanity, skipping monke, and turning into a tomato.

" You mean I can... interact with them?" Wanda's eyes widened looking like a deer in headlights, and a kid on christmas.

" If you want, you dont have to..." Natasha assured her.

Wanda bit her lip, thinking.

" Do you consent?" Wanda asked, locking eyes with the Russian.

" I consent." Natasha smiled.

Wanda crawled forward, towards Natasha.

She stopped to lock eyes with her one last time, searching for any kind of discomfort.
But Natasha's eyes sparkled, leaving Wanda to take a deep breath before slowly dropping her gaze.

They were even more perfect up close.
Smooth and soft, they sent her mind into a frenzy.

The smell of Natasha was intoxicationg, wafting off the perfection that lay before her eyes.

She slowly lifted a finger, letting it lightly caress it.

Natasha let out a low hum.

They were softer then Wanda could have imagined, blessing her fingertip as it lightly dragged across it.

She then let her whole hand join as she continued.

When she reached the end of the first breast, Natasha spoke.

" Could we maybe move a bit so I can lean against the headboard?i think I would enjoy this more if I didn't have to worry about staying upright."

Wanda's just faded blush returned as she was reminded of her surroundings.

" Oh, yea, of course." Wanda chuckled nervously.

Once repositioned Wanda went back to her soft exploration.

Without looking up she asked, " Is it ok if I... kiss them?"

Natasha's heart skipped a beat.
The thought of Wanda's soft lips leaving red lipstick marks against her boobs made her pussy coo.

" Please do." She mumbled out.

Wanda softly leaned forwards, the smell of Natasha only adding to the bewitchment.

The Russian closed her eyes as she felt Wanda's warm breath against her breasts.

Wanda left the softest kiss on the top of her right breast.

Natasha let herself go limp against the headboard.
Wanda left another kiss on the top of her left breast.
She was mezmerized.
She left one more kiss at the deepest point of Natasha's cleavage, savoring the feeling of warm soft flesh pressing on the sides of her face.

" Can I... see them? Like... all of them?" Wanda looked up at Natasha with the softest eyes in the world, and even if Natasha hadn't wanted nothing more in the world, those eyes alone would have convinced her.

" Of course." She replied, reaching back to unhook her bra.

As soon as it was off she threw it somewhere in the room, not caring where.

Wanda looked like she was going to cry.
Natasha's fully exposed breasts were the most perfect thing she had ever seen.

" Don't be scared, they don't bite." Natasha reassured her.

Wanda reached forward and gently cupped the Russain's left breast, mezmerized by every aspect of it.

She gently pressed another kiss to it, just above her hand.

Her eyes were then drwan to the red bud in the middle.
" Can I... interact with these too?" She looked up, gazing into Natasha's hungry eyes.
" Please, I'd love nothing more. " Natasha awnsered imediatly, running her fingers through the Sokovian's hair.

Wanda then leaned forwards, nuzzling her left nipple with her nose with such tenderness and sweetness it almost sent her spiraling.
Natasha then realized she forgot to ask a very important question.

" Hey W,anda am I allowed to, uhhh... vocalize?" Natasha danced around vocabulary, trying to cut any ties this may have to her past expiriences.

" You mean like... moan?" Wanda asked nervously.

" Uh... yea..." Natasha replied, terrified of upsetting her girlfriend.

Wanda leaned forward to place a soft kiss on her lips.

" I'm all for your little puppy noises." Wanda whispered, low and thick accented into her ear.

Wanda then returned to her favorite place so far, and gently started carressing her breasts again.
Natasha let out little hums and 'oh's as she did this.
Eventually Wanda placed a soft, tender kiss on her bud, causing it to harden immeadiatly.
" Mmmmmm fuckkkk Wandaaa." Natasha moaned out quietly.
" Umm, Natty, why is it... hard now?"

" My nipple? " Natasha asked.

" Uhh... yea." Wanda replied, suddenly on guard.

Natasha recognized the wariness in her voice, soon realizing why.

