Their Asia (Geniuses and Gene...

By xxJulyLoveAllen

29.9K 1.6K 399

Asia Wright has always been there for her best friend Aurora in more ways than one. When her best friends fa... More

AN/ Characters


937 57 8
By xxJulyLoveAllen


I grabbed the cover covering up my chest and looked at Lail who was looking at Alonzo.

"How'd you get in?" I asked him

"The door was unlocked," Lail said simply

"My doors never unlocked" I looked at him knowing he probably picked it cause he was a damn criminal. I never and I mean never leave my doors unlocked. Everybody who need to be in here got a key.

"Maybe you forgot to lock it because you were busy fucking Alonzo" he pointed at Alonzo who was pulling his pants on.

"You sound jealous" I rolled my eyes

"Of what exactly?"

"That I fucked Alonzo. Well that I fucked him first, you don't seem like the type that does well with being put second"

He looked over at me and then at Alonzo who was covering his mouth smiling "Auroras working late so I'm picking Enya up from school" he looked at Alonzo "And your fathers been trying to get in touch with you" he was about to walk away but stopped and looked at me "That means get dressed"

I had taken a shower with Alonzo not even caring that Lail was here. He had no right to be jealous, especially after talking to me the way he did. He must've been crazy if he thought I was going to fall to my knees begging him to pay attention to me. If he knew his sister like I thought he did he had to know how she was, and though I wasn't her biological child I took after her in that department. I'm Asia the fuck.

I looked at Lail who was sitting on my couch looking at his phone seeming bored. I rolled my eyes looking back at Alonzo "Who does he think he is?" I said lowly

"Don't let him get under your skin" he chuckled

"Yeah right, he'll never see the day"

"That's my girl" he smirked then held my face up to look at him. I smiled at him then wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him. He grabbed my ass and I moaned, he grabbed my hair deepening the kiss and I rolled my hips against his hardening dick.

I got pulled away and looked up seeing Lail looking down at me "I don't want to be late"

I pulled away from him and then looked back at Alonzo "I'll see you tonight? At Aurora's?"

"I'll see you later" he smiled and walked out.

"Let me grab my keys"

"I already got them. Let's go"

We were sitting outside of Enya's school, we were 10 minutes early and I was irritated. Nobody else was here and Enya was always the last to come out.

"Where did he take you?" Lail asked

"Are you still going on about this?" He looked at me and I rolled my eyes "I told the both of you I wanted to fuck. Not my fault you thought talking to me crazy and then ignoring me was going to get me all beggy" I looked at him "Asia don't beg"

"Let me guess, dinner. Something sweet and romantic, that seems like something Alonzo would do"

"Hm" I chuckled

"Oh. Okay" Lail said annoyed and looked at me making me shake my head

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because I do"

"That's not good enough for me"

Lail chuckled and looked out the window "You just into nice young men?"

I looked at him "Alonzo took initiative and I liked that. You want to know what we did?" I turned his head to make him look at me "He took me to a club, we danced I had fun. Then he took me upstairs and fucked me in front of a window where everyone could see. Then he fed me and we went to my place where he continued to fuck me until my pussy gave out" I smiled "I guess nice guys don't always finish last" Lail looked pissed and it just made me smile even more. "Anything else you want to know-"

Lail grabbed my throat pulling me onto his lap and kissed me. He kept ahold of my throat while I ran my fingers in his hair kissing him back. I tried to take control of the kids but he added some pressure to my neck making me moan. His other hand went to my hip and he held it tightly, I don't know why something so simple turned me on even more. He started kissing down my jaw then sucking on my neck making me moan and start to grind against him but he stopped me, holding my hips with those big hands of his. He started to kiss me again then nipped at my lip before putting me back in my seat, leaving me hot, speechless, and flustered.


The door opened and Lail's whole demeanor changed from jealous asshole to uncle of the year. He turned around smiling at Enya "'amira!" (Princess!)

"Uncle Lail!" Enya came up and hugged him from the back seat. He turned around hugging her back and she looked at me "Auntie?"

"Oh? Now you see me?" I chuckled and she smiled giving me a hug "How was school?"

