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FUELED with anger as you walk down the streets. "Too stupid to assume that we'll stay forever as a group." You mutter, too mad to even take a look around your surroundings.

So fucking stupid.


"What?.." Nagi suddenly came up to you, asking you a question. "Join the soccer club" He demanded while you make some dinner for him. Originally, he asked you to join after he decided to come into your apartment. Now, when you asked again making sure you heard him right it became a bit more demanding. "Where is that coming from?" You ask again, looking at him as you took a sip of the soup you're making. "Well.. This guy from the son of the big company suddenly told me to play with him..." He said.

Big company?

It hit you, his words made you place your utensils down and slammed your hands on the table. "Mikage Reo?!" You asked, surprised and shocked. "Oh, is that his name?..." Nagi's emotionless reaction caused you to sigh. "Who wouldn't.. He's the heir of a billioni yen company.." You mutter before going back to the food, turning the stove off as you start to prepare for dinner. "I didn't know you play soccer, Nagi" A whine escaped his lips as he continued to explain further while you prepare dinner.

"So, let me get this straight. Mikage-san told you that you have a talent, made you play soccer with him, now all of a sudden you want me to lump into your trouble?"

You stare at him, while leaning on the table. "Yes.." Your cousin answered. A scoff escaped your lips, crossing your arms over your chest before leaning back on the chair. "No way. That's too troublesome. I know nothing about soccer, too." You answer. "But (Y/N).. It won't be easy without you around" Nagi complained "Mikage-san can take care of you, besides he's the one who invited you" You rejected immediately, a pout formed on his face. As much as you hate to admit, that baby looking face of his is enough for you to give in to his needs and wants.

But for the first time you are not letting it get to you.

"For the last time Nagi, no." You stood up from the table and placed your dishes in the sink. "I am not joining." Feeling his stare then followed by hearing his sigh, he stood up then plopped back on the couch, leaving his dinner plate half finished. "You're no fun. Then if (Y/N) won't join then I won't too." he said.

'Getting attacked by girls is no fun, either. Nagi!'


The next day, you woke up pretty late causing you and for once you agreed to go to school with Nagi, thinking that there's no possibility that it will cause a rumor. Walking out of your apartment and closing the door then locking it, you hear the same thing coming from the apartment beside you.

"Nagi!" You smiled, walking up to him while putting the keys in your bag. "Shall we go?" Your asked, Nagi nodded and then both of you walked down to the entrance.

Exiting the complex, and walking to school together, a limousine stopped by Flinching when a familiar purple haired boy got out of the car. "Hey, Nagi! Hop in! I came to pick you up!" Mikage Reo is now standing in front of you both. "Nagi, you're kidding.." You mutter, letting out a sigh. You watch as the two converse for a bit and you took this chance to just go ahead and escape until Nagi's voice stopped you.

"Can (Y/N) come then?"

You stopped and mentally cursed at Nagi. "(Y/N)?" Turning around, you forced a smile at them both. "No no, it's fine! I can walk to school, you two can go ahead!" You try to reassure. "If Nagi says so then sure" Reo's answer made you feel embarrassed. "Mikage-san! It's alright" You try to stop them but in the end you end up being in the same car as him.

Why me

You thought to yourself deadpanned, sitting beside Nagi as Reo talks to him. Trying not to be nosy about it too much since he's more focused on your cousin. Though, because of the topic of soccer, you couldn't help but still be a little bit interested. "World cup.." You look at Nagi. "Are you sure you'll be alright?" You ask him, glaring a bit. "I don't know.." He answers.

"So, (Y/N)" Reo called out, making your eyes widen in shock. "Y-You know me?" You stutter a bit. "Who wouldn't? You're the top student in your class, also we bumped into each other" the way he mentioned a memory you didn't want to remember made you blush in embarrassment. "R-Right.." You say before he went back to the topic.

"You and Nagi  seem to know each other." Reo points out, an awkward laugh escaped your lips, your hand scratching the nape of your neck. "W-We're cousins.." You answer, shocking him a bit. "Eh?! Really?! No wonder Nagi is telling you to come along" he comments with a smile. "Yes, I live next door." You bowed slightly "Thank you for inviting him for soccer, he's quite a handful and hard to convince but I'm happy he has a friend now" A small smile plastered on your face followed by a giggle.

"So, (Y/N) do you know anything about soccer?" Reo asked again. "Ah, well.. I do know the rules and basics.. here and there but I don't play" You answer. He grins and moved his face a bit closer to yours. "Then why don't you join us?! You can be our manager!" His words shocked you, making you lean back to give each other some distance. "I'm not quite interest, thank you for the offer." You answer, a forced smile on your face then avoiding eye contact.

'He's probably using me so Nagi can join..'

You walked out of the limousine, holding on tightly onto your stuff. "Thank you for the ride, Mikage-san" you said with a bow. "It's not a problem, (Y/N)" he grins, nodding at his reply, you smiled. "I'll be heading off first then!" You waved goodbye before running inside the campus with a sigh of relief. "I hope rumors don't spread" You say to yourself as you walk to the classroom.


During lunch, as you walk down the hallway, the same familiar voice called from behind. You sigh and turned around, forcing another smile. "Yes, what is it, Mikage-san?" You respond. "I want to ask, what kind of person is Nagi?" He questions, you blinked before humming in thought.

"He's quite alone most of the time, I guess you could say I'm the only company he has since we're family but I prefer my alone time." You try not to expose him to much, wanting Reo himself to deal with Nagi. "That's all I can say" you added "Thanks a lot, (Y/N)!" He waves a hand before he was about to walk away.

"By the way" he has paused to look at you to say something before he continues on his way. "You should watch after school's practice!" He invites before walking off. A sigh escaped your lips, feeling your mouth get tired from the forced smiles.

It's not that you hate Reo, you just hate the attention you'll end up getting if you get involved with someone like him. Now you're praying once he gets Nagi to play, he'll leave you alone. But at the same time, if Nagi did somewhat agree to this, you'd feel lonely without him. Not to mention seeing the most laziest person you know to mankind gets to play something like sports, there's no way you'd miss it.


"Ah! I'm late!" You rummaged your stuff inside your bag, putting it over your shoulder before rushing to the field. Seeing a game happen you couldn't help but feel confused. 'Wait I thought it's just a practice?' Stopping by the fence gate, you catch your breath, holding tightly on the railings.

Looking over to what's happening in front of you, you couldn't help but feel surprised. The sight of Nagi playing well in soccer, not to mention Reo is also an amazing player. "Wait, didn't he start recently?!" You comment, eyes wondering towards their opponent. "The opponent is bigger than them, too. It's amazing that they can score so much." Your gaze wondered back to the duo.

'Maybe.. I should take up on Mikage-san's offer..'

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