" Oh... it just means they really like you. Don't worry, they're completely harmless, I promise." Natasha assured her.

" But if you don't want to interact with them anymore, or you want to stop all this, then that's fine, I completely understand." Natasha put a comforting arm on her shoulder while the Sokovian thought.

" It's ok I... like them too." Wanda said after about half a minute.
She leaned forwards and gave them each a gentle kiss.
" Oh... fuck... they- they really like that." Natasha gasped out.
Wanda returned to her left nipple, giving it a long kiss before softly poking it with her tounge.
" Fuckkkkkkk Wandaaaa oh godddd." Natasha let out a soft, low moan.
Wanda then used her tounge to start playing with it, poking, proding, and gently swirling around it.
" Oh god.. Wandaa oh... ohhhh." Natasha tightened her grip in Wanda's hair, pulling her harder against her.
Wanda then started to softly suck, head swimming, mind crowded by Natasha's sent, and her soft moans.

Eventually she stopped, removing her lips from the hardened bud, but not pulling away.
She slowly lifted her gaze to the asassin's lust filled eyes.

And that sight almost killed her.
Wanda's lust darkened eyes looking up at her like she was the only thing in the world.
Her lips still slightly parted, a string of saliva still connecting her to her nipple.
Natasha could clearly see the wetness of Wanda's saliva coating it, a drop making its way down her breast.

" You- you're so good at that..." Natasha breathed out.

" I'm glad you enjoyed it." She whispered against her breast.

" Oh god Natty they're so soft.." Wanda mumbled out of nowhere.

" How about you feel them? Like, really feel them." Natasha leaned down to whisper into her ear.
" Don't be afraid of being rough... they love that."

Without a warning Wanda tackled her, dragging her down so she was laying flat.

" Is this ok?" Wanda softly mumbled into her ear.

" Yea, this... this is good." Natasha breathed out.

Wanda then turned her attention back to the Russian's boobs, softly kneading them.

" Oh god... just like that." Natasha breathed out.

Wanda started slowly getting rougher, the harsher she was, the louder Natasha moaned.

They were so soft and perfect in her hands, she felt like she was touching a peice of art.

Wanda leaned down, swallowing Natasha's moans in a searing kiss that left both girls' heads spinning.

Eventually Wanda broke for air, stopping her movements as she gasped for breath.

" You really like my boobs don't you?" Natasha smirked.

" So fucking much." Wanda mumbled against her neck, softly nibbling the flesh there.

" And they love you too, so fucking much. And they will always be here, whenever you want them." Natasha gently ran her fingers through Wanda's hair.

" You shouldn't have said that." Wanda said, seriousness clear in her voice.

" Why not?"

" Because then you'll never wear a shirt or bra again." Wanda said with fake exasperation.

" Really?" Natasha sat up, meeting the Sokovian's eyes.

" Mhm." Wanda matched her gaze, standing her ground.

" God you're so sexy." Natasha mumbled.

" Am I now?" Wanda leaned closer to her.

" So fucking sexy." Natasha whispered, mirroring Wanda's action, their lips now cenimeters a part.

Wanda waited for Natasha to lean in for a kiss before pulling away.
Natasha whined.
"Patience shchenok, im going to grab some water, do you want me to grab you something?"

" Maybe I'll take some water too, thanks." Natasha decided, staring at her girlfriend as she got up.
Natasha instantly regretted her gaze as Wanda turned around, giving Natasha the most mouth watering veiw of her ass.
The throbbing of Natasha's pussy became unbareable. Screaming and begging for something, anything.
Crying for releif.
So she rubbed her thighs together and willed herself to wait.
Wanda returned with two glasses of water, handing one to Natasha before taking a sip from the other one.
" Thanks." The Russian said before downing her glass.

" Um Natty... if you're comfortable with it... I uh... maybe could I see... all of you?" Wanda followed this question with downing her glass.

" You mean you want me to take my panties off? Leave myself all exposed and vulnerable to your gaze? Leave my pussy out in the open, completely uncovered?" Natasha taunted.

