Flourish (A Pokémon Fanfic)

Frozenbeenie द्वारा

842 31 1

Trigger warning: contains suicide attempts, rape, murder attempts, obsession, sexual scenes Being part of Te... अधिक

Chapter 1: Team Flare*
Chapter 2: Route 10*
Chapter 3: Badlands*
Chapter 4: Lumiose*
Chapter 5: Factory*
Chapter 6: Frost Cavern*
Chapter 7: Abuse*
Chapter 8: Gym*
Chapter 9: Headquarters*
Chapter 10: Key*
Chapter 11: Ulimate Weapon*
Chapter 12: Ear Plugs*
Chapter 13: Capture*
Chapter 14: Cliff*

Chapter 15: Flowers

46 3 0
Frozenbeenie द्वारा

Rin smiled kindly, revealing a unbelievable sort of secret "Forgive me for not being honest, but Serena is my niece" that was a shock to me "When it became apparent that Serena had abilities growing up, her parents refused to allow any kind of training in hopes to just have a normal child. This is another fate of children who grow up with non-psychic parents. They left the region because of me pushing them. I only wanted the best for Serena, but they refused to listen and left to Hoenn"

"So psychic abilities are genetic!" Shauna said "So cool!"

"Yes" Rin giggled "Unfortunately it's not a strong gene, so not every family member will have abilities. It tends to skip every other generation, and that's why me and Serena have these powers. It's only a coincidence that we ended up with the same kind of ability"

"It's a shame that it turned out that way" I frowned

"Yeah... If my parents weren't so insistent in making me a normal child, we wouldn't have moved and I wouldn't have suffered such a fate" Serena frowned "I want to blame them, but I can't get myself to do it. When it came to my kidnappers, it became so bad to the point where my ability was overwhelming even them. They sorted a deal with my parents a long time later by phone in secret and negotiated to pay for my return. They came with the money, but one of the guys were so far gone that they ended up killing my parents right in front of me" I bit the inside of my cheek

"Serena..." Shauna frowned

"I lost it and made them kill themselves" Serena cupped her mouth in disgust "I was alone and scared... I couldn't think of anyone else but—" she looked at me "So I returned after settling everything with police and all of the above, ready to come back home years later to see Calem not even home anymore" she frowned at Rin "I'm sorry I never considered remembering you until now"

"The brain works in mysterious ways. You have one thing in mind, so I don't blame you for forgetting me. After all, you were very young, but not young enough to forget the happiness you've held with Calem" Rin smiled "I would like to have you both in my office separately for therapy and proper training. It will be beneficial to both of you" we nodded "for now, please take time to rest and wait for your name to be wipe clean" she told me "after this, we may begin"

The amount of time it took for the whole Team Flare situation to quiet down and for my name to be cleared of anyone who blamed me to be the mastermind of most of the operation and was proven that I was influenced under mind control by Lysandre's taboo ability that was not caught by other psychics who handle anyone that have a taboo ability, took over three months.

Many of the Team Flare grunts were also victims of this mind control, but there were still some who wished for the success of Lysandre's plan even without mind control.

Anyone who brought harm to others were arrested after finding evidence, but many were given a free pass to leave without consequences. I generally believe they were victims that were the same as me, but I can't speak for the ones who really wish harm on others.

The money we had to spent to join Team Flare was only halfway returned to us since it took a lot of money to make this operation a reality. Those who were found guilty of abuse was not given back their money due to their sentence in prison depending on what they did. Some got life and some only got a few months or years

I willingly donated the money and some more to the charity for the education and home support of psychic children. It may take a lot of time to help those children victimize by people exploiting them or kept away from the idea of abilities all together. Unfortunately there are alot of parents that were like Serena's who hid their ability and not received proper training, and there are some like me who have not known about their abilities until later in life.

I'm happy to say that after a few months of making this charity a reality, there were a lot more happy children in schools and a lot more healed patients coming out of therapy. Serena still had a lot to go, but she was glowing more and more as the months went on.

"Calem!" She laughed, jumping on my back while I was reading a book outside the office building where she was getting therapy "Guess what I learned today!?"

"That you should stop jumping on me before you end up killing me" I sweat dropped, moving her off my back and pulled her to sit on my lap, surprising her "What did you learn in therapy?" She pouted with a blush

"You're such a flirt"

"You're the one to talk"

"I don't want to tell you anymore!" She huffed, looking away with her arms crossed

"Don't be like that" I kissed her cheek, making her bright red "You have to tell me" I smirked at her embarrassment

"Fine..." she huffed "She said that my abilities have become stronger and I'll be able to practice more in the psychic education program to heal the children who are overwhelmed by their new environment. I think I can do it!"

"Ah" I pet her head, enjoying her blossom in happiness over progress

"That's all you have to say?!"

