I See You (Jack Frost x Reade...

By OneArtsyGamer03

103K 3.6K 1.4K

Hey there, lovelies... Republishing of "I See You" <3 Jack Frost and Y/N L/N (Cupid) have no memories of who... More

The Guardians
Jack Frost and Cupid
Stuffed in a Bag
Your Center
Trouble at the Tooth Palace
Teaming Up
Collecting the Teeth
Jamie's Bedroom
Grief and Hope
The Warren
Ruined Easter
Jack Frost and Pitch Black
Jack Frost
The Last Light
We Are Guardians

The Battle

3.9K 145 33
By OneArtsyGamer03

Third Person P.O.V

Pitch stands on top of thousands, if not millions, of Nightmares, the dark clouds blocking Manny and only lighting up as lightning flashes.

"Get Jamie and go," (Y/N) orders, summoning her bow and pulling out an arrow, which turns a blinding gold.

She takes off, not noticing Jack behind her.

"Be careful, you two!" North shouts after them, making her look back before sighing with a smile.


"We got this, sweetheart," Jack firmly says with a grin as he flies besides her. "Together."

He grips his staff tightly as they soar up to Pitch.

"Together." She agrees, smiling and nodding before becoming serious as they fly faster.


"Jack Frost and Cupid?!" Pitch demands in a tone of disbelief before rolling his eyes with a snarl, "Let's end this, shall we!"

He begins charging at them with his Nightmares in tow, making Jack blast his magic.

(Y/N) shoots her arrow, her arrow spinning around his frost before becoming a dull white and bouncing off the Nightmares.

She gasps with wide eyes, looking down at her hand.

Pitch holds his hand out, absorbing the blow of Jack's magic as he cackles.

"Seems like your little arrows and trick don't work on me anymore!"

Pitch grunts as he charges at the two, blasting them with his Nightmares. He laughs and stands tall as they begin falling, her wings disappearing as they were dazed.


"This way, this way!" Bunny instructs as he leads Jamie and the others before skidding to a stop. "Ahh! Other way, other way!"

North groans in pain, holding his back as he rushes after them.


Jack swiftly grabs (Y/N), holding her close just as they collide with a building. He takes the blow, grunting as they bounce off the building and onto a dumpster before falling to the ground.

"Guys!" Jamie yells, racing to them as the others follow.

Jack groans in pain as he sits up with (Y/N), shaking his head. (Y/N) pulls away with a grateful smile before looking back at Pitch with a scowl, Jack glaring up towards Pitch.

"That was good try, you two! A for effort!" North praises, patting (Y/N)'s head and Jack's back.

"He's stronger now..." Jack grunts as he begins to rise, shaking his head.

"There's too much fear," (Y/N) breathes out, looking down at her bow.

It was once glowing gold and baby blue, but now was a simple dull wood color.

"My arrows and power won't affect him," (Y/N) finishes, sighing softly as she looks at Jack. "... We can't beat him."

North and Tooth look at each other with wide eyes before gasping as thunder and lightning clash across the sky.

Pitch laughs as his shadow moves across the ground, snickering softly.

"All this fuss over one little boy!" He muses, (Y/N) standing and holding Jamie at her side as her wings reappear, blocking some of Jamie. "And still he refuses to stop believing."

Pitch's shadow moves across the wall, him riding a Nightmare as he shrugs.

"Very well. There are other ways to snuff out a light..."

His hand moves, destroying the lights around them as noises could be heard. Jamie looks around in fear, clinging onto (Y/N) as Jack raises his arm, blocking him.

"If you want him, you're gonna have to go through me!" Bunny yells, hopping forward and raising his fists.

"Look how fluffy you are!" Pitch laughs mockingly, his hand on the ground reaching for Bunny. "Would you like a scratch behind the ears?"

Bunny looks at the shadow in fear before bolting to North, landing on his hand as he glares.

"Don't you even think about it!"

(Y/N) gasps softly as Nightmares begin closing in on them, cornering them. Jack pushes her and Jamie further behind him as he glares at the Nightmares, his weapon raised in defense.

"I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you all like this," Pitch muses as he rides his Nightmare to the front. "You look... awful."

