Full Moon

By Helenann13579

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Chapter 1: Full of Goodbyes
Chapter 2: Forks, WA
Chapter 3: Why Is He Staring?
Chapter 4: They Can't Know
Chapter 6: Accidents Happen
Chapter 7: The Cullens
Chapter 8: Can 1st Impressions Do That Much Damage?
Chapter 10: Lying Isn't All That Bad
Chapter 11: Fear the Unknown
Chapter 12: Full of Surprises
Chapter 13: Full of Fear
Chapter 14: Full of Secrets
Chapter 15: What the Heck!
Chapter 16: Hypocrite?
Chapter 17: An Unexpected Day
Chapter 18: Moonstruck
Chapter 19: Home
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Emergency
Chapter 22: Should've When You Could've
Chapter 23: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 24: Full of Nightmares
Chapter 25: Karma?
Chapter 26: Australia
Chapter 27
Chapter 28: The Volturi
Chapter 29: First Date
Chapter 30: I'm Coming Home
Chapter 31: Conflicted
Chapter 32: New Connections
Chapter 33: Full of Goodbyes, Take Two
Chapter 34: Full of Love Triangles
Chapter 35: Differences in Love
Chapter 36: A Fervent Awakening
Chapter 37: Full of Familial Ties
Chapter 38: Full of Warnings

Chapter 9: Protective much?

55 1 0
By Helenann13579

I was still fuming when Esme called out to me.

"Come on, let's go in the kitchen," Esme said as she walked into the kitchen. I followed her and found her making a salad. Guilt instantly consumed my body. She was only being nice to me, and I just created a whole fight within her family.

"I'm really, really sorry about that," I said to Esme. "I'm usually not like that, but when they started talking about Sam, I snapped."

"Hey don't worry about it," a voice said from behind me. I yelped and turned around and saw Emmett behind me. When he heard my scream, he laughed. "Do you get scared easily? But anyway, Edward just PMS's sometimes. That, and he can't shut his big mouth when it comes to anything to do with Bella and your brother and his friends. Don't blame yourself."

He jumped up on the counter and started kicking his legs on the counter behind him. He was so child-like! But it made me happier. "I guess," I said. "But I still feel really bad. And why just my brother and his friends?"

"Like I said, don't. And they didn't really have a good first impression on each other. Neither of them like the other."

I nodded my head. I guess that made sense.

"So anyway, I heard that you just moved her. Where'd you move from?" he asked.


"Australia? A bit of a change in scenery, don't you think?"

"Tell me about it. I wish I was back in the sun right now," I said, throwing my hands up and twirling around.

"Aw, come on. Rainy Forks isn't that bad, is it?"

"Eh, I'll tell you later how I think of it, once I get a better impression of this town."

"But doesn't knowing me make it a whole lot better?"

"Actually, it's one of the things that makes me not like it," I teased. I started to laugh once Emmett started to fake pout. It was really cute, and he made me forget about what happened in the living room before.

"Here you go, Hayley," Emse said as she handed me my salad.

"Thanks," I said. I took a bite out of it, and the lettuce filled my mouth as I continued to eat. "It's really good," I said between bites. Both Emmett and Esme laughed as lettuce fell out of my mouth and back into my bowl.

After she finished cleaning up, Esme left the kitchen and went back out in the living room. I heard her start talking to Carlisle and Alice, but they went into the other room before I could understand anything that they were saying.

I finished my salad and looked at the time. Seeing that it was 4:30, and that I also didn't want to see Bella or Edward again, I decided that I should probably go.

"I'm going to go now," I said to Emmett as I put my bowl in the sink.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. No offense, but I don't wanna see Edward or Bella again."

"Then I'll drive you back," he said, reaching for the car keys.

"Nah, you don't have to. I kinda just want to walk home," I said.

"Alright. See you later Hale."

"Bye Em!" I yelled back to him as I started to head towards the front door. When I reached the front door, I turned back and I saw Carlisle looking at me with weird expression on his face.

I just shrugged it off though, and continued out the front door. I walked down their incredibly long driveway and started down the road. I wanted to go for a swim, so I decided to go to that beach that I saw when I was driving to school with Jake.

