After crossing, I became the...

By LunarBunnee

19.3K 390 0

UNEDITED MTL Title : 穿越后我成了万魔之母 Author : 榆舟唱晚 Jiang Qi registered an account for the most popular holographi... More

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Ch 45

100 2 0
By LunarBunnee

If someone reads the historical records of the Principality of Periandre in this era after thousands of years, then he may find that the first half of the third prince's life was not as smooth as people's inherent impression, just like heaven. wish.

His mother came from the most prosperous family in this country other than the royal family, but she was not able to become a queen, but only a concubine. The previous king married her for the purpose of political marriage, but he had another true love of his own.

That person was not even from the Principality of Periandel, but a resident who originally lived in the White Beach Desert. The former king traveled around the whole continent when he was still just a prince. He fell in love uncontrollably when he passed the White Beach Desert, and finally persuaded his lover to leave the desert and come to the Principality of Periandel.

At the beginning, the people were quite critical of this queen who was not born well. But soon, people's tone changed - because although this queen didn't have that kind of overly exquisite and luxurious appearance, it was like a gust of enthusiastic wind blowing from the desert, as long as it was someone who had been with her , no one would dislike her.

And a few years later, she and the king had their first child, the future crown princess Theodora.

When Theodora showed her amazing political talent and adaptability to time magic, even those already small voices of opposition completely disappeared.

It was under such a background that the third prince was born in the palace.

In the past, the third prince would feel angry because of his mother's neglect, and feel sad for his father's indifference. More importantly, his mother was a statue-like beauty, and even his son had never been truly seen by the princess.

The third prince was precocious, and he often felt that his mother seemed to be looking at another world that he couldn't understand. Such days until the year when he was five years old.

The resources enjoyed by the royal family are naturally beyond the imagination and reach of ordinary people. On the day of the fifth birthday of the children of the royal family, a great magician from the divination department will be specially invited to tell them what is the most suitable direction for them to change jobs in the future.

Then their training direction will be determined at this time. It can be said that compared with others, they can work harder for more than ten years, or even decades, and it is possible to achieve higher magical achievements.

And the third prince does not possess the rare small-source magic like his imperial sister Theodora. If there is no accident in his magic attributes, he will be more suitable for practicing light magic among the major types of magic in the future.

The young Third Prince was naturally disappointed. 

In fact, children still don't quite understand that there is no essential distinction between big magic and small-source magic. In their minds, small-source magic is rarer, that is, more "special".

However, when the third prince returned to the palace between him and his mother concubine in great disappointment, he saw that the concubine mother who had never put him in her eyes was waiting for the first time at the gate of the palace, as if deliberately welcome his return.

"Mother concubine...?"

Before the third prince could even react, he was already welcomed into an embrace full of fragrance. "Very good, my child." The concubine mother said to him in such a commendatory tone, "You are a good boy." The third prince gradually learned many things.

For example, his mother and concubine didn't care whether she was loved and respected by the king. Will marry into the palace only because of family requirements. For example, his mother and concubine believed in a mysterious and ancient religion, which seemed to be contrary to the current trend, so this religion could only be developed and carried out in secret.

For example... After discovering that her son had the aptitude for light magic, the princess grabbed the third prince's arm as if mad, asking him to believe in the city of the sky, the lord of the blazing sun, together with her.

"You must become the king of this country." Ever since he was a child, the words of the princess have been lingering in the ears of the third prince, like a curse that can almost suffocate him, "Then, welcome my lord 's return!

"I remember, concubine mother." The third prince resisted the tears from the pain in his eyes, stood on tiptoe, and kissed concubine mother's cheek, "I will... fulfill your wish." He wanted to become king of Periandel.

He will be here, in the very center of the entire continent, to welcome the arrival of the Sky City. He...was born for this.

The third prince coughed and laughed.

In the light, his body seemed to begin to produce some subtle changes. Those lights enveloped him, and seemed to be gradually encroaching and enveloping him bit by bit.

This appearance is not unfamiliar, and someone present has already called out that name hesitantly.

"Third prince, is this... going to degenerate into a different species?!

In this world, somewhere, every day, there are creatures who degenerate into a different species.