The shadows of the Nightmares and Pitch move across the ground, nearing Jamie as he gasps and whimpers, pressing his face to her side in fear.

"Guys... I'm scared," Jamie admits in a fearful voice, making Jack look back and kneel to his height while setting his hand on his shoulder.

(Y/N) soothingly strokes his hair, looking at Jack with a concerned expression as he looks up at her before looking back at Jamie.

Jack... I'm scared.

Jack remembers his memory of his sister, blinking rapidly.

"I know, I know. But you're gonna be all right."

"We're gonna have a little fun instead," he breathes out, making (Y/N) tilt her head at the familiar words as Jamie looks between them questionably. "That's it... That's my center! And--and yours is love, and to protect!"

"That's real sweet, Jack," (Y/N) nervously chuckles as she looks back at Pitch. "But I really don't think now's the best time--"

"Trust me, it is," he interrupts with a smirk before facing Pitch.

Pitch glares at Jamie, making (Y/N) sharply glare back as she hugs Jamie closer, raising her bow as a shield.

"So what do you think, Jamie?" Pitch starts, making (Y/N)'s blood boil as she looks down at her bow before gasping with a smirk. "Do you believe... in the Boogey--"

He yelps as (Y/N) suddenly hurls her bow at him, the bow striking him dead in the face. It bounces off him, clattering on the floor lightly. As he recovers, a snowball was thrown at him, striking him once more in the face as he sputters. The Nightmares perk up with questionable snorts, and Jamie can't help but laugh, his eyes widening as he quickly stifles it.

North bellows a laugh, Tooth chuckling in disbelief as Bunny's mouth drops.

Jack snorts as he looks proudly back at (Y/N), tossing and catching a snowball as she grins at him.

"That's my girl," he laughs once more as she dramatically bows, rising and looking back at Pitch. Jack glances around, his eyes settling on some useable items as he gasps with a grin. "Now let's go get your friends."

As Pitch recovers, a flash of blue whizzes past him, freezing the ground and creating a path through the Nightmares.

(Y/N) quickly grabs her bow as she flies after them, waving at Pitch mockingly with a laugh.

He grunts and glares after them, a snarl on his lips.


A man gasps as the street freezes over, objects and a little boy flying past.


Jack laughs as he slides on his ice trail, (Y/N) flying besides him as the Guardians and Jamie follow on 'sleds' while laughing.

Bunny screams as he was spun around, (Y/N) quickly fixing him as he smiles in thanks, laughing as he faces ahead.

"I hope you like the loopty-loop!" (Y/N) jokes as Jack creates an ice loopty-loop.

North gasps before laughing as they fly upside down, landing safely. He raises his hands, catching Bunny as he lands.

They soar above the air besides (Y/N) and Jack, approaching one of the houses.


Cupcake whimpers in her sleep before gasping as a snowball was thrown at her window. She looks around her room with wide eyes, smiling at the snowflakes and hearts that danced around her.

A snowflake and heart lands on her nose, making her blink rapidly before softly gasping with a wide smile.


Pippa looks at the snowflakes and hearts that land on her hands with a smile, gasping as someone knocks on her window.

Jamie seems to float in the air, waving at her as she rushes to the window.

"Jamie, how are you doing that?!"

"Jack Frost and Cupid!" Jamie laughs, grinning up at the two. "Come on, we need your help!"

His arms were raised as he flies off, a snowflake and heart landing on Pippa's nose.

She gasps when she sees two people carrying Jamie, the girl looking back and waving.

"Hey, is that...?"

"Jack Frost and Cupid!" Monty finishes as he struggles to zip up his coat, waving at Pippa with a laugh.


Claude and Caleb look around in awe, gasping as presents were tossed on their beds.

"Merry Christmas!" North shouts as they rush to the window.

"Happy Easter!" Bunny shouts with a wave.

"Don't forget to floss!"

They look after the Guardians with wide eyes before gasping when they hear Cupcake screaming joyfully, sledding after them.

"What?" Caleb gasps with a grin.

"Cupcake?" Claude questions, quickly joining them with his brother.


"Jamie, you were right!" Pippa laughs as she sleds with them.

"The Easter Bunny is real!" Caleb happily yells.

"The Tooth Fairy!"

