The Warrior Princess | c!Tech...

By sapphirestars_

617 39 7

book cover by hèath. @hessostrange in threads ________________________________ Only to those who wish to know... More

The Warrior Princess - Author's Note
RECAP from The Runaway Princess (PART 1)
RECAP from The Runaway Princess (PART 2)
RECAP from The Runaway Princess (PART 3)
CHAPTER 1 | Restart
CHAPTER 2 | Found
CHAPTER 3 | Secretary
CHAPTER 4 | Uncertainty
CHAPTER 6 | Missing in Action
CHAPTER 7 | Not Alone
Chapter 8 | Betrayal after Betrayal
Chapter 9 | Drowning

CHAPTER 5 | A Deadly Wish

40 3 3
By sapphirestars_

[A/N: This chapter has a lot of scenarios and some of these stories, I mixed it because there's a lot of research that needs to be done and I'm...too lazy (and too busy) to do that--

p.s: Please read the end note of this chapter. Thank you]


Previously on the last chapter,

"Y/N! We need to leave! They might look for us," Niki urged, her voice tinged with urgency as she reminded you of the impending danger.

"Tommy, Wilbur," you nodded in acknowledgement. "Let's go, Niki."

You began to bow down slightly out of habit but stopped midway, realizing the absurdity of the gesture.

"Pfftt, why'd you bow down, woman? It's just us hahaha," Tommy teased.

"Oh...erm... the force of habit. Did that most of the time at...Manburg," you explained, your voice softening as you reminisce.

"Well, that sucks. Can't believe Schlatt would force you to do that sh--Ugh I bet he asks you to do that because he's an EmPorer" Tommy looked at you weirdly.

Technoblade smirked at your discomfort, trying to tease you, but you looked away, refusing to indulge in the banter.

"Goodnight to you all. Let's go now, Niki," you said, your tone carrying a sense of finality.

With that, you and Niki left Pogtopia, retreating from the underground refuge and back into the world of uncertainty and danger that awaited outside.

You urged Niki to move, a sense of urgency in your movements as you scanned the area near the Pogtopia entrance."Come on, Niki."

Unbeknownst to both of you, a pair of watchful eyes observed your departure from afar, hidden behind the tree.


Present time,...

Sapnap watched from a distance as Niki and Y/n sneaked away from an unfamiliar cave. He then walked away and returned to the White House.

"Sapnap! Why are you still here? Don't ask for overtime; I'm not paying you extra," Schlatt grumbled, rubbing his temple.

"My apologies for disturbing your night, sir. I have reported about your favourite woman who enjoys breaking Manburg's rules," Sapnap said with a smile.

"Who?" Schlatt asked, exhaling smoke from his cigarette.

"Why, it's Y/n, of course," Sapnap replied with a sinister smile.


"Okay, let's go," you signalled to Niki as you both headed toward your home.

As you and Niki entered your home, a sense of relief washed over you.

"Finally, we're out of their sight," you sighed, the weight of secrecy lifting.

"Okay, spill. What's up with you and Technoblade?" Niki anticipated, her eyes narrowing playfully.

"What?" You were clueless, trying to play innocent.

"Hmm?" Niki raised an eyebrow, pointing at the door of your house.

"Nothing," you said, putting your hands up in mock surrender.

"Yeah, sure. Well, goodnight then, love birds," Niki laughed it off, teasingly.

"N-Niki!! Was it that obvious??! Niki!!" you blushed and chased after her, the embarrassment evident in your voice.


Sapnap, with a sly grin, continued, "Seems like your favourite rebel has been up to some nighttime adventures. I spotted her sneaking out of an unknown cave with Niki. They were pretty stealthy, you know, like they've done it before."

Schlatt, intrigued yet annoyed, took a drag of his cigarette. "And what's the report? What are they up to?"

Sapnap leaned in, creating an air of conspiracy. "Rumors say they might be up to something with Pogtopia. Secret meetings, covert plans, you know the deal."

