Hi, I'm Harry's Cousin (Ziall)

By ziallstan

385K 17.8K 11.4K

Traumatic incidents happen. This one being Niall's mother passing away. Now he has to go live with his Auntie... More

Chappie 1
Chappie 2
Chappie 3
Chappie 4
Chappie 5
Chappie 6
Chappie 7
Chappie 8
Chappie 9
Chappie 10
Chappie 12
Chappie 13
Chappie 14
Chappie 15
Chappie 16
Chappie 17
Chappie 18
Chappie 19
Chappie 20
Chappie 21
Chappie 22
Chappie 23
Chappie 24
Chappie 26
Chappie 27
Chappie 28
Chappie 29
Gay Marriage
Chappie 30
Chappie 31
Chappie 32
Chappie 33
Character Ask!
Questions Answered
Chappie 34
Chappie 35
Chappie 36
Chappie 37
Bromance Awards
Chappie 38
Bromance awards. Again
Chappie 39
Chappie 40
Chappie 41
Chappie 42
Chappie 43
Chappie 45

Chapter 25

7.2K 407 273
By ziallstan

Tissues towards the end.

*Zayn's POV*

I laid in bed on this bright Sunday morning. Sundays are my lazy days for sure. I rolled out of bed and went for a shower. I'm going to go surprise Niall with some soy frozen yogurt.

I thought in the shower how much closer I'm getting to Niall. I love the feeling. I almost kissed him yesterday, and if I would have did it sooner he would have kissed back but I feel like I'm honestly cheating on Calum even though we're not boyfriends, and maybe we need to talk about that soon. As I said before the feelings are mutual about us just being platonic... I hope so.

But anyways back to Niall. I'm trying to get him to slowly pull him away from Liam and closer to me. God I'm stressing out. I shouldn't stress over Niall. Because we all know in the end Liam isn't really the best guy for Niall. And to be honest I hate to say it but Liam is probably cheating on Niall.

That's so foreshadowing but I was Liam before. Gosh that makes me sound old. But I was a bag of hormones and while I was making commitments to this girl I was with, who was a virgin, I was off fucking some guy. Yeah I was that low at one point. I broke that girls heart. So maybe if you can connect the dots you'd probably see the same. I don't want Niall hurt. It pains me to see Niall go through that. And when Niall's hurt I am too as corny and cliche as it sounds.

I sighed climbing out of the shower. I wrapped the towel around me waist, brushed my teeth and walked to my room and sat there for a moment. I put on some underwear and slipped on some clothes on and grabbed my keys and wallet. I stopped by my mom and dad's room. They were still sleeping but I woke them up.

"Good morning people who gave birth to me." I said and my mom smiled rolling over to cuddle into my father.

"Morning baby. Where you going?" My mom asked me.

"Get some frozen yogurt for Niall." I said.

"Did he ask you to get it?" My mom asked and I shook my head 'no'.

"That's what I tried to do with your mom you know. Buy her stuff randomly. She loved it. Still does actually." My dad said and my mom smiled.

"Oh yeah dad since Mom can get a new pair of earrings/necklace/ broach every week I think I can get some for Niall, he really want to pierce his ear and he doesn't have any earrings and he has sensitive skin." I said and he smiled.

"Okay fine, seems reasonable. What carat?" He asked.

".24" I said.

"And silver or gold?" He asked.

"Silver." I said and he nodded.

"It's possible but I get paid next week so I'll get it by then." He said and I smiled.

"Thanks dad. And mom I'm talking him out of Liam and Liam is making it so much easier for me." I said proud.

"Well I'm proud. Soon you'll have him. And then treat him right." My mom said.

"Of course." I said.

"I am a winner. Now I will be on my way now." I said leaving out there room with them laughing.

I left out the house and to my car to the frozen yogurt place. I rolled my eyes when I saw Perrie in there with her friends. What is this there hang out spot.

"Oh hey Zaynie." Perrie said.

"I told you only my boyfriend can call me that." I said continuing to walk to the counter.

"Well are you still with him?" She asked.

"And if I wasn't?" I asked irritated by her already. "Yes I'm still with him. We're still going strong, are you mad?" I asked her and she grumbled and left.

"Yeah so can I get 3 scoops of chocolate, and 3 scoops of soy frozen yogurt with whip cream and a cherry?" I asked and the man nodded.