" I uhh..." Wanda's face went almost as red as the stray whisps of magic surrounding her.

" Mmm, how could I say no?" Natasha got up from the bed, making a show of hooking her fingers under the waistband of her panties, and slowly, oh so achingly slowly, pulling them down.

Once they were off she held it and made a show of presenting it to the Sokovian, who's face turned the brightest shade of red imaginable before taking them.

" So... what do you think? Does it live up to all your dreams?" Natasha smirked.

Wanda ducked her head, unsure of what to do at this point.

" Oh shit, too much? Are you still comfortable? Do you still want to continue?" Natasha asked, worried that she had crossed a line.

" No... I'm good Natasha... I just... am I allowed to look?" Wanda asked shyly.

" Of course detka, otherwise I wouldn't have taken my panties off." Natasha's voice was soft.

Memories flashed through Wanda's head.
His roungh hands tugging down her underwear, pinning her down.

" Hey, Hey. It's ok. We can stop if you want to. I'm here for you. And I would sooner put a bullet through my head than lay a finger on you." Natasha comforted her.

" Can I... hug you?" Natasha asked.

Wanda lifted a finger, and suddenly Natasha was wearing crimson panties, just like Wanda's.
The fabric was impossibly soft and felt almost non existant.

" Just.. for now, maybe?" Wanda looked up at Natasha, eyes wide and watery.

" Of course my love." Natasha smiled.

" Now... uh... hug?" Wanda promted.
In seconds Wanda was wrapped in a warm embrace, fingers rubbing soothing circles into her back.

" I just... I kept seeing him..." Wanda trailed off, forcing herself deeper into Natasha, who wrapped her arms tighter around her.

" He's not here right now. He cant hurt you. I will never let him touch you again. I promise. I'll keep you safe, and warm, and happy. I love you so, so, so much." Natasha's eyeshight went blurry, and she felt the first tear trickle down her cheek.
" No one will ever hurt you again, not while I'm around." Natasha mumbled against her.


Wanda's mind was a battle ground.
She wanted to go all the way, oh so badly, but her memories kept poping up.
She tries to remind herself that this was Natasha, not him.
But something deep in her mind was telling her things.

" You're hurting her."

" You're just like him "

" She hates you "

And this voice drowned out the sweet nothings that Natasha was whispering into her ear.

She tried to convince herself that this wasnt true.

"Natsha wanted this, she gave you consent"

" She felt forced "

" I'll never be like him"

" Then why don't you belive that? "

" Natasha loves me!"

" Shes a professinal liar."

She kept trying to argue with the voices but every time they got louder, drowning out all other thoughts.

She felt like she was drowning.
She kept trying to swim up, to reach Natasha, but waves kept knocking her down.

But then another voice broke through.
One that shone golden through the darkness of her mind.

" It's ok"

" I love you. "

" I'm here for you."

And suddenly the waves were smaller.

She still couldn't quite reach Natasha, but she was closer now.

And in the end, as long as you're getting closer, thats all that matters.

Eventually Wanda opened her eyes, unsure of how long she had been trapped in her mind.

She pressed a gentle kiss to Natasha's lips.
Natasha kissed back, filled with emotion and love.

" How are you feeling?" Natasha asked softly when Wanda pulled away.

" Better. I think maybe I would... like to continue?" Wanda proposed quietly.

" Are you sure?" Natasha asked softly.
" Yes." Wanda replied.

" Can I maybe just... uh... continue playing with your boobs for a bit?" Wanda asked.

Natasha smiled " Play with them all you want."

" Can I uh... press my face into them?" Wanda asked nervously.

" Of course." Natasha laughed.

Wanda softly leaned down, pressing her face into Natasha's soft breasts.

The smell of Natasha consumed her and the feeling of the warm flesh beneath her was intoxicating.

" Mmm boobies " Wanda mumbled out.

Natasha chuckled.

" They helping?" The Russian asked, only half joking.

" So much." Wanda mumbled into Natasha's skin.

