StarClan's Choice

By smellyflowersxx

214 50 20

Her paws skim the ground of the starry forest. The StarClan cat is hard on her paws. "It's your fault," she s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

11 3 5
By smellyflowersxx


Acornpaw woke in fright, leaping up in surprise. "Y-yes??" His sister Aspenpaw stood over his nest. "You overslept!" She said crossly. "I had to go to the dawn patrol by myself, while you slept!"

"Sorry..." he said. He had met Rosepaw again last night, and the two of them had talked and played in the river all night. He stretched and yawned.

"Well, Aspenpaw, that means Acornpaw will have to go and accompany the medicine cat while you get to rest!" Silverpool,  Acornpaw's mentor mewed from behind thim. Aspenpaw's whiskers twitched in amusement as Acornpaw groaned. Silverpool rolled her eyes. "Come on, Acornpaw, it's not that boring!""It is," Acornpaw mumbled.

As he followed Fernlight out of the camp towards the WindClan border, he glanced wistfully towards the direction of the ShadowClan border, where he met Rosepaw. 

"Oh, look!" Fernlight said, looking over the border to the grassy moor. "Here comes Dovepaw and Appleleap!"

The padded towards the medicine cats.. 

"Greetings,"Appleleap said, dipping her head to Fernlight. The two medicine cats started mewing to each other. Dovepaw looked at Acornpaw. "Hi," She said. "Hey..." HE SAID BACK.

For the first time, he noticed something off about her fur. Her long, fluffy white fur seemed like there was something behind it. No, that can't be possible. He also noticed that she was looking at him intently. It was kind of creepy. 

Dovepaw picked up the bundle of herbs in her mouth, then walked over to a small stream between the borders, looking at it. Unsure, he followed her. She accidentally dropped a couple of leaves. "Oops!" she said. Acornpaw sighed and walked over to the stream, slowing the current so it was easy to fish out, and scooped up the leaves with his jaw. "Here," he said, passing them to her.

"Thank you!" she said, suddenly seeming a lot more friendly. She even waved her tail at him as she and Appleleap left.

Acornpaw blinked, thoroughly confused. What a strange cat, he thought to himself. 


Dovepaw ran to catch up to Appleleap. "It's Acornpaw," she said breathlessly. "What?" Appleleap mumbled through the bundle of herbs she was carrying. "He's the RiverClan prophecy cat!" she yowled. "I wanted to test him, so I dropped the leaves in the stream and he stilled the current and it's him!!!! I found him first try!!!!" "Slow down..." Appleleap said. Dovepaw took a breath, then told Appleleap everything. 

"Well done..." Appleleap said. "But we must figure out the other cats, and the prophecy."

"O-okay," Dovepaw said. "On a different note, your brother and Adderpaw are getting thier warrior cat names today!" Appleleap said. Dovepaw perked up.

As they reached the camp, Larkpaw ran to dovepaw. "Imgonnabeawarriorayay!" He said breathlessly. "I know!" Dovepaw mewed. 

Adderpaw padding to them. "So am I," she said proudly.

Suddenly, Quailstar's mew echoed throughout the camp. "All cats old enough to run the moor may gather beneath the Tallrock for a Clan meeting!" Lightfeather and Reedfur ran to larkpaw and Dovepaw, their kits following. "My kit! Almost a warrior!" Lightfeather said happily.She licked Larkpaw's fur. "I knew you could do it," Reedfur mewed. Spottedkit and Fernkit, Dovepaw and Larkpaw's younger siblings mewled in excitement. 

As Larkpaw twisted away from Lightfeather, Dovepaw felt a twinge of jealously. Lightfeather saw the expression on her face. "Oh, Dovepaw," she said. "We are equally proud of you. You will be an excellent medicine cat soon." she promised. 

As Lightfeather, Reedfur, the kits, Dovepaw and Sunleap, Adderpaw's father, drew back, Adderpaw and Larkpaw bounded forward. "Larkpaw and Adderpaw, come forward," Quailstar said. Larkpaw stepped forward, his pelt bristling. 

"I, Quailstar, leader of WindClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn.

"Larkpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do," Larkpaw said.

"Adderpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Dovepaw thought she saw a flicker of hesitation on her face, but it was gone in a moment. "I do," Adderpaw said.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Larkpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Larkstem. StarClan honors your enthusiasm and your quick thinking, and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan."

Larkstem leapt up and down before quieting down. 

"Adderpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Adderstrike. StarClan honors your cleverness and your loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan."

"Larkstem! Adderstrike!" The cats cheered, and Dovepaw felt she could burst with happiness for her brother and her friend. Quailstar leapt down and nuzzled Adderstrike, her and Sunpelt's kit.

Dovepaw turned to Larkstem. "Congratulations!" she mewed. He purred happily.


Later, at night

The cat padded through the dark forest. She stopped, meeting the two cats near a dark pool. "Greetings," the white cat mewed.  The brown cat growled. "The Gathering was interesting," he said. The white cat mewed,"Yes. Yet, all is going to plan. StarClan will be ripped apart." "What of the living Clans?" the first cat asked. "Who cares about the living Clans?" the brown cat hissed. "Calm down..." the white she-cat said smoothly.

As the three cats discussed their plan, the brown tomcat noticed that the first cat looked a little uncomfortable. "What's up with you?" he growled. "N-nothing," teh first cat said.

As the three cats left, the brown cat stopped the first cat in their tracks.

"By the way... congratulations  finally on becoming a warrior."


I've decided to try and write longer chapters instead of short 400 word chapters. This was about 1,000 words, so yay! Have a nice day :>

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