Big Hero 6:My Muse

By LaceyStrode5

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male Gogo x oc Tadashi and Hiro have an older sister that was adopted by there Aunt Cass. She's not a major s... More

chapter 1:Jail
Chapter 2: Nerd school/meet the gang
Musa Hamada/Sound Clip
Chapter 4:Loss

Chapter 3:SFIT acceptance

584 16 1
By LaceyStrode5

An SFIT is stapled to the wall

"Every year, the school has a student showcase." Tadashi explains as he turns towards Hiro who sat in his rolly chair holding his head on his palm as he watched Tadashi with interest.
"You come up with something that blows Callaghan away, you're in. But, it's gotta be great."  Tadashi walks into his side of the room, leaving Hiro to Stare at the poster with a cocky smirk.

"Trust me." Hiro scoots up to his desk, furrowing his brows in determination.
"It will be." He cracks his knuckles.

He pulls out a drawer revealing some notebooks. He then takes a pencil from its holder and sharpens it to a point. He holds it up to his face with a smirk before opening a notebook and lowering his pencil to the page.

Hours later multiple bundles of paper are discarded across the desk and floor as Hiro bangs his head on the desk.

"Nothing! No ideas! Useless, empty brain!" Hiro hits his head on the desk to accentuate his point.

Tadashi and Musa, who had come over earlier that afternoon to check on the two boys, sat on Tadashi's bed. Musa looked at Hiro in slight amusement and worry while Tadashi just nonchalantly read a manga book, flipping the page as he smiled at Hiro's words.
"Wow. Washed up at 14. So sad." Tadashi mocked, causing Musa to snort in laughter.

Hiro throws himself back onto his rolly chair, defeat clear on his face "I got nothing! I'm done, I'm never getting in."

When Hiro just about gave up Tadashi and Musa quickly walked over to him, spinning his chair to face them. Tadashi leaned down staring Hiro in the eye with such determination that Hiro looked at him in shock "Hey, We're not giving up on you."
Suddenly Hiro is hoisted up back his feet causing him to scream in panic and surprise.
Musa just smirks at the two, watching as Tadashi shakes him a bit as he hangs upside down.

"What are you doing? Musa help! He's gone nuts!" Hiro Grunts, reaching towards Musa only to be pulled farther away by Tadashi.
Musa just giggles and waves him off, still being cautious and taking steps towards them in case Tadashi did drop him.
"Hey! I'm not nuts!" Tadashi yells in mock offense, only to chuckle and explain what he was doing. "I'm just helping. Shakes things up a bit. Use that big brain of yours to think your way out."

"What?" Hiro asks, still confused on why his big brother was doing this to him.
Musa sighs and walks towards the two. She lowers herself down to Hiro level making him look at her in the eye.
"Look for a new angle. C'mon Hiro, we wouldn't be doing this if we thought you couldn't do it." She takes a small piece of Hiro's hair and twirls it as Hiro furrows his brows in thought.
She chuckles and lets the strand go, causing Hiro to whine in protest. She only shakes her head in amusement, getting up and walking over to the desk to clean off the bundles of paper scattered around.

Hiro sighs in exasperation as he stops struggling. He looks over to Musa, watching as she cleans his desk, only for something next to her to catch his attention. There sat his Mega bot, smiley face and all. Hiro tilts his head upward, now looking at it sitting up right.
He smirks as an idea comes to him, now knowing what he was gonna do for his Project.

Now how was he gonna get out of this situation?

He looks over at Musa again to see that she was tying up the small trash bag in the room, preparing to take it downstairs to the garbage can.

Ah ha 💡

"Musa." She turns around to the call of her name, only to freeze. There her little brother was giving her the most adorable puppy eyes she has ever seen.
"Can you get me down? I'm starting to get lightheaded." He pouts, widening his eyes a bit to pull off the innocent facade.
Musa gulps, shaking her head as her resolve starts to dwindle.
'Time to pull the finishing card' Hiro smirks internally, knowing for sure this last move would break her.
"Don't you love me?"


Tadashi, who wasn't paying attention at the time, continued to stare off into space, not noticing the female behind him slowly sneaking towards him.



The scene changes to Hiro who pulled up the garage door, bot in hand.

