Halstead Sister One Shots

By oneChicago2000

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This is a bunch of one shots following the life of Gracie Halstead. She lives with her brothers Jay and Will... More

Forbidden Party Part 1
Forbidden party part 2
Thunder Storm
First Period
Not An Update! Requests!
AN help!
Skipping School
Bedtime Tantrum
A Bit About The Halsteads
The Friends Of Firemen Barbecue
Mothers Day
Pretending to be sick
Halstead Apartment
Gracies Seventh Birthday
The Car Incident
Gracie gets caught
A Regular Day In Lockdown
Gracie Gets Sick
Scared For Jay
Football Watch Party
AN Requests
A Date?!
A Date?! Part 2
The Bank Robbery
Gracie Needs Glasses
Jay Gets Shot
Gracie Makes a Run For It
Broken Bones
Jay and Hailey What?!
Fire Alarm
Grocery Store Tantrum
Smoking Again?!
I Hate Her!
The Zoo
Mothers Day Picnic
Ruined Homework
Supply Teacher
Not Fair!
Introducing The Boyfriend
Missing Money
A Not So Secret Admirer
Adam Babysits
The Audition
Running Away
Instagram Part 2
Instagram Part 3
Opening Night
Tooth Fairy
But What Does It Mean?
Gracies First Breakup
Trick Or Treat
Stella's Birthday
That Time Of The Month
Late Nights And Bad Attitudes
The Break In
Instagram Part 4
Instagram Part 5
Do You Love Me?
To Old For Spanking
Sneaking Out
The Dress
Christmas Eve
I Don't Wanna Go To School
Scraped Knees And Bandaids
The Playground Mega Tantrum!
Instagram Part 6
Expelled Part One
Expelled Part Two
Truth or Dare
Anxiety?! Part One
A Six Year Old In Lockdown
Car Theft
CPD Family Picnic
A Weekend Away and A Lost Bunny?
Instagram Part 7
Instagram Part 8
Hawaii Part One
Hawaii Part 2 (Final Part)
Aprils Birthday Surprise
Bad Advice
Hit By a Car?!
Nine Going On Nineteen
How It Started
Fathers Day
Hailey Puts Her Foot Down
Instagram Part 9
Instagram Part 10
Instagram Part 11
Fake ID
The Crayola Adventure
Trouble At The Diner
Instagram Part 12
Instagram Part 13
Allergic Reaction
Bathtime Tantrum
Chores = Allowance
A Day At 51
Instagram Part 14
Instagram Part 15
Instagram Part 16
Instagram Part 17 (Disney Edition)
Christmas Party Tantrum Part 1
Christmas Party Tantrum Part 2
Updated Halstead Apartment
Stage Fright
Skipping School 2
Christmas Day
Running In To The Road
Sick At School
The Evil Dance Teacher
The Ice Cream Fit
Wedding Reception Disaster
Instagram Part 18
Will Doesn't Spank
Push and Shove
Instagram Part 19
You Better Be Sick
Quality Time
Mood board/ AN


3.6K 67 22
By oneChicago2000

Gracies POV (5 Years Old)

"Have you definitely got everything you need?" Will asked as he zipped up my weekend bag.

"I think so" I nodded in confirmation "did you put bunny in there?" I asked.

"First thing I packed" he nodded "now go get your shoes on please" he instructed.

I ran in to the hallway and put on my purple sparkly sketchers that had the velcro straps and flashed when you jumped! Jay soon appeared with my backpack and weekend bag and, once I said goodbye to Will, we walked out to Jays truck.

"How long do I have to stay with Hailey?" I asked as I aimlessly swung my legs back and forth.

"Just until Sunday. So that's two sleeps" he informed and I nodded thoughtfully.

"And then you and Will come home?" I asked making Jay nod with a smile.

"Then we come home" he confirmed.

The rest of the drive to Haileys apartment was pretty boring and we where soon walking up the stairs and knocking on her door.

"Hey guys, come on in" she greeted with a welcoming smile.

"Hi Hailey" I greeted as I ran in and sat down on the sofa.

She and Jay talked for a few minutes and Jay explained a few things to here before he called me back over to him.

"Are you going now?" I asked as my brother crouched down in front of me.

"Yeah" he confirmed "now remember what I said ok? Be on your best behaviour and listen to what Hailey tells you to do. We'll be back on Sunday and we'll call you every night" he finished.

"Okay" I nodded apprehensively "what if I miss you too much?" I asked nervously.

"Then you just hug bunny extra tight and we'll be back before you know it" he assured with a smile.

"Bye, love you" I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek and a tight bear hug.

"I love you too" he replied giving me a kiss on the temple "be good" he added as he stood up "thanks again Hailey I owe you one" he said turning to her.

"Don't sweat it. I love spending time with my little sis in law" she replied making me giggle.

"See ya" Jay said with a smirk before turning and leaving Haileys apartment.

"So I've got some paperwork I need to go drop off at work but I thought whilst we where out we could go to the store and get some treats and snacks, maybe a face pack" Hailey suggested and I jumped up and down excitedly.

