Games Lovers Play (A Complete...

By MarkDunson

11.2K 151 34

Sheila is a sexy, successful lawyer who has been married to her celebrity Chef husband Rob for four years. Wh... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Games Lovers Play 2

Chapter 12

891 13 3
By MarkDunson

Heather arrived at Lee's home after a hard day of work. She used her key and opened the door. She sat the duffle bag of clothes she picked up from her place down and walked towards Lee's living room.

Tami had truly gotten on her nerves today. She bugged her all day about the promotion for several projects her team was working on. She was just happy the day was over and she was able to spend the weekend with her man.

When she arrived in the living room Lee was seated on the couch facetiming with his lawyer. He looked up and saw Heather walking towards him. "Okay Don. There is a beautiful sexy woman in my living room right now, so I'm going to have to call you back."

Heather walked towards Lee and attempted to sit next to him on the couch. Lee motioned for her to sit in his lap. He held the phone up so that his lawyer was now looking at both him and Heather.

The guys face on the IPhone forced a small smile. "She's very nice Lee..."

Heather turned her head, looked at Lee and pointed one figure to the man on the phone. "Did he just say I was very nice like I was a puppy or something?"

Lee smiled. "I think he did baby. But he didn't mean anything by it. Did you Don?"

Don forced a bigger smile. "I didn't mean any harm ma'am. You're very beautiful. I just need to finish talking to Lee about something very, very important. Do you mind if we talked for a minute ma'am..."

Lee focused intensely at the phone. "Don't ever ask my lady to leave the room to talk business with me Don. That's disrespectful. I don't have to make a decision about this now or ever if I don't want to. We can talk about this next week. It will be okay."

"Lee, just remember what I said to you. Don't do anything until we've met and talked about this. Until we've had a chance to look over everything. You have a big decision to make. I advise you to think about it over the weekend and get back to me next week."

"Okay Don, I won't make a decision till next week. Bye now!" Lee said as he pushed end on his IPhone and laid it on the end table. He looked at Heather who was sitting in his lap. "How was your day love?"

Heather looked at Lee and wanted to explain how bad his mother got on her nerves today, but instead she decided against it. "My day was cool. I'm glad it's over though."

Lee licked his full lips and smiled. "So where's my kiss baby? That's how you do your man huh? Come in and not show me any type of love."

Heather leaned her head in and kissed Lee. She loved the way kissing Lee made her feel. She felt bolts of electricity race through her body. She was indeed in love.

They ended their kiss as Lee's phone began to vibrate. He reached and picked it up from the end table. The name on the screen said Carl Langston. He hit the ignore button.

Heather recognized the name when she saw it on Lee's phone. "Lee, was that call from Carl Langston, the billionaire investor? Why did you not answer?"

Lee looked at Heather and then at his phone and back to Heather. "I have a tough decision to make. He wants to buy me out."

Heather looked at Lee. "What do you mean? He wants to buy you out, for how much?"

Lee grabbed Heathers hand. "That's what Don was talking about. He thinks I should sell..."

"Well baby, what do you want to do?"

Lee looked at Heather in her eyes. "I really don't know. He's offering enough money where I would never have to work again. But if I sell my company what will I do with myself. I love to code..."

Heather was a little irritated by the fact Lee didn't answer her question. So she repeated it. "Lee, how much does he want to pay you for your company? Is it a fair price?"

"I don't know the exact price yet. His people have told Don its nine figures. But, I told Don I didn't want to know the price just yet. I want to decide if I want to sell first, and then think of my own price. I'm going to meet with my advisors on Monday. I just don't want to be thinking about this all weekend."

Heather lightly struck Lee's forearm. "You're not alone in this. You know you can talk about this with me."

Lee smiled and touched the hand Heather was rubbing against his arm. "I just don't want to think about it right now."

Heather leaned back and turned her face so that her forehead was touching Lee's. "I think I can help keep your mind off of it for the weekend."

Lee smiled. The thought of sex with Heather made his dick began to harden. "I would love for you to help me with that baby."

Heather suddenly remembered her duffle bag. She jumped up. "Let's take a bath. And then I got another surprise for you."

Lee flashed a curious smile. "Oh do you now."

Heather leaned down and kissed Lee on his lips. "Little boy. You have no idea."

Lee laughed. "Little boy? Ain't a damn thing about me little ma."

Heather grabbed him by the hands in an attempt to pull him up. But instead he pulled her back into his lap. She took her hand and wrapped it around his dick that was clearly defined through the sweat pants he was wearing. "Oh! Look at how fast little boys grow when they want to play with a grown ass woman."

Lee smiled as Heather leaned in for a kiss.


