gorgeous [Max Mayfield × FemO...

By smallwest

7.3K 250 87

Abigail "Abby" Elizabeth James is just a ordinary girl. Her father's name is William James. He is a doctor at... More

Chapter 1: MADMAX
Chapter 3: The Pollywog
Chapter 4: Will the Wise
Chapter 5: Dig Dug
Chapter 6: The Spy
Chapter 8: The Mind Flayer
Chapter 9: The Gate
Chapter 1: Suzie, Do You Copy?
Chapter 2: The Mall Rats
Chapter 3: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard
Chapter 4: The Sauna Test
Chapter 5: The Flayer
Chapter 6: E Pluribus Unum
Chapter 7: The Bite
Chapter 8: The Battle of Starcourt
Chapter 1: Hellfire Club
Chapter 2: Vecna's Curse
Chapter 3: The Monster and the Superhero
Chapter 4: Dear, Billy
Chapter 5: The Nina Project

Chapter 2: Trick or Treat, Freak

495 22 9
By smallwest

October 31, 1984

Abby Pov:

I'm getting ready to go to school.

I'm wearing a black t-shirt, and red flannel shirt, and jeans.

I'm going as Jason Voorhees later.

I grab my backpack, and go downstairs.

"Hey, goodmorning, Abby." Charlie greeted.

"Hey, morning." I replied, as I was about to get out of the house.

"Hey, wait, wait, are you not gonna eat breakfast first?" Charlie asks.

"Oh, no. I can't. I'm going to be late for school." I replied.

"At least bring a toast to eat on the way, Abby." She says as she give me a piece of toast.

"Thanks, gotta go, bye!" I said, as I get out of the house and got on my bike.


I arrive at school, and I see my friends arguing in the bike park.

I got off of my bike.

"Hey, what's going on? Why are you guys wearing costumes?" I ask as I park my bike.

"Why are you not wearing costume?" Mike questions me.

"Are we supposed to?" I ask.

"Yes!" Dustin says.

"Wait, so what were you guys arguing about?" I ask them.

"I'm Venkman and Lucas is Venkman too." Mike says.

"So?" I ask.

"There can't be two Venkman!" Mike clarified.

"But who is supposed to be Venkman?" I question them.

"I am." Mike and Lucas says in unison.

"You're supposed to be Winston!" Mike tells Lucas.

"I specifically didn't agree to Winston." Lucas replied.

"Yes, you did!" Mike bickered.

"I don't think he did." Will commented.

"No one wants to be Winston, man." Lucas bickered.

"What's wrong with Winston?" I ask Lucas.

"What's wrong with Winston? He joined the team super late, he's not funny, and he's not even a scientist!" Lucas clarified.

"Yeah, but he's still cool." Mike bickered.

"If he's cool, then you be Winston." Lucas tells Mike.

"I can't!" Mike bickered.

"B-Because..." Mike stuttered.

"B-B-B-Because you're not black?" Lucas accuses while mocking Mike.

"I didn't say that!" Mike defends himself.

"You thought it." Lucas bickered.

Dustin and I turn around to see kids, getting out of the school bus, and they're not wearing costumes.

"Guys..." i said while they're still arguing behind us.

"Guys! Guys!" Dustin raises his voice as they start to look our way.

"Why is no one else wearing costumes?" Dustin asks.

Then the school bell rings.

"Come on, let's just get inside." I told them.

We enter the school, and as soon as we walk in, the kids started laughing.

"When do people make these decisions?" Dustin commented.

"Everyone dressed up last year." Will mentioned.

"It's a conspiracy, I'm telling you." Dustin says.

"Just act normal." I told them.

"Who you gonna call? The nerds!" Some boy commented.

"Don't mind them. They're just a bunch of jerks." I told them.


I'm currently taking my textbooks for my next class.

Max is walking towards me.

Apparently our lockers is beside eachother.

"Hey, Abby." She greets.

"Hey." I greeted back and smiled.

"What's your next class?" She asks.

"Math." I responded.

"Me too! We should go together." Max says as she smiles.

"Yeah, sure." I replied.

While Max is taking her textvooks out, Lucas and Dustin is waiting for her to look at them.

Dustin clears his throat, which made Max look at him.

"Hi, Max. I'm Dustin, and this is--" Lucas cuts Dustin off "Lucas." He finishes.

"Yeah, I know. The stalkers." Max says.

I chuckled.

"Uh, no. Actually..." Lucas stammers.

"We weren't stalking you." Lucas corrects.

"No, we were just concerned because, you know, you're new and all." Dustin states.

"Yeah, for your safety." Lucas says.

Max raises her eyebrows.

"Mmm-hmm. There are a lot of bullies here." Dustin states.

"So many bullies, it's crazy." Lucas comments.

"Yeah." Dustin agrees.

"Is that why you're wearing proton packs?" Max sarcastically asks.

"Well, these don't function. But..." Dustin face lit up as he grabs the controller to his trap.

"I do have this handy-dandy litlle trap here. And look, it even opens and closes. Look, look, look." Dustin says as he uses the controller to open his trap.

