I See You (Jack Frost x Reade...

By OneArtsyGamer03

103K 3.6K 1.4K

Hey there, lovelies... Republishing of "I See You" <3 Jack Frost and Y/N L/N (Cupid) have no memories of who... More

The Guardians
Jack Frost and Cupid
Stuffed in a Bag
Your Center
Trouble at the Tooth Palace
Teaming Up
Collecting the Teeth
Jamie's Bedroom
Grief and Hope
The Warren
Ruined Easter
Jack Frost
The Last Light
The Battle
We Are Guardians

Jack Frost and Pitch Black

3.6K 150 40
By OneArtsyGamer03


Third Person P.O.V

Jamie grunts as he balances on top of a shaking ladder, his outstretched arm straining to reach the top of the gutter.

"Whoa, whoa, woah!!" He screams as he loses his balance, grabbing the gutter.

It snaps, making Pippa flinch as Jamie falls to the ground with a yell and a grunt of pain.

The brightly colored tennis ball bounces off the porch, rolling and stopping in front of Jamie.

He glares at it for a moment before jumping off, dusting himself off as he sighs.

"Let's check the park again," Jamie grins as he begins walking.

"Really?" Caleb sighs, shaking his head. "For what? The Easter Bunny?"

"Guys, I told you, I saw him!" Jamie snaps back, grabbing his basket and rushing to them. "He's way bigger than I thought and he's got these cool boomerang things!"

"Grow up, Jamie," Claude replies in a low voice, looking towards the ground.

"Oh, man. Seriously?" Caleb scoffs in disbelief at Jamie, shaking his head.

His friends crowd him, their faces dark and sad as Jamie looks between them in confusion.

"What's happened to you guys?" He questions, his voice wavering.

"It was a dream!" Claude yells, looking away with a deep sigh. "You should be happy you still get dreams like that. And not..."

"... Nightmares," Cupcake finishes, turning and walking away as the others join her.

"Forget it, Jamie," Pippa sighs, setting the tennis ball in his basket. "There's just no Easter this year."

"He really is real!" Jamie yells at his friends before he sadly looks down at his basket. "I know he is..."


The Yetis watch as more and more lights turn dark on the Globe, speaking softly in gibberish as they shake their heads in sadness.


Jack takes a deep breath of the cold air surrounding him before rushing forward with his capsule in his hand. He raises his arm back, ready to throw it before he stops.

He squeezes his eyes shut, snapping his arm down in anger as he grunts in frustration.

He looks down at the capsule, leaning his staff against the wall besides him as he looks over (Y/N)'s.

Jack flinches and shakes his head when he remembers the look she gave him, sighing deeply as he tucks it away with his own.

"I thought this might happen." Jack's eyes widen as he hears Pitch, his anger boiling. "They never really believed in you. She never really believed in you. I was just trying to show you that."

Jack breathes heavily in anger as he grabs his staff, his grip tight and his knuckles turning white.

"But I understand."

He yells as he spins around, firing his magic as Pitch deflects it.

"You don't understand anything!" Jack screams, charging at Pitch and leaping over him as he blasts another ice spell.

Pitch deflects it with a grunt as he shouts, "no?! I don't know what it's like to be cast out?" He fires his black magic at Jack, Jack quickly dodging it.

Jack screams as he jumps, his magic strong with his anger as Pitch deflects it once more.

"To not be believed in?!" Pitch continues, appearing a few feet behind Jack. "To long for a family and someone that loves him?"

Jack's eyes widen as his staff lowers slightly, Pitch's words affecting him.

"All those years in the shadows I thought no one else knows what this feels like," Pitch shakes his head with a sigh. "But now I see I was wrong."

Jack lowers his weapon, his body slightly relaxing as Pitch continues.

"We don't have to be alone, Jack. I believe in you," Jack's brows furrow in anger as Pitch walks around him. "And I know children will, too."

"In me?" Jack repeats, glancing at Pitch before shaking his head. "But... what about (Y/N)?"

"Her too!" Pitch replies with a nod, grinning as he shows off the dark ice they created. "Look at what we can do! And with (Y/N)... What goes together better than cold and dark and hate?"

Jack looks over the ice with wide eyes before he looks at his reflection.

"We can make them believe! We'll give them a world where everything, everything is--"

"Pitch Black?" Jack interrupts, glaring at Pitch.

"... And Jack Frost and (Y/N) (L/N), too." Pitch adds after a moment. "They'll believe in the three of us."

"No, they'll fear us," Jack shakes his head, glaring at Pitch. "And that's not what I want or what (Y/N) would want."

He turns around as Pitch watches with wide eyes, his offer rejected.

"Now for the last time," Jack growls as he begins walking away. "Leave me alone."

Pitch breathes out softly before his expression becomes enraged, "very well. You want to be left alone? Done. But first..."


Jack freezes at (Y/N)'s voice, spinning around with a gasp when he sees Pitch's arm wrapped around her throat as she thrashes against him. Pitch raises his other hand, presenting a struggling Baby Tooth squeaking in pain.

"(Y/N)! Baby Tooth!" Jack reaches for them, pausing as Pitch tightens his hold around (Y/N)'s neck and Baby Tooth.