Natasha gently stroked her fingers through the Sokovian's hair, enjoying the feeling of her face squished into her breasts.

" God, this is like therapy." Wanda said.

" Mhm?" Natasha smirked.

" I think I need to do this for at least 1 hour every day." Wanda said

" Do it as much as you want, my body is yours to use as you wish." Natasha teased.

" Nattyyyyy!" Wanda groaned into the Russian's breasts. " Why do you have to say it like that?"

Natasha chuckled.

" So you're feeling better then?" Natasha asked softly.

" Yea, I'm not kidding, this really helps." Wanda replied.

"Are you still comfortable, do you still want to continue?"

"I- I really do, my mind just... it gets in the way sometimes. It might take a little bit, but if you're willing to accomodate me... then I'd be happy to continue with you." Wanda said, lifting her face to meet the Russian's gaze.

" Take your time, not only do I have all night, but I probrably have like a thousand sick days piled up at this point." Natasha assured her.

Wanda gave the Russian the sweetest smile she had ever seen, eyes sparkling with love.

She then began to pepper Natasha's breasts with kisses, causing the Russian to let out a long, low hum.

Once Natasha's boobs were completely covered in lipstick marks, Wanda pressed a gentle kiss to Natasha's lips, before also peppering her face as she giggled.

" I'm never showering again." Natasha sighed out when Wanda had finished.

" It's ok, I can just lick you clean every day." Wanda smirked, turning the tables on the russian.

" Wha- who gave you the right to be so sexy?!" Nataha complained

Wanda's smirk grew.

" Alright, do I uh... have consent to remove my magic from you?" Wanda asked shyly.

It took a moment for Natasha to realize what she was talking about.

" If you're comfortable with it." Natasha gave Wanda a soft smile.

The Russian's pussy was screaming with joy, the promise of even Wanda's gaze sending it into a frenzy.

Wanda squeezed her eyes shut, waving her hand, and Natasha was left completely naked.


Wanda's face burned crimson as she slowly opened her eyes, letting her gaze drop.

" Oh." Wanda whispered as her eyes met Natasha's pussy.

" That's... wow." Wanda tried to find words for what she was feeling.

" Is this ok?" Natasha asked.

" Yea this is really... wow." Wanda couldnt tear her eyes awy from it.

" Can I uh... take a closer look?" Wanda whispered shyly.

" I consent. Get as close as you want." Natasha replied.

Wanda lay down on her stomach, inching closer to the beuaty that lay in between the russians legs.

As soon as the scent hit her she went spiraling.

Wanda let out a low moan, unable to think clearly.

" Can I touch it?" Wanda asked, mind hazed over.

" Yes, I consent a thousand times over." Natasha spoke immediatly.

Wanda reached out with a finger, gently stroking her lips.

" Ohh fuckkkkk." Natasha groaned.

" It's so... soft.." Wanda was filled with awe and amazement.

" What's this? Wanda asked, gently carressing Natasha's clit.

Natasha gasped at the contact.

" That's my- fuck - cl- clitoris." Natasha got out, trying to supress all the moans and curses that begged to be heard at the simple touch.

" It makes me feel really, really good when it's touched." Natasha breathed out.

" Can... I touch it?" Wanda asked.

" Please, oh god, please, yes, I consent, please." Natasha was desperate for any kind of touch.

Wanda softly poked it with her index finger, drawing a soft moan from the Russian.

She softly started tracing her finger around it, leaving Natasha gasping any time she grazed it even slightly.

" It really does like being touched." Wanda observed.

" So much, it loves it so so much." Natasha moaned out.

Wanda started rubbing it in tiny circles, sending Natasha into a frenzy.

" O BOZHE o bozhe thats- oh my god!"
Natasha yelled, Russian seeping into her words.

" You really like that huh?" Wanda smirked.

" Fuck, tak mnogo, so much, so fucking much! O bozhe please, please dont stop." Natasha cried.

" Mm, actually I want to try something else." Wanda removed her finger, leaving Natasha's head spinning.

