Do you still love me?

By lamadhu5

16.9K 1K 156

How come you change this much? You love me right then why you always keep on insulting your love. " She said... More

Dark side
her brother
true friend
his eyes
her confession his denial
Shalin in clutter
Her mistakes
too blind in love
His fake promises!
toxic possession
I fell out
cold war
you got a loving husband
let him know
It's done
Pathetic Broken Doll
the argument
you would never change
does it matter?
Stalk me
scary night


412 17 0
By lamadhu5

Aryan was about to say something but he got cutted off by door bell... 
Shalin: I will see who is it... 

She open the door and saw Harsh standing there... 
Shalin got really scared that what is he doing at her place at this time. She started thinking that what if Kriti already talked to him about her and Aryan.. She is confused.... What she should do... And she doesn't have any ideas about what is going to happen.... She said in cracking voice
.." bhaiya..... ? "
Harsh: what is this shalin.... 
Shalin: huh?? 

She said totally being confused... Harsh put his hand on her forehead and started checking her temperature.. 

Hare you sick or sun has risen from West today

Shalin: what are you talking about?? 

Harsh: you never close the door and today you did.. I am so shocked to see that.. 

Shalin sighed in relief and said.. 

Shalin: sorry I won't do that from next time if you don't like... 

Harsh: what!! Shalin I am happy that my careless sister is started being mature.. You know what it is not good thing to left the main door open everytime especially when you live alone..   

Shalin stayed silent at the door Harsh waved his hand in front of her face.. 

Harsh: Shalin move let me in... 

Shalin: oh sorry please... Come inside.. 

Harsh said looking at the Aryan... 

Harsh: ohh Aryan I bought chocolate ice cream for I knew it you must be here as Shalin's exam is done today so she is all free.. 

Aryan: thank you bhaiya .... 

Harsh: Shalin what happened to you... You are looking so disturbed I bought ice cream for you also.. Are you sad? Wasn't your exam fine..?? 

Shalin: no no it was really good..... I attempted every question... 

Harsh: I knew it... 

Shalin: bhaiya actually I want to ask you something?? 

Harsh: go ahead.. 

He said while sitting on the couch.. 

Shalin: have you... Have you met Kriti, today? ? 

Harsh: Shalin how much time should I tell you she is older than you at least show some respect when you talk about her.. 

Shalin: sorry I mean have you met Kriti didi..?? 

Harsh : no.. But I have promised her to take her to the shopping today.. Why were you asking by the way... You are not a little bit interested in her then.. 

Shalin: no I was just asking.. But don't you think you should not waste your money on her... 

Harsh sighed heavily and stood up from couch and hold her shoulders and said... 

Harsh: shalin what's wrong!! You are acting different today... I thought you must be happy today as you are free for a month from study you should celebrate but you are looking worried..!! I mean are you sure your exam was good?? Tell me honestly I won't scold you.. 

Shalin: it's not like that. My exam was really nice.... 

Harsh: then why aren't you happy?? 

Shalin: bhaiya I want to tell you something very important... 

Harsh: yes?? 

She took a deep breath and said.. 

Shalin: bhaiya actually today I.... 

She got interrupted by Aryan.. 

Aryan: bhaiya she is sad because her all college friends are going to club and she also want to go.. 

Harsh looked at shalin and said after letting out a heavy sigh

Harsh: look Shalin I already told you that you are still underage so I can't give you permission for this.. Once you become adult you can do whatever but I am sorry for now... 

Before shalin could say something..his phone started and he picked it up.. 

Harsh: yes Kriti I will pick you up in thirty minutes from your place.. 

He hung up and said.... 

Harsh: Shalin sorry I have to go now... I will see you later ok bye and yes don't need to go club if you want to celebrate you can go out with Aryan ask me if you need money ok.. Bye

Saying that he went from there in hurry.... Shalin looked at Aryan and said.. 

Shalin: why did you lied??? 

Aryan: Shalin I guess she was right bhaiya won't believe you so easily he really loves her.. 

Shalin: that's the problem.. He loves her so much and she is taking advantage of this.... That stupid girl is playing with my brother's feelings and I can't even do anything..... 

Aryan: shalin please don't worry about it too much if we found a proof about her.. He will surely believe us... 

Shalin: you are right... But what if she told him about us... 

Aryan move closer to her and said while holding her hands... 

Aryan: Shalin one day he will surely get to know about it.. We will fight for our love together you don't need worry about that I am always with you.. 

Shalin hugged him and he hugged her back... Suddenly her phone started to ring.... She broke the hug and picked up it and she said to Aryan after hanging up... 