Schlatt's eyes narrowed. "Pogtopia, huh? They're playing with fire. We can't have people running around doing whatever they want."

Sapnap nodded. "Exactly, sir. Someone needs to remind them of the rules."

Schlatt smirked. "Let them think they're sneaky for now. We'll play along until the right moment to remind them who's in charge."

Sapnap saluted. "Understood, sir. Anything else?"

Schlatt dismissed him with a wave. "Keep an eye on them, Sapnap. I want to know every move they make."

As Sapnap left, Schlatt pondered the implications. Y/n, a wildcard in his carefully constructed world, was making moves. This called for a closer look, a tightening of the reins. The game was on, and Schlatt was ready to play.


As Niki continued teasing, you joined in the laughter, realizing that maybe the connection between you and Technoblade wasn't as subtle as you thought.

"Come on, spill the details. I need to know everything," Niki urged, her curiosity uncontainable.

Rolling your eyes, you decided to share a bit. "Well, we're planning an adventure tomorrow at 8pm."

Niki's eyes widened with excitement. "An adventure? That's huge! Where are you two going?"

"Techno mentioned he found a place during his search for me. I guess it's a surprise," you explained, your mind already wandering to the possibilities of the coming day.

Niki nudged you playfully. "A surprise adventure with Technoblade? You've got yourself a knight in shining armour, huh?"

You blushed a bit, dismissing her comment with a laugh. "It's nothing like that. Just two friends going on an adventure."

But Niki wasn't convinced. "Friends, huh? We'll see about that. Now spill more details!"

The two of you bantered and laughed, the warmth of friendship filling the room.


[A/N: This isn't part of the lore but I had to mix it with the story for this book--]

"UGHH WHAT THE FUC----------" Quackity's loud yell cut through the quiet as he accidentally stepped into a pile of cow dung.

"Where did that come from?" Fundy asked, looking around for the source.

"No idea! Now my sneakers are dirty and stink. Ugh, I'll be right back," Quackity complained, walking away.

Sapnap, coming from the White House, heard the noise. "What's with the yelling?" he asked, joining Fundy.

"Quackity stepped on a cow's poop," Fundy laughed.

"Hmm," Sapnap said, spotting a red cow in the distance. He wondered if he should have dealt with this issue earlier.


Gazing at the ceiling, sleep remained elusive, and a wave of sadness washed over you. Questions about why some couldn't be revived and why your parents weren't revived lingered in your mind. Why did you survive? The weight of these thoughts led to tears, and eventually, you cried yourself to sleep.

Suddenly, a noise at 3 AM startled you awake. Checking the kitchen for the source, a rumbling sound outside piqued your curiosity. Approaching the trashcans cautiously, you encountered a raccoon, dispelling your initial anxiety. Sighing with relief, you turned away but inadvertently stumbled into a hole.

"Shi-- Niki?!" you called out, but there was no response. Determined to climb back up, you heard a faint whisper.

"Y/N~~" a voice called.

"Oh, hell no," you muttered, trying to return to sleep.

Despite your efforts, you found yourself in a cave, surrounded by mysterious red vines. The eerie vibes sent shivers down your spine, and the dim light revealed an enigmatic scene. In the centre of the room lay a singular black egg, reminiscent of a dragon egg but with an otherworldly aura, calling out to you.

"Ow!" A thorn nicked your hand, drawing a bit of blood.

"Uh..." you looked around, stumbling upon the peculiar egg.

"I know what you truly want," the egg stated.

You went closer to the egg to see you are not hearing things.

"You want your old life back, right?" the egg asked.

"It's impossible," you thought. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm good," you said aloud, walking away.

"Or do you want your Technoblade?" the egg persisted.

'What' you stop on your track.



Sapnap, spotting the red cow from afar, realized it was no ordinary animal-it was Tommy's beloved pet, Henry. An impish grin spread across Sapnap's face as a mischievous idea took hold.