" You get really loud really fast." Wanda
Observed as Natasha panted, breathing slowly retuening back to normal.

" S- sorry, I just sorta... lost myself." Natasha apoligized.

Wanda crawled up, whispering into her ear.

" No, I like it. lay skol'ko khochesh', shchenok." Wanda purred.

" Oh god thats so hot.." Natasha moaned out.

" tebe nravitsya, kogda ya govoryu s toboy po-russki?" Wanda half taunted, nuzzling Natasha's ear.

" So much.." Natasha breathed out.

Wanda chuckled darkly, gently nibbling the Russian's earlobe.

Wanda then moved back down, resting her head between the Russian's thighs, close enough that she could feel the pulsating heat on her face.

" Can I... lick or... suck your... clitoris? Wanda asked gently.

" Yes." Natasha spoke without hesitation.

" You're very... wet down here." Wanda observed, gently scooping up some of Natasha's slick.

" Mhm." Natasha hummed.

" Why?" Wanda asked.

" Because of you." Natasha replied.

" Uh... ok but what is this stuff?" Wanda asked, inspecting the fluid on her fingers.

" Oh... thats uh... I'm actually blanking on what it's called right now. It just makes it easier to... enter." Natasha tried to explain, which was hard when Wanda's face was in between her legs.

" When biological women get... excited it starts to produce it." Natasha elaborated.

" Iv'e been excited lots, but this never happened." Wanda said, puzzled.

" Well not excited... I mean... horny." Natasha corrected herself.

" Oh."
" I make you... horny?" Wanda asked.

" Well... I mean yea- well only sometimes- a lot- I mean you're really hot- like y'know sexy- or just y'know I kinda want to have sex with you a lot- no wait, I mean-." Natasha gave up with a groan, letting her head loll back against the headboard.

Wanda raised her eyebrows.

" I'm just... new to this stuff, y'know. I just want to know things..." Wanda tried to explain.

" Yeah I just... I know. I just don't want to make you uncomfortable." Natasha said.

" Natty, me making you horny does'nt make me uncomfortable. In fact... it's very useful information." Wanda smirked.

" You're gonna use this against me, are'nt you?" Natasha sighed.

" Mhm." Wanda grinned.

" So uh... can girls... cum?" Wanda asked nervously.

" Yes, but it's a little different. It cant get you... pregnant. And theres not really a limit to it." Natasha explained.

" A limit?" Wanda asked.

" Well... for guys they can only uh... they only have a certain amount of bullets in their gun, so eventually they'll run out and it takes awhile for them to reload." Natasha scowled, memories of all the missions that required her to seduce and sometimes even fuck men resurfacing.

" But women... they don't run out of ammo. They can keep going for, well bassically until they pass out." Natasha explained.

" How long does it take for you to pass out?" Wanda smirked.

" Oh quite a long time little witch." Natasha returned the smirk.

" And this... liquid here," Wanda held up her fingers, glistening with Natasha's slick," Is it... edible?" Wanda asked.

" You want to eat it?" Natasha taunted.

" I mean... kinda." Wanda replied shyly.

" Yeah, it's edible." Natasha smirked, eyes darkening as Wanda locked gazes with her.

Wanda slowly sat up, eyes never leaving Natasha's.

The Sokovian slowly brought her fingers to her lips, gently slipping them in.

Wanda let out a low moan at the taste, caysing Natasha's pussy to generously create more for her.

After about a minute of Wanda sucking her fingers clean, she gently slid them out.

" That's the best thing I have ever tasted." Wanda breathed out.

" Well it's very easy to get me to make more." Natasha purred.

Wanda sunck back down, head once again finding its place in between Natasha's thighs.

The Sokovian gently wrapped her lips around the Russian's clit, who let out a seris of curses in both russian and english.

She gently started to flick it with her tounge, before swirling around it.

Wetness coated Wanda's face as Natasha let out moan after moan.

Wanda then sucked the small bead into her mouth, softly sucking it while continuing to poke and prod it with her tounge.

