I See You (Jack Frost x Reade...

By OneArtsyGamer03

103K 3.6K 1.4K

Hey there, lovelies... Republishing of "I See You" <3 Jack Frost and Y/N L/N (Cupid) have no memories of who... More

The Guardians
Jack Frost and Cupid
Stuffed in a Bag
Your Center
Trouble at the Tooth Palace
Teaming Up
Collecting the Teeth
Jamie's Bedroom
Grief and Hope
The Warren
Ruined Easter
Jack Frost and Pitch Black
The Last Light
The Battle
We Are Guardians

Jack Frost

4.5K 158 55
By OneArtsyGamer03


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I gasp and pant lightly, jumping as someone gently brushes away my tears. I look at Jack with wide eyes, my heart hammering when I realize... it was him.

"Oh my gosh," I breathe out as he looks at me in concern, Baby Tooth squeaking lightly as she tilts her head up at me.

"What, uh, what did you see?" Jack questions in a soft voice, looking down at my memory capsule.

"I... I grew up with this boy," I nervously gulp, rubbing my neck as I bashfully grin. "This amazing boy. He... had a little sister. My parents... They died in a fire together and I started staying with him and his mom and sister, and--" my face felt warm when I remember the kiss. "He-- told me he loved me, amd we began to... date-- we were together for some time... And then... I saved his life. And that's why... That's why you chose me," I lightly chuckle, looking up at Manny.

"Sounds just like you... saving someone you love and sacrificing yourself," Jack lightly chuckles, although his face showed another emotion.


"So, this... guy..." Jack clears his throat, his eyes darting to the side as he pouts a bit. "Was he... you know... better looking than me?"

My smile widens as I laugh, rolling my eyes playfully before gently placing his memory capsule in his hand.

"I'll let you know after you look at your memories," I reply, making him tilt his head in confusion.

Baby Tooth flutters to the capsule, tapping it with a head nod as Jack takes a deep breath, pressing his finger to the diamond as he lightly gasps.


Third Person P.O.V

9 year old Jack, now with brown hair and brown eyes, laughs as he gestures for a girl with (H/C) hair and (E/C) to follow.

She nervously looks up at him before smiling, taking his hand.


"Jack!" She laughs, shoving him away as he pecks her cheek. "Dork!"

"I kissed you!" Older Jack laughs as he jumps around, spinning for joy. "I kissed yooou!"

His sister raises a brow as she sits next to the girl, rolling her eyes in annoyance as she laughs while leaning against her.


"Sweetheart..." Jack breathes out, watching her cry softly.

"Jack-- they're... My parents, my home... They're gone!"

She sobs as he flinches, swiftly kneeling to her side and pulling into a tight hug.

"I know, I know... And I'm so sorry. I know that doesn't really help, but I am."

"--It's all my fault! And now... I'm all alone."

"Hey," Jack firmly shakes his head as she looks up at him. "It was definitely not your fault, (Y/N). And... You have me. And I'm not going anywhere."

He leans pulls her into his arms and embraces her tightly, kissing the top of her head as she clings to him.


"Well-- um, it's... kind of, like... a date, if you'd like it to be." He mumbles quietly, (Y/N)'s eyes widening as she stares at him. "Before, back there, I mean, I-- I wasn't... joking. I-- I really do, um, love... you. And I was hoping, maybe we could... you know..." Jack stammers over his words, his cheeks becoming more and more pink as he looks down sheepishly. "It'd... be great if you said something. Please. Or-- you can just totally forget about this and pretend it didn't--"

Jack was cut off by (Y/N) kissing him, his body tensing and eyes widening as his face becomes a bright red. After a moment, he relaxes into the kiss, his hand coming up and caressing her cheek before they pull away, Jack seeming to be in a daze as (Y/N) smiles with affection.

"I don't want to forget it," (Y/N) replies softly with a wide grin, her cheeks flushed with a blush as she laughs giddily. "I-- I love you too, Jack."

