Irresistble (Jay Halstead Sto...

By Chicago9825

68.6K 1.1K 128

What happens when Detective Jay Halstead's ex becomes the new intern of the Central Intelligence Unit? Will... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 33

450 8 0
By Chicago9825

*1 month later*

Val's POV
The investigation has been on going for the search for Alex. There's has been some leads but not as much evidence to knowing his whereabouts. Jay hasn't been home that much since him and the gang have been so focused on the investigation. I've been at home with the kids, keeping them and myself occupied from all of this madness.

The kids birthday's are tomorrow and the planning has been hectic. I really can't believe Halston and Kai are about to turn 3. They are growing to fast for me.

"Mama when's our party?" Halston asked

"It's tomorrow baby. Are you excited?" I say

"We're super excited!" Kai cheers

"Will daddy be home for the party?" Halston asks

"Of course honey. Everyone will be here. Can you both please help go clean up your toys and put them away for me. I have to clean up for the floors for the party" I said

"Anything for you mama" Kai says

They both head into the living and begin to clean up their toys. I grab the vacuum and the mop from the closet and prepare to clean. I begin to vacuum the house.

"Mama we're finished!" Kai says

"Go upstairs and put away your toys in your room too please! I'll be right up" I said

As I finish vacuuming the house downstairs, I mopped after as well. While mopping, I felt a slight cramp in my lower abdomen. It was manageable but it came out of nowhere. I brushed it off.

After mopping, I brought the vacuum upstairs and began to clean upstairs. The kids stayed in their room while I cleaned. As I reached mine and Jay's room, as I cleaned the cramps became a bit more intense. It got to a point where I was getting nauseous.

"Shit.." I mumbled to myself before dropping everything and running into the bathroom and throwing up

"Mama are you okay?" Halston asks running in

"Stay in your room honey. I'm fine" I said

I got up and collected myself. I sat down for a bit trying to catch my breath. I look in the bathroom cabinet for some Tylenol to ease the cramps when I came across the box of tampons. I pulled out my phone and checked the calendar for when my last period was. It was about a month and a half ago. I'm late.

I rinse my mouth with mouthwash and then headed out to my room and cleaned up the vacuum.

"Kai! Halston! Come on babies we have to run to the store real quick!" I yelled

"Where we going?" Halston asks

"I have to head to the store real quick. Go put on your shoes" I say as I grabbed my purse

I put the kids in their car seats and then headed to the store. I pulled up to the pharmacy nearby. I got the kids out and we all headed inside. I went down to the women's aisle. I looked at their selection of pregnancy tests to see which one was best. The kids were running up and down the aisle with each other.

"Mama hey look!" Kai says climbing the shelf

"Get down right now!" I yelled quietly

"Mama can we get ice cream after this?" Halston asks

"Only if you two behave and stand still" I say

"Mama look!" Kai says tugging on me

"Just a second baby" I say still browsing

"Hi Alex!" Halston chimes

Right as I was about to look up, a hand covers my mouth.

"How did I know you'd be here today? Miss me baby girl?" Alex says pressing his body up against my back with a gun pointed to it discreetly

"Where have you been!?" Kai asks

"I've been away doing business. I'm back now" Alex says crouching down to Kai

"Don't you dare go near him!" I said trying to yank him away from Kai only for him to grab my wrist tightly

"My timing was right. Are you gonna get a test?" Alex says

"Why do you care?" I snapped

"There's a chance that it could be mine" Alex chuckles

"In your dreams" I say

I grabbed a random test and grabbed both Halston and Kai and made our way to the register.

"Wow, you've got your hands full" says the cashier

"I sure do. I'll take this please" I say handing her the tests

She scans the tests and then puts them in a paper bag.

"Best of luck!" she says

"Thank you very much" Alex says grabbing the bag before I could

I glared at him before walking out of the pharmacy.

"Hand it over" I say

"I'll keep in touch" Alex says pecking me on the lips before running off in the opposite section

The kids and I got into the car and drove home quickly. Once we got into the house, I locked every door and window in the house.

"Why did Alex kiss you mama?" Halston asks

"I don't know honey. I wonder the same thing" I say

"He so weird" Kai says

"Come on, let's head upstairs. It's your naptime. Daddy will be home when you get up" I say as I brought them both upstairs

-30 minutes later-

The kids finally fell asleep and now I have some alone time. I closed their door quietly as I made my way to my room. I took the tests out of the bag and headed into the bathroom. So many thoughts were running through my mind. I took two of the tests, one standard and one digital. Now I wait. As I pace back and forth for the results to come up, I get a call. It was from an unknown number. I didn't pick up.

-3 minutes later-

The tests are done. I hesitate at first before looking at them. Standard one said had a faint line. The digital one said pregnant. Tears filled my eyes not knowing what I'm feeling. It's pure joy and pure panic because there is a possibility that it could be Jay's and the other possibility that it could be Alex's. I take a deep breath not thinking anything further. I'll just wait until Jay comes home.


Jay's POV

It's been such a long day today. With this investigation going on, I don't know when it'll end. There has been no leads that actually had something for us to work with. I just wanna get this son of a bitch already and be at peace.

I pack up my things and headed out of the precinct. I finally get to go home to my family. I stopped by the flower shop to grab some roses for my special lady. Just a little special something to express my love.


I reached home and made my way inside with the flowers. I take off my shoes and made my way into the kitchen.

"Knock knock" I say as I walk in

"Oh my gosh! What is this for?" Val gasps

"Just a little something to show my love to you" I say

"Looks like we both got something for each other today" Val says pulling me upstairs

"What's up here?" I asked

"Sit down and close your eyes" she says

I hear shuffling in the bathroom before she comes out and stands inbetween legs.

"Okay. Open" she says holding up a positive pregnancy test

"No way!" I say embracing her

"Yes way" she smiles

I pull her in and kiss her. I can"t believe it. This family is about to expand with another little one.

"Wait... I have to tell you something" she says pulling away

"What is it?"

"I ran into Alex at the pharmacy"

"And you didn't bother to call me!?!"

"Please don't raise your voice. The kids are sleeping. And I couldn't. He was armed"

"What did he want?" I said trying to stay calm

"He said he knew I'd be there today looking for tests"

"He definitely planned this all along. He's been watching us. Goddamn it!"

"Babe,I will always be by your side. I'm with you til the end"

"That's not the point!" I said raising my voice

"I don't need this right now. I already feel like shit not knowing who this baby's father is" Val says

"Babe..." I called after her but she had stormed out already

I can't believe it. This would've all been over. Alex knew that this day would come. Now it'll only make this harder for us if he is trying to keep tabs on this baby.

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