I See You (Jack Frost x Reade...

By OneArtsyGamer03

84.9K 3K 1.2K

Hey there, lovelies... Republishing of "I See You" <3 Jack Frost and Y/N L/N (Cupid) have no memories of who... More

The Guardians
Jack Frost and Cupid
Stuffed in a Bag
Your Center
Trouble at the Tooth Palace
Teaming Up
Collecting the Teeth
Grief and Hope
The Warren
Ruined Easter
Jack Frost and Pitch Black
Jack Frost
The Last Light
The Battle
We Are Guardians

Jamie's Bedroom

3.3K 125 32
By OneArtsyGamer03


Third Person P.O.V

Pitch turns at the sound of his Nightmare returning before his gaze sets on the globe, the lights no longer flickering out.

"The lights..." He mumbles, his brows furrowing as the Fairies chitter above him in cages. "Why aren't they going out?!"

The Nightmare whinnies in reply, snorting and shaking its head.

"They're collecting the teeth?"

The Fairies chitter in excitement, some smug with smirks and other with relieved smiles.

"Oh, pipe down! Or I'll stuff a pillow with you!" Pitch bellows in a rage, angrily pointing to the Fairies.

His Nightmare tilts its head, slowly approaching Pitch. He glances at the Nightmare, snarling and startling the Nightmare into dust.

Pitch scoffs, using the dust and bending it to his will to create Sandman.

"Fine. Have your last hurrah. For tomorrow... All your pathetic scrambling will be for nothing."

He crushes the sand in his palm, smirking.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"He kept his tooth under pillow..." I smile to myself, watching Tooth collect the small white tooth.

"Left central incisor," she mumbles to herself, admiring it before smirking with a raised brow. "Knocked out in a freak sledding accident. I wonder how that could have happened."

"Jack," I cough under my breath, making Tooth snicker as Jack chuckles.

"Kids, huh?" He jokes, his hand setting on a picture Jamie had drawn.

I raise my brows with a small smile as bashfully grins at me. My eyes shift to Tooth, my smile falling to a look of surprise at the knowing look she was giving me as she twirled the coin in her hand.

She smiles softly, fluttering silently above Jamie.

"This was always the part I liked most. Seeing the kids," Tooth chuckles quietly, my gaze landing on Jamie's peaceful face as he slept.

"Why did you stop?" I question, making her look at me as she rubs her arms. "It's okay if you don't tell me. It's just... You love the kids. But you haven't been around them in so long."

Tooth remains silent, her expression twisted with confusion towards herself.

"I don't know why," she finally says, lightly chuckling to try to ease her nerves.

"Hmm," Jack hums lightly, squatting down at Jamie's side and resting his staff on his shoulders. "It's a little different up close, huh?"

Tooth smiles, fluttering away from Jamie and flying between us.

"Thanks for being here, guys. I wish I'd known about your memories," she sighs, taking my hand and setting her other one on Jack's shoulders. "I could've helped you two."

"It's okay," I grin, making her smile back. "It's not your fault, Tooth. Jack and I should've tried talking to you all more. Maybe things would have been different... But for now, let's worry about you."

"Yeah," Jack agrees, grinning at me. "Let's just get you taken care off. Then it's Pitch's turn."

"Here you are!" North's voice grunts, the window clanking as he loudly opens it and squeezes through. "Ah! You two! Slacking off again?" He questions loudly, looking between me and Jack.

"Shh!" Tooth sharply hisses, pointing to Jamie as North freezes with wide eyes.

"Oh!" He softly whispers, nodding as Sandy enters after him. "What gives, you guys?" North smiles, watching Tooth. "How you feeling, Toothy?"

"Believed in!" Tooth smiles widely, flying to North as he lets out a quiet wheeze.

"That's what I want to hear."

"Oh, I see how it is," Bunny's voice enters the room as he jumps from his tunnel. "Bad enough (Y/N) was helping Frost. But now you're all working together to make sure the rabbit gets last place!"

Jack and I jump as everyone loudly shushes Bunny, making him flinch back.

"Yeah, well, you're just jealous that me and (Y/N) make such a great couple," Jack smirks, approaching Bunny. "Check it out, Peter Cottontail!"


He takes my bag from my hand, showing it off before taking out his smaller bag, Bunny scoffing as he looks between them.

"Fine, I'll give (Y/N)'s a few points. But yours?" Bunny raises a brow. "You call that a bag of choppers?" He raises his bag that was a bit bigger than mine, "now that's a bag of choppers."

"Jack and I still beat you technically," I reply in a light tone, standing next to Jack. "We just couldn't put our teeth together because we didn't have a big enough bag."

"Exactly," Jack mockingly laughs as Bunny's face remains stoic, if not for the annoyed twitch in his nose and eye.

"Gentlemen, Cupid, this is about Tooth!" North interrupts, shoving between us and Bunny. "It's not a competition. But if it was..."

North slams his large sack of teeth onto the ground, making me flinch at the loudness.

"I win!!" He shouts, laughing and jumping around while firing finger guns in the air. "Yee-haw!!"

My eyes widen and we all freeze as a bright light was shined onto North, making him gasp and stumble.

"Santa Claus?" Jamie breathes out with a light gasp. He shines the light at Bunny, making him flinch. "The Easter Bunny?"

Bunny nervously laughs, nodding.


Sandy waves with a grin, unfazed.

"The Tooth Fairy!" Jamie's eyes widen as his light shines on Tooth, passing by me. "I knew you'd come!"

