100 days |Haesoo|

By Raindrop-123

205 22 0

This is an old book, I had written a long time back through a former account. I don't really have access to t... More



9 1 0
By Raindrop-123

Jisoo's pov:

I heard a knock on the door, haein entered the room on tiptoes, i think to not wake me up. He sat down next to me, i continued to pretend to be asleep. He caressed my cheeks and said all the things he didn't wanted me to hear.

Right after, he started to treat his hand, i don't why i couldn't see him in pain...i woke up and sat down with a new cotton and the bottle in my hand to treat his hand. "I'm sorry to wake you up" he said.

I swear, his hoarse voice and low tone made me melt. I wanted to hold his hand and tell him i was fine...why am i thinking like that? Why do i care if he's hurting? He is causing himself this pain....but why is that bothering me?

He moved his hands to cup my cheeks, but unintentionally i flinched, i could see regret in his eyes the moment i backed out.
He stood and went out of the room.
I wanted to stop him...so badly but that would only increase the confusion...

What will i do? I do not love him, i cannot force myself to fall for him, at last he'll only get hurt.
And i don't want that.

3rd person pov:

In the evening, they decided to stop at an island, which was haein's. He had informed the caretakers that he will be there with some friends. As shocking as it was to the caretakers, because haein would always go there alone to spend his time.

Once they were all on the island, they decided to share the room as there were only three rooms.
"I'm taking the master bedroom" haein said nonchalantly..

"Why do you get the master and we get the normal" taehyung asked
"Because it's my island and my bedroom" haein continued..

"I'm sharing with lisa!" Rosé shouted and lisa joined their arms together.
"I'm sharing with jimin!" Jungkook joined.
"That leaves one bedroom, and four people" taehyung said looking at haein.

"You may take the bedroom, I'll figure something out" haein said looking at jennie.
Jisoo felt weird, why wasn't haein talking her but to jennie?
"Okay" jennie said hesitantly taking the key from haein, but was stealing glances at taehyung.

And jisoo noticed, she saw jennie looking at him.
"Jen, let's go" jisoo dragged jennie with her.
"What's going on?"jisoo asked crossing her

"What?" jennie said avoiding eye contact.
"Why do i feel, you wanted to share the room with taehyung rather than with me, huh?"
"No, unnie that's not it" jennie continued fidgeting her fingers.

"What is it that you're not telling me?" Jisoo asked softly to the younger girl.
"Unnie, you know the boy i had told you about??. well this is him."
"What? Taehyung is the guy from the club?"

"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I was not sure about him unnie, we've been chatting but when i saw him here in busan in haein's house, i was shocked myself" jennie said guiltily.

"So you are guys are?" Jisoo asked
" He asked me if he could court me and i kinda said yesss?" Jennie looked at jisoo questionably.

"'What the fuck?, you are letting him court you and i, your bestfriend don't know?"
"I'm sorry unnie, i wanted to tell you but he asked me when you were resting after the drowning incident"

"It's okay.., this will be fun" jisoo smirked
"Let's go then" they continued their way to their room happily.
It was almost dinner time, so the boys decided to prepare barbecue
While the girls would prepare for the side dishes as well as some kimchi fried rice.
Everybody had a a job to do... except for lisa.

Because she was banished from the kitchen.
For the safety of them all, jennie requested lisa to stay out of there, cause last time lisa tried to help, she almost started a fire back in their apartment.

Following the times she burned the toaster and damaged jennie's coffee maker.
Everyone had successfully done their preparing and settled outside around the camp fire they had built.

They were sitting unintentionally in a couple order: haein, jisoo, jennie, taehyung, jimin, rose, lisa and lastly jungkook completing the circle.

Jisoo was bothered, she was frustrated because haein was talking to everyone except her. She also tried to talk on a topic raised by haein but it was an epic fail. So she continued her meal silently.
Haein knew what he was doing, but it was not him doing it, he was told to, by lisa of course.

