Secrets (Prowler Miles X Gwen...

By ry_themian

2.2K 45 26

Miles Morales, a dorky 17-year-old living in Brooklyn, who also operates as the vigilante 'The Prowler', work... More

Chapter: 1 Alone
Chapter 2: Solus
Chapter 3: Contingency
Chapter 4: Resonance
Chapter 6: Plunge
Chapter 7: Renewal

Chapter 5: Confrontation

277 5 2
By ry_themian

Third Person POV:

Norman Osborn sits alone in his estate, reflecting on what he had witnessed the previous night. Osborn had pursued the Prowler for half an hour after he caught a glimpse of the Prowler gliding through the air in Brooklyn, stalking him to Visions Academy, where he had entered through an open window.

A disturbed smile spread across his face as he stood before a mirror, admiring his reflection. A spark went off in his mind as he thought of the glory and respect he would win from his peers if he murdered the Prowler. These thoughts excited him so much that he let out an insane cackle echoing throughout his empty estate.

For years Osborn had been seen as a joke amongst the Sinister Six. They treated him as if he were insane, laughing at his authority and finding any moment they could to disrespect him. He would no longer be something to gawk at, nor would they underestimate his power again, but he would be a god amongst his peers.

Osborn stayed there, laughing manically at his reflection as his sanity rapidly deteriorated. Eventually, he walked away, preparing himself mentally for what he knew would be a massive undertaking. Osborn had seen the footage from Toomes' helmet the night of the casino encounter. As a result, he knew what the Prowler was capable of and knew that he was a force to be reckoned with.

Miles' POV:

Strolling down the streets of Brooklyn, I let out a deep sigh of relief as the week was finally over, meaning I could get some much-needed rest. This week I have had an eventful one. From my close shave with the Vulture, or my meeting with Gwen, it's been nothing short but significant for my life. Making the trek home, my mind wandered as I pondered about the week I had just had. These thoughts were mainly plagued by one person, Gwen. I can't describe the way she made me feel. Every time I was around her, it felt as if there were sparks in my stomach. Everything about her was perfect, from her crystal blue eyes to the small gap in her teeth and her smile was so genuine and perfect.

"God, I sound corny..."  I thought to myself, shaking my head in embarrassment.

On one hand, I just wanted to confide in her my feelings, but deep down, I likewise felt this strong sense of apprehension. I knew that my job as the Prowler would come to complicate things in the future, and as a result, I was left conflicted and lost. Of course, there was nobody I could talk to about this. My Uncle Aaron was always there to comfort me and would give me advice when these kinds of scenarios arose. For now, I'm on my own as he passed away fighting against Kingpin and the cartel.

Aaron and I dealt with Sinister Six on several occasions while he was mentoring me. The Sinister Six consisted of Norman Osborn, Rhino, Vulture, Electro, Sandman, and Otto Octavius. Fisk had roped in this ensemble cast of characters by uniting them under one common enemy, Spider-Man. Collectively, they all made killing Spider-Man their life goal, and they succeeded. When he died, they were left to their own devices, but Fisk kept them together and used them to gain control of the city.

I know something more significant is going on behind the scenes. Those earthquakes and power surges had to of come from somewhere. A corrupt city official covered up Spider-Man's death, so everyone assumes he was killed by falling debris, but that is not the case.

My eyes were lost in my thoughts, and I was unaware that laughter was coming from behind me. 

Third Person POV:

Osborn maintained a watchful eye on the Prowler, who had donned a school uniform and was leisurely strolling along the pavement. A chuckle escaped Osborn's lips as he continued to monitor the Prowler's movements through the streets of Brooklyn. Miles remained blissfully ignorant of Osborn's presence, lost in his contemplations while walking along the path. However, his train of thought was abruptly shattered by a thunderous roar from behind. Swiftly turning, he caught sight of Osborn hurtling directly toward him, leaving him mere seconds to evade the oncoming danger.

Successfully dodging the initial assault, Miles swiftly sprinted into an alleyway, pulling his ever-ready helmet from his hoodie and securing it over his face. With agile finesse, he ascended the vertical surface, his sneakers propelling him upward. It was then that his attention was arrested by the gleaming reflection of two metallic projectiles hurtling in his direction. The detonation of these explosive devices created a shockwave that propelled Miles forcefully into the brick wall behind him, leaving him no opportunity to respond. Grimacing, he clenched his teeth in response to the searing agony that surged from his back.

