The Lost Boys (A OC Insert)

By NickFlier1

95 0 0

I know I already made a Lost Boy story, but it's such a good movie. In this story is going to be James Emers... More

The Cave/What you are
The Rescue/A Battle

Welcome to Santa Carla/The Mysterious Girls

49 0 0
By NickFlier1

(A/N: A little background) Micheal was the oldest, he was kind of the protector of his younger brothers. He felt that he needed to keep an eye on them whenever he can, other than his brothers and his mom, his bike was the next thing he loved. James was the middle child, he really appreciated Micheal watching over him but, he thought that it was a little much, he was in a band, but it all fell apart, considering one of the band members mothers slept with his dad. James' dad cheated on his mom with one of his best friends' moms. After James found out, he beat his no longer friend up. Sam was the youngest Emerson, he loved comic books like there was no freaking tomorrow. He didn't want to leave Phenix considering all his friends were there. And now on with the story.

It was a nice and sunny day in California, the Emersons were driving down the highway, heading to Santa Carla. Lucy had just gone through a divorce with her ex-husband back in Phoenix. After the divorce was filed, she packed up took her three kids, Micheal, James, and Sam, and decided to head back to her hometown of Santa Carla. Lucy was driving, Sam was sitting in the front reading a comic, James, Micheal, and Nanook were sitting in the back. As Lucy drove, she was switching radio stations, but the boys disapproved of each station she found.

Lucy: How about this?

Mike: Keep going mom.

She switched to another station, and Lucy smiled as the song was Groovin' on a Sunday Afternoon. She started to sing along with the radio.

James, Mike, and Sam: Keep going.

Lucy: Wait, wait, wait, this is from my era, Groovin' on a Sunday Afternoon.

The boys looked at each other and smiled.

James, Micheal, and Sam: Keep going.

Lucy: Geez you guys are so rough. Hey we're almost there.

She pointed at the "Welcome to Santa Carla" sign. Sam took a sniff of the air, which made his face scrunch up with disgust.

Sam: Mom, what's that smell?

Lucy smelled the air and sighed.

Lucy: Oh, that's the smell of the ocean. Don't worry boys, you'll get used to it.

Sam: It smells like someone died.

Lucy sighed sadly and look at her boys.

Lucy: Sweeties, I know the past year has been rough, but things are going to change for the better.

As they drove passed the Santa Carla sign, Micheal and James looked back to see "Murder Captial of the World" painted on the back of the sign. As they entered the town, a light on the dash started flashing. Lucy pulled into a gas station and filled up the car, while Sam took Nanook for a walk, Micheal walked around asking if there are any places hiring, and James stood with his mom. He saw two young kids looking for food in a dumpster.

James: I'll be right back, mom.

He walked over to the kids eating out of the dumpster, he pulled out some money from his wallet. He gave the kids the money.

James: Here you go guys, go buy yourself something to eat.

Kids: Thank you, sir!

The kids ran to a hotdog stand as James walked back to the car. Micheal pulled his bike off the trailer, while Lucy, Sam, James, and Nanook got back in the car. After a few minutes of driving, they pulled into a long driveway leading up to a big house, but it looks more like a log cabin or something right out of a horror movie. Micheal parked his bike while Sam, Lucy, and James got out of the car.

Sam: Come on Nanook.

Nanook barked and jumped out of the car, he started running chasing the horses, thinking he was a farm dog. Lucy looked at the house, she saw someone laying on the porch. Lucy ran to the porch to find her dad laying down, she shook him lightly.

Lucy: Dad? Dad? Dad?

The boys looked down at their grandpa.

Micheal: Looks like he's dead.

Lucy: No, he's just a deep sleeper.

Sam: If he's dead can we go back to Pheonix?

Lucy gave Sam an annoyed look while James gave him a smack on the back of the head. Grandpa lifted his head up and smirked.

Grandpa: Playin' dead, and from I'm hearing, doin' a damn good job of it to.

Lucy: Oh dad!

They helped Grandpa up and grabbed boxes from the car. Mike grabbed his weight bar with stuff hanging from it, Sam grabbed a few boxes, and James grabbed a couple of boxes. When they entered the house, it really did look like a log cabin at a camp or a lake. Mike looked around and nodded.

Mike: This place is kind of cool.

Sam: Yeah, for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Mike: Come on Sam, give mom a break.

Sam: Do you guys see what's wrong here? There's no TV. I don't see a TV. James, do you see a TV? Mike, do you see a TV? I don't see a TV guys. You guys know what that means when there's no TV? No MTV.

James: Sammy, we're flat broke. Give it time buddy.

After bringing in the rest of the stuff from the car, the kids picked their rooms. James started hanging up his posters of his favorite bands, mostly KISS. He set his guitar in the corner of his room, and even his little collectables. He went downstairs and sat on the couch. Just then, Mike and Sam started running through the house, with Mike chasing after Sam. Once they ran passed James, he decided to join the chase. Lucy walked through the living room with stuff in her hand.

Sam: Mom you got to help me!

Lucy: Soon. Hey guys no running in the house!

Sam opened up a door to revile a bunch of dead animals, it was Grandpa's taxidermy room.

Mike: Talk about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Sam laughed but stopped when Grandpa cleared his throat.

Grandpa: Rules! We got rules around here.

He led the kids to the kitchen, he opened the fridge, the second shelf had "Old Fart" written on it. James knew that it was Grandpa's shelf, obviously.

Grandpa: Second shelf is mine. That's where I keep all my root beer and my double thick Oreo cookies. Nobody touches the second shelf but me.