Shalin: Aryan my one friend invited me to her birthday.. Will you come with me?? 

Aryan: what no!! I mean she is your friend what will I do there.. 

Shalin: Aryan please.. Don't say no nah please.. 

Aryan: but I can't... 

Shalin: Aryan it's a good apportunity I will introduce you to my friends..... 

Aryan: fine... 

Time skip.. 

Shalin forgot about Kriti's matter for some time as she realize that there is no use of overthinking.. She wore a red dress and went to Aryan's home to call him.. She rang the bell..... Door opened revealing Aryan wearing a black shirt and denim looking really cute and handsome... 

Aryan: how am I looking.. 

Shalin: very very hot and sexy... 

Aryan chocked on his breath and cursed himself for asking her... 

Shalin: what!! I can call you sexy because I am your girlfriend.. 

Aryan: you don't know what to say in front of whom... 

Shalin: what!! There is no one here except us.. 

Aryan: leave it?!! Let's go!!! 

Shalin: yah let's go.. 

She said and hold Aryan's hand in her hand and started going.. 

They reach at her friend's house and she come to them.... And said.. 

Riya: oh shalin you came.. I knew it... 

Shalin: happy birthday Riya.. 

Aryan: happy birthday... 

Riya looked at him and said.. 

Riya: thank you.. Shalin is he your boyfriend.. 

Shalin: yes.. He is Aryan and Aryan she is Riya my friend.. 

She said with a smile.. 

Riya: hello Aryan you are looking handsome!! 

Aryan: thank you... 

Riya: nice to meet you... 

She said showing her hand for handshake but he didn't reacted... 

Shalin smiled at Riya and said 

Shalin: actually he can't see... 

Riya: ohh... I am sorry.. 

Shalin: why are you sorry.. 

?? : happy birthday Sweetheart... 

A boy came to them and said while hugging Riya.. 

Riya: thank you Sid.. 

Sid: hi Shalin you are also here long time no see... 

He was about to hug shalin but Riya pulled him back... And whispered in his ear.. 

Riya: behave!! She is with her boyfriend today so don't flirt.. He will feel bad... 

Sid: so you are her boyfriend... Well you are not as handsome as me.. Seriously Shalin you rejected me for him... 

Shalin: shut up Sid. I don't need to tell you that who is more handsome and regardless anything he is not a playboy like you..... 

Sid clenched his fist because he was hella embarrassed... and he was really jealous from Aryan... 

Riya: Shalin come with me I will show you my birthday cake... 

Shalin: sorry but I can't leave him alone... 

Riya: take him also..  Come Aryan... 

They went from there with Riya and Sid look at their DISSAPEARING figure and said to a boy beside him.. 

Sid: what does she mean she can't leave him alone is he kid or what..?? 
?? : dude he is blind.. 
Sid: ohh... Really she is dating a blind guy.. 
He smirked and said.. 
Sid: now I will show you babygirl that you should never mess up with Sid........ 

Whole time Shalin was holding Aryan's hand, and Sid was just staring at her... 

Sid: why she is clinging him all the time.. How can I do my work if she will not leave him.. 

Suddenly idea popped up in his mind and he took a glass of juice and went towards her.... 

Sid: hey sweetheart.. 

"I am not your friend can you please call me by my name... ? " She said in bit annoyed tone.

Sid: oh I am sorry Shalin... 

Aryan was feeling uneasy there, he just felt like he shouldn't be there
so he said.. 
"Shalin I think we should go.. "

Shalin looked at him worriedly, she said with a concern
"ok fine... "

Sid moved closer to her and intentionally spilt juice on her dress... " Oops, Shalin I am really sorry darling ”

"what the heck... Can't you see.?? You ruined my dress... ” she became angry, as she was very self conscious type of person, she never appreciate people ruining her looks.

" what happened Shalin are you ok... ?? "Aryan asked trying to hold her hand

"Shalin I am sorry.. It was just a mistake.." 
She ignored Sid's apology and said while caressing Aryan's hand

"Aryan please stay here for some time I need to go to the washroom.. And then we will leave. Ok? "

” ok I will wait for you.. ” he said softly.

"what else you can do?? "
Sid mumbled under his breath... 

"did you said something... " Shalin shooted him a death glare.

"no.. Please go and clean your dress first... " He said gesturing his hands towards washroom.

She went from there to the washroom, Aryan was standing there silently when he felt a hand on his shoulder.. 

"so Mr. Aryan you are the one who stole my girl right?? "

"excuse me!! " He knitted his brows in confusion.

