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YOU had many plans in life, meeting the famous Mikage Reo was definitely not part of it. "Are you alright?" He asked, eyes staring at you while he gave the documents that fell from your arms when you bumped into each other. "I'm fine" you answer, nervousness coursed through your veins when you felt your fingers touch.

"Thank you" You say softly with a small bow before running off out of embarrassment. Muttering curse words at yourself. You could hear his friends words telling you to come back but you didn't listen and continued to run away.


"How rude of her!"

The purple haired watched her walk away. "It's fine" He reassured his friend. His purple eyes looked over to the entrance of the campus, seeing that no one was there before seeing your figure run off in such a hurry. "Mikage-san?" The girl he was with made him snap out of his idle thoughts "Right, sorry." He apologized before walking to the library with his friends.


"That was so embarrassing" You cry out as you stop over by a supermarket to get some things to cook for dinner and tomorrow. "Out of all the people it had to be the hot shot" you added, putting some stuff in your basket.

"Maybe I should've asked Nagi to come with me." You stare at the heavy bags of groceries in front of you. Crossing your arms and not wanting to interrupt Nagi, who is possibly home already, you decided to tell yourself that you've asked for this and eventually carried those bags on your own back to the complex.

When you arrived, you set the bags down and opened the door. "Finally" you whined as you place the bags on the kitchen before slouching yourself on the couch, still in your uniform. "That took forever" You could feel your body (and wallet) ache from the painful experience but at the same time happy because of the supply that could last probably a month.

You walked out of your room after you changed into some comfortable clothes just so you can put the groceries away. "I feel tired than usual..." you mutter, letting out a sigh. Even though it was just the start of a new school year, your social battery definitely got worse. You heard a notification on your phone causing you to pick it up.

To: (Y/N)
From: Lazy ass


Are you home? I'm hungryyyy

You couldn't help but sigh, though at the same time you could feel a small smile form on your lips. Immediately you grabbed a snack and some juice before heading over to the apartment beside you. Knocking on the door before you enter you see Nagi on the couch, still on his phone. "Nagi, I got some snacks for you" You walked up to him and placed the food and drink on the table. "Come here and eat" you called earning a whine from him "can't you not feed me instead?" "I'm not your mother!" with a pouting look on his face, he got up and lazily walked to the table, grabbing the snack and unwrapping it before plopping it inside his mouth. "You're such a baby..." You sigh, he hummed. "You love babying me anyways.." his words made you glare despite it being true, you've always had a habit of taking care of people and putting their needs first before you.

"Shut up. I'm coming back to fill your cabinets and fridge" Turning around, returning to your apartment. "I swear I sometimes wonder how he was able to live this long" You mutter, grabbing a basket before putting some stuff in it. While doing so the thought of bumping into Mikage Reo kept coming to you that made you shiver in cringe. "So fucking embarrassing.. I didn't even apologize properly" It wasn't even a plan to bump into him, in fact, you were trying to avoid him.


"Alright everyone I got your tests results ready" Your teacher raised the piles of papers in her hands. "Once I call your name, please come up and get your paper" she instructed. "(L/N)-san" you stood up and went to the front, taking the paper and didn't bother to look at it immediately till you arrived at your seat.

While she called the rest, you finally took a peek. Perfect marks. A satisfied sigh escaped your lips as you leaned against your chair. You'd sure you would somewhat go on a full breakout if you made a mistake or two. "Ohh full marks again as alway" You flinched upon hearing Nagi speak to you "Woah! Nagi?" She sighed "Don't do that" The white haired boy looks at you. "What?.. You looked very nervous.. it's expected you'd get a full mark" You glared slightly.

"You're lazy and won't bother to put an effort on anything, you won't understand" you mutter.


Finishing off cleaning duties early, you told Nagi that you'll be heading off first since he has some stuff to do requested by the teacher. Grabbing your belongings and walking out of the classroom, you heard a familiar voice call out from behind you while walking down the hallway.


It was one of your 'friends', Yukine, walking up to you. "Yukine? What's up?" You stopped on your tracks, looking at her. "We're heading out to eat. Wanna come along?" She asked, a smile on her face. "Oh.. um.." you thought for a bit while being at a lost of words. Surely hanging out with some group of friends you haven't hung out with in a while won't hurt, right? Looking at Yukine, you smiled.

"Don't worry, it will be just me and Ayase coming with you" Yukine adds, causing you to be surprised. The friend group you were with since first year was big, consisting of 6-8 people. You somewhat isolated yourself after deciding to focus on yourself and give time to your needs when new year started. "Sure.." You answer softly and confused.


You then met up with Ayase, greeting at each other with a smile. The three of you went out to eat at some fast food restaurant so you could talk. "So um.. where are the others?" You ask, after leaving the group you didn't bother to come back. Though, despite that the only person who noticed was Yukine. The two went silent before Ayase spoke up.

"We split up"

That felt expected but it also feels like a disappointment.

You just blinked and frowned a bit. "I see..." You muster, munching on your food. Ayase looked at you, as if she wants to say something but was highly hesitant to do so. It didn't take long for you to notice.

"What is it?" You asked, calling her out. She flinched and sighed, resting her cheek on the palm of her hand as she looks at you. "You know.. Himiko.. she admitted how she only pretended to be friends with you so you can treat her."


If hearing your heart crack was a thing well you definitely imagined it. The tight feeling on your chest came back. The feeling of being used and betrayed pained you. Even though it happened many times. If getting abandoned wasn't enough, being used and betrayed made it worse for you then.

You looked at Yukine and Ayase before standing up. You've heard enough bullshit. "I'm going home" you grabbed your stuff and exited the table. Understanding your situation, they let you go home, watching you exit the restaurant.

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