"Voilà!" Dustin says.

Dustin chuckles. "It's cool, right?" Dustin says.

Max says nothing.

"No? Okay. But, um..." Dustin puts away his trap.

"So, we were talking last night, and you're new here, so you probably don't have any friends to take you trick-or-treating," Dustin says.

"Abby's my friend." Max states.

I smile crept up my face.

"O-Okay, so we were thinking that it would be okay if you come with us." Dustin says.

" 'It'd be okay' ?" Max repeats.

"Yeah. Our party's a democracy, and the majority voted you could come." Dustin states.

"I didn't realize it was such an honor to go trick-or-treating with you." Max sarcastically responds.

"Yeah. I mean, we know where to get the full-sized candy bars. We figured you'd want in." Dustin says.

"That's presumptuous of you." Max tells them.

Dustin brain frozed.

"...Yeah. Totally. Uh, so, um... you'll come?" Dustin asks Max.

Max rolls her eyes, and closes her locker.

She grabs my hand, and we start to walk away.

"We're meeting at the Maple Street cul-de-sac at 7:00." Dustin says.

"It's 7:00 on the dot!" Dustin says out loudly as we continue to walk away.

"You know, you coukd come with us trick-or-treating." I suggested.

"It's going to be really fun." I added.

"Really?" She asks.

"Yeah, and it'd be way more fun, if you'd come." I told her.

She looks at me.

"Come on, just give them a chance." I begged.

"Will you be there?" She asks.

"Yeah." I responded.

"I'll think about it." She says as she slowly smiles.


We are presently biking home.

"Really, everyone dressed up last year." Dustin complains.

"I mean, it's the eighth grade, Dustin. What do you expect?" I commented.

We hear a car revving behind us.

"Uh, guys?" Dustin says.

"Shit!" I exclaimed.

"Go! Go! Go!" Lucas yells.

"Mike, you need to haul ass!" Dustin yells at Mike.

We bike faster.

We swerved to the side of the road.

"Whoa!" Dustin exclaimed.

I fall off from my bike.

Then suddenly, my head hit a tree, which made my forehead bleed.

We stand up.

"Holy shit!" Dustin yells.

"Was that..." Dustin couldn't finish due to shortness of breath.

"Mad Max." Lucas finishes.

"Oh shit! Abby you forehead." Mike says.

"No, it's fine. I'll just put a bandaid on it." I blocked Mike's hands as he tries to touch my forehead.

"Let's just go." I told them.


I enter my home, and as soon as I enter Charlie gasps.

"Oh, my God. Abigail, what happend to you?" She says in full of worry.

She cups my face, to look more closely.

Then Henry and George comes downstairs, and sees my forehead bleeding.

"Holy shit! What the hell happend to you?" Henry asks.

"I'm fine, it's just bleeding." I said.

"Who did this to you, Abby?" George asks.

"No one. My head hit a tree. I'm fine." I said.

"Oh, my God. Go sit on the couch. I'm going to clean the wound, and disinfect it. Then i'm going to put a bandaid on it." Charlie says as she made me sit on the couch.


We are currently outside the Wheelers house, waiting for Will, which is on the drive way right now.

"Hey, Will!" I greet him.

Will, gets out of the car and walks towards us.

"Egon!" Lucas says.

"Yeah! You ready for tonight, man?" Lucas asks him.


We knock on someone's door.

Will is recording on his camera.

"Trick or treat!" We all said in unison.

It was an old lady who opened the door.

"Oh! Well, aren't you cute? The little exterminators." The boys smile fades, while i chuckled.

The old lady hands out candies, but it was only 3 Musketeers.

We grabbed candies and walkes away.

"If i get another 3 Musketeers, I'm gonna kill myself." Lucas comments.

I remove my Jason Voorhees mask.

"Yeah, me too." I concurred.

"What's wrong with 3 Musketeers?" Dustin questions.

" 'What's wrong with 3 Musketeers?' " Lucas repeats.

"Everything is wrong about 3 Musketeers." I commented.

"No one likes 3 Musketeers." Mike says.

"Yeah, it's just nougat." Will agrees.

"Whoa 'Just nougat' ?" Dustin says.

"Just nougat? It is top three for me." Dustin states.

"Top three? Really?" I ask him.

"Top three!" Dustin repeats.

"Oh, God. Give me a break." Mike says.

"Seriously, I can just eat a whole bowl of nougat. Straight up." Dustin bickered.

As we continued walking, somebody scares us.

It's someone with a Micheal Myers costume.

I got startled by Lucas' scream.

Then we hear the person chuckling.

As soon as I heard the chuckle I immediately knew who it was.

Max removes the Micheal Myers mask.

"Holy shit! You should've seen the look on your faces." Max says.

"And you?" Max looks at Lucas.

"Who screams like that? You sound like a little girl." I chuckled as I walk towards her.

As we start walking we turn around to see, that they're just standing still.