"And we can watch a movie?!" I asked making her laugh.

"What would a girly movie night be without a movie" she replied "and maybe tomorrow we could do some baking?" She asked and I agreed eagerly.

Hailey went and grabbed the paperwork she needed before putting her shoes on and leading me out to her car.

"Hey, I've got this same car seat in my brothers car" I said with surprise as she opened the back door.

"It is your car seat silly" she smiled "Will came by yesterday and gave me the one from his car to use whilst their away" she explained as I climbed in and she helped me with the buckle.

Hailey put my favourite Taylor Swift playlist on as she drove to the district and we both sang along to our favourite parts.

Once the car was parked I grabbed hold of Haileys hand and we both walked up the front steps and in to the building.

"Hey, chuckles junior" Trudy greeted as I ran over to her desk.

"Hi Trudy" I greeted with a happy wave.

"Could you keep an eye on her for a couple of minutes?" Hailey asked and Trudy nodded.

"Sure thing" she agreed "I hear you're having your first ever sleepover tonight" she said.

"Uh huh" I nodded in confirmation "we're gonna go to the store and get all the snacks and face packs for our movie night!" I exclaimed making her smile.

"Wow sounds like fun" she replied.

"Tomorrow we're gonna do some baking and maybe make some brownies" I said.

"Ohh my favourite" she said "hey Upton I'm expecting there to be brownies on my desk tomorrow" she said to Hailey who was now stood behind me.

"Brownies?" She asked me confused.

"You said we where gonna do baking and I thought we could do brownies" I explained making her nod.

"Oh, well then of course we will be by to deliver you some" Hailey said to Sargent Platt.

We said our goodbyes to Trudy and drove to the store where Hailey lifted me up to sit in the shopping cart.

We went down all the aisles we needed and chose all our favourite candy and snacks as well as picking up the ingredients for our brownies tomorrow.

We then went to the beauty aisle where Hailey chose some cucumber face packs as she said they would be the most gentle on my skin. We even got some cucumber to put on our eyes!

We checked out our things and drove back to Haileys apartment and put away all the shopping. That's when I noticed my tummy starting to rumble.

"Hailey, I'm hungry" I said making her check her phone for the time.

"No wonder it's nearly dinner time" she commented "what do you fancy? Chinese or pizza?" She asked with a knowing smirk.

"PIZZA!!!" I exclaimed making her laugh.

"Okay then!" She replied with the same amount of energy "I'll order the pizza and then we can get our PJ's on" she said as she dialled in the number "margarita?" She asked and I nodded.

Once she had ordered our food we both went and got changed in to our pyjamas before dragging out loads of blankets and pillows to make the sofa super comfy. We flicked through tons of movies before finally deciding on 'Descendants'!

"Pizza's here" I shouted excitedly when I heard the knock at the door and ran over to it.

"Wait for me please" she said as she passed me and opened the front door.

She payed the delivery guy and brought our pizzas through to the living room. We turned on our movie and began to eat our pizza.

"That was so good" I said as I closed the lid on my now empty pizza box.

"Pizza's the best" Hailey nodded in agreement.

The movie continued to play in the background and Hailey brought over all of our snacks and candy we had bought at the store.

We watched the movie until it finished when we decided it was the best time to do our face packs.

"You look so silly" I giggled as I helped her put on her face pack.

"Well you don't look any better little missy" she replied with a laugh as she readjusted my headband that was keeping my hair out of my face.

"Uh oh" Hailey smiled as she pulled her phone out of her pocket to see who was calling "your brother's FaceTiming" she said as she handed me the phone and I swiped to answer it and pulled a funny face.

"Sorry wrong number" Jay joked once he saw my appearance making me chuckle.

"It's not the wrong number it's me!" I exclaimed, turning the camera so he could see Hailey as well.

"What on earth are you two doing?" He asked with a confused smirk.

"We're doing face packs" Hailey laughed.

"Are you having a good time?" Jay asked me and I nodded.

"Uh huh" I confirmed "we had pizza for dinner and watched Descendants and we ate loads of candy and popcorn" I listed.

"Well I'm glad it's Hailey that will be dealing with that sugar rush and not me" he commented with a soft smile.

"And guess what we're gonna do tomorrow" I said with an excited squeal.

"Do your homework?" He joked.

"No I don't have homework" I shook my head "we're gonna make brownies and then we're gonna go and hand them out to everyone" I said.

"Well I hope you save me some missy" he joked.

"Maaaaaybe" I relied cheekily "where's Will?" I asked, eager to tell my older brother all about what I had been getting up to.

"He was in the shower but I think he's out now" Jay said as he got up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom "have you finished in there? Gracie's on FaceTime" Jay said outside the bathroom door.

"Just finished" Will said as he opened the door and took the phone from Jay "hey Graciekins" he greeted "I think you got a little something on your face" he joked making me giggle and shake my head.

"It's a face pack" I exclaimed. I told Will all the same things that I had told Jay and he listened intently to every detail.

"Well stay on your best behaviour and have a nice time" Will said as we began to wrap up the conversation.

"Okay, love you" I said "love you Jay Jay" I waved as I spotted Jay on the bed int he background.