Karen was excited. She had a check for twenty-five million dollars in her possession. It was the biggest sale she had ever made on a property. She walked to her car and called Jason. But he didn't answer. He must be sleep. She thought as she sighed and opened her car door.

She got in the Bentley and started to drive away. She noticed Anthony Drake getting into his Maserati as she left the parking lot. She beeped her horn and waved a hand out the window.

As she eased down the dark road her phone rang. She looked at the center console screen and saw it was Tami calling her. Karen answered. "Hey Tami, How are you?"

"I'm okay. What are you up to?"

"I was just leaving a meeting with Anthony Drake."

"He still hasn't come to our price with his cheap ass. Wait! Are you driving?

Karen laughed. "Yeah, I am. But the phone is hands free. I'm fine"

"No you're not! What have I told you all about driving and talking on the phone? Call me when you get home. I have some things I want to talk to you about."

Karen took a deep breath. "Okay. What's going on?"

"It can wait till you get home. I'm hanging up now. Good bye."

Before Karen could reply Tami had hung up the phone. "Damn! I wanted to tell her about the sale." Karen mumbled to herself as she noticed Anthony Drake zoom past her in his Maserati.

Karen drove for another ten minutes before she stopped at a red light with a gas station on every corner. She wondered how profitable gas stations were. She looked to her right and saw Anthony Drake at one of the pumps getting gas.

The light turned green and Karen started driving. In a matter of minutes she was on a dark country road again. She pulled her phone out and called Jason. He didn't answer. Yep, he's sleep. Damn I wanted some dick tonight.

As she drove a little longer her mind began to shift and think about how horny she has been the last few weeks. I wonder if this is a pregnancy thing.

Suddenly, out of the woods a deer came and tried to jump over her vehicle. It happened so fast. Karen didn't have a chance to swerve or stop. She just tensed up her body and prepared herself for impact.

The deer was laid across the cracked windshield. The airbags in the Bentley were deployed. She felt pain. She looked in the visor mirror and saw her lip split. I'm okay. Karen thought.

Just as she began to unbuckle her seatbelt she saw the deer open his eyes. The deer started to get up. He fell back down, and the bottom of one of his legs came through the windshield. Karen was terrified.

The deer's leg was stuck in the small hole it made. The deer started to kick his leg in an effort to free it. Karen's foot hit the gas pedal. She felt the vehicle take off. She could not see where she was going.

The deer kicked harder. Karen let go of the steering wheel and covered her face. The Bentley veered off the road and into the woods. Karen felt a big bang. A bolt of pain went over her entire body. The deer flew from the vehicle. Karen looked up and noticed her windshield was completely shattered.

Karen tried to open the door but she couldn't. The pain she was enduring was too much. She looked down at her pants and saw blood. "OH NO!" She mumbled. All Karen could think about was Jason. She couldn't leave Jason alone. She had to fight. "OH NO! HELP! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!"

The more she screamed the more pain she felt. A flash of light appeared behind her on the road. She screamed once again. "Please somebody help me!"

But the vehicle kept driving. Karen felt herself getting weak. Her breaths were starting to get harder to take. But the pain was subsiding as well.

She saw headlights shine inside her car once again. She wanted to scream for help but could not find the energy. She looked in the rearview mirror and saw the lights were still shining on her.

Suddenly she felt a pain so bad hit her body. The headlights shining in her car started to fade. She could hear herself breathing. Karen tried to move but couldn't. She felt her body collapse and fall into the seat.

She tried hard to fight what was happening to her. She looked down and saw more blood. Her hands and legs were shaking. She could not stop them. She tried very hard but couldn't control anything. She felt herself drifting out of consciousness. She tried harder to fight it. "Jason." She mumbled.

Suddenly she could move her hand. She reached for the center console and activated her phone. She called Jason. The phone just rang. Karen began to cry. The pain was too much. She needed to tell Jason how much she loved him. She needed to hear his voice one last time.

The phone stopped ringing. The voicemail did not pick up. She saw the call was activated. "JA-Son. You...there?" It was becoming hard for Karen to speak. She used every piece of energy to yell for the man she loved to pick up the phone. "JASON!" she screamed.

Then she heard something. "Fuck me Jason!" A woman's voice sounded through the car speakers. "Ooh I'm about to bust girl!" She heard Jason screaming.

The sounds of sex and the pain from the accident consumed Karen for a few more moments before a loud knock came on the driver's side window.

Karen slowly turned her head. She saw the man standing there. "I'm going to help you out!" The man screamed.

Karen looked at the man. She could see him saying something. But all she could hear was "Fuck Me Jason!" coming from the car speakers. She wanted out the car but it was too late. The sounds from the speaker soon became unrecognizable. All she heard was noise. The man's face she was looking at became a blur. And finally everything faded to black for Karen. She was unconscious.

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