"Hey, you guys coming or not? Oh, I heard we should hit up Loch Nora. That's where the rich people live, right?" Max says as she chuckles.

We both continue to walk as they catch up to us.


We are currently in Loch Nora, and we got another full-size candy.

"Another full-size. Like, seriously, rich people are such suckers." Dustin says.

"Wait, you're not rich, right?" Dustin questions Max.

"No, I live up Old Cherry Road." Max replies.

"Oh." Dustin says.

"No, it's fine. I mean, the street's good for skating." Max says.

"Hmm." Dustin says as he took a bite out of a candy.

"Yeah, totally tubular." Dustin says.

"Wait, did i say that right? Or is it, like, tubular." Dustin says as he imitates the surfer.

I realize that Mike and Will is behind us.

I slow down to wait, and walk with them.

Will is still recording.

Will points the camera to Mike.

"Did you agree to this?" Mike asks Will.

Will turns off the camera.

"What?" Will asks.

"To her joining our party." Mike says.

"It's just for Halloween, Mike." I told him.

"You guys should've checked with me." Mike bickered.

"Well, they were excited. I guess we thought you'd be okay with it." Will clarified.

"She's ruining the best night of the year." Mike says.

Will slows down on walking.

While me and Mike continued walking on the same pace.

"What's going on with you?" I ask him.

"What?" He asks.

"You've been acting weird since Max joined." I told him.

"I told you, you guys should've checked with me first." He repeats.

"She didn't do anything to you, so why are you so mad?" I ask.

"Whatever." He says as he walks fastly.

Then I realize, Will is no where to be found.

"Mike, wait." I said, and he stopped walking.

He turns around.

"What?" He asks.

"Where's Will?" His face drops.

"Shit." He immediately run to look for him.

"Will?" I yelled.

"I'll go this way, and you go that way." Mike orders.

I just nodded, and immediately ran, to find him.

I run to the house infront of me, and see a stairs to their side of their house.

I quickly run down stairs, and see Will sitting dow on the floor, his eyes closed, and hugging his knees.

I kneel down beside him.

"Will?" I said.

I touch his shoulder, then the most strangest thing happens.

As soon as I touch his shoulder I was in a difderent place.

Where is this? I thought to myself.

It was dark, and run shadowy monster is coming.

Will's eyes are still closed.

I shake his shoulder.

"Will. Will! We have to go! We have to get out of here!" I yelled.

The monster was close to us.

Then the smokey, shadowy monster got inside me.

But thankfully, somebody immediately wake us up.

It was Mike.

"Will! Abby!" He said.

Lucas, Dustin, and Max is here too.

"Here, Will let me help you up." Mike says as he helps Will.

Max kneels down infront of me, and cups my cheek.

"Hey, hey. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asks in a worried voice.

I'm still shocked, i couldn't get words out of my mouth.

"Come on, i'll help you." She says as she helps me stand up.

But Mike immediately pushed her away.

"Don't touch her." He coldly said.

Mike puts his arms around me and Will.

"Keep treak-or-treating. I'm bored anyways." Mike told them as we walk away.

"I'm gonna get you guys home, okay?" Mike says.


We are in Mike's basement, to talk about what happend.

"What the hell what that?" I ask, as soon as I sat down on the couch.

"What?" Mike asks, as we all sit down on the couch.

"When i found Will, i touched his shoulder, and we were just in a different place. I mean, i-it... it was crazy." I stammered.

"That place... what was is like?" Mike asks.

"Well, it was dark, and cold. And..." i couldn't finish.

"And what?" Mike asks.

"There was this shadowy monster, coming after us. Then moments later, you woke us up." I clarified.

"How about you, Will? What was it like?" He asks Will.

"It's like... like I'm stuck." Will says.

"Like, like, stuck in the Upside Down?" Mike questions.

Will sighs. "No... You know on a View-Master, when it gets, like..." Will is finding the words to describe.

"Caught between to slides?" Mike says.

"Yeah. Like that. Like one side's our world, and the other... the other slide is the Upside Down." Will explains.

"And... And there was this noise coming from everywhere." Will says.

"And then i saw something." Will says.

"The Demogorgon?" Mike questions.

"No. It was like this huge shadow in the sky, like the one that Abby saw." Will explains.

"Only, it was alive. And it was coming for me." Will says.

"Is this all real? Or is it like the doctors say, all in your head?" Mike asks.

"I don't know. Just... Just please don't tell the others, okay?" Will looks at us.

"They won't understand." Will says.

"Eleven would." Mike looks down.

"She would?" Will asks.

"Yeah, she always did." I said.

"Sometimes I feel like I still see her. Like she's still around, hut she never is." Mike says.

"I don't know. Sometimes i feel like i'm going crazy." Mike admits.

"Me, too." Will says.

"If it makes you guys feel any better, i feel like i'm going out of my mind too." I admit.

Mike looks at us.

"Hey, well, if we're all going crazy, then we'll all go crazy together, right?" Mike says.

"Yeah, sure." I concurred.

"Yeah. Crazy together." Will seconded.


End of chapter 2!

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