Hiro looked around in excitement, practically giddy to get this started.
Musa walked up behind him, ruffling his hair as she smiled down at the boy. Hiro chuckled at his older sister's playfulness, glad she was here to support him. Musa didn't have any filming plans and her new video that she was editing was done and published. So she could be here to support and help him when he needed it.

Hiro sets his bot down on the table and starts to get to work.

Day 1
Hiro got to work immediately, going from desk to computer while Musa just sat and watched him with a sense of pride. Occasionally she would get up to help him.

Hiro played with Mochi from his desk with a Laser pointer, smiling as the cat chased the small beam of light. Musa had gone to get something to eat.

Day 2
Early in the morning Hiro stood at one of the desks, still at work. Musa in the background laid on the couch fast asleep from staying up so late. Aunt Cass came in with two plates of food, greeting Hiro and setting one plate next to him before going over to Musa's sleeping figure. She sat the plate next to the couch and smiled down at her daughter. She leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead before leaving.

Later in the afternoon Hiro worked back and forth between two desks, alone in the garage as Musa had gone to spend time with Gogo for a bit..

That night Tadashi and Musa sat on the couch, watching as Hiro worked diligently on his project.
Tadashi fell asleep a few minutes after from his exhausting day of college, leaning his head on Musa's shoulder while she scrolled on her phone. Hiro worked at the computer. He looked back at bit to check on his older siblings, smiling when he found them sleeping against each other.

At dinner time Tadashi held up a spicy chicken wing above Hiro, coaxing him to go inside and eat dinner.

Later that night Hiro rolled a bin into the garage, his older siblings had gone on to bed.

Day 3
In the morning Hiro searched the garage for something.
Few minutes later he gave up and went to Musa for help.

Musa held up the object in question in amusement, watching as Hiro jumped up and down trying to reach it.

Afternoon had reached again and Hiro sat at his computer, analyzing something while Musa leaned on the back of his chair, observing the progress he was making.

Later on Hiro switched to the other computer and worked while Musa slept on the couch again, her phone laying next to her with the phone screen of it being on call. The name 'Gogo💕' is shown on it.

Day 4
Two more bins were rolled into the garage.

Hiro snored on his rolly chair, hanging off of it by his arm. Musa just stared down at him with an amused chuckle, shaking her head before picking him up and taking him to the house for a proper night's sleep, or well a proper nap.

Day 5
A now awake and alert Hiro strolls into the garage, working on his computer some more.

Day 6
Hiro worked at his other computer while Mochi sat and curled up on one of the bins.
Musa had to film today so she wasn't gonna be there.

Later that night Musa walked into the garage to see Hiro still hard at work, a new bin set in the middle of the garage. Musa smiles and walks over to Hiro, giving him a kiss on his head before walking over and picking up mochi. Mochi meowed in protest, only to purr as Musa scratched the side of her neck. Musa then walked over to the couch to take a seat.

Hiro grinned excitedly as he played with a remote control car around the garage. Musa laughed at his childness before picking him up and spinning him around.

Day 7
The gang had decided to pay a visit and brought over pizza. Tadashi, Hiro, and Honey lemon talked on the back while the others stood near the bins. Wasabi and Musa laughed in amusement at Fred's pizza covered face while Gogo just looked at him in disgust and bewilderment.

Later in the evening the gang all sat together as Hiro told a story of some sort. They all looked at him in attention, Honey lemon sat on the desk, Gogo sat on the rolly chair with Musa in his lap, Wasabi was looking at something, And Tadashi was Watching as Hiro fake punched Fred in the chest.

They hung out for a few hours before all of them left, leaving Hiro in the garage as he slept upside down on the couch.

Day 8
The gang was over again watching and giving pointers as Hiro worked on his computer.
Fred looked over at them in mischief as he sat in the bin closest to them. He smirked evilly before jumping out and screaming. Musa, who stood right in front of the bin, screamed in surprise and fear from the loud noise, jumping back and towards Gogo for comfort.
Gogo heard her scream and instantly turned around in panic, pulling Musa to behind him as he glared at Fred who chuckled nervously, holding his hands up in surrender.

The others just watched the scene, laughing at Gogo's protectiveness.

A little while later shows a bin on the floor with the group laughing down at it while Gogo held a laughing Musa in his arms, holding her close to his chest as he glared down the bin that held a dizzy Fred.

Day 9
In the morning Hiro rolled another bin into the garage, getting to work again before falling asleep on one of the desks.