I waited for him to make the frozen you hurt before paying and leaving. Then I got to Harry's house I rung the doorbell and Anne came to the door.

"I'm surprised you're home." I said and she pointed down and she had a wrap on her legs crutches on the side of the door.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"A crazy patient from the psychiatric floor pushed me into one of our cabinents." She said detangling some of her hair with her hand and opening the door more so I could come in.

"Anne I told you to stay off that leg." I heard her husband say as I came in the house.

I don't even know his name, I don't know why it always escapes me.

"Hi sir." I said.

"Hi son. I don't think the boys are up yet." He said.

"Oh that's okay." I said and started to run up the stairs.

I smiled as I got to Niall's room. He was still sleeping so I shut the door and put the bag on the bedside table. I climbed on top of him and just kinda like planked on him. He start trying to move and he groaned. I however didn't move. I pulled the cover off his face and smiled at him. He started to push me off of him.

"God Zayn it's like 12." He said groaning.

"I know but I have a surprise for you." I said.

"And that is exactly?" He asked.

I grabbed the bag and held it in front of his face.

"Oh my gosh. You bought me this that one time over the summer." He said and I smiled as he opened the bag and got out my ice cream handing it to me and then his.

He grabbed the little plastic spoon popping the lid off and putting it in the bag. I sat up and so did he. I then kicked off my shoes because gosh why would I keep my shoes on in bed.

"Oh my gosh thank you Zayn." He said and I just nodded enjoying my ice cream.

"So what would you like to do today?" He asked me.

"I surely thought you would get tired of me." I said.

But I'm glad you're not.

"Of course not. Some of the reasons why I love hanging around you is it takes my mind off my mom you know. I can't wait till like winter break. I really want to go revisit my old home and her burial site." He said.

"Anne and Harry going with you?" I asked.

"I believe so. It was her sister and his aunt." He said.

"Well we go on winter break in about 2 and a half months. Do you think maybe you'll be seeing Liam while you're out there?" I asked him.

"Sure if we last that long. He apologized but still something about our relationship." He said.

"Whoa." I said and he nodded.

"I don't know how much I can take with his lack of trust in me. But at the same time I do understand. I am quite the catch." He said and I laughed.

"You are." I said and he blushed continuing to eat.

"Sooo what are we going to do today?" I asked him.

"I wish it was hotter out so we could go swimming." He said.

"I don't swim." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I forgot how too. I used to know how." I said simply.

"I was a scout and they taught us how to swim." He said.

"I know you were a scout Niall. Boy Scout." I said smiling trying not to laugh but continued. "I learned at camp but I never did it again." I said.

"Wait, so you haven't even tried?" He asked me.

"In my bathtub." I said.

He rolled his eyes. "You're as big as a bathtub."

"Yeah. But do you want to go to the park? Maybe this time you could push me on the swing?" I asked and he nodded.

"But you push me first." He said.

"Alright." He said and I finished up my frozen yogurt.

When we were finished Niall climbed out of his bed and walked towards the door.

"Let's have a go at that shower yes?" I said and he blushed.

"No. Stay here while I'm in the shower and leave when I have to get dressed." He said.

"Alright." I said there and just laid there while texting Calum some plans as to where to meet next weekend.

I'm going to tell him that we should be friends. It's like I like him but not the same way like I said. And when I think about doing spontaneous things like going on weird/ extravagant dates I don't think of taking him on those dates... I think of taking Niall on them. And most likely he'll feel the same way. But I really hope we can still be friends because he's honestly cool asf.

"Okay get out now." Niall said standing at the door with a towel covering his downstairs.

I got up and left the room quietly. "That was easier than I thought." I heard him mutter closing the door.

I went downstairs thinking about what Niall just said. I think it's because I have a lot on my mind about Calum that I didn't bother to inspect him or make a comment. God I regret it now. But I should clear my mind. I sat back on the couch breathing in and out. I heard a groan and shuffling feet across the floor. I opened my mind and looked at Harry.

"What're you doing here?" He asked me sleepily.

"Taking Niall to the park." I said.

"You didn't ask me if I wanted to go to the park." Harry said sitting down next to me leaning on me.

"You're obviously not done sleeping." I said pushing him off of me.

"You can say you don't want me to go with you guys because it's a secret date." Harry said laying his head back on my shoulder.

