After crossing, I became the...

By LunarBunnee

19.2K 390 0

UNEDITED MTL Title : 穿越后我成了万魔之母 Author : 榆舟唱晚 Jiang Qi registered an account for the most popular holographi... More

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Ch 145 END

Ch 94

60 1 0
By LunarBunnee


The young Orlando looked at Jiang Qi with an extremely vigilant gaze.

If you want to judge the enemy on weekdays, just look at it, the girl in front of you obviously cannot be classified as a "threat".

Whether it's a posture full of flaws at first glance, or slender limbs, there are no well-proportioned muscles left after exercise.

Even the girl's hands are brilliant, and she looks like a piece of flawless suet jade, delicate, fragile and beautiful, which at times shows that she has not undergone any training—or, in other words, is facts about weapons training.

However, the young man did not dare to underestimate Jiang Qi easily.

It was strange to say, but he did sense a certain sense of terror and danger from the girl in front of him. That is far more terrifying than the magicians I have seen before, those magicians raised in the homes of the great nobles in the desert.

Out of this keen intuition like a wild young orc, the boy didn't take any action immediately. But he just looked at Jiang Qi with a vigilant and vicious look, as if he wanted to analyze her entire existence before taking the next step. .

This person judged cautiously, and held the weapon made of thunder elements more tightly in his hand.

Then, he heard the girl who was held hostage by himself and was completely in a weak position sighed in a not too loud voice.

The young man frowned, and just as he was about to say a few words, he was surprised to find that the weapon in his hand had suddenly shattered, and all the elements it had condensed to form were completely crushed without him noticing. ‌ Break up.

Afterwards, the young man only felt that the sky was spinning for a while, and the person in the subdued position suddenly became himself.

He blinked his eyes vigorously, and found that he was directly knocked down by the seemingly slender girl, pinned on his face, his hands were cut back behind him, and his face was stuck to her face. Gravel was stuck in the flesh.

The girl's voice sounded coolly above his head.

"Be good, Orlando," she said, "I don't want to waste time on pointless probing and pulling between us."

Leaving from the devil's secret realm, and getting rid of Oran's current situation, are obviously the most important things in the next step.

While giving this warning, Jiang Qi glanced at the boy.


Don't be crazy in front of her at this level! It's better to be obedient and cooperate with obedience, so as to save a few beatings and fate.

Because Ao Lan'er is now blushing, Jiang Qi is not able to see, when she called out the name "Ao Lan's", the boy's pair of honey  golden pupils contracted violently, as if they heard something terrible, and even the muscles in the back tensed up.

But he quickly forced himself to relax, and forcibly suppressed the sense of vigilance that seemed to be pricked by a needle.

"Who are you talking about?" Orlando asked.

Now Jiang Qi was a little surprised.

She turned the boy's face away, and looked at it carefully.

"Your name is not Oran? Then what is your name?"

After hearing this question, the boy twitched the corner of his mouth, revealing a mocking smile.

"Alan." When he spoke, he had a very obvious, undisguised sharp aggressiveness, like a sharp spear, trying to tear the skin off everything straight into the inside, "Just call me this." 

Jiang Qi frowned.

Before leaving for the White Beach Desert, Jiang Qi made some investigations and preparations in advance, and learned about some local customs in the White Beach Desert.

So Jiang Qi suddenly knew, and the teenager Oran told her that this title was not even an official name. In desert cultures, this is a humble name, and a similar form of name is generally used——

Only slaves.

Probably because Jiang Qi's gaze is not too much to cover up, and it may be because Alan is really very good at observing words and expressions, and paying attention to and analyzing other people's facial emotions and expressions—— All in all, in the face of the girl's surprise, he smiled ironically.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"It's true that I'm a slave. It's me, a lowly person, that affects the air you, a noble lady, breathe?"

A malicious smile appeared on Alan's face.

"That's really sorry." Orlando said.

But obviously, the teenager is not sincerely apologizing. From the inside of the eyes, there is a viscous, viscous, viscous fluid flowing out of the eyes, and bubbles will even pop out.

Alan waited for the girl with a look of disgust on her face, as if every noble will do that. ‌The cheeks moved slightly, a little impatiently grinding the back molars, and his eyes moved up and down Jiang Qi's slender, white and tender neck.

Magic will not play any role in front of the opponent, and Alan has already understood this after the previous short trial.

I just don't know, if I bite it down, can it bite off the opponent's throat?

This is thinking.

However, out of Alan's expectation, this young girl who looked more luxurious than all the nobles she met before did not show any contempt or disdain. ‌Emotions come.

"You're too stupid." Jiang Qi said, "Don't just make up your own imagination."

She loosened the grip on Alan and took the lead to walk forward. Behind her, the young man jumped up like a leopard, and looked at Jiang Qi's back for a long, long time with an extremely dangerous gaze.

In the end, he didn't do anything, but chose to keep up with Jiang Qi after a little thinking.

Alan didn't know how or why he was brought here, but he probably understood that since he came and took off with the girl If there is no relationship, then as long as you follow the other party all the time, you may be able to find the problem and the solution.

