Us Against The World

By Uniquelywritten86

113K 5.5K 5.1K

With all the madness surrounding the couple they finally agree to focus on bettering their relationship. Whic... More

This Is Our Relationship
Blue Light 2.0
No More Disrespect!
Therapy Saved Us
Creating Memories I Never Had
The Truth Will Reveal Itself
Checkmate Bitch!
So Called Friends
Almost To The Finish Line
Therapy Won't Fix This
Things Ain't What It Seems
The Day Has Come
A Weight Has Been Lifted
We All Have Choices
No New Friends
New Beginnings
It Could Have Been Worse
It's Always Something
No More Talking
One Step At A Time
We All Have A Past
Eviction Day Came Early
Everyone Can't Be Trusted
You Gone Learn Today
Growing and Glowing
Let Me Cater To You
Our Family Is Crazy
Doing Better Than Ever
People Stay Testing Us
New Neighbors New Problems
Fatima's Big Heart
It's Not Easy Letting Go
I'm Gone Protect Mines!
Old Run Ins & New Relationships
She's Gone
Mending Bridges
Baby Girl 💜♥️ ❤️
They Stay Fucking With Me
Now Run And Tell That
Close Call
Who Are You
Our New Home
One Step At A Time
House Party
Caught Cheating
It's Time
Zaya Marie Taylor 💜
Our Family Is Complete
A Big Help
Stepping Out on Faith
Us Against The World Still....
A Lot Has Happened
Daddy's Home
2nd Run In
Pay Attention To The Signs
New Distractions
Someone From Our Past
Nasty Ass
Time Is Up
Playing Nice
Bitches Playing Dirty
It Must Be Done
Bye Bitches
You Got The Right One
Double Dose Of Stalking
Who Are These Bitches
You've Met Your Match
Game Plan
Too Busy For Home
What Are We Doing?
Still Got Work To Do
Lets Get Away
He's Back
Vacation Over
You're To Blame

There's Always Some Truth

1.3K 54 74
By Uniquelywritten86

Zac: Babe you who where I put my wallet

Fatima: Do you got some money in it

Zac: Only $40 why

Fatima: Then it's over there in the chair I can't do nothing with $40

Zac: I mean if you need some just get it out the safe

Fatima: Okay daddy I want to go shopping for the baby and we need to start thinking about a name for babygirl.

Zac: Can her name at least start with a Z she can take after her daddy

Fatima: I can work with that

Zac: Okay I gotta run I got a meeting at 10am. Try to have a good day babe don't let no one ruin your day

Fatima: Thanks Babe I'll try

I finished getting myself together so I could get to work too. Angela blew up my phone all night I had to turn it off I knew once I turned it back on all the messages would start coming.

When I got to the office Andi was waiting in my office

Andi: Good Morning sunshine how are you doing?

Fatima: I'm good

Andi: I wanted to check on you and make sure you were good especially after what happened last night

Fatima: I don't know why I feel like that needed to happen. I'm tired to being there for everyone and I'm definitely to old for high school games

Andi: Trust me I know. Just know your real friends got your back through think and thin

Fatima: Thank you Andi I really appreciate

Andi: You know I got you for life the amount of stuff you've helped me get through we stuck

Fatima: Up and stuck you hear me

Andi: Period well I am about to head into this meeting just let me know if you need anything

Fatima: Okay

I made sure to let the front desk know don't just let Angela walk back to my office. I hope she stayed her ass upstairs

I was about to get a lot of work done but babygirl started acting up. She kept moving and it felt like she was kicking my ribcage. That must have been her comfortable spot for her because everything time I tired to move her she ended back in the same spot.

Zac: How you think that meeting went?

Bryce: I think it went well and the money is coming in business is booming

Zac: Yes one deal after another, we just need to make sure all our ducks are in a row we can't afford for any fuck ups. Everything needs to be done right

Bryce: Totally. I heard that things got a little messy yesterday with Fatima and Angela

Zac: Aht Aht

Bryce: What Angela said she has been messaging and calling Fatima but she's not returning her calls. She wanted me to talk to you

Zac: Hell no that's they business I am staying out of it and you should do the same

Bryce: Maybe your right

Zac: I know I'm right and I don't want none of their issues or your issues spilling over into our business

Bryce: Naw we're good man.

Zac: Okay no girl talk

Bryce: Got it

Zac: Okay I'm about to go surprise my woman and take her to lunch

Bryce: Do you want to do a double lunch date

Zac: Hell no, so Fatima can cut my head off. You tried it you betta go take Angela somewhere else

Bryce: Alright man see you later

His ass really tried it my ass may be slow some times but I ain't that slow. Fatima would kick my ass and put me on the couch hell no

We need to hurry up and move so when she try to put me on the couch I can just go to the guest bedroom where I can get a good nights sleep. That couch is the devil and very uncomfortable

I pulled up to the law firm it felt nice walking in and not seeing Hayden bitch ass. It took to long for him to get fired with his little short man syndrome self.