"So boring, they had me doing multiplication again. It was double digits but still" she shrugged

"And here I still use a calculator" I mumbled

"Can we get some ice cream or something? Matteo got me some new books and I want to start them"

"Ice cream and we can go to the park?" Lail said

"Let me call Aurora"

"Matteo's over there so she might be sleeping," Lail said

"I thought he left last night?"

Lail shrugged "I don't know. Rushed out of his room saying he had to go"

I called Aurora's office first because I knew she would be at work. It was Friday and she never skipped Fridays because of how hectic the weekend staffing could be.

Instead of Aurora answering Erin the ADON answered. "Hello this is Erin"

"Oh? Hey Erin it's Asia"

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah I was just looking for Aurora, is she on lunch or something?"

"No, she used a sick day. Is Enya not with you?" She said sounding worried

"No, she is. I just came and got her. I haven't heard from her all day. You know how she is. She'll come to work no matter what"

Erin laughed "I know. I was worried she was going to show up, she didn't sound too good when I spoke to her."

"Yeah, she um" I rubbed my eyebrow "Wasn't feeling too good, but thanks anyways. I'm about to try and call her again"

"Okay let me know"

"I will" I hung up the phone and turned to look at Enya "Did Matteo spend the night?"

"Yeah" she nodded her head "But I think somethings wrong with mommy's bed"

"What?" Me and Lail both looked at her

"She was on the phone with him and said something about the bed being messed up, and she had a weird outfit on. I think it might've been an old one because it didn't fit her. At all" She shook her head

"Why aren't you ever sleep?" I looked at her

"I was reading" she shrugged "And mommy can't stop giggling to save her life when she talks to Matteo"

"Alright. Let's go get ice cream" Lail said "I'm going to talk with them later"

"They act like horny teenagers," I said lowly

"It's insane," Lail said shaking his head

Enya was swinging on the swing while reading her book, I noticed 8 men standing around the playground and looked at Lail "Those your guards?"

He shook his head "Aurora and Enya's guards, well Enya's for when she goes to school"

"Aurora and Enya have their own guards?"

"Yeah, baba's had them on her for a long time. Laila and Brandon too"

"I never noticed them," I said looking at them

"You're not supposed to" He chuckled

"Shut up" I rolled my eyes smiling "I'm pretty observant, that's why I asked"

"Observant huh?" He looked at me

"You're an asshole" I laughed and so did he "You're so nice around Aurora and Enya"

He shrugged "They're my nieces"

"You always wanted to be around them huh?"

He nodded his head "Yeah, I mean we came around when Aurora was young but once she was able to actually remember Brandon decided it would be best if we stayed away. He didn't want any trouble coming to her"

"I wonder what it would've been like if you guys were around"

"You wouldn't have been trying to fuck me that's for sure"

I started laughing "That is very true. I probably would've been calling you uncle or some shit"

"I don't think so"

I looked at him "Really?"

"You're too aggressive, and you've only known Aurora since you were 17, it's not like you would've known me too much. Egypt is 13 hours away"

"That sounds suspiciously like bullshit"

He looked at me like he was trying to keep his smile hidden "Bullshit?"

"I call bullshit," I said again


"I think you're just saying that because you don't want to feel weird about Mom raising me and me being Aurora's best friend" he looked at me and just shook his head and I smiled "I'm right!" I poked his side and he chuckled

"You aren't" he shook his head "But I'll let you think you are"

"How kind of you" I chuckled then looked at him "So how close are you and Matteo that Alonzo can ask you mafia favors?"

"Mafia favors?" He looked at me

"The whole kidnapping Aurora thing"

Lail looked confused for a moment before shaking his head and then looking back at me "We um we kind of grew up together"

"'Kind of?'"

"My mother, well my biological mother was abusive so my dad brought me to live with him. My mother Angela and Matteo's mother were friends" I looked at him and he looked at me "What?"