Day 10
Hiro brought another bin in, checking all of them over before standing in front of all of them.

Hiro lifted the bin, smiling down at the little bots. Tadashi comes into view on his left, holding a fist up to Hiro. Hiro just lifted his own fist up and fist bumped him, both imitating an explosion as they pulled away.

The days of the showcase

The SFIT building comes into view, people rushing to get in.

Hiro and Tadashi walked through the place, looking around in amazement.
"Wow, a lot of sweet tech here today." Tadashi comments before turning his attention to Hiro.
"How you feeling?" He questions, nudging him in the arm slightly.
"You're talking to an ex-bot fighter. Takes a lot more than this to rattle me." He brags, a slight nervousness rolling off of him as he faked his confidence.

Gogo smirks, looking at Hiro from behind his girlfriend who rolled one of the bins behind them with Honey lemon next to her.
"Yep, he's nervous."

Hiro looks back at him in disbelief, glaring at him slightly as Gogo smirks and sticks his tongue out at him slightly.

Musa nudges Gogo, causing him to look down at her in question. She shakes her head at him telling him with her eyes to 'Be nice'.
He sighs, muttering a "fine" before he encircled his arms around her waist.

"Oh." Honey lemon cooed at him.
"Oh, you have nothing to fear, little fellow." Fred told him, Honey lemon joining in to ease his nerves.
"He's so tense."

"No, I'm not." Hiro told them, furrowing his brows as he smiled nervously.
"Relax, Hiro. Your tech is amazing, Tell him Gogo, Sound Clip." Honey lemon encouraged, causing Gogo to roll his eyes.

Musa goes to open her mouth to give Hiro some encouragement when Gogi interrupts "Stop whining. Woman up."
Musa Snickers "Isn't the saying "Man up"?" She questions.
He smiles and nuzzles in her shoulder as they continue walking "Yeah, but women are so much stronger than men. So I changed it." He kisses her on the cheek after his explanation, causing her to blush a deep shade of red.

"Seriously guys, I'm fine!" Hiro tells them, hoping they'll get off his back.
"What do you need, little man? Deodorant? Breath mint? Fresh pair of underpants?" Wasabi questions as all of them being the bins to a stop.
"Underpants? You need serious help." Gogo tells him, looking at him with a 'are you serious' look.

"Well, honestly I kinda get the underpants thing. I carry spare underwear in my purse in case of, well, you know." She stumbles over the last of her words, hoping they'd get it. Thankfully they do and nod at her in understanding. They've been there a couple of times where she has had to go and change her underwear because of her lady issues.

"See, I'm prepared as Musa is."

"I haven't done Laundry in six months." Fred explains to them, hopping up and sitting on the side of the stage. Hiro and Tadashi walk back over to the group, looking at Fred curiously.
"One pair lasts me four days. I go front, I go back, I go inside-out. Then I go front and back."

Wasabi and Musa gags at this revelation as Honey lemon stared at him in horror and Gogo looked at him in disgust.
"Wow. That is both disgusting and awesome." Tadashi smiles at Fred.
Musa looks at him in disbelief.
"Don't encourage him." Gogo told Tadashi with a stern look.
"It's called "recycling"." Fred explains to Gogo who just rolled his eyes.

"That is nothing like recycling. Tadashi, don't you dare start doing that." She points accusingly at Tadashi.

"Next presentee, Hiro Hamada "

Fred takes a double take as he watched the stage light up. He smiles excitedly and hops down with a chuckle.
"Oh, yeah. This is it."
He hops towards the group, bouncing on the heels of his foot.
"I guess I'm up." Hiro smiles nervously at Musa. She notices and gives him a reassuring smile, setting her hand on his head and treading her fingers through his messy hair. "You're gonna be great." He smiles, leaning into her more as she brushes his hair with her fingers, causing an overwhelming sense of comfort to come over him.

The group smiles at the scene, Honey lemon squealing at the cute scene in front of her.
She brings out her phone taking a quick snap of a picture before gaining everyone's attention.
Hiro blushed in embarrassment, not believing that they all witnessed him being soft for his sister.

"Okay, photo, photo! Everybody say, "Hiro." Honey lemon brings the group together, holding her phone out to take a group selfie.


The group pulled away, Wasabi leading the group to go into the crowd to watch Hiro's performance.
"We love you, Hiro. Good luck!"

"Don't mess it up"

"Break a leg, little man."