Lisa's theory says, when you ignore the other significant, it creates a crave. So, he decided to try lisa's theory and it was keeping up pretty well. Jisoo was getting annoyed.


After lots of hilarious jokes, taehyung came up with an idea.

"Heyy guys! How about we play Spin the bottle?" He yelled
"Okay so, you basically have to spin the bottle, on whoever it stops have to do a dare or tell a truth" he continued.

"Sounds fun to me"
"Okay why not!"
"Sure let's play"

Everybody answered while jisoo and haein just nodded.

"And..and if you cannot complete the dare, or tell the truth, you will be given a punishment!

Tae said at last and started the game.
"Rosé!!"the bottled stopped in rosé's direction receiving a cheer from everybody.
"Truth or dare?"

"Tell me your deepest secret that nobody knows yet" jimin asked.
"I-i have been to a stripper club once" rosé said shyly...

"What, when, why don't i know about that?" Lisa asked, holding rosé's cheeks in a dramatic way.

"The church girl definitely did some unholy things" jungkook chuckled until he received a slap on his arm from jimin.
"Yah! Don't tease her!" Jimin said in a serious tone, making rosé blush, everybody could see her turn red and laughed at the two.

"Okay moving on...
"Taehyung!" Taehyung screamed his own name.
"Okayy so it tae time"
Truth or-.

"I'm a daring person, come on"
"Okay hyung, you got to kiss one person here, who you like the most"
Jungkook teased knowing who it would be.
Tae moved from his place and approached jennie, he squatted in front of her..

"May i?"he asked softly and jennie nodded.
He cupped jennie's cheek, pulled her head down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. Their lips moved in sync for a few seconds earning some groans from the others.

"Eww,get a room"
"Okay this is not a make out sessh"
"Okay hyung i said just a kiss" jungkook chuckled.

Tae went back to his place but maintained his eyes on jennie.
Jennie refused to look at him, and looked at her feet shyly.

"Jendeuk. jendeuk, did you like it?" Jisoo whispered to jennie in a teasing tone and jennie slapped her on her arm.
The bottled turned once again and stopped at jisoo.

"Okay unnie you're turn"
"Unnie, i dare you to post a photo of haein on your instagram-caption; i've found the love"
"Lisa! I won't do it, my mom and dad will see for god sake"
"That's why it's a dare unnie"
"I'm not doing any of this stupid dare"
"I'lI rather have the punishment"

"Okayy, feeling rebellious today, aren't we?"
"Your punishment is to share the room tonight with none other than haein!" Lisa finished.
If stares could kill, lisa would've been dead.
Haein was low-key smiling but he couldn't show already.
"You decide, dare or punishment!"
After thinking thoroughly, jisoo decided to take the punishment.
"Okay i'm tired, let's just call it a night"

*in haein and jisoo's room

"Why did you chose the punishment?" Haein asked

"I couldn't let my parents think i'm in love with a random guy" jisoo said avoiding haein.
"Am i random to you?"

Haein was pissed.
He grabbed jisoo's arm and pinned her to the wall once again.
Jisoo tried but couldn't get rid of his strong grip on her shoulder.

"Why can't you like me back? Why can't you see that i- i've waited for you for so long? Since the first time i saw you, i wanted to be with you but i kept my distance for your safety. I'll do anything just for you to return back my feelings but you won't and i know it, still i continued to try" he smiled bitterly.

"You can have the room by yourself, i don't want to be here right now" haein turned to leave but stopped on his track when jisoo back hugged him. She held him so tight.
Haein broke the hug and held her hand to pull her into his chest this time.

Haein hugged her tighter into his arms wanting to feel her closer. Jisoo couldn't understand, she was comfortable into his arm, she fitted perfectly and felt like she had been wanting this too.
She felt relaxed and loved. She had these butterflies everytime she would be close to him.

Whenever they would lock gaze, she could feel herself drowning in those deep dark brown ocean like eyes. At times, she would be staring at him for minutes.
She was falling for him...

"I think i- a-am in love?" Jisoo thought in her mind.

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