With a horrified expression, Miles looked on as the figure emerged from the dissipating smoke, appearing almost as an embodiment of ashes. A manic laughter emanated from the figure, and in that instant, Miles's recognition struck like lightning. This man was none other than Norman Osborn, the CEO of Oscorp, a man who had subjected himself to experimental performance enhancers, resulting in a descent into madness.

Miles looked on in horror as the Goblin neared closer to him on his glider, continuing to let out a sinister laugh. Miles latched himself onto a nearby dumpster, using it to lift himself from his position on the ground. As he was getting up, his body was in horrible pain, but he courageously pushed onward, getting up and grabbing his bag. Miles threw on his gauntlets, charging them up and using them to propel himself upward onto a rooftop. All the while, Miles was pursued by the Goblin, who projected several 'Razor Bats' at Miles, one grazing his shoulder, creating a large gash that began to pour out blood.

Miles winced in pain and gripped his shoulder as he spun around, spotting the Goblin zooming down the alleyway, fast approaching. Without time to spare, Miles dashed through the alleyway towards the street, dodging past several dumpsters and trash cans as he made his way. Osborn charged forward, pointing the sharp end of his glider towards Miles as his speed increased, closing the distance between him and Miles.

Miles glanced over his shoulder and saw Goblin nearing closer. Miles reacted quickly, leaping into the air, running up the wall using his anti-gravity 'Utility 1's', narrowly avoiding Osborn's attack. The Goblin growled before projecting several more Pumpkin Bombs at Miles, who was now running across the side of a building. The shockwaves generated by these explosions knocked Miles off balance, causing him to fall to the street below, landing on his side. Groaning in excruciating pain, Miles stood up and, like a light bulb going off in his head, masterminded a perfect plan.

Miles started by leaping on the side of an apartment complex. Racing across the building, he glanced over his shoulder and spotted the Goblin beginning to pursue him. Utilizing this, he slightly decreased his speed, allowing the Goblin to close the gap between them. He unexpectedly spun around, cracking his glove across the Goblin's face, shattering his yellow-tinted lens. Osborn held his face in pain as his glider clipped the side of a fire escape sending Osborn tumbling to the street below, landing on his stomach on a fire hydrant.

Miles was already down the streets, running as fast as he possibly could, sweating bullets while constantly stealing glances over his shoulder as he made his way home. This trek home was the longest of Miles's life, as he was increasingly paranoid of his surroundings, shooting up after hearing even the slightest sign of life.

He entered his bedroom window through the fire escape, collapsing on the floor and grinning widely out of pure relief. "I'm home. I'm Home." He constantly muttered, reassuring himself. He threw his gear into his bag and walked into the living room, perplexed by the dead silence in his apartment. His confusion ended after seeing a note on the refrigerator from his mom stating she would be coming home late.

The silence within his apartment unsettled him deeply. Every tiny creak or settling noise of the building caused him to startle. He remained seated on the couch, consumed by paranoia throughout the duration.

Following ten minutes of immersing himself in utter silence, Miles approached a window that afforded a view of the street below. He surveyed the surroundings, seeking any traces of the Goblin's presence. Fortunately, it appeared that the danger had passed, prompting Miles to exhale a sigh of relief, reassured that the Goblin remained unaware of his residence. He proceeded to the bathroom, peeling off his shirt and scrutinizing his reflection, coming face to face with the extent of his injuries. Pouring alcohol onto a cloth, he tended to the wound on his shoulder, wincing with each touch.

He hopped in the shower, scrubbing off the dirt and ash he had accumulated after the fight. His mind was going absurd, wondering what had just happened. Did the Goblin know who he was? Was he following me home? His entire thought process was shot, giving him a pounding headache, feeling like he was about to vomit.

Miles was left alone in his apartment, forced to reconsider everything he had done, wondering if he had just endangered himself and his mother.