"I've got to do something about this," Sapnap muttered to Fundy, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

"What are you planning?" Fundy asked, sensing trouble.

"Watch and learn," Sapnap replied cryptically.

With a swift and stealthy move, Sapnap approached Henry and, in one smooth motion, hoisted the cow onto his shoulders. The unsuspecting animal let out a surprised "moo" as Sapnap made his move.

Fundy, witnessing the bizarre scene, couldn't help but burst into laughter. "You're kidnapping a cow?"

"Not just any cow. This is Tommy's precious Henry," Sapnap grinned, adjusting his grip on the struggling bovine.

As word spreads about Henry's sudden disappearance, chaos begins.


"Do you want your Technoblade?" the egg persisted.

That made you stop. "What's that supposed to mean?" you questioned, feeling defensive.

"Don't you With this pink-haired guy? Don't you want to know what he has done throughout five years of searching for you?" the egg inquired, leaving you silent.

'I don't like where this is going. I'm sure he didn't do anything wrong throughout the 5 years....right?' you thought to yourself.

'But...having an old life back?... Will everyone that couldn't be revived... comes back to life?' you began to have a second thought.

'Will mom and dad be revived?' you stared to the ground.

"What do I need to do?" you whispered.

"I'll tell you when you wake up," the egg promised.

"What?" confusion set in.

"You should wake up," the egg repeated.

"What?" you felt like falling.

"Y/n! Wake up! It's shopping day!!" Niki's voice snapped you awake.

Was it all just a dream? Shopping with Niki felt surreal, and as you looked at your left hand, a small scar from the thorn remained, now adorned with dark red veins. You needed to cover this quickly before anyone noticed.


Morning time,...

You and Niki were nestled in a cozy corner of the cafe, sipping your drinks.

"I can't believe it's so expensive! We could've bought it for way less," Niki complained.

"And it's a limited edition," you chimed in.

"Ugh, currency in Manburg is getting ridiculous these days," Niki sighed.

"Y/n, what do you know about the Badlands?" Niki asked, curiosity glinting in her eyes.

Setting down your tea, you whispered, "Never met them, but I think they're neutral with us-Pogtopia and Manburg, I mean." There was an undertone of caution in your voice.

"I've heard there's something fishy about them," Niki added, nibbling on her bread.

"What do you mean?" you inquired, raising an intrigued eyebrow.

Before Niki could respond, a group of people nearby started talking loudly, drowning out the conversation.

"Did you hear? Sapnap went crazy, torturing animals or something."

"I heard it was Tommy's cow, Henry."

"Tommy has a pet cow?"

Amidst the chatter, you were interrupted by someone addressing you.

"Commander Y/N?" a familiar voice called out.

"Matthew," you exclaimed. "What's the problem?"

"There's urgency in the office," he said.

"It's a day off, right?" you questioned.

"I honestly have no clue. The author is currently confused on that part," Matthew replied.

"What?" you exclaimed.

"Cough...My apologies. It's the president's strict order," Matthew clarified.

You sighed, glancing at the time. "It's already past 5. I have time to get ready when I'm done with this issue."

"Go ahead, duty calls you, while I bring all these bags back to your house," Niki suggested.

"Yeah, yeah, okay...thanks," you sighed, rising from your seat, ready to face the unexpected urgency.


The woods stirred with the soft murmur of leaves as a familiar figure emerged from the shadows, beckoning you with a mix of relief and surprise evident in his eyes, highlighted by the moonlight. Initially, you held back, unsure if this person retained memories of you.

"Y/N, Y/N, it's me, Karl," he whispered urgently, disbelief colouring his tone.

"Karl Jacobs...?" you responded, your voice tinged with astonishment.

"Karl, you... remember me? I thought you were gone, lost to the past. About the book you gave to Dream back then-" you began, but Karl interrupted, urgency etched across his features.