He aims his staff with a deadly glare, ready to strike at Pitch.

"Let them go or I swear--"

"The staff, Jack!" Pitch bellows, making Jack's eyes slightly widen as his expression remains harsh. "You have a bad habit of interfering. Now hand it over... And I'll let them go."

"N--No Jack!" (Y/N) manages out, coughing as she struggles against Pitch's tight hold.

"I'll even allow one free now, and the other free after it's done," Pitch muses, tossing Baby Tooth at Jack.

Jack gasps and catches her in his hand, sighing softly as she squeaks in pain and looks up at him with tears. He looks back at Pitch and (Y/N), his teeth gritting in anger and concern when he sees her wings becoming darker and her skin becoming paler.

His hands tremble on his staff as he tightly grips it before sighing in defeat, flipping it around and offering it to Pitch.

Pitch smirks triumphantly as he snatches it, (Y/N) shaking her head and gasping in pain as another shock goes through her.

"All right," Jack growls out, holding his hand out. "Now give her back to me."

Pitch looks at (Y/N) for a moment before shrugging. "No."

Jack's eyes widen before he glares at Pitch, (Y/N)'s heart dropping at his word.

"You said you wanted to be alone. So be alone!" Pitch shouts with a malicious smirk.

(Y/N)'s lips curl to an angry frown as she swiftly throws her head back, colliding the back of her head with Pitch's face. He yells out in pain, releasing her and holding his face for a moment before growling in anger, using his magic to throw her as Jack reaches for her.

"No!" Jack yells, watching her soar through the air as she cries out.

He looks back at Pitch with fury in his eyes before gasping and choking in pain as Pitch snaps his staff in two. Pitch uses this distraction to blast Jack away, slamming him into an iceberg before Jack falls into the same ravine with (Y/N).

Pitch laughs as he looks between the two, rolling his eyes as he tosses the pieces of Jack's staff down with them.


Jack groans in pain as his eyes open, reaching for his head and shaking off the dizziness.

"(Y/N)!" He breathes out, quickly crawling to her body and cradling her head as she begins to stir.

She opens her eyes, making Jack gasp as he sees her once (E/C) eyes have now turned a bright gold, similar to Pitch's.

"Jack?" (Y/N) groans in pain as he snaps out of his daze, looking her over.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm here," he quickly replies, stroking her cheek as she weakly smiles.

"And Baby Tooth?"

Baby Tooth squeaks as she pokes her head out from behind Jack, flying down to (Y/N)'s face and hugging her cheek as (Y/N) lightly laughs.

"Stupid of me to think I could go anywhere in my state," (Y/N) hisses in pain as she sits up, her wings disappearing as she leans against the wall with Jack at her side. "Pitch got me as soon as I left the Guardians sight."

"Why'd you..."

"I was going after you, dummy," she interrupts with a small grin, her smile falling as she looks down at her pale hands. "Pitch's magic... from when he shot me... It's... I don't know what it's doing to me. I don't know if it's killing me or... making me become like him."

Baby Tooth squeaks sadly as she rests on (Y/N)'s knee, Jack smacking the wall next to him in anger.

"I should have been there. To save you," he says in a low voice, shaking his head as he faces forward. "This shouldn't have happened. I should have listened to Baby Tooth and..."

He sighs and shakes his head as (Y/N) shivers lightly, Baby Tooth sneezing as the cold chills her body.

"It's not your fault, Jack," (Y/N) breathes out in reply, leaning her head on his shoulder before flinching.

"Sorry... all I can do is keep you cold," Jack apologizes, sighing as he scoots away from her.

(Y/N) follows, hugging Jack's arm as she rests her head on his shoulder once more.

"I like the cold."

Jack smiles with a soft chuckle before frowning, leaning his head back on the wall.

"Pitch was right. I make a mess of everything." He quietly mumbles under his breath, shaking his head.

Baby Tooth watches sadly before softly gasping, her gaze flicking to his pocket as she jumps from (Y/N)'s knee to Jack's.

"Hey," he lightly laughs as she crawls inside of his pocket.

"Don't let Pitch define you." (Y/N) looks up at Jack as he sighs softly. "You are so much more than you think. I just wish you could see yourself the way I-- and others see you," she stammers slightly, grinning.

Jack doesn't reply, instead resting his cheek on her head as he sighs softly once more.

"Jack?" A girl calls, making Jack jump.

"Sweetheart?" (Y/N) jumps as a familiar man's voice yells.

Jack gasps and yelps, stumbling from (Y/N) as his pocket begins to glow. He reaches inside his pocket, taking out the two capsules of memories.



"What... Someone's calling my name," (Y/N) breathes out, looking at her capsule as Jack slowly hands it to her. "That voice... Sounds so familiar."

Jack scoots next to (Y/N), nervously looking between their capsules before noticing Baby Tooth sitting between them. She nods up at them, tapping their capsules with a small smile.

"Go for it, (Y/N)," Jack smiles as he looks at (Y/N). "I promise I'll be right here when it's done."

(Y/N) bites her lip, nervously looking down at her capsule before sighing.



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