The receptionist let me walk on back. I walked in on her and Andi talking

Fatima: Babe what are you doing here

Zac: I wanted to take my special lady on a lunch date that's if Andi approves

Andi: Of course long has you bring me back a salad

Zac: I got you I will even bring you 2 dressings back because you know one is never enough

Andi: Oh you're awesome

Zac: Oh I know

Fatima: Okay Andi I will see you in a few

As we were walking towards the elevator I heard someone calling my name Zac looked back and seen it was Angela

He hurried up and kept pressing the button to open the elevator

He looked her dead in her eyes and watch the door close on her

Zac: Nope not today satin you ain't about to ruin our lunch

Fatima: You just close the door on her

Zac: Yup no fake friends on this elevator

She tried to get Bryce to talk to me this morning about you not responding

Fatima: Really?

Zac: I told him I'm not it in and he needs to stay out of it too

Fatima: Damn right

Zac: He tried to do a double lunch date

Fatima: I'm glad you turned it down cause I would have knocked her ass across the table

Zac: Okay pregnant lady we ain't knocking nobody across any tables

Fatima: I will if I have to

Zac: Come on so I can feed my babies

We ate lunch and I got her back to the office

Andi: Where my salad?

Zac: Damn I forgot it why didn't you text and remind me

Andi: See now I have to eat a granola bar

Zac: I'm just playing you know I got you

Andi: Aw thanks Zac you do like me

Zac: Barely I just tolerate you

Fatima: Zac

Zac: I'm just playing a little

Fatima: Forgive him he ain't got no home training

Zac: My momma dropped me a couple times it's her fault. Naw I'm just playing I'll see you when I get home babe.

Fatima: Alright

I didn't have anything else to do so I headed home to cut the grass I had a couple viewing this week so I wanted to make sure the yard was presentable

I put my AirPods in and played me some Tupac , I was in my zone.

Fatima pulled up just as I was about to finish

Fatima: I see you out here putting on a show for the neighborhood

Zac: Only show I put on is for you

Fatima: You out here don't got on no clothes

Zac: I got on basketball shorts and I made sure my package was lockdown. I didn't want to distract the people from a far. You know cause you can see dick Jango from far away

Fatima: I can't with you I am about to go shower

Zac: Keep the water warm I'm about to join you

Fatima: Okay hurry up

Zac: I'm coming

About 10 minutes later I seen a car pull up

who the hell coming over here unannounced, I was looking all in their car

Until I seen it was Angela

Awe hell her ass always showing up unannounced

Angela: Hey Zac

Zac: Angela

Angela: Is Fatima home

Zac: Ummm I'm not sure I been cutting grass

Angela: Why you lying I know she got here like 10 minutes ago

Zac: What the hell you stalking her now and if you knew why you asking

Angela: No she's not returning any of my calls or texts

Zac: You think?

Angela: Look I know I said some shit I didn't mean but she don't need to be acting like this we got history

Zac: History means nothing when it comes to disrespect you of all people should know that especially after what happened to Belinda

Angela: I didn't mean any of what I said I was just mad she brought that Eboni girl around.

Zac: Whether you want to believe it or not there is always some truth into what people say. Even when you're mad or hurt, the thought still crossed your mind. You need to own your fault

But Fatima don't want to talk to you right now so the best thing you can do is giver her space and stop showing up unannounced

Angela: Whatever Zac you acting like you know her

Zac: Maybe I do maybe I don't but at least she ain't gotta worry about me switching up.

Now if you can get off my property before the sprinklers get you

Angela: Fuck you Zac

Zac Naw yo friend already tried it I'll pass

She got in her car and slammed the door

How the fuck you gone come over here and act like you got an attitude when yo ass brought this on yourself.

I waved at her as she sped off.

I walked in and Fatima was getting out the shower.

Zac: No I said I was coming

Fatima: I waited 15 minutes for you

Zac: I got stopped your friend showed up

Fatima: Who?

Zac: Angela

Fatima: What the hell she want?

Zac: She wanted to talk to you she followed you

Fatima: So now she a stalker I can't

Zac: I told her to give you your space then her ass started talking crazy. I see why you taking a break her ass a little touched too.

Fatima: Her popping up is not going to make me talk to her faster.

Zac: I told her that well since you already took your shower guess I'll take one by myself

Fatima: I tried to wait babe I'm tired and I just want to get in the bed and relax

Zac: Go get comfortable I will see you when I get out

By the time I got out the shower Fatima was knocked out, I don't know if the baby is draining all her energy but she be going to be early.

I pulled the cover up on her then went downstairs to watch some TV so I wouldn't wake her up

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