As Grandpa was explaining more rules, Mike grabbed his brother's attention, he points out the window and pointed at the plants. He made a smoking gesture. The three laughed silently as they followed Grandpa into the living room. Before Grandpa can mention another rule, James started to talk.

James: Hey Grandpa, is it true that Santa Carla is the murder capital of the world?

Grandpa: Well, there are some bad elements around her. Let me put it this way, if all the corpses were to stand up all at once here, we'd have one hell of a population problem.

Lucy: Great dad.

He went to his taxidermy room and started to close the door.

Grandpa: And stay out of here!

He closed the door. The three boys shrugged and went to their rooms. It was dusk, the sun was setting over the horizon. Lucy yelled upstairs.

Lucy: Boys, the car to the boardwalk leaves in five minutes!

James immediately threw on his favorite KISS shirt and jacket. He raced his brothers downstairs, he won. They got in the car and Lucy drove to the boardwalk. Their mother was looking around the boardwalk for a job, while the boys went to a concert down by the beach. Sam, James, and Mike were having a good time when all of a sudden, two girls caught James and Mike's eye. One had curly brown hair and the other had straight raven hair, they looked to be about 19-20 years old, just the same age as Mike, and James. They look to have a young kid with them. James and Mike had their eye on them the whole time they made their way through the crowd, Sam noticed this and tried to get his brothers to look back at the stage. The girls saw the boys looked at them, the raven head whispered something to the other girl, then they made their way through the crowd again, leaving the concert area. James and Mike grabbed Sam and dragged him with, chasing after the girls.

Sam: Where are we going?

Mike: Nowhere.

Sam: So what's the rush? You two are chasing after those girls, aren't you? Come on Admit it, you two are chasing them.

The boys stopped dead in their tracks and looked at their younger brother.

James: Sam, don't you have something better to do, then follow us around all night?

Sam looked up and saw a comic bookstore, his face was like a kid in a candy shop.

Sam: Yeah, actually I do.

James and Mike went after the girls leaving Sam alone. Once they caught up with the girls, they were getting onto bikes with a biker gang. One had platinum blonde hair, one had raven hair, another one looked like Dee Snider from Twisted Sister, and the last one looked like the youngest one. The biker gang smirked once they saw the look on James and Micheal's face. Sam walked up behind his brothers as the gang left. The younger Emerson placed his hands on his brothers' shoulders with a smirk on his face.

Sam: Come on they stiffed you guys.

The Emerson family left the boardwalk and went back to the house. James went to his room and got ready for bed. He couldn't stop thinking about the raven headed girl. He went to sleep, hoping tomorrow he see that girl again. The next day, James had Lucy drop him off at the nearest junkyard so he can look for his own ride. Sure, he could borrow the car or Mike's bike, but he didn't want to be a burden on them. After a couple of hours searching, James finally found a bike, it was a dirt bike that needed a couple things. He bought the bike and the extra parts and fixed it up at the junkyard. It sounded great, he paid for it and rode it home. Later that day, Lucy got a call from someone named Max, letting her know that she got a job at his store. So while Lucy was at work, Sam, Mike and James went to the boardwalk to have fun, Mike went off to find the curly brown headed girl while James went off to find the raven headed girl. James stopped at a couple stand around the boardwalk, he stopped at a tattoo stand and looked at the images. He was about to select one, but the raven headed girl came up behind him.

???: They don't last.

James turned around to see the girl, she started to walk away, James caught up to her and they walked together.

James: How do you know that?

???: He's not using the right ink. If you want a good tattoo, I can give you one. I have my own kit with the best ink to use.

James: I'd like that. So, what's your name?

Sarah: Sarah

James: That's a nice name.

Sarah: What's your name?

James: James.

Sarah: James is a really nice name.

As they walked and talked, they went over to James' bike, which was parked right next to Mike's. The two saw Mike walking over with the curly brown headed girl. Mike saw James.

Mike: James, this is Star. Star, this is my brother James.

Star: It's nice to meet you.

James: Pleasure is all mine. This is Sarah, this is my brother Mike.

Mike: Hey.

Sarah: Hey.

Mike looked at the bikes then at his brother.

James: Would you guys like to go for a ride?

Star and Sarah: Sure.

Star got on Mikes' bike while Sarah got on with James. Just then, the biker gang they saw last night pulled up right in front of them. The platinum headed bike looked at Star and Sarah, then at the brothers.

???: Where are you two going?

Sarah: For a ride.

Star: This is Mike and James.

David: What's up, I'm David. That's Marko, Dwayne, and Marko. The kid is Laddie. Star and Sarah let's go.

The girls looked at the brothers then got off the bikes, Star got of Davids's bike while Sarah got on Paul's bike.

David: You know where Hudson's Bluff is, overlooking the point?

The Emerson boys sighed.

Mike: Our bikes can't beat yours.

David: You don't have to beat me, just try and keep up.

Dwayne whispered to Laddie.

Dwayne: We're going for a ride.

The boys sped off with Mike and James right on their tail. The bikers were hooting and hollering as they raced through the sand dunes. After a while of racing, Mike and David were head-to-head. James could see a cliff coming up so he slowed down, but Mike did not. Mike saw the cliff just in time and whipped out. The bikers and James came to a stop, while Mike got up, he ran to David and Punched him in the jaw. Marko, James, Dwayne, and Paull pulled Mike back from doing anything else. David looked at Mike, that punch didn't even phase him.

Mike: What the hell are you're doing?! Come on just you! Come on, just you.

James: Mike calm down.

David: How far are you two willing to go?

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