Gwen's POV:

This week stands out as one of the most remarkable periods in my entire life. It marked the beginning of my journey at Visions Academy, and my initial day was riddled with nervous excitement due to the completely unfamiliar surroundings and the sea of unknown faces. Mistakenly assuming it would mirror my previous school experience where solitude prevailed, I soon discovered my error. The individuals at Visions exuded warmth and hospitality, introducing me to new acquaintances like Hobie Brown, a football player, and a girl named Margo. Above all, this week brought a pivotal encounter: I crossed paths with him—Miles.

I'll admit it. I have a crush on him.

From the instant I encountered Miles, my emotions became apparent, yet I've wrestled with acknowledging them within myself all this while. The desire to express my feelings to him is overwhelming. Yet a persistent fear lingers within me. I worry that if I open up, he might depart, just as everyone else in my life has done. Simultaneously, I entertain suspicions that he reciprocates my feelings. There's a certain aura around him that I've sensed, especially after the day we shared at the park.

Entering my apartment through the living room window, I noticed my dad in the kitchen. Opting to steer clear, I headed toward my bedroom door. As my hand closed around the doorknob, an overpowering wave of regret surged through me. My dad hadn't been a constant presence, yet buried within me was the understanding that he simply sought to fulfill the role of a father to the best of his ability. I sighed, removing my hand from the doorknob and stepping closer to him, my dad still hadn't noticed I had gotten home, and when he finally did his face immediately lit up.

"Hey, butterfly!" He exclaimed, hurrying over and trapping me in a tight hug. "When did you get home? How was your first week?" He bombarded me with a flurry of questions. I smiled as he'll do this type of thing a lot.

"It was uh... Great." I answered, not knowing what else to say.

"Did you meet any new people?"

"Yeah, well, the people there were all very nice. There was also this guy named Miles." I blushed instantly after saying his name, looking down and smiling. Glancing back up at my dad, I saw a smirk on his face as he questioned me.

"Is this Miles a nice guy?"

"He's incredible," I murmured, my lip caught between my teeth. I understood that above all else, this brought him joy, As he had observed the depth of my bond with Peter and the profound impact of his demise on me.

"That's awesome, sweetheart."He responded while I headed toward my room, looking forward to unwinding after a demanding week.

After a while of just laying in bed, watching Youtube, and listening to music I decided to text Miles.

Hey Miles

How's your day going?

Hey Gwen

 It's been pretty good, thanks.


Just watching some yt

u got any plans for tomorrow?

Not really, just a typical day. 

Why? Do you have something in mind?

I was thinking it would be fun if we hung out tomorrow. 

What do you think?


I became concerned when there was a five-minute gap between his messages, pondering about what might be going through his mind.


                                                                                                                                      What did you have in mind?


There's this new movie that just came out, and I thought it could be cool to watch it together.

 Are you into that?


I was actually planning on seeing it lol

 What time does it start?

There's a showing at 7 PM and another at 9 PM.

 Which one works better for you?

We can go at 7

Great, let's aim for that then. 

Where should we meet?

You wanna meet at the theater around 6:30? 

That way, we can grab tickets and find good seats.

Sounds like a plan.

Looking forward to it.

Me too, Gwen 

It's gonna be a fun time. 

 I'll see you tomorrow. 


Goodnight Gwen

Third Person POV:

Norman Osborn stands alone in his estate, reflecting on the events that had transpired that day. He had attacked the Prowler when he was most vulnerable, yet he had failed. In a rage, he threw his goblin mask across the room, hitting a wall and shattering it into hundreds of tiny pieces. Once he did so, he burst out laughing, filling the silent estate with his maniacal cackling.

A/N: I'm sorry about the massive gap between these chapters. I've been procrastinating writing this chapter for a while so I'm sorry. Honestly, I was gonna quit writing this story but seeing the amount of people who were reading this story made me stick around. I just really wanted to thank all of you for the level of support I've been receiving on this story. I started this fanfiction purely as a passion project. I've dabbled with writing before and it's always been something I've had a massive interest in for a while but never really found a good topic or proper inspiration to write one. But I've recently been reading a lot of Spider-Verse fanfiction, and they all honestly inspired me to write this. Anyways thank you for reading, the next chapter will focus solely on Miles and Gwen, and the chapter after that will be the big showdown between Miles and Osborn, the next chapter should come relatively soon, probably tomorrow. Anyways see you there!

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