𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫...


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"Someone you find yourself thinking all the time; a person you are completely infatuated with" She hated th... More

! NOTE !


1.1K 27 20

THE smell of food lingered around the apartment. Your hair covered up with a blanket along with wearing some comfortable clothes. You had just finished your shower and now currently cooking some breakfast. Waking up early, cooking breakfast then checking up on your cousin who just lives next door, has become a habit after your first year of high school.

Now is your first day of second year in Hakuho High. Just like your cousin, you were also a scholar thanks to for the help of his parents along with yours. As thanks for helping you enroll on such a elite school, you decided to try and take care of your cousin. Seishiro Nagi, one of the most laziest person you've meet when you were little. You grew up with him, your mothers were siblings so to say the least, out of all the cousins you have, he's your closest.

Once you finished your cooking, you walked out of your apartment first then taking out an extra key for Nagi's. You opened the door with the extra key you have on you that your cousin gave since you knew that he will take time to even open the door because on how lazy he is. The logical decision for you now is to have an extra key to his apartment.

Stepping into the place, you did what you usually do there. You placed some drink and snack on the fridge, hoping and praying that he will eat them because he's too lazy to even eat since it's a 'pain' or a 'hassle'.

You then walked up to Nagi who is sleeping soundly on the bed. The room was dark but the sun rising was enough to make it dim for you to see. "Nagi" You called, leaning down a bit and shaking his head, he hummed only as a response. "I placed food in the fridge, for the love of- just eat them okay?" You scold, he just hummed again before turning on his sleep. "Jeez" a sigh escape your lips, standing up straight again and placing your hand on your hip. "I'll check tonight. Please eat something" It was your last request before looking over at the cactus plant by his window.

"Choki, please make sure he eats" You smiled, waving at the plant before heading back to your own apartment after closing the door of his room and apartment. You removed the towel on your head before eating your breakfast. Munching on the food while scrolling through social trying to ignore the fact how lonely yet enjoyable it is to eat alone.

When finished you did the rest of your routine and headed off to school. Closing the door and locking it behind you with your keys before placing them in your wallet.

The sun was rising as you walked and you still couldn't help but worry and think about your cousin's lifestyle. "Who am I kidding as long as he's alive and breathing. Not to mention I'm surprised he's still looking healthy despite his lazy ass" You mutter, entering the school campus. Walking to one of the billboard, you went ahead to check your class. Eyes going up and down until you see your name and also your cousin.

"We're in the same class.." You mutter. 'I guess it's okay' it would be nice to have someone you're close with in class. Satisfied after seeing your name and his, you went straight ahead to the classroom. Entering the room, your eyes lingered at some of the students inside, some talking to their friends and some are waiting for theirs.

Though some lingering feeling had started to strangle on your guts, as if something might happen. Not wanting your day to be destroyed early in the morning you just shrugged it off and sat down on the seat near the front.

You took out your phone and went ahead to text Nagi, telling him that you two are in the same class. He replied with an 'Thank you, (Y/N)' that was enough to tell you that he's awake. "Was he playing games?" You mutter.

Ten minutes passed and you could hear chatting through your headphones, you turned around and saw a group of kids surrounding and chatting a purple haired guy as they walk past the classroom. Your eyes stared at him for a while. "Mikage Reo.." This was the closest you could see him in. You've heard about how rich he is. Heir of a billionaire company, smart, handsome, and all the more reason why he's popular.

'Now that I remember.. Both of us are the top students of our class'

You've seen his name many times in the class ranking. Your attention now went to Nagi who just walked in the class and immediately sat beside you. "You're faster than usual" a smile forms on your lips, he hums and immediately slouched down on his desk. "Going to school is a pain" he complained "Seishiro, you always find everything a hassle and a pain every time you would do something other than playing video games" You sigh.

"So mean (Y/N)" he stares at you, seeing your eyes plastered on a book with your headphones still on. "I mean what I say" You reply before hearing the bell ring after another 10 minutes.


The sound of the teacher's voice made you yawn while tapping on the page of your notebook. You looked over to the side and saw your cousin sleeping beside you with his textbook covering his head. A quiet sigh escaped your lips before looking out the window, your eyes starting to feel heavy. You're tired and sleepy, even after having proper rest.

When the bell rang for lunch you adjusted your body to face Nagi. "I'll go get you something to eat." You say and stood up then went to the cafeteria before you could even hear another complain about him doing some action that could help him live.

The cafeteria was packed full. Just the sight of it makes your breathing go shaky. "It's alright.." You encourage yourself and went ahead to buy some bread along with milk just so your cousin can have something to fill his stomach. Other than a great scholarship in Hakuho one of the things you hated are the expensive food. Just the feeling of being pushed around as you try to excuse herself to get some food. Once you somehow got some food you immediately rushed back to the classroom.


The tall white haired looked at you. "Eat" your tone came out as demanding, though Nagi knew arguing with you was... Useless so he just sighed and did what you were told while you just sat back down to your seat to continue reading.



"Come on... Let's play"

Somehow you sometimes can't say 'no' to him. "Alright Alright.." Putting down your book, you went ahead and took out your phone so both of you can play. Nagi never failed to see past through your troubles, there were times where he notices something was off so he tries to make you feel better by just actions.

Seeing your distress after dealing with a crowd he thought that maybe some video games can help. "Aren't you going to eat?" He asked, eyeing you for a while. "No, I'm not hungry" Was your answer. Seeing the victory title on your screen you sigh and stretched, the bell rang causing you to shut your phone down.


Class ended quite briefly, you packed your things and stood up. "I'll be heading out first" since your cousin had cleaning duty, you decided to run some errands. Walking down the hallway as students passed with a couple of papers and books in hand, your eyes glued to a certain group down by the entrance. "Ugh what am I even-" Your own sentence was interrupted once you bumped into someone.

You stepped back to give yourself some space while shaking your head gently, before focusing on "I-I am so sorry!" You panicked.

"M-Mikage-san?! Are you okay?!"


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