"Surprise! We came!" Tooth nervously giggles as Jamie shines his light around.

"He can see us?" Jack breathes out, his shoulder touching mine as he takes a step forward.

"Jack..." I trail off, sighing softly and taking his hand with a frown.

"Most of us," Bunny reminds in low tone as the light passes by me and Jack, Jamie not seeing either of us.

North glances sadly at us, Tooth frowning as she looks between Jamie and me.

Jack flinches slightly, his hand squeezing mine as his smile falls.

"You guys, Jamie is still awake," I remind, clearing my throat as it comes out weak.

"You're right! He is still awake!" Tooth parrots, pointing to Jamie.

"Sandy, knock him out!" Bunny quickly says, making Sandy narrow his eyes and punch his fist in his hand as Jamie gasps. "With the Dreamsand, you gumbies!"

"Uh-oh," I drag as Abby leaps onto the bed, snarling at Bunny.

"No! Stop! That's the Easter Bunny!" Jamie frantically shouts at Abby, crawling to her and setting his hand on her back. "What are you doing, Abby? Down!"

"All right, nobody panic," Bunny speaks slowly, waving his hand and setting his bag down.

I look between the two before looking back at Jack, his smile returning as a spark of amusement flickers in his eyes as he watching the interaction.

"Um, that's a greyhound," Jack informs, smirking and pointing to Abby. "Do you know what greyhounds do to rabbits?" He emphasises 'do', pointing at Bunny.

"They're hunting dogs, Bunny," I warn as he moves, Abby watching carefully as her shoulder blades shift up and down, ready to pounce. "Specialty? Probably rabbits."

"I think it's a pretty safe bet he's never met a rabbit like me, (Y/N)," Bunny replies, his tone somewhat sarcastic when he says my name.

Sandy looks over at me with an eyeroll directed at Bunny, making me snicker as he forms a Dreamsand ball.

"6'1, nerves of steel, amazing speed," Bunny lists, bragging as I sigh lightly and look around.

My eyes land on Jamie's alarm clock, making me smirk. I nudge Jack's shoulder, making him look back at me in question. I raise my brows, tilting my head subtly. His eyes flicker to Jamie's alarm clock besides me, a smile slowly stretching on his face as he nods. I bite my lip as my wings silently appear, stretching towards the clock.

"... Master of tai-chi, and the ancient art of--" 

My wing taps the clock, making it sound off and startle Abby.

"-- crikey!" Bunny yells, exclaiming fearfully as Abby snarls and begins to chase him.

Jack starts laughing, holding his stomach as I giggle to myself, proud I made him laugh.

My laugh was cut off my Sandy running into my legs as he smacks his Dreamsand ball around, startled by everything.

"Stop! Sit!" Jamie screams at Abby, watching her chase Bunny. "Down girl, down!"

Jack grabs my arm, leaping onto Jamie's dresser with another laugh as Bunny races past us.

"Sandy! Sandy!" North yells as Sandy tries to aim at Abby. He cries out as Bunny runs past him, nearly knocking him down.

Sandy aims and throws the ball of sand, missing Abby and nearly hitting North, but striking Tooth as he dodges it.

She collapses with a yawn, Baby Tooth doing the same as little teeth appear above them.

"Oh, no," I nervously laugh as Jack hugs me to his side so I wouldn't fall off the dresser.

"She's rabid! Get this dingo off me!" Bunny screams as the ball of sand flies around the room, striking him and Abby.

He yawns, falling as carrots appear above his head, bones for Abby.

The ball of sand hits North, making him sway as candycanes appear above him. "Candycanes!" He slurs, smacking one before collapsing onto the bed.

Jamie flies through the air with a laugh, landing in Sandy's arms as Jack and I watch with wide eyes. Sandy nods, using his magic to make Jamie fall asleep.

"My bad," I awkwardly laugh, stepping off the dresser as I look over the sleeping forms.

Bunny's carrots and North's Candycanes collide, making the carrot dance using the Candycane as a cane.

"Oh, I really wish I had a camera right now!" Jack wheezes, biting his finger lightly. "Nice work, (Y/N)! I'm actually proud!" He laughs, grinning at me.

"Why, thank you! I do my best," I joke, rubbing my neck as he throws his arm over my shoulder.

Sandy smirks and raises a brow, looking between us as I nervously grin and wave. His eyes widen as his smile falls, my head snapping to the window when I sense the Nightmare. Jack looks back, gasping as it snorts and takes off.

"Guys, come on! We can find Pitch!" Jack yells as he swiftly races after the Nightmares.

"I don't like this," I breathe out, Sandy waddling next to me and nodding in agreement. "They're usually more vigilant. Did they want to be caught?"

He shrugs in reply, a question mark above his head. I nod before sighing, sprouting my wings and taking off as Sandy closely follows.


Third Person P.O.V

Sophie enters Jamie's room, gasping softly as she looks around before giggling. She tried climbing North's coat, pausing as a Snowglobe falls from his pocket. She grabs it, gasping softly.

"Pretty...!" Her gaze lands on Bunny, making her smile widen. "Bunny! Hop, hop, hop!"

Three eggs appear in the snowglobe, making her gasp in awe and coo with a giggle. She yelps as she trips over Abby, dropping the snowglobe.

It bounces and forms a portal, making her eyes widen as she approaches it with a laugh, disappearing with the portal.

"What?! Huh?" North slurs, sitting up.

He sways lightly, passing out once more into Dreamland.


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