"Love you too. Speak to you tomorrow" he said waving back.

"Bye Gracie, love you" Will said before the line went dead.

Me and Hailey chatted for a little while before washing our face packs off. Hailey ditch braided my hair and she tried to teach me, but I couldn't figure it out. As we where sat in front of the TV I could feel a funny feeling grow inside my tummy. Kinda like a tickle. But not in a good way.

"Hailey" I whispered as I bit my bottom lip to stop it from quivering.

"What's up babe?" She frowned, leaning forward to pause the TV.

"I think I wanna go home" I admitted tearfully.

"Oh sweetheart" she sighed "c'mere" she said as she opened her arms for me to climb in to "do you miss your brothers?" She asked and I nodded in to her shoulder.

"Uh huh" I said through sobs "I wanna go home" I sobbed.

"I'm sorry sweetie you can't go home" she said as she gently rocked me back and forth "and if you went home then we wouldn't be able to do all those fun things tomorrow" she added "I thought I could teach you how to make my special pancakes for breakfast" she said.

"But I want Will and Jay to be here too" I exclaimed sadly.

"You're gonna see them real soon" she reminded "and you saw them on FaceTime a little while ago didn't you?" She said "do you wanna talk to them again?" She asked and I nodded "ok let's give Jay a call" she said as she grabbed her phone and selected Jays number.

"Hello" Jay answered and his face appeared on the screen.

"Hey Jay. I think Gracies getting a little homesick" she said as she turned the camera on to my tear streaked, heartbroken, face.

"Hey squirt" Jay said as Hailey continued to hold the phone up in front of me "what's with the tears?" He asked as I continued to cry uncontrollably.

"I wanna go home" I bawled "pleaseeee" I pleaded.

"Gracie, calm down for me baby girl" Jay soothed as Hailed rubbed my arm comfortingly "Gracie take a big deep breath in for me" he instructed and I did as I was told "that's it. Now breathe out nice and slowly" he continued and I once again did as he instructed "good girl" he praised.

"I want you to come home" I whimpered once my sobs calmed down.

"I can't come home Gracie" he shook his head making my sobs increase once again and I clung on to Hailey as If my life depended on it.

"But I need you too!" I declared, throwing my head back dramatically.

"Gracie. Look at me" Jay said but my face remained hidden in the crook of Haileys neck "Gracelyn" he said in a firmer tone making my head snap up and look at him on the screen "I promise you that everything's gonna be ok" he assured "you're perfectly safe there, right Hails?" He asked and Hailey nodded in confirmation.

"Just as safe as you are at home" she assured.

"But Haileys cuddles aren't making me feel better like yours and Wills" I said as Hailey kissed my Hair comfortingly.

"Well do you remember what I said to you before we left?" He asked rhetorically "I told you that if you miss us then you just hug your bunny extra tight and it will make you feel better" he reminded "do you think you can do that?" He asked and I nodded "you go and get him then and bring him back here" he said.

I slowly slid off of Haileys lap and ran in to the spare room where my bunny was sat waiting patiently on the bed. I grabbed him and held him close to my face as I walked back in to the living room and sat back down on Haileys lap.

"And now every time you give him cuddle me and Will can feel it all the way here in New York" he said making my eyes widen.

"Really?" I asked sceptically, but he nodded assuredly.

"Go on and give bunny the biggest ever hug you've ever given" he instructed. I held bunny extra tight and Jay began to act like he was being hugged tightly.

"Can't. Breathe. Hug. Too. Tight." He flailed around making me giggle.

"I know it's scary kiddo but you are the bravest little girl I've ever met. You can do this" he assured.

"Ok" I agreed, now feeling slightly better.

"Now I think it's nearly your bedtime so I'm gonna go and I want you to go and find one of your books and take it to Hailey to read together" he instructed "can you do that?" He asked and I nodded "that's my girl" he smiled "I'll speak to you in the morning ok?" He asked and I nodded once again.

"Okay, love you" I said.

"I love you too" he replied.

"Bye" Hailey waved before hanging up the phone "do you feel a little better now?" She asked.

"A little" I replied "but I still feel like I need a big brother hug" I added.

"Well, do you think my big sister hugs can do for a little while?" She asked and I nodded.

"Okay" I agreed.

"You go and find that book and we can read it in your bed" she said. I went and found the book in my bag and Hailey walked in to the room that was to be mine for the weekend.

"Hailey?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah?" She replied with a warm smile.

"Can I sleep in your bed?" I asked hopefully.

"If you want to of course you can" she confirmed. So I took Haileys outstretched hand and we both walked over to her bedroom and I climbed in to her much bigger bed "comfy?" She asked and I nodded happily "ok" she said opening the book "once upon a time in a far away land..." that's about as far as I got before my eyelids fell closed and I dropped off to sleep with my bunny safely cuddled in my arms.

AN! As requested by upsteaddd3 

I hope you all enjoyed!

Would you like a part two of the rest of the weekend? 

Do you think Hailey did well? 

Do you think Will and Jay did well?

Leave you comments and thoughts! 

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