"Let's cut to the chase. I didn't lose my memories because the book I handed to Dream was different. Foolish, another Demi-God, gave me a copy resembling the Time Traveller, suspecting DreamXD's mischief," Karl explained, his gaze piercing.

"So, you're saying...?" you pressed, the weight of the revelation settling in.

"The combination of books by DreamXD, which is the Anavíosi Book (Revival book), is risky because one of them is a fake," Karl clarified, his expression serious.

"I don't know how, but why is there always trouble in every realm you visit?" Karl pondered, lines forming on his forehead.

"Why? What's waiting for Y/N in this realm?" you asked, seeking more details.

"In this dimension, you've taken her place. Essentially, you dodged death in the other realm. You outsmarted it," Karl revealed, a sense of acceptance in his voice.

"So, in this realm...?" you trailed off, a knot of fear forming.

"You're... more likely to die," Karl dropped the bombshell.

"In what way?" Fear trembled in your voice.

"I can't say," Karl replied, his words shrouded in mystery.

"A hint, maybe?" you urged, desperation colouring your tone.

Karl wished he could provide more, but suddenly, both of you heard someone approaching the front door of the White House.

"You followed someone. Someone you shouldn't. You need to stay away as far as possible," Karl offered, leaving a trail of uncertainty.

"That's it?" Frustration and resignation coloured your words.

"Yeah, that's it. I can't repeat the same riddle as 'The Runaway Princess' book," Karl shrugged, adopting a nonchalant stance.

"What?" Confusion clouded your expression.

"Never mind. Anyway-" Karl began, but you cut in.

"What do you mean by-" you started, but Karl abruptly cut you off.

"Welp, I gotta go!" With that, he swiftly retreated into the shadows.

"Karl!" Your voice echoed through the woods, but he vanished from sight.

"Arghhhh! Stupid hints." Frustration laced your words as you entered the White House, a myriad of questions swirling in your mind.


"You wish to see me, sir?" you inquired, entering Schlatt's office with an air of formality.

"Where were you yesterday night?" Schlatt's gaze pierced through you.

"Home," you replied, your tone steady.

"Huh. Sure. Sapnap said you went to a certain cave," Schlatt probed, testing the waters.

You maintained composure, a faint smile playing on your lips. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Pogtopia," Schlatt stated, watching for any subtle reactions.

Your face remained a mask of innocence. "What's that?" you questioned, feigning ignorance.

"New enemy's country name. Now, where is it?" Schlatt demanded, his impatience evident.

"I don't know," you insisted, playing the part of an unknowing pawn.

"Tie her up in the chair," Schlatt ordered the guards, his suspicion intensifying.

As the guards approached, you couldn't make any sudden movements, so you acted as natural as possible, concealing any signs of anxiety. The room took on an ominous atmosphere as you awaited the next move in this dangerous game of deception.



Exactly at 8 pm, a resonant knock echoed through the door, announcing Technoblade's arrival. Niki opened it, and Techno, with a raised eyebrow, queried, "Niki? Why are you in Y/n's house?"

"I'm staying here temporarily. Why are you here?" Niki responded her expression a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

"I'm looking for Y/n Have you seen her?" Techno inquired, scanning the room.

"No, I haven't-Tommy?" Niki's attention shifted as she noticed a hurried Tommy rushing towards them.

Tommy arrived breathless, clearly preoccupied with another matter, seemingly oblivious to Y/n's whereabouts. "Technoblade, I need your help. This is urgent!" Tommy exclaimed urgently.

"What happened this time?" Techno questioned, his voice maintaining its characteristic monotone.

"JUST FOLLOW ME QUICK. You too, Niki! You need to help me!!!" Tommy urged, anxiety evident in his voice.

With a resigned sigh, Technoblade conceded, "Fine. Let's go," as they embarked on another unforeseen adventure.