At present, the only thing that is clear is that it seems that users of light magic will be more likely to degenerate into alien species.

Once all the alien species are found, they need to be killed immediately.

This is the only decree promulgated by the six demon kings on the continent of Arcadia and must be enforced everywhere on the continent. 

The third prince of Periandel has fallen into a different species in public. A colossal scandal.

"Sister Huang." The young man who was gradually completely covered by light laughed softly, "Time magic is indeed powerful and astonishingly powerful, but I offered my soul to the Lord in exchange for this power." 

"The dead will guard for all the secrets, the crystal wall of light will completely seal this place, and before contact, no one can leave from here, and no one can break the crystal wall and come in from outside." He smiled.

"As long as all the witnesses here are removed, then no one will know what happened in this banquet hall today... I will take over Periandel properly on your behalf. You don't have to worry, Miss Huang."

"Your Highness, the third prince!" Eurydice pulled out the long whip around her waist, and stood between Jiang Qi and the third prince. 

Those flaming eyes seemed to be ignited, revealing awe-inspiring anger , "Do you know what you are doing?!"

 "I know very well, Cousin Eurydice. "The third prince said with a smile, "I'm doing what I should do. "

——He was fulfilling the dying expectation from his mother and concubine.

Perhaps because of his incarnation of a different species, the third prince's strength seemed to have jumped by more than one level compared to before. He easily slapped away the blocking Eurydice, a sharp blade made of light appeared in his hand, and stretched out his hand towards Jiang Qi. 

The girl didn't even seem to have the slightest intention to dodge, so she stood where she was, letting the light blade move towards her extremely the attack came at a fast speed.

The third prince met her eyes.

No, the third prince thought, it was too calm. Did Theodora's gaze look a little too calm?

It can no longer be simply described with words like "calm ", but more like a kind of indifference that ignores everything, as if a god lowered his eyes from the nine heavens and glanced lightly at this world.

The third prince felt ridiculous that he would have such an idea for no reason.

The light blade in his hand was only one inch short of being able to pierce the heart of the empress dowager in front of him, but it happened to be this one inch, but there was no way to pierce through it no matter what.

The third prince lowered his head in surprise, and found that his wrist was firmly clamped by a young man.

That young man with black hair and black eyes looked ordinary, to the extent that he could never be found after being thrown in the crowd; but at this moment, it was this inconspicuous young man, whose seemingly slender arms possessed astonishingly terrifying strength , making it impossible for the third prince to move even a tiny bit.

The boy looked up.

"It's really... so courageous." He said softly, but there was a terrible terror in that extremely low voice, with incomparable depression, just like the calm sea before the storm , "As a foreign species, appearing in front of me is already a death penalty."

"I don't know how to repent now, and I am trying to attack...." The young man suddenly opened his eyes wide, and angrily reprimanded: "Really, I don't know Live or die!"

The phantom of the golden clock that appeared before once again fell in this hall. This time, unlike the previous fleeting and tiny scale, the phantom of the golden clock dial completely included the entire hall.

Everything around me stopped at this moment. Whether it's the flow of the wind, the footsteps of people running, the actions of guards, the smoke of aromatherapy lit in the room...all of these seem to be pressed by an invisible hand for the drama that is being performed on the stage. Pause button, so that there is no action anymore.

In the death-like silence, only three people were able to maintain normal actions and thinking. Theodora, the black-haired boy, and the third prince.

"You... are also a user of time magic?!

The third prince was not such an ignorant and dull person. He immediately recognized the type of magic used by Cornett, and even connected it with everything before. He had already guessed the truth to a great extent.

"So... The origin of Theodora's magic must have been destroyed. It was not Theodora who used the time magic to revive the broken branches of the Mother of Life Tree, but you!" 

The black-haired boy tilted his head. "It's me, so what?"

"Even if you know this now, it doesn't make any sense." He smiled, with two canine teeth looming on his lips. "Because you are going to die here now."

He seemed to be tired of hiding, his black hair began to fade, and turned into a dazzling milky gold; the translucent blue of gemstones climbed into those dark eyes, which was enough to surpass this. All the expensive jewels in the world.

"Those who intend to harm the Mother Goddess will have to pay for their actions!"

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