Chapter 8: The Battle of Starcourt

175 7 2

July 4, 1985.

abby pov:

(your outfit)

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(your outfit)

el still wails in pain.

the thing inside her leg moves more.

"what is that?" erica asks.

"there's something in there." mike said.

"oh, god. i think i'm gonna throw up." i muttered.

"no!" she cries in pain as the thing moves more.

"jesus christ." dustin said.

"keep her talking. keep her awake, okay?" jonathan orders as he rushes to somewhere.

"wait, hold on. where the hell are you going?" henry asks

"just keep her awake, man." jonathan told him.

"hey, hey, hey. stay awake, stay awake. let's get her on this side, on this side." mike tells us as we move el.

mike places el's head on his lap.

"you know, it's not actually that bad. there was a... the goalie on my soccer team, beth wildfire, the other girl slid into her leg, and, like, the whole bone came out of her knee, six inches or something, it was insane." she ranted as we look at her.

"robin." steve spoke.

"you're not helping." he told robin.

"i'm sorry." she apologizes.

jonathan comes back with a knife, plastic gloves, and a wooden spoon.

"okay. all right, el?" jonathan spoke.

"this is gonna hurt like hell, okay?" he said as he puts on the plastic gloves.

"okay." she sobs.

"i need you to stay real still." he told el.

"here, you're gonna want to bite down on this, okay?" jonathan gives the wooden spoon to el to bite down on it.

she bites the wooden spoon.

jonathan grabs the knife and holds it close to her leg.

"oh, god." i muttered.

"holy shit. holy shit." dustin mumbled.

"do it." mike told jonathan.

"okay..." jonathan says quietly.

then jonathan slowly slices apart her scar.

el screams in pain.

"jesus christ!" i yelled as we watch in disgust.

"oh, shit!" dustin exclaims as he covers his mouth.

jonathan drops the knife.

then he puts his fingers inside the leg to catch what's moving.

we all exclaim in disgust, and el screeches in pain.

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