Jack's eyes were wide with awe as he watches her, a laugh of relief and joy leaving him as he picks her up, twirling me around as she yelps in protest while laughing.


Jack goofily runs around as his sister giggles, holding (Y/N)'s hand as they enter an Easter Egg Hunt.


"Jack get down from there!" His sister yells in concern as he hangs upside down from a branch, (Y/N) shaking her head in amusement.

"My monkey boy, kids," she gestures as the kids and his sister giggle.

"Hey! I heard that!" Jack laughs, gasping as he slips off the branch and lands on his back with a grunt.

"She told you to get down," (Y/N) states with a smile, her brows raised as the kids hiss and groan sympathetically.

(Y/N) walks over to Jack, chuckling and setting a kiss on his cheek as he opens his eyes with a dreamy grin.

"Your magic touch has healed me, sweetheart!" He jokes as he sits up, grabbing her and pulling her down to him.

He presses his lips against hers as his arm wraps around her waist, a muffled laugh leaving her as she leans into the kiss.

"Gross," the kids groan in disgust as his sister sharply glares at them, scaring them away before she smiles at her brother and (Y/N).


"You're funny, Jack!" A boy laughs as Jack stomps around the campfire with deer antlers on his head.

(Y/N) chuckles and softly claps as his sister sleeps soundly in her lap, snuggled against her.


(Y/N) lets go of the cliff, using her hand to help pull Jack up as she begins to slip as he climbs up.

He smiles widely with breathing out in relief, turning to (Y/N) before his heart sinks.

Jack's eyes were wide as he watches her fall off the cliff, screaming as he reaches out to her.


"I love you!" She shouts, a smile on her face as tears fall from her eyes...

And then she was gone.

"Sweetheart... Sweetheart... (Y/N)!" Jack sobs as his mother hugs him tightly, stopping him from jumping after her as he yells and fights against her.

His sister sobs with her hands clasped to her mouth, sinking to her knees as Jack gives up, his strength gone as he cries out in pain and sadness while clinging to his mother.


Jack stands over her grave, the sky above bright and blue.

He smiles softly as he looks up, shutting his eyes and enjoying the breeze as it flows past him.

Jack sighs as he kneels down, setting (F/F) on her grave before kissing his fingers, pressing it to the grave stone as he rises.

"See you tomorrow, sweetheart," he softly says, his hand brushing against the grave as he slowly stands and turns to walk out of the graveyard, wiping at his tears as he shakes his head.


A year later...

Jack breathes in the cold air with a fond smile as his sister eagerly tugs at his hand.

"Be careful," his mother softly smiles, hugging her son and daughter as Jack nods.

"We will!" He grins, pulling away and laughing as she tugs on his hand.


Jack looks at his sister with concern, softly smiling as she looks around in fear.

"It's okay, it's okay," he says in a gentle voice as he removes his other ice skate. "Don't look down, just look at me."

"Jack... I'm scared!" She whimpers as the ice beneath her cracks more. "I wish (Y/N) was here!" She sobs, her hands raised as more ice cracks.

"I know, I know," Jack sighs heavily and nods. "I wish she was, too," he mumbles to himself before taking a step forward.

He flinches as the ice beneath his foot crackles, and he smiles softly up at her.

"But you're gonna be all right. You're not gonna fall in. Uh..." Jack's face lights up as he smiles. "We're gonna have a little fun instead."

"No we're not!!" His sister yells in fear, panting lightly.

"Would I trick you?" Jack playfully questions, tilting his head.

"Yes! You always play tricks!" she sobs back, shaking her head.

Jack carefully walks closer as he nervously laughs, "All right. W-- Well not this time. I promise, I promise. You're gonna be... You're gonna be fine. You have to believe in me."

His sister looks up at him with doe-eyes, taking a deep breath and softly exhaling as she shakily nods.