"Love you, Hiro. Good luck!"

"Science, Yeah!"

Hiro and Tadashi watched as they all dispersed, Hiro grunting in annoyance when he saw Gogo pull his sister to his side by the waist, making her giggle and Push his arm slightly. He retaliated by pinching her butt, making her yelp.

Tadashi just laughed while Hiro grumbled and ew'd at the sight.

Hiro then turned towards the stage nervously as Tadashi looked at him.
"All right, Bro. This is it." He holds his fist up to Hiro who just continued to stare at the stage.
Tadashi then went and stood in front of him in hopes to get him to answer "Come on. Don't leave me hanging." His smile faded as he looked at Hiro's expression.
"What's going on?" He questions in concern. He figured the little moment he had with Musa from earlier would've eased him, guess not.

Hiro gulps before answering nervously "I really want to go here." He explained. Tadashi set a reassuring hand on his shoulder, bringing Hiro to gaze into his eyes.
"Hey. You got this." They smile at each other before Tadashi pushes him towards the stage.

Hiro grabs the mic and holds it closer to his chest as he walks onto the stage, Nervousness clear on his face.
He comes into the light, looking out to the small crowd of people in fear as he cleared his throat.
"Uh… hi. My name is Hiro…" the Mic makes the screeching sound, causing Hiro to pull it away from him as the crowd winces.
"Sorry." He stammers out his apology before continuing.
"My name is Hiro Hamada, and I've been working on something that I think is pretty cool." He reaches for his back pocket, only to pause and bring the mic back.
"I hope you like it."

He grabs a headband and puts it on, turning the power on before grabbing something from his pocket and holding it out to the crowd.

"This is a microbot." It waves to the crowd making the judges and the other students look at it in curiosity.
The man that stood next to the judges scoots and walks away causing Hiro to breath nervously and look over at his family and friends.
The group looks at him in concern while Gogo glared at the guy that walked off.
Tadashi gives him a breathing motion to remind him to breathe while Musa did a quick hand movement to show the shape of a heart as she mouthed 'we love you' to him.

Hiro smiles at their gesture, taking a deep breath and exhaling.
"It doesn't look like much, but when it links up with the rest of its pals…"

The crowd gasps as more microbots crawl towards the stage, making a small building next to Hiro who smirks confidently.
".. things get a little more interesting." He lets go of the microbots in his hand and it flies towards the small building, making it complete.

The crowd exclaims in amazement as they look at the invention.
The group smiles and walks closer to the stage with pride as they watch Hiro demonstrate his invention.
A wealthy looking man picks up a gadget only to pause as his assistant nudges him and Gestures to the stage with Hiro on it.

"The microbots are controlled with this neural transmitter." He points to the headband before taking it off, showing how the microbots stop working as it's taken off. He puts it back on and they resume their original position making the crowd gasp.

"I think what I want them to do…" he gestures to it as it turns into a hand and waves at the crowd.
"They do it."

Cass gasps and waves back at the hand, staring at her nephew in amazement while the rest of the group smiles knowingly, a proud glint in their eyes.

The man from earlier sets the hat down and walks towards the stage with his assistant.

"The applications for this tech are limitless. Construction."
The bots move, seeming to be build something.
"What used to take teams of people working by hand for months or years,"
Hiro walks into the microbots before appearing on top of a well built structure.
"Can now be accomplished by one person."
The crowd gasps in awe at the sight, not believing this kid built this amazing tech.

"And that's just the beginning. How about."
He takes a step off the structure causing the crowd to gasp in Fear.
"Transportation?" He fully steps off and the microbots catch him.
"Microbots can move anything anywhere, with ease." He flipped upside down as the bots cling to the bars on the ceiling, moving him along.
As he passes his family both Tadashi and Musa hold their hands up for a high five. He obligs and high fives them before moving over to a person in a bubble and moving him higher.
"If you can think it, the microbots can do it." The guy in the bubble gives him a thumbs up as Hiro moves back to the stage.

The microbots make an escalator and gets him to the ground "the only limit is your imagination."
He hops off and gestures to the microbots as they form a huge microbot.

The crowd cheers as Hiro breathes heavily, a grin plastered on his face.

Hiro and the microbot bow before sitting up quickly as he hears his aunt from the crowd.
"That's my nephew!"