"And Santa!" Monty finishes with a wide grin.

"They're all real!"


Jack skids to a stop as (Y/N) freezes, her eyes wide as she looks over the sea of Nightmares.

North gasps softly as the kids peek out, wondering why they've stopped. Pitch laughs from on top of a building, his Nightmare snorting and neighing.

Jack wraps his arm around (Y/N) with wide eyes, his face holding concern as she tightly holds her bow.

"Whoo! Yeah!" Monty shouts, running in front of them before screaming when he sees Pitch.

Tooth gestures to him to come back, cringing as he hides behind Pippa.

"You think a few children will help you?! Against this?" Pitch demands as the Nightmares all whinny, sparks of electricity going through them.

(Y/N) walks ahead, raising her bow with a soft sigh. North joins her, shakily raising his sword before nearly collapsing.

Jamie gasps softly, reaching forward before recoiling in fear at the Nightmares.

"They're just bad dreams, Jamie," Jack reassures, making Jamie look at him.

"And we will do whatever it takes to protect you," (Y/N) finishes, smiling softly at him before facing Pitch.

"Aw, you'll protect them?" Pitch laughs as lightning flashes. "But who will protect you?"

Jack glares at Pitch as he holds his staff. (Y/N)'s wings fan open, blocking the Guardians as she watches Pitch. She looks at her lifeless bow, grabbing one of her arrows and notching it.

She aims, breathing steadily before gasping as Jamie walks stands besides her, glaring at Pitch.

"I will."

Cupcake nods in determination as she pushes past the other kids, glaring at Pitch as she walks forward.

"I will." She stands on the other side of (Y/N).

"I will!"

"I will!"

North and the others watch as the kids step forward, looking at each other in concern.

"And me," Pippa joins, smiling at Jamie nervously.

"I-- I'll try," Monty gulps as he stands next to Caleb.

"And I'll protect my sweetheart," Jack finishes, Cupcake moving over so that now he was standing next to (Y/N).

Jamie looks back at the two, nodding as (Y/N) smiles and raises her bow once more, Jack raising his staff.

The kids raise their fists, unsure of how they were going to fight back against Pitch.

"Still think there's no such thing as the Boogeyman?" Pitch demands with a smirk, and his Nightmares charge.

"I do believe in you," Jamie sighs softly as (Y/N) pulls her arrow back. "I'm just not afraid of you!"

The Nightmares kill any light in their path, swarming up and diving down to them.

(Y/N) tightly shuts her eyes as she takes a deep breath, firing her arrow in a last attempt to save them. Her bow comes back to life, her arrow changing to a bright gold mid-air as it pierces the Nightmares, turning them into a golden sand.

The other Nightmares push past it, colliding and changing into more golden sand as they come into contact with Jamie and the others.

They all laugh in wonder as (Y/N) gasps with relief, looking at her glowing bow with a smile.

Jack laughs and grins at (Y/N) before looking at the sand.

It travels in streaks of light, rushing past Pitch as his Nightmare snorts in alarm.


Tooth gasps as her feathers come to life, her wings flapping as she was able to fly. The children laugh and cheer as she flies around.


North's cheeks become rosy once more as he smiles widely, laughing as he stands straight and tosses and catches his swords.

"Oh, yeah!" Monty cheers with a laugh.


"No!! Get them!" Pitch shouts, his Nightmares obeying. "Do your jobs!"


"Oh, yeah, come on, come on!" Bunny says in excitement, waiting for his transformation. He gasps as Nightmares charge at him, "crikey!"


North yells as he throws his snow globes beside him, his Yetis rushing out with war cries.

"No way!" Caleb gasps, grinning at his brother.

Cupcake laughs as North's toys fly through the air, striking down Nightmares in their path.


"I'm just a bunny!" Bunny screams, diving under a car.

A Nightmare bites underneath, grabbing Bunny's tail and pulling him out, revealing him in his true form.

Bunny smirks up at them with a raised brow, chuckling.

"G'day, mate."

He takes out his boomerangs, kicking the Nightmare as he spins upward, throwing his boomerangs and landing as they strike the Nightmares down.

Bunny grins, tapping his foot on the street and opening up two large tunnels.