"But it's not unless he wants it to be." I said and Harry laughed.

"Oh you know you want it to be." Harry said.

"Shut up." I said pushing him off of me again.

"You know what? You're gonna let me rest my head on you. But anyways I might hang out with Lou today." He said putting his head back on my shoulder and I sighed.

"Sure his ass isn't sore?" I asked jokingly.

"Ha! Last night was fun for us." Harry said.

"I honestly don't care, I was just making a joke." I said.

"I know but still yesterday was-" I cut him off.

"I don't really care how you fucked my best friend, I rather not know. What is taking Niall so long." I said pushing him off of me.

He laughed laying on the couch. "He's trying to look like a fashionista for you." He said and I had to crack a smile.

"I'm no one special." I said.

Niall walked down the stairs and Harry say up and whispered to me.

"Yet he has on the leather, that you also have on right now. And that coordinate bracelet." He said.

"He just likes it. Please stop hyping my head up." I whispered standing.

"Morning Harry." Niall sung.

"Buenos Días." Harry said smiling and winked.

"Oh check on your mom. She broke her leg." I said.

And Niall turned to look at me and Harry hopped up going to his moms room. Niall then did the same and I sighed. I went outside to wait in the car. About 45 minutes later Niall came out. I honestly felt like leaving but I knew he had to be there for Anne... It would devastate him to lose her too.

"Sorry." He said blushing putting on his seatbelt.

"It's fine." I said as I pulled out of the spot.

When I pulled up to the park Niall got out the car before I parked the car.

I smiled parking the car and getting out and walking towards the swing. He was sitting there waitong, and looking adorable. I got behind him and start pushing him. He got all excited smiling and stuff.

I actually smiled just looking at him. I had stopped pushing him jut to look at him and his smile dropped as he continued started to swing lower and lower.

I went back behind him and began pushing him. I just couldn't drop the smile off my face. I like doing this. See I don't think twice before I think about Niall in the boyfriends sense. Yeah I definitely have to talk to Calum.

"My turn." I said

I stopped the swing and he got up sticking his tongue out at me before I sat down and he started to push me. Now I know what the hype is about.

"I kinda actually miss Liam now despite the whole does gasoline future for us." Niall said which made me frown a bit.

"You guys are not arguing anymore?" I asked.

"No. He apologized a million times remember I told you that? And he did something else I don't feel comfortable telling you but, we're on good terms and I miss him." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh." I said.

"All you ever say when I talk about Liam is 'oh'" he said.

"I really don't want to go into how you guys had phone sex or sext." He said and I looked back to see him blushing.

I sighed. This I guess is why I keep procrastinating about talking to Calum.

I told him to stop pushing. "Can we go home?" I asked him.

"We just got here." He said.

"I know but it's colder today." I said and he nodded.

"Maybe next time we could do something else yeah?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said and we went to go get in my car .

We drove back to his and went in. He was talking about Liam all the way back to the house. I don't think he gets the hint. When we got there Harry, Louis, Anne, and Whatever his name is was sitting on the couch watching a movie. Fortunately Niall didn't want to ruin the couples moment by barging in.

We went up stairs. "Yeah and I just wish he was here." He said as we reached his door.

I wrapped my hands around his stomach. Hugging him from the back.

"You wish he was here to hug you like this." I said.

"To give you a small little kiss on your jaw." I said and pecked his jaw slowly.

"And to walk like penguins all the way to your bed." I said and I began to walk and he walked with me.

I slowly slipped out of my shoes as we got to the bed.

"Also to cuddle you like this." I said and we laid on the bed and I pulled him close to me.

"And to give you another small kiss on the forehead." I said and kissed his forehead and pulled away.

"And leaving you speechless and amazed as to how he didn't have to sexually arouse you to make you that way." I said.

"But to look at you not like a sex puppet and to look at you like a person who has feelings." I said and he looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"A person who likes you with your clothes on." I said as he blinked looking down at the space between us.

I brung him into me more.

"A person who appreciate inner beauty and not just outer beauty." I said and his hand laid on my chest.

"And lastly a person who wants to explore your mind and not your body." I said and he laid his head on my collar.

I felt a single tear go through my shirt before Niall fell asleep. I sighed.

"Me." I said.

I think I got a bit sentimental in this chapter. It was beautiful.

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