The group cheered, Aunt Cass being the loudest beside Musa who shook Gogo excitedly.
"Whoo-hoo! My family! I love my family!" Aunt Cass grabbed the person next to her and shook him, causing him to smile down at the young woman.

Hiro jumped down from the stage as Tadashi reached him, he laughed  as they did a handshake "Nailed it!"
They make an explosion noise as they separate just in time for the other to reach them.
"You did it!"
"Eeeekk! I'm so proud of you!"
"Not bad, kid."

Musa rushes to him and wraps her arms around him ins tight embrace, raising him off the ground before putting him back down for Honey lemon to do the same.
"They loved you. That was amazing!" Honey lemon gushes, only to pause as a voice brings their attention.

"Yes. With some development, your tech could be revolutionary."
The group steps back as the man steps towards him and Tadashi.
Musa nervously holds on to Gogo's jacket as she watches him closely. Gogo noticed her tense figure and brings her closer to him, trying to ease her nerves.

"Alistair Krei!" Hiro chuckled in disbelief at the person standing in front of him.
"May I?" He asks, holding a hand out to Hiro.
"Uh, sure." He hands the microbots over to Krei who inspects the tiny bot. "Hmm. Extraordinary. I want your microbots at Krei Tech." Krei offers.
"Shut up." Hiro gasps, both from amazement and disbelief as he stares at the man in front of him.
Tadashi and Musa share a worried glance before turning their attention back to Hiro and Krei.

"Mr. Krei is right. Your microbots are an inspired piece of tech." Mr. Callaghan approaches, standing next to Krei as he compliments Hiro's tech.
"You can continue to develop them, or you can sell them to a man who's only guided by his own self interest." Mr. Callaghan frowns, as if recalling something painful as he stares at Hiro.
"Robert, I know how you feel about me, but it shouldn't affect…."

"This is your decision, Hiro. But you should know Mr. Krei has cut corners and ignored sound science to get where he is." Mr. Krei scoffs at this and sighs before explaining to Hiro. "That's just not true." Hiro looks at him wide eyed before turning back to Callaghan who continues to talk to him.
"I wouldn't trust Krei tech with your microbots, or anything else." Mr. Callaghan glares at Krei making him glare back. Krei inhales before breathing out calmly as he looks down at Hiro.

"Hiro, um offering you more money than any 14 year old could imagine."
Hiro looks down, thinking of his choices. This causes Tadashi to stand next to him and look down, waiting for an answer from his brother.
Hiro's eyebrows furrowed as he made a decision, he looked up at Krei with no resentment as he calmly spoke.
"I appreciate the offer Mr. Krei, but they're not for sale."

Krei laughs in disbelief "I thought you were smarter than that."
He pulls on the suit cuff as he turns away.

"Mr. Krei." Tadashi calls out, making him stop and turn to him.
"That's my brother's." He points out, pointing to Krei with a stern gaze.
"Oh. That's right." He pulls out the microbots from his pocket, tossing it to Hiro who caught it. He smiles at them before walking away.

Tadashi nods at Hiro before turning to Mr. Callaghan as he pulled out an envelope.
"I look forward to seeing you in class." Hiro gasps, snatching the envelope and staring at it with a new kind of excitement he's never felt before.

To the doors of the building

The group cheered as they walked out of the building, nudging Hiro at his success.
"Unbelievable! Aha!"

"That's what I'm talking about." Wasabi comments as they walk down the stairs.
"All right, geniuses, let's feed those hungry brains. Back to the cafe! Dinner is on me!" Aunt Cass points to herself making the boys cheer.
Nothing beats Aunt Cass's cooking.

"Yes! Nothing is better than free food!" Fred cheers, causing Musa to laugh in agreement.

Suddenly Musa stops, making Gogo stop and look at her in concern.
"You okay?" He asks, looking into her chocolate brown eyes.
She smiles "Yeah, I'm fine! I just… have to go to the bathroom." She smiles nervously, making Gogo chuckle at her cuteness.
"Go ahead. We'll be out here."
She nods and heads back towards the building, passing her brothers on the way.

"Where are you going?" Tadashi questions, watching as she rushes towards the building.
"Bathroom!" She shouts before ducking into the building, making Tadashi and Hiro laugh.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I've just been burnt out and busy. Hopefully I'll get a chapter done tomorrow but I'm not garenteeing it with tomorrow being game night.
Love you guys!

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