I Don't Remember You (Nico di...

By SimplyPossible

62.6K 1.9K 1.2K

"Out of all the shadows though, it was the boy on the end that caught my attention the most. He had black hai... More

Dreams of Her
Sometimes the Real Monsters are the Ones Closest to You
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (not an actual part of the story)
On The Road Again
A Start a Warning and a New Companion
St. Louis
Starry Night
Lotus Hotel and Casino
Into the Underworld
Marked by Death
What Now
The End


3.2K 113 36
By SimplyPossible

After letting Will check my vitals and stuff to make sure I was alright to function properly, I was released from the infirmary. Nico insisted on showing me around since I didn't remember anything and after a lot of arguing, screaming, and trying to convince him that I'd be able to find my own way around, we had finally left the infirmary and were on a tour of sorts.

We passed fields of strawberries, a forest, a giant farm house painted sky blue, twelve cabins made in a horseshoe shape, even more cabins in another area, a climbing wall (was that lava spewing out of it???), an archery range, an amphitheater, an open air pavilion that I assumed was the mess hall, a forge where kids were hammering their own weapons, stables (was I going crazy or did those horses have wings?), volleyball courts where campers and satyrs (thank you Ancient Greek class for giving me knowledge) played against each other, and an arena where kids would duel each other (I almost had a heart attack when a sword swung at me). All along the way, when Nico and I would pass people, they would smile and wave at me like we were old friends.

I felt like I should know these people some how, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I was lost in thought as Nico led me towards the separate set of cabins where he said mine was.

He noticed my look and took my hand. "Are you ok?"

The sudden touch made me jolt and I yanked my hand away. i looked up into his dark eyes. "Yeah. This is just all so bizarre to me."

He smiled sympathetically at me. "I know. I felt the same way. Come on. Let's go to your cabin."

I nodded and followed him through the giant buildings. I gazed up at them. "So which one is mine?"

"Cabin twenty-one; Nyx. its just up ahead."

I frowned. I vaguely remembered Nyx from my mythology books back at school. "Isn't she in Tartarus?"

He nods. "And that's where you were born."

"What do you mean?"

He chuckled. "This sounds really awful, but you were born in hell."

I stifled a laugh. "You're joking."

"No I'm not. You were born in Tartarus and stayed there until you were two. After your second birthday your mother sent you here to the mortal world to live with your father."

I frowned. "Did I know this before I, you know, lost my memory?"

He nods. "And you were so crazy that every winter break you would travel down to Tartarus to go find her."

"Did I ever reach her?"

He shook his head sadly. "Not yet."

I frowned. "So I won't ever get to see her?"

He frowned. "Well, I wouldn't say that. There's a slim chance that she might be able to visit you in your dreams. But it's not unusual for demigods to never meet their parents or if they do it's only once in their life."

I looked at him. "Who's your godly parent then?"

He looked down like he was skeptical about how I would react. "Hades. Lord of the dead."

I raised an eyebrow. "Nice. So you literally have the dead at your fingertips?"

He chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I do."

I grinned. "Then you've got to be some sort of Ghost King."

Nico's POV:

I can't believe it. She called me Ghost King. That was what she would always call me back when she was here at camp. It was like her pet name for me.

I wonder if she's remembering.

Shelby's POV:

His eyes went wide and began to water when I called him that.

I frowned. "Nico? Are you ok? Is it something I said."

He smiled. "Yeah. It's just that, before you disappeared, you'd always call me Ghost King and... I really missed you."

I smiled softly. "I wish I remembered. I wish I remembered you, and camp and everything. I thought that, back in Colorado, that was my life, but now that you've entered, or re-entered, my life I don't know anymore. You all are telling me that this place has been my home for six years and its making me question everything. I feel like I'm missing a giant part of my identity and I want to remember. No, I need to remember."

Nico wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. "And you will. I promise. I swear on the River Styx that I will do anything and everything in my power to help you remember."

Thunder rumbled in the sky and I flinched.

Nico chuckled. "I forgot you were scared of thunder."

I laughed. "Come on. I want to see my cabin!" I ran off through the cabins towards a single pitch black one towards the back of the cluster and camouflaged in darkness. I stopped outside the door and looked at the silver 21 hanging above the door frame. I put my hand in the door handle and it immediately swung open. I peered inside to see a black room furnished with a single black bed, a dresser, night stand, a flat screen television, a separate door that led off to what I assumed was a bathroom, and pictures lining the walls.

I looked inside cautiously and traced the furniture with my fingertips as I passed them. I looked at the pictures and stopped. They were all of me and other campers. I saw one of Annabeth and I making funny faces with a outdoorsy back drop and another of Leo and I at the forge. I looked at one where I was soaking wet and glaring at Percy who was laughing his head off. I smiled at one where Jason and I were soaring through the air, him holding me like a blonde superman. There was one where I was all dressed up and Piper was applying make up to my face and another where Frank and I were at archery. In yet another one Hazel and I were examining jewels and smiling. But it was the one that hung above the bed that really touched me.

In the picture I was sitting on the beach in Nico' s lap. His arms were wrapped around me in a protective manor an he wore a content smile on his face. I was leaning against his chest gazing up at the sky and a reddish glow lit up my face.

"I still remember that day," Nico said softly from the doorway. "It was the Fourth of July (A/N: does anyone get that reference?), the first one we celebrated together. We sat on the beach and watched the fireworks alone together. That was also the night when I had planned to kiss you for the first time but because I was too nervous you ended up kissing me." He laughed a little at the memory and walked in.

I looked at it. "Sounds like an amazing memory. I wish I could remember it." With out waiting for a response I walked over to the single bed and traced the designs on the bed posts. I sat down. "Why is there only one bed in here? Don't I have siblings?"

He shook his head. "No. You are her only Demigod child. Sure you have other siblings, Eris, the fates, Achlys, and quite a few others, but they are all gods. You're the only one here at Camp."

I nodded and sat down. "So I'm all alone?"

He shook his head. "Not at all. Before you disappeared I'd always shadow travel into your cabin and chat with you. More then once I ended up spending the night here." He bent down and reached under the bed to pull out a trundle.

I laughed. "Wow. We must have been really close."

He nodded. "We were. And I hope we can be that close again." He kicked the trundle back under the bed and sat down next to me.

I looked at him. "How did I lose my memory anyways?"

He frowned. "I honestly don't know. If I had to take a guess, I'd say that you lost your memory the same way Percy and Jason did. Some god or goddess must have taken it."

"But why? Why me?"

He shrugged. "Beats me." He stood up and walked towards the door. "I'll leave you alone now. Dinner is in ten." He flashed a smile at me before walking out of my cabin and closing the door.

I laid down and sighed. This was all so new to me. No, it was familiar, I just didn't remember.

A horn sounded across the valley and I stood up to go to dinner. As I walked along I looked at the camp. I'd remember this place sooner or later, and once I did, I'd hold onto those memories with everything I had.


Yo guys. Sorry it's been a while and if the book may be sounding a bit boring but it will get interesting soon.

On a completely unrelated note, I drove a car for the first time today. Granted it was at like twenty-five mph and on 2,000 acres of land, but it was still driving. My great uncle said I drove his stick shift better than a 17 year old. O felt pretty proud.

Anyways, what are you guys thinking about this book so far? I need the feedback.

Like always PLEASE vote and comment and I'll see you in the next chapter my Possibilities.

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