"Sorry, I have a lot on my mind right now" I admit "are you tired?" She shook her head

"What's on your mind?" I placed her back on her feet and took her hand as I stood

"I'll show you later. You hungry?" She quickly nodded, making me chuckle "Let's go get you a new outfit. You look like you've been running a mile" I teased at her hair being frizzy

"Hey!" She pouted, hitting me as hard as she could, but it hardly hurt. I offered to take her shopping to buy whatever she wanted. She was extremely humble that she could only get a pair of earrings, but I insisted she get dressed in a nice dress and even got to do her hair pretty and her makeup at the salon

At first she was against this, but I had plans to take her out, so it's best that she takes care of herself.

"You seem excited" Olympia walked over to me while I waited outside

"Olympia!" I gasped and stood up

"You can sit. No need for formalities"

"How can I not when you've done so much for us?"

"Even if that's true, I'm sure you've also thought that I could had handled everything differently" yeah, kind of, but I get it "I cannot mess with the future too much. Altering it just a bit to make sure you two get what you deserve was worth it, and I'm happy now that you found your place and seeking help"

"Yes... thank you. Serena and I still have ways to go, but I can't imagine life without her"

"Can I see it?" I dug in my pocket, knowing what she was talking about and showed her a gift I planned on giving Serena for our anniversary of being together "It's beautiful" she smiled "I'm sure she'll be very happy" I bowed to show her all of my respect

"I'll never forget what you did for us"

"Nonsense. You both did all the hard work. I didn't do much" I sighed "I must be the one to thank you for all you've done. Because of your generous donation, many children got the opportunity to get a education from psychics who came a long way to support them and even find them. You've also helped many families and I can't be more grateful to you" I rubbed the back of my head, a bit embarrassed to be thanked by someone I was also thankful for

"Well... it's not like I can do much with all that money by myself" she giggled

"Don't be so humble. You're an amazing person. If you ever need anything, let me know"

"I'm sure you'll know before I do" she laughed at my joke before leaving. The door to the salon opened, letting out the stylist that was doing Serena's hair

"She's ready" I nodded and went inside to pay before Serena walked out with a head of curls complimenting her face. I cleared my throat to pretend I wasn't just checking her out and signed the receipt to the payment

"Is all this really necessary?" She played with her curls "They're so cute! What's the special occasion?" She laughed, coming to slap my back a few times "is this your way of asking me out on a date! Calem! You big flirt!" I got annoyed at how much she was slapping me

"Hey, cut it out" I groaned "And is that so weird to want to spoil my girlfriend and take her on a date?" She twisted her body side to side, shyly

"I guess not" I smiled at her blush and took her hand to kiss "H-Hey!" She panicked "We're in public!" I leaned back to hold her chin for a second before winking, making the stylists in the saloon squeal at how cute we are. This time I got embarrassed and hurried out the salon to catch the reservation I made a long time ago

"This is a fancy place!" She gasped, looking around like a child at a amusement park "Seriously! What's the special occasion?"

"There's not any occasion."

"If that's the case, I'm surprised you're choosing to spend your money randomly like this. It's a lot, but you should use it for something meaningful" I smiled a bit but didn't show it "I guess once in a while going to a fancy restaurant is okay" she excitedly looked at the menu while I was sweating buckets under these clothes. This is so nerve wracking...

Serena ended up ordering the cheapest thing on the menu, which I protest to get whatever she wanted, but the tenders was all she wanted while she ordered one expensive plate for me without asking.

She looked like she was having a good time, which I'm glad about. Seeing her true smile was enough to relax my nerves and listen to her chatter endlessly. 

"Calem?" Serena questioned while I was given the check and was about to say, "Will you tell me what's wrong?"

"What? Why would anything be wrong?" I gulped, giving the waiter the check and my card "Nothing is wrong" my eye twitched, showing that what I said was a complete lie. 

"You're lying" she pouted "I feel it in your vibrations!" I mentally scoffed at myself for forgetting we can feel each other's vibrations. I only recently learned how to identify them, but I'm sure she caught my nervousness since the moment we got together today. 

"Sorry... Yeah, there is something bothering me" I sighed. 

"What is it? You shouldn't hide your feelings!" she held my hands on the table "Just like you are with me, I want you to tell me anything that's bothering you! If you don't want to talk about it now, I understand. I'm always here to listen" I smiled, glad to hear she's confident enough to want to tell me how even she is feeling.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to hide it from you. I'll tell you really soon, and it's not anything bad, but I just want to enjoy my time with you tonight" she smiled and nodded. 

"No problem. So! What else do you have planned for us?" I let out another shaky sigh "Calem? are you sure you're okay?" I nodded and stood up once the waiter finally showed up. 

"Yes!" I dabbed off some sweat off my forehead with a napkin "what time is it?" she looked at her phone.

"it's 7:45pm" I grabbed her hand and hurried her to the spot I needed her to be as soon as possible. 8pm is when everything will start! 

We raced to the Anistar city sundial and witnessed how pretty it shined when the sky became pink and purple. "Calem! What's the matter!? Stop! I'm wearing heals!" Serena shouted, out of breath. I was careful to let go of her so she could lean on her knees to catch her breath. Shauna, who was waiting and hiding behind some bushes, pulled me to stand in position in front of the sundial and dusted my clothes to make sure everything was set while our friends we made during our travels, including a few of my coworkers, were keeping Serena occupied by gifting her flowers and walking her around the park before it turned 8pm.

