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Test Tube calls Yin-Yang down to meet her at the soda machine! Though this will lead to some horrible events... More

Introduction i guess?
Sleep tight
Missing Someone
"Great" Escape

The Beginning

486 9 89


Test Tube landed on the ground to her laboratory, she ignored the big mess around her. She grabbed her lab coat then put it on, she as well grabbed what she needed from the counter and left the room.

She walked into the hallway full of experiment rooms, all the failed experiments, hopefully this one will go well. Her footsteps echoed threw the quiet hallway until she heard a loud noise.


She watched Yin-Yang from the window as they argued, the window was a two way window so they couldn't see her watching.

She walked up the door still watching them before she typed in the code to the door. She walked into the room, Yin-Yang then immediately stopped arguing watching the green tube enter the room.

"Hello Yin-Yang!" She greeted "What the hell do you want from us!" Yang immediately shouted "You're her for an experiment obviously, I mean why else would I leave you in this room?" Test Tube laughed at herself. "I don't know, TO KILL US?" Yang angrily yelled "Well, we'll see what happens." Test Tube said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yin questioned Test Tube ignored the question "I'm gonna need you drink this," Test Tube reached in her pocket and pulled out a Test Tube with a red liquid inside, "I know you remember this, so let's get to the point!"

Yang was furious, Yin-Yang  jumped at Test Tube and threw her onto the ground. They lifted their fist to blow a punched but she blocked it and blew a punched to their face. They fell onto the ground, blood oozing out their nose, they hissed at the pain when they touched their nose.

"Do that again and you'll fucking regret it." She stated the liquid in her boiled, Yin-Yang stood quiet. Test Tube got up from the ground and dusted herself off, She then noticed the test tube on the ground, luckily it didn't break but the liquid was spilling out.

She quickly picked it up before all the liquid spilled, it was halfway filled now, she didn't want to make another since it takes forever so she had to hope for the best. She reached the test tube out to Yin-Yang "Drink up." Test Tube said.

Yang still angry stared at her in fury "Yang don't make this hard for us." Yin said, Yang let Yin move and grab the tube from Test Tube. A little bit of hesitation but they drank the liquid.

They lifted off the floor and a white flash filled the room.

Test Tube closed her eyes, she then opened them and stared in front of her. It worked, Yin and Yang separated once again. They shared the same nose bleed, Yang wiped the blood off his nose.

"Now that that's done," She reached into her pocket again but grabbed something different, a syringe with an orange liquid in it. "Alright Yang, don't make this difficult for me." Test Tube spoke she picked up her feet off the ground and walked towards Yang.

Yin watched what was about to happen in front of him, Yang was ready to attack but Yin jumped onto Test Tube instead. He scratched her face making her hiss in pain, Test Tube reacted quickly and stabbed Yin in the arm with the needle and injected the liquid on accident.

Yin jumped off her to avoid the needle but was too late, he fell onto the ground and grabbed his arm. Test Tube reached for her face touching the new scar left on her face, she wasn't worried about that though. "Oh golly, that wasn't supposed to happen." She panicked before quickly leaving the room.

Test Tube ran down the hallway back into the Laboratory she then realized how messy it was, she scattered all the papers around and found a notebook. She flipped through all the paper hoping for a blank page, she finally reached a blank page. But then realized she didn't have a pen.

Once again looking around the mess for a pen, checking the ground, then checked a drawers, luckily she grabbed a pen. Quickly rushing back to the notebook leaving the drawer open, she wrote on the paper.

"Day 1

The Subjects are in the experiment room. Everything went well, expect for test being injected into the wrong subject. Their is no reversal to this so I'll have to see the effect on the subject."

Test Tube closed the notebook, writing somewhat calmed her down, she left the notebook on the counter. She took off her lab coat and left the laboratory.

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