Natasha balled her hands into fists, grabbing the sheets.

" OH GOD please... DON'T STOP, oh god, Wandaaaa..." Natasha moaned out.

After a few minutes Wanda stopped, pressing a gentle kiss to her clit before pulling away, leaving Natasha whining and whimpering.

Wanda swiped some of the slick off her face, popping it in her mouth and savoring the taste.

Natasha watched hungrily as Wanda enjoied the taste, before surging forward in a searing kiss, tasting herself.

After both girls pulled away and caught their breath, Wanda asked Natasha a question that both excited her and startled her.

" So... how do I... fuck you?"

" Oh. Well there are a few different ways.. um we should probrably start with... uh... fingers." Natasha proposed.

" So... how do I do it?" Wanda asked.

" Do you know what it means to finger someone?" Natasha asked softly.

Wanda shook her head.

" Ok so... you usually take two fingers, uh, your middle finger and your ring finger, or your middle finger and your index finger, and you uh, put the other fingers down, it does'nt matter which hand you use, and you, uh, well you stick it inside of them." Natasha felt weirdly embarresed explaining the process.

Wanda then stuck out her middle and ring finger on her right hand, stared at it for a second, and then slowly moved her gaze towards the Russian.

And for some reason that was one of the hottest things Natasha had ever seen in her life.

" So I just... stick it inside?" Wanda asked worriedly.

" Mhm." Natasha hummed.

" You don't have to if you don't want to... I'm fine with anything, really. I just want you to feel comfortable and happy." Natasha assured her, stroking her cheek.

" I want to." Wanda assured her.

" Do you consent?" The Sokovian asked.

" I consent." The Russian smiled.

Wanda returned to her place between the Russian's thighs, gently tracing her fingers over the swollen pink lips.

" I want you to do one thing for me." Wanda stated.

" Wh- what's that?" Natasha asked, distracted by the soft fingers tracing her pussy.

" I want you to tell me exactly how you feel while I do this to you. Exactly how I make you feel." Wanda demanded.

" Fuck, ok." Natasha agreed before lolling her head back.

Wanda slowly inserted her fingers, both women gasping, Natasha at the feeling of Wanda's fingers inside of her, and Wanda at the feeling of Natasha's pussy around her fingers.

It felt like Wanda imagined it would be like to touch a cloud.
Impossibly soft and impossibly wet.
But also warm and almost nonexistent.
It basically sucked her in, pulsing and cooing at her simple touch.

" Fuuuuuck..." Natasha drawled out, biting her lip as she savored the feeling of Wanda's fingers inside her.

" Is this ok?" Wanda checked in, needing to be sure Natasha was comfortable with this.
" This is fucking amazingggg." Natasha replied.

" So... this is it?" Wanda asked.

" Well no... uh the next step is to start, uh, pumping your fingers? Y'know like, slide them out and back in again." Natasha was finding it hard to focus with Wanda's fingers buried inside her.

" Like this?" Wanda asked, slowly pumping her fingers in and out.
" YEBAT! just- oh- just like that." Natasha replied, small sparks of pleasure rippling through her.
" God Wanda this feels so- so fucking good. You're making me feel so good baby." Natasha gasped out, remembering Wanda's instructions.
"moi pal'tsy zastavlyayut tebya chuvstvovat' sebya khorosho, detka?" Wanda teased, a thin facade of innocence only adding to her taunting words.

" Can I go... harder?" Wanda asked softly , discontent of the lack of noises her girlfriend was making.
" Please, oh god, please go as hard as you want." Natasha moaned, eyes squeezed shut, body completely limp.

Wanda added a little more strenth to her thrusts, her fingers diving deeper into her girlfriend's core.

" OH FUCK oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck..." Natasha chanted out, sparks turning to waves of bliss washing over her.
" How does this make you feel?" Wanda kept her voice tauntingly soft, as if she wasn't making Natasha feel like she was floating.