"dude she left me for a blind guy.. " Sid let out a evil chuckle.

" what you mean?? "

Sid went near his ear "what!! Didn't she told you about me?? "
" What to tell about you?? " Aryan questioned.

"She is my ex... " After hearing this Aryan frowned "stop talking nonsense.. I trust her "

"huh!! A blind trust of blind guy... Do you really think you should trust someone so easily.. .. " Sid said removing his arm from his shoulder.
" shut up... "

"oh , you are not believing me... Well leave it... But I can't believe she is dating you.. You are lucky.. "

Aryan didn't said anything he was just standing there waiting for Shalin... But what sid said next make his blood boil in angre..... 

"but what is the use of dating her when you can't even see how sexy she is... Ahh dude do you even know in that red dress she is looking freaking hot.... I just want to...... "

" listen whoever you are I don't care. But don't you dare to talk dirty about her... "

He cutted his sentence gritting his teeths but sid just smirked before saying in mocking way.

"really!! What will you do huh?? Tell me na... You know what ? you can't do anything.. Because you can't see.. Even if I kissed her hear in front of everyone you can't..... "

He got cutted off when someone turned him holding his hand and give a tight slap on his cheek... He looked at the person and it was Shalin... 

" what did you said?? You will kiss me... Have you ever seen your face in mirror.... "

The place become crowded, he was just looking at her with his red burning eyes

"that's the difference between you and him.. At least he knows how to respect someone.. " She said when Riya reach to her
"what happened Shalin... Is there any problem... ? "

Shalin looked at her with a sorry face "I am sorry for creating scene in your birthday party but I should leave now.. "

She hold Aryan's hand in her and went from there.. 

Riya: you are disgusting Sid.. I did big mistake by inviting you here.. 

Sid: is it my fault... 

Riya: it must be. I know you are behind her from one year and you must have done something out of limit due to jealousy.. 


Shalin came out from there holding Aryan's hand and he said... 

Aryan: Shalin I am sorry... You faced humiliation because of me!! ... 

" no Aryan I am sorry... " She say caressing his cheek.... 

Aryan: can I ask you one thing... 

Shalin: of course... 

Aryan: did you left him because of me.. 

Shalin: what!! What are you saying...?? 

Aryan: first he was your boyfriend nah.... 

Shalin: did he said that to you??? 

Aryan: hmm

Shalin: how can you trust him... He said that just because of jealousy.. You are my first and last... He once proposed me but I rejected him and he is not even my friend because he is just a playboy who plays with girls feeling... And I wonder that how he is hear because he is Riya's ex. He played with her also.. 

Aryan: leave it.. I trust you more than anything... 

Shalin: thank you... 

After that they went from there.. She dropped him to his door and said while hugging him... 

Shalin: bye and good night... 

Aryan: good night and I love you.. 

Shalin: I love you too... 

After that she went to her house... She changed her clothes and layed on bed... She tried to sleep but she couldn't... As she was thinking what happened before... She felt really bad when Sid was insulting Aryan.. And she knows it hurted him deeply... Then idea popped up in her mind... 

Shalin: yah I will there tomorrow...... I have to do this.. 

After that she tried to sleep but... 

Shalin: ahh why can't I sleep.... Umm I should call bhaiya... 

She called him but he didn't pick her call. 

After some time she again called him he picked it up and before she could say anything he said.. 

Harsh: what!! Can't you understand if I didn't answer your call that means I am busy.... 

Shalin: what happened bhaiya...... Why are you talking like that.. And what did you said mean you are working this late... It's not good for your health you should sleep now.. 

Harsh: if I sleep then who will earn money 

He said harshly without thinking what will she feel.. 

Shalin: bhaiya I was just... 

Harsh: stop giving me lecture and tell why did you called me... 

Shalin: I I couldn't sleep so I called you.. 

She said stuttering as she thought he wasn't in a good mood... 

Harsh: so what???  Do you want me to tell you a story.. I don't have time for this stuff.. 

Shalin: I didn't said that.. I just thought to talk with you for some time... 

Harsh: shalin I don't have time for your childish things.. And stop acting like I am important for you..... 

Shalin: what!! Acting!!! You think I am acting.... 

Before she could say anything further he hung up the call.. 

Tears started flowing from her eyes... 

Shalin: he thinks I am acting... What happened to him... He never talked to me like that.. Now I won't talk to him until he apologize.. 

Hey readers I am really sorry I didn't posted in a long time.
Just forgive your lazy author.
And I will edit everything after completing story

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