After 45 minutes of walking, I finally reached the beach. I dropped my bag, and before I had a chance to take off my boots, I felt a buzzing in my pocket. I reached in and took out my phone. Pressing the accept button, I said hello to the person on the phone.

"Hey Hale. It's Jake. Sam and I were just wondering where you were."

"I'm by the beach. I wanted to take a swim. I'll be home soon though, kay?"

"Okay. You alright, though? You sound tense," he asked in a worried tone.

"I'm fine. I just had a fight with some people."

"Who?" he growled.

"Don't worry 'bout it. I'll talk to you 'bout it later, alright?"

"Fine," he said, but I could tell that he was still mad.

"Bye Jake."

"Bye Hale."

I hung up the phone, took off my boots, and ran towards the water. I dived into the waves and and bolted through the water. It felt so nice to be swimming again, and I was so glad that they had the ocean next to La Push. It was like my second home.

I had the biggest urge to go back to Australia. I really wanted to see Rikki, Emma, and Cleo. But I knew that I would get in major trouble with Sam, and I still had to see if I would be able to make the trip. Hopefully I would be able to go to Australia soon though, whether by plane or by ocean.

After an hour of swimming, I decided that Sam was probably wondering were I was, so I got out, dried myself off, and headed back home.

30 minutes later I was walking through the front door of the brown house.

"Hey! I'm home!" I dropped my bag on the ground and headed for the kitchen.

The group of boys that were here yesterday were all sitting around the table joking around with each other. I could see Emily and Sam in the kitchen, taking food out of the oven and getting ready to bring it out to the table.

"Hey Hale! Go and sit wherever you want. We'll be there with the food in a second!" Emily called out.

I looked at the table and saw three seats open - two at the end of the table next to each other, and the other next to the boys. I thought that Emily and Sam would want to sit next to each other, so I took that only one left.

I sat down at the seat and Emily came out with the food. Jake was to the right of me, Paul to the left, and Embry right across from me. I looked over at Jake, who was talking with Quil. I immediately felt happier, and a big smile was on my face. I don't know how he does it, but he just makes me happier by being next to him.

I looked over and saw Embry wiggle his eyebrows at me and then look over at Jake.

"Oh, shut up, Em" I said.

"But I never said anything!" he defended.

I raised my eyebrows at him, and he started laughing.

"Oh, shut up, Hale!" he mimicked with this high-pitched girly voice. What the hell? That's not how I sound!

Is it? Oh God, I hope not.

"I don't sound anything like that! You forgot my accent," I said, smugly. He might have been able to convince me that I sounded like that, but there was no way that he could convince me that he did my accent right.

"Dammit! I forgot you had an Australian accent!" He pouted and I couldn't help but laugh!

"Are you serious? Have I really been talking to you that much so that you don't notice my accent anymore?"

He scowled at me.

"How 'bout this? You try to talk like an Aussie for the rest of the night, and if you do it, then I won't make fun of you anymore for trying to mimic me. Deal?"

"Deal." He tried to grab my hand to shake on it, but I snatched it away at the last second. He scrunched his eyebrows together and look confused.

"Let's make this more interesting," I said. At this point, everyone was listening.


"We'll make another dare. This one's to boring!"

"What dare do you want to do?"

"You like to eat, right?"


"Then we'll do something with that. Well, technically not eating, but drinking."

"Perfect," he said. He was smiling like an idiot, and anyone could tell that he was overconfident that he would win. Well, we'll see about that.

"So what do you want to loser to do?" I asked.

Embry scrunched his eyebrows together and thought about it for a while, but seeing as he couldn't think of a good idea, Jared whispered something in his ear. A huge smile broke out on his face. "Perfect," he whispered.

"What is it?" I said, excited. I was practically bouncing up and down in my seat. I was so ready for this bet.

"If I lose, I have to dress up as a girl and hit on a boy, and if you lose, you have to dress up as a boy and hit on a girl." He was so confident in this. I think I'll just have to knock that ego down.

I hear Jake growl beside me. Growl? How could he even growl? And why was he being so... animalistic?

"This is gonna be fun. Deal." This time, I didn't take my hand away.

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