" I feel like I'm- ah - flying." Natasha moaned out.
The Russian could feel Wanda driving her to her edge.
Her mind was getting fuzzy, unable to think properly, only able to focus on how good she was feeling.

" Oh god... WANDA! I'm... I'm- oh -I'm close. Please. PLEASE! Don't stop... DON'T FUCKING STOP! Please! I want to cum, I want you to make me cum. Oh god Iv'e never felt this way before..." Natasha's moans were getting louder, and higher pitched.
Wanda went even harder, fingers delving deep into her silky depths.
It didn't take very long at all for Natasha to come undone.

" WANDA!" Natasha screamed as she felt something similar to an elastic band snapping deep within her.
And then pleasure overwhelmed her.
Like she was drowning in ecstacy.
Her eyes rolled back in her head as she let lose a long string of obscene noises.

Wanda slowed to a stop when she felt the warm liquid coat her fingers.
The Sokovian slowly removed her fingers, lifting them up and staring at Natasha's gift.

" Did you just... uh..." Wanda trailed off.

" Yeah. Yeah I did." Natasha's eyes were a little hazed over, staring at the Sokovian as if she were the sun, the moon, and every single star in the sky.

Wanda simply gazed at her fingers.
The visual of the fluid slowly driping down,
The knowlage of where those fingers had just been,
It drove her crazy.

" Can I, uh, eat this too?" Wanda wiggled her fingers a bit.

" Mhm. And if you don't, then i will." Natasha moved a little closer, her lips inced away from Wanda's fingers.

" Mm-Mm. Iv'e earned this." Wanda brought her fingers to her lips, poping them in and letting out a loud moan.
She sucked them clean, swirling her tounge around them to get every last molicule.
As soon as she pulled them out Natasha imediatly wrapped her lips around them, drawing a low moan from Wanda.
Natasha gave Wanda a curious look, silently asking if this was ok.
Wanda smiled down at her, eyes dark as she nodded.
She sucked softly, swirling her tounge around them in such a sexy way that wanda wanted to delve her fingers deep inside of her until she passed out.
It only got worse when Natasha locked eyes with her.
" Oh my god Natasha. Thats so fucking hot. Holy shit." Wanda groaned.
Eventually Natasha pulled them out of her mouth with a pop.

" You did a good job there little witch, barely any flavor left on these fingers of yours." Natasha smirked.
" Maybe try my mouth, I have a feeling you'll find exactly what you're looking for." Wanda smirked, leaning into the asassin.

Wanda melted into Natasha as they kissed.
Yea she enjoied Natasha's tounge searching every tiny crevice in her mouth for any remaining morsels.
Sure she loved the soft moans that left the Russian's mouth whenever she found some.
But the feeling of just her, was amazing.
Just being able to feel the warmth and love of this woman.
Her soft warm skin pressed against her, arms wrapped around her, holding her tight.
She just enjoied being able to feel the Russian, not sexually, but lovingly.

Natasha eventually pulled away.

" Tash, I'm feeling kinda tired... do you think we can just cuddle now? I just want to be able to hold you right now." The witch smiled, tiredly.

" Of course my love, I'll hold you till you pry my arms off of you, I'll keep the night critters away." Natasha smiled, getting under the covers and motioning for Wanda to crawl into her arms.

Wanda gave the Russian the brightest, cutest, happiest smile she had ever seen in her life and practically dove into her embrace.

Pulling the covers snug around them, they nuzzled into eachother.
And as their breathing slowed and their eyelids fell shut they both thought the same thing.

' I must be the luckiest person alive to have her '

Ok, part 2.
I'm liking this series, thinking about continuing it, what do you think?

I'm currently trying to stop cutting, so I might be writing a bit more to distract myself.
Cause if I'm left alone with my thoughts, and the memories, I'm gonna end up passing out in a puddle of blood.

Anyways thanks for reading, means the world to me!

Also, I'd love some requests, so if you have any ideas, feel free to send them my way.

Seeya maties!

- Gay peice of shit


Suggustion for the psychiatric community: Boob Therapy.

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