Caleb yells as he was raised in the air, a large statue under him.

"Come on! Woo-hoo!" Bunny yells, his statues' faces becoming angry as they charge.

Jack smiles as toys fly past him, charging at the Nightmares.

(Y/N) laughs as she fires her arrows, striking down Nightmares. She pauses at a large swarm, smirking as she takes out another arrow.

It flickers blue as she fires it, and the arrow multiplies into thousands of arrows that rain down on the Nightmares.

The kids gasp in awe with smiles, laughing as she dramatically bows for them.

"Let's get them!" Cupcake yells, running with the kids as they shout and charge.

An elf riding a toy leaps onto the leg of a Nightmare, chomping on its leg. The Nightmare rears back, looking at the kids in fear as they all charge at it and touch it.

It disperses into golden sand, disappearing.


Pitch grunts as he looks around at his Nightmares being overwhelmed, gasping when he sees Jack and (Y/N) land near him.

Jack races forward, using his magic to strike down the Nightmares as (Y/N) flies above him, firing her arrow.


The Guardians look up at the flash of blue and gold.


Pitch ducks under it before racing away, firing blasts of dark sand as they pursue.

Jack waves his staff down, (Y/N) firing her arrow with his magic. Pitch cries out as he barely manages to dodge it, glaring at the two.


The others chase after them, Bunny diving in a tunnel.

"All yours, mate!" He calls to North, North jumping in with a laugh.


Pitch raises an arrow, firing it at Jack. (Y/N) gasps as Jack freezes, quickly firing one of her arrows. It collides with Pitch's, overpowering it and whizzing past his face, piecing his cheek.

"Thanks, sweetheart!" Jack laughs with a grin as she smiles back.

Tooth flies above them, flying through a Nightmare that was about to attack them.

"Thanks, Tooth!" (Y/N) laughs, watching as she strikes through many other Nightmares.

Bunny leaps out of a chimney smirking, "ho, ho, ho!" He grunts, throwing his boomerang.

Pitch moves out of the way, and it strikes down other Nightmares.


North lets out a war cry as he hops out of a chimney before pausing, looking back.

"Wrong roof!"


Pitch grunts as he was overwhelmed, racing off the roof. North yells as he leaps towards Pitch, raising his swords and striking his Nightmare down.

Pitch yelps as he lands on the street facing North, both charging at each other.

He swings down his scythe, clashing it with North's blades and knocking him to the ground. Bunny leaps in front of North, leaping over the scythe and throwing his boomerang as Pitch dodges it. Tooth dives down, dodging Pitch as she flies past him, distracting him.

Jack yells as he swings his staff down, missing Pitch as (Y/N) flies to his side,  spinning around kicking Pitch roughly in the stomach.

North raises his blades, Bunny ready to throw his boomerangs and Tooth flying above them with a dangerous look. Jack stood besides (Y/N) with his staff raised, and she had her wings outstretched with a glare as she aimed her arrow.


"Look at that!" Caleb grins, playing with the sand.

Jamie suddenly gasps, his eyes wide when he remembers someone was missing.

"I got it! I know what we have to do! Guys, come on!" He shouts, the kids following.


Pitch raises his scythe with a glare as he was cornered, the Guardians moving in.

"It's over, Pitch," (Y/N) says, her voice strong and powerful.

"There's no place to hide," Jack muses with a glare, lowering his staff.

Pitch looks between them, his eyes settling on (Y/N) as he smirks, vanishing.

They gasp, (Y/N) narrowing her eyes as she tries to sense him. Pitch's shadows move across the walls all around them as he laughs, circling them.

With Jack and (Y/N)'s back turned, Pitch appears behind them, raising his scythe above Jack with a smirk.

"Jack, look out!" Bunny yells, throwing his boomerang and knocking the scythe away.

Pitch growls, hurling his magic at Jack and knocking him back a few feet. (Y/N) gasps, facing Pitch with a yell before her heart sinks at the sight of him aiming an arrow at her.

"(Y/N)!" Jack shouts, struggling to sit up as he reaches for her.

"Look familiar? It's the same arrow used on Sandy," Pitch chuckles, drawing the bow back with a smirk. "Bye-bye, love."


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