Jiang Qi was not surprised to hear footsteps behind her. Oran is not a stupid person. After weighing the pros and cons, the other party will make the most correct choice-Jiang Qi has never doubted this.

It's just that the young man is not too close, just the one that is neither far nor near behind Jiang Qi, as if hiding in the grass and looks at you from time to time. Leopard cubs, poking their heads, cats and cats .

They are surrounded by a vast and endless white desert. At first glance, there are only sand dunes or sand dunes, and it is almost impossible to distinguish the shape and appearance.

Probably because until now, no NPCs or plots have been triggered, so Jiang Qi has never known where to go or what to do in this secret realm. She guessed that the key trigger point of the secret realm should be on the person behind him who is not far or near, followed by Olan, but Jiang Qi was not in a hurry to show herself in front of Olan. Care and eagerness.

Can't rush.

When facing a cat, you can't be too active, and you can't let the cat have the illusion that it can step on your nose and push your face.

You should let the cat know who is the master and who is the superior... Then, when you have really domesticated a cat, you can get a cuddly spirit.

Jiang Qi doesn't need a clingy spirit, but she really doesn't need a boss who will sing the opposite of her, a demon king. ——Especially in this world, there is actually no such peace. She has a lot of things to deal with. I really hope that the demon kings can be more behaved.

Anyway, this is nothing to do, retreat is advance, Jiang Qi simply relied on Alan not seeing at all, and opened the player forum.

She remembered that among the six demon kings, [Deep Sea Elegy], [Scarlet Wailing], [White Sand Fairy Tale] and personal legend missions have been completed after the server of "Acadia" opened. Over the years, one after another has been completed by players.

The so-called personal legend task is actually what happened to an NPC at a certain moment in his life. After the players are finished—actually, including during the completion process—the players are trying to understand who this NPC is in a disguised form.

Next, Jiang Qi searched the forum for the legendary task of [Baisha Fairy Tale].

And the forum really lived up to expectations.

——Alan told Jiang Qi earlier that it was true.

In the end, Baisha, who took this entire desert as his own name, was the devil king who was once a slave when he was young.

Before the third calendar in the era of chaos, before the entire desert was unified and reorganized, and a new regime and rules were established, the desert was almost synonymous with death. Here, most areas cannot survive, and the special environment makes this place even more desolate than the black soil.

But even so, the desert is not completely uninhabited. The horror and adaptability of biological evolution are fully reflected here, because there is indeed a special race that can survive in the desert.

Most of the time on weekdays, they will maintain a shape that is close to that of the human race-this is a form that is convenient enough to use props, and at the same time can minimize loss and reduce wear and tear, while the main body has its own advantages and disadvantages. They are all kinds of monsters.

In order to survive better in the desert, and even recuperate on this piece of land, this race has evolved a completely inadequate respiratory system.

This set of unique physiological systems, on the one hand, can protect us as much as possible in the extreme heat and sun exposure in the desert, and on the other hand, can let us protect us from the dry air. It absorbs the water element that is subtle but does exist, and extracts it, and places it in a special "cavity" in the body for storage.

It is precisely because of having this physiological structure that people can

Survival in the desert - although this obviously cannot be compared with the living environment of other regions on this continent, at least it has the ability to survive.

After the most basic survival is solved, some other problems are exposed. Unknowingly, in the desert, a "family" linked by "blood" was formed.

The most precious thing in the desert is the water source, so the water magician is unique in the desert. They are guests no matter where they go, even if they are only level 30 magisters, they can enjoy unbelievably superior treatment.

However, in one bloodline and one clan, the types and affiliations of magic can often be passed on. So gradually, those families who were able to be born and cultivate water magicians in those generations began to have the right to speak and rule in the desert.

This is not something difficult to understand. When you have to rely on others for the most basic resources you depend on for survival, you can only kneel obediently, like a dog. Then he obeyed the other party's orders just to be able to survive in this desert.

Although everyone knows that the world outside the desert is rich in resources and is a beautiful place like Utopia to us, but not everyone has the ability to get out of the desert .

Whether it is necessary resources along the way, or the unpredictable weather in the desert and the huge difference between day and night, the temperature is good, or storms that may come at any time, and wandering in the desert It's scary, but World of Warcraft is good. Any item can keep people away, like an invisible but non-existent barrier barrier, keeping them firmly in place.

The distinction between "nobility" and "slave" was thus drawn.

And the king who will rule the entire desert in the future is one of the slaves under this system.

【Baisha Fairy Tale】The past revealed and passed on about the demon king Oran ends here.

How did he win the love and admiration of all the residents in the desert as a slave, and how he became the king of the unanimous response, and how he was recognized by the abyss, and got that share of authority... These are not just With a mere legendary task, you can know it.

Jiang Qi turned around and took a look. Alan was alert enough that she noticed it almost as soon as she turned her head, and quickly found a sand dune to hide.

If it weren't for the fact that the footprints on the ground had not yet been smoothed out by the wind and sand, this kind of concealment and camouflage might have been more perfect.

Jiang Qi looked at the direction she judged that Olan might be in, and suddenly realized something in horror.

According to the practice of other demon kings, this secret realm should not be finished until she has been watching and helping Oran become king and gain the authority of the abyss... right?

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