"You wanna play a game? We're gonna play hopscotch! Like we play every day," Jack grins as she looks down. "It's as easy as one..." He flinches as the ice cracks beneath him before forcing a smile as he notices her watching him, dramatically balancing on his foot as he exclaims.

She lets out laughter as he moves closer, her body still tense on the ice.

"Two..." Jack makes it to a safe spot, "three." He breathes out in relief as he bends down, grabbing a shepherd's staff left on the ice. "All right. Now it's your turn. One..."

She moves, gasping in fear as the ice crackles.

"That's it, that's it," Jack encourages, his eyes narrowed as he watches her step closer. "Two..."

She moves closer, gasping once more as she nearly slips, the ice crackling more under her.

"Three!" Jack swiftly hooks the staff around her, tossing her away from the thin ice as he staggers back the way she came.

Jack looks at her with a soft smile as she looks up with a wide grin, sighing in relief.

He laughs as he rises to his full height, reaching for her as he takes a step forward. The ice crackles and breaks beneath him, making him yell out as he falls in.

"Jack!!" His sister screams as she reaches for him, too late.

Jack body instantly shuts down as the Moon shines down at him.

The icy water affects him, changing his hair color to a snowy white. The moon shines brightly down on him, his eyes snapping open, now a bright blue as he gasps.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Jack? Jack!" I yell, gripping his shoulders as he startles with a sharp gasp, panting lightly as he looks around with wide eyes and a bright smile.

"Did you see that?!"

Baby Tooth and I both shake our heads 'no' as he laughs, looking down at his capsule.

"I-It was... It was me!" He laughs, scooping up Baby Tooth as I lightly laugh.

Maybe I wasn't in his memories...

"I had a family! I had a sister! I saved her!" His smile falls to a look of realization. "That's why he chose me. I'm... I'm a Guardian..."

I smile softly, nodding and setting my hand on his as he suddenly gasps.

Jack looks at me with new eyes, it seemed like. He looks over my features, tears forming in his eyes as he slowly reaches out and cups my cheek.

"You... You... It was you," he breathes out, his eyes widening as I smile with a soft chuckle.

"To answer your question... I think no matter what hair or eye color you have, you're absolutely handsome," I joke with a giggle.

Jack doesn't reply, a wide smile forming on his face as he quickly leans forward and kisses me. I gasp lightly as he hugs me close, shaking as he pulls away with a laugh of disbelief, resting his forehead on mine.

"I love you," we both breathe out at the same time, chuckling softly as he rests his hand on my cheek and looks into my eyes.

"Your eyes!" Jack suddenly says, blinking rapidly as he holds my face in his hands.

Baby Tooth suddenly squeaks, making me gasp as I notice a bright golden light surrounding us. Jack hugs me close and looks around in concern as I feel myself changing. My heart became lighter, my exhaustion and pain gone as the light fades away.

"What just happened?" I question, looking around as Baby Tooth flies onto Jack's shoulder, both staring at me. "I... feel lighter."

Baby Tooth frantically squeaks in excitement as she flies to me, flying around my head as I laugh. She lands on my hand, gesturing to her wings.

"My wings? I don't think I can fly out of here, Baby Tooth. Whatever he did..."

She squeaks in protest as Jack grabs his staff pieces, kneeling at my side.

"Let me see your wings, sweetheart," he grins, his face determined as I raise a brow.

"All right..." I trail off, rising to my feet and taking in a deep breath as my wings appear.

I stretch them out, looking back with a gasp as Jack laughs joyously, hugging me tightly. My wings had turned back to their shade of white, but there was still a few gray patches along my feathers.

"Whatever Pitch did... I can still feel it, but... it's weakened!" I softly breathe out with wide eyes, my wings stretching a bit as I look back to Jack with a wide smile. "Because... of our love?"

Jack's eyes sparkle with affection as his hands cup my face, his thumbs gently stroking my cheeks before he looks at me with a serious expression. "You have to get out of here and warn the others about Pitch."