"I'm sweating under these clothes..." I admit to Shauna watching Serena be surprised and confused at everyone gifting her so many roses.

"You've worn that tacky red suit for work. How is this different?" 

"This is a big day, you know?!" I softly yelled at her "What if she says no? What if something goes wrong? What if I forget the speech I made?"

"I don't think you'll end up forgetting with that big head of yours" Shauna sweat dropped "That girl loves you with all her heart, Calem. Just relax! She made her world revolve around you. I want you to be confident and know that your love for her is true and what will happen is one of the best decisions of your life" I sternly nodded and looked back at Serena reaching the gym leaders she faced one by one, taking a rose she was given. 

"It is. I wouldn't want it any other way" serena reached the professor, then to Trevor and Tierno, then Sina and Dexio, then Rin, then Shauna hurrying over to block me from Serena's view to give her the last rose. 

"Shauna!" Serena laughed "What's going on here?! you're in on this too?!" Shauna pulled her up the steps where I was standing. I gulped nervously, feeling like I wanted to throw up, but I pulled myself together and took a deep breath before Serena finally made it up and saw me slowly kneel to her. She almost dropped her bouquet that Shauna caught and stepped away after winking at me, telling me 'Good luck.'

"Serena" I opened my hand to reach hers. Her eyes were so wide, and she cupped her mouth, almost immediately wanting to cry before hurrying to take my hand. 

"Calem... What is all this?" she sobbed "Are you...?" I smiled, keeping her hand close to mine, hoping that my genius psychic mind doesn't forget what to do! 

"Serena... As I stand here before you today, my heart swells with a love that has grown and deepened with every passing day we've spent together. There is something profound about the journey we've been on, the struggles we've faced, and the way we've overcome them together. I want to share my soul with you, to open it up entirely and lay it bare, for it's only fair that you know just how deeply I feel for you.

I remember the moments when we were both lost in the mazes of our pasts, unsure of where life was taking us. But somehow, against all odds, our paths converged, and we found each other once more. In your eyes, I saw a reflection of my own longing, my own desire for a love that transcends time and heals the wounds of the past.

Today, I want to apologize for any pain I may have caused you in the past, for the times when I faltered and let my own struggles overshadow the love I have for you. I promise to spend the rest of my days making it up to you, showing you the care and devotion you deserve.

Our journey has been filled with challenges, and I know that more lie ahead of us. Life is unpredictable, and it will test us in ways we can't even imagine. But with you by my side, I am ready to face anything that comes our way. I want to be your unwavering support, your confidant, and your partner in every adventure, big or small.

As we look to the future, I can't help but think of the new challenges we'll embrace together, the joys we'll share, and the love that will continue to grow between us. So, my love, with all the love I can possibly muster, with all the sincerity in my heart, I ask you this one question that has been burning within me for so long: Will you marry me? Will you make me the happiest person in the world and be my partner for the rest of our beautiful journey through life?

"Calem!" She sobbed out loudly "You're too much! You're quite the smooth talker! How many ladies have you said that amazing speech too?!" I sweat dropped, really wanting this to be a special moment, but I can leave it to Serena to say something dumb like that "Really?! Really truly!?" I dug in my pocket to take out the ring I picked out at the same time the rings of the sundial start to spin one by one as the sun shines through the hole in the crystal, causing sparkles to fall from the sky like a snowy day. Serena's eyes sparkled at the view and at the sight of the ring in my hand. 

"Truely" she shakily gave me her hand so I could put the ring on her finger. Once I did, she nearly exploded before sobbing again and jumped on top of me, causing me to fall back as she cuddled into my neck 

"I DO! I DO! Calem!!" I sighed in relief and hugged her back, hearing the cheers of our friends congratulating us. My heart soared, and I couldn't hold back my own tears. We kissed, our lips speaking the language of love that words alone could never express, and in that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us under the sparkle snowing sky. 

Our love, once tested by the trials of our pasts, had emerged unbreakable. We embarked on the journey of marriage hand in hand, surrounded by the warmth and laughter of our friends and family. It was a night of celebration, a night when our love story reached its most beautiful chapter.

In the years that followed, our love continued to flourish. We faced life's challenges together, finding strength and solace in each other's presence. We cherished the small victories and held each other close during the storms, knowing that our love was the anchor that held us steady.

As we stood together, gazing at the horizon of our shared future, I marveled at how our love had transformed us. Our journey, with all its struggles and triumphs, had brought us here, to this moment of pure happiness. Our love story was a testament to the enduring power of love, forgiveness, and the incredible journey of two souls finding their way back to each other.


Thank you for all who made it to the end of the chapter and completion of the story! Very sweet! I made this so long ago and figured to get back on it years later! let me know what you think and dont forget to comment! I love reading what you have to say! 


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