The room was charged with tension as Schlatt, a sinister smirk etched on his face, wiped blood off his knuckles. You stood there, a testament to the brutality you had endured - bruised, beaten, and utterly exhausted.

"Where the fuc- is Pogtopia?" Schlatt demanded once more.

"I don't know. How many times do I have to tell you?" you defiantly muttered, the pain evident in your voice.

"Sir, Niki is not found at her house--" one of the soldiers arrived.

"FUC--. Find her. Leave now or you'll be next in line." Schlatt pointed at you. The soldier that once arrived, left in a hurry, afraid that he'll be the next victim.

"YOU BETRAYED MANBURG!!" Schlatt bellowed, his rage reverberating through the room.

"It's not even my country," you shot back, a defiant glint in your eyes despite the visible agony.

"Sir, might as well make her into a weapon," a soldier suggested, the chilling idea lingering in the air.

"Shut up. And to whom do I want her to be a weapon for?" Schlatt mused, a sinister smile playing on his lips.

"Technoblade," another soldier proposed.

That suggestion elicited a dark chuckle from Schlatt. "Bring me more equipment," he ordered, his mind seemingly fixated on a malevolent plan.

" can't do that- The soldiers need me. I'm the commander-!!, you protested, desperation seeping into your voice.

"Then I'll 'fix' you up into a better commander." Schlatt says.

As the soldiers scurried to fulfil Schlatt's demands, a sinking feeling settled in your gut. 'I'm sorry, Techno... I don't think I can make it to the date we promised,' you thought, tears streaming down your battered face.

Hours later, your agonizing screams reverberated through the cold, dimly lit room, a stark reminder of the cruelty you were enduring at the hands of those who had once claimed to be allies.



Technoblade POV

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the landscape as Tommy's team, consisting of Tommy, Dream, Technoblade, and Niki (who managed to escape Sapnap's grasp), faced off against Sapnap's team-Sapnap, Skeppy, BadBoyHalo, Antfrost, and Punz-near the shimmering lake. The air was thick with tension as both sides contemplated their next move.

"Battle of the lake?" Tommy queried Sapnap across the reflective water.

Sapnap nodded solemnly. "Battle of the lake."

Technoblade, seemingly unimpressed, interjected, "We doing this then? The Battle of the Lake?"

However, his words were largely ignored as the attention remained fixed on the ostensibly strategic yet naturally occurring lake.

"There's literally a tower right there, and you thought that this naturally generated lake was the most significant landmark?" Techno remarked to Tommy, a hint of incredulity in his monotone voice.

The battle unfolded, and, as anticipated, Technoblade emerged victorious. After the skirmish, he approached Tommy, his expression unchanged as he inquired, "Tommy, have you seen Y/n?"

"No." Tommy, seemingly uninterested, took back his pet cow, Henry, and made his way back to Pogtopia, leaving Techno to mull over the unanswered question.

Days passed, and the absence of any word from you left Technoblade feeling defeated. He considered the possibility that you were engrossed in training soldiers, preparing for the imminent war.

"It makes sense since she's the commander of the army," Tommy remarked casually.

"She's on their side now," Wilbur added, his words carrying a weight of uncertainty.

Maintaining his monotone demeanour, Technoblade silently absorbed this information, his thoughts shrouded in the mystery of your whereabouts.



Dear readers,

I want to express my sincere gratitude for your unwavering support throughout this book. It's been an incredible journey, and I am truly thankful for each and every one of you. I must admit, I've stepped back from the fandom due to the overwhelming demands of research. But my love for these characters and for all of you who've been a part of this book keeps me going. I'm committed to finishing it by the end of this year, and I apologize for the delays. I'm sorry if my writing ever upset anyone. It was never my intention. Your support means the world to me.

Technoblade, your impact is unforgettable. You'll always be remembered for your skills, vibes, and humor. I still miss you.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Let's finish this book together.

Your author,


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