"I'm not leaving without you, Jack," I disagree quickly, shaking my head and crossing my arms as I pace. "But... I don't think I can carry you, um, based off of what happened--"

"Wow! Too soon! Ouch!" Jack flinches, shaking his head as nervously laughs.

"I'm sorry," I lightly laugh, cupping his cheek with an apologetic smile as he sadly smiles back.

"I can't believe you died saving me," he suddenly frowns, grabbing my hand from his cheek and sighing softly. "I'm... I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. I'm not," I honestly reply as he looks down at me. "I'm glad I could save you. And I would gladly do it again."

Jack chuckles softly, shaking his head with a fond smile.

"I would too, sweetheart," he softly murmurs, and I smile as he places a kiss on my forehead, pulling away as Baby Tooth squeaks at us.

We look down at her as she sits between the two broken staff pieces, looking up patiently at us. She squeaks and looks at the staff, Jack sighing as he picks the two pieces up.

I pick up Baby Tooth, setting her on my shoulder as Jack presses the pieces together with a grunt of effort.

He sighs in annoyances as they snap away, Baby Tooth looking up at me as I glance at her. She motions to Jack with her head, making me nod as I gently place my hand on his.

Jack looks at me as I smile at him, making him smile and nod back before he tries again.

He grunts and squeezes the pieces together tightly as I concentrate, sighing softly and gasping as his staff begins to mend together with a faint blue and gold glow.

Baby Tooth squeaks in excitement, and Jack and I grin at each other.


Third Person P.O.V

Jack and (Y/N) fly out of the ravine with great speed, her wings a brilliant white as she spreads them.

Jack whoops as she laughs, spinning around him and flying besides him. Baby Tooth holds onto Jack's hoodie as they begin to quickly fly off.

"Come on, sweetheart, try to keep up!" He jokes as she playfully rolls her eyes, flying after him.


Jack and (Y/N) go cage to cage, opening them for the fairies.

"It's okay, come on," she encourages as they squeak desperately at her, shaking their heads with distress.

"Come on, let's go!" Jack shouts with a grin, pausing as they simply stare at him while squeaking from their spot.

"Jack... They can't fly!" (Y/N) yells as she lands in front of Pitch's globe, Jack gasping and landing besides her.

"The lights...!" He gasps, watching as they all begin to flicker out.

"No..." (Y/N) watches with wide eyes, her heart aching lightly in pain as she gasps.

"(Y/N)!" Jack yells as she kneels down, setting his hand on her back as he watches the lights.


The Yeti sets the final robot painted red carefully on the display shelf, sighing in relief.

The shelf begins rattling, making him exclaim and frantically catch one as it falls.

Black sand swallows the Globe as the Yetis yell out in confusion and fear, Pitch laughing as he appears on the globe.

"You're all free to go!" Pitch shouts in joy, walking along the Globe. "We won't be needing any Christmas toys this year, thank you. Nor ever again," he dismisses with a smirk.

The Yeti looks at the red robots, groaning in disappointment.


Jack hugs (Y/N) close as she winces, feeling every dark and horror emotion the children were experiencing.

"They're all going out," she whimpers as she hugs Jack, his eyes flickering around the Globe.


"Only six left..." Pitch muses as he chuckles. "Six precious children who still believe in the Guardians with all their hearts..."

He looks down at the light next to him, smirking. "Make that... Five." He steps on it as it flickers out.

"Oh!" He laughs, scooting to another one. "Four!" Pitch says in a sing-song as he steps on it, moving onto another. "Three!" He leaps, stepping on two at once. "Two!"

Pitch smirks as he raises his fingers, snapping and expecting the light to go out.

But the light still remains. His smile falls as he snaps twice more, turning and facing the light with a snarl.



Jack gasps softly, helping (Y/N) stand as she smiles reassuringly.

"There's one left!" She breathes out as Jack leaps on the Globe, smiling at it.

"Jamie!" Both say at the same time, nodding at each other as they look at the last light.


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