"How much of the story are you really not telling me? Matteo's a good liar, you aren't"

He chuckled holding his head down "If you know he's lying then why aren't you saying anything to Aurora"

"Because I trust him" I shrugged "So does Aurora, plus with what Alonzo told me last night it relaxes my nerves a lot. I trust he won't let anything happen to them. Plus Aurora is smart, and right now she's in love and acting dumb as hell"

"You sound upset"

"Yeah well it's not easy watching someone you love with fall in love with someone else"

"Matteo?" I looked at him and he smiled "I'm kidding"

"You're an idiot" I chuckled

"I can't even imagine you and Aurora together" he looked at Enya "What about that Curtis guy?"

I chuckled "Well you know mom and pops didn't really want Aurora liking girls so at first we started messing around in secret. Little kisses here a touch there, then slowly more started happening. We started having sex and they caught us one day" I chuckled "I was so scared they were going to kick me out or kick Aurora out but she took all the blame, though I'm sure they knew she was lying." I smiled "but she was distant after that, I don't know what it was that pissed mom off so bad about her liking girls because she was always chill with everything else." I shrugged "But not too long after she came home with Curtis. She had run into him and talked about how they dated back in high school before she tested out and the next thing I knew she was pregnant" Lail sighed and I looked over at him "What?"

"Laila was in a horrible relationship before she got with Brandon. It was really bad, they fought and argued all the time. I remember about a few months before got with Brandon she called me crying saying she wanted to come home, and Laila didn't cry"

"No, unless pops was getting in her ass or something"

"Right" he chuckled "But this was different, Mar-the guy had pushed Laila's limits. She told me that one of his workers were flirting with her and she shut him down. Told him she wasn't interested, but he had heard and he was pissed. He was a possessive and cruel son of a bitch-"

"Babu didn't know?" I asked him

"Fuck no, he would've murdered him slowly"

"What's wrong with that?" He looked at me and shook his head "Hey I don't do that crazy shit. Let me guess he cheated too?"

"Yeah" he looked at me "Shut up and let me finish"


Lail pulled me in his lap and covered my mouth "So the next few weeks he would have women come in while Laila was 'sleeping' and watch them have sex. Sometimes he would wake her up and make her watch it just depended. It was a stupid mind fuck thing he did with her."

He moved his hand "That motherfucker!" I yelled and Lail laughed "How dare he? Oooo I would've called Babu so fast. He would've woke up dead"

"Laila was a big girl. After she cried and screamed it out she got her shit together and left him. She got him back to so"

"I bet she did, I knew my momma wasn't gone go down like that. What she do? I gotta know, she was petty as hell"

"She sent a video of her fucking his best friend to him"

"Yes!" I laughed and kicked my feet making Lail laugh.

"You act more like Laila's daughter than Aurora does" he chuckled

"That's because Aurora kept certain shit to herself. Aurora just as bad as your sister. She just comes off nice like pops" I put my arm around Lail "Enough about them, when Ima get a turn with you. You been talking to me and I don't like that too much"

"You want me to pay attention to you or you don't. Make up your mind"

"I wanted to fuck, that's it. But you and Alonzo are stuck on having conversations with me and it's making me look at more than y'all looks"

"Well, either way. Whatever you want, Matteo can't know, neither can Aurora. She'll tell him"

"No, she won't" I looked at him "Wait. Tell him what"

"I told Matteo that I would back off because Alonzo likes you. He's protective as hell over Alonzo."

I shook my head "And here you are with me in your lap"

He put his hand on my thigh and I looked at it then back at him "Are you going to say anything?"

"I don't think it's anything to say, your hand on my thigh is kind of a middle school thing"

"Do you want more?" He said looking at my lips and then into my eyes

"You know I want more," I said moving closer to him "What are you going to do about it?"

"Hi, Auntie! Hi Uncle Lail!" I jumped hearing Enya say loudly.

"Shit" Lail groaned and moved me and I giggled feeling him use me to cover up his dick.

"I see auntie got what she wanted" she sat next to us "All she needs next is Alonzo."

"Been there done that baby girl" Enya looked at me and laughed making me laugh.

"Alright you two" Lail moved me "You two are going home. Both of you" he stood up looking at the both of us.

"Boo," Me and Enya said at the same time then we both laughed.

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