We Deal Justice Our Way (Mha...

Por Dredagoat03

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After sacrificing himself to save his friends and the ones he loved. Izuku Midoriya won the ultimate battle... Más

The End of Days
The Day We Started
Happy Harbor
Drop Zone
Control is the Key
The New Girl
Suspected Targets
Jailbirds & Old Friends
The Injustice League
Failsafe: Release
All For Naught Pt.1: Make A Choice
All For Naught Pt.2: Nightmares Become Reality Pt. 1
Side Story: Training Day
Misplaced by A Horn
Snow Cloud
Agendas and Bloodlines
Outrage & Usual Suspects
Epilogue: How Things Were Left
We Deal Justice Our Way!
Side Story: The Avenger & The Iceman
Side Story: The Story of a War Hero: Liam Blake
Side Story: Let's Help You Out Superboy
Side Story: Searching For a New Lantern
Side Story: Chaos In The Creation

A Brighter Future

403 13 47
Por Dredagoat03

(A/N: Now since we're down to the last chapter I hope to give you all a good end of the chapter of this book. Later there will be a poll I ask that you all check out, and for those who has been asking about continuation continue reading to find out.)

I ask if you enjoyed the chapter please vote it, comment on what you like, and thank you all for reading the story. Also, Happy New Years!

{Washington D.C.}
December 31, 00:16 EDT

Under the Washington monument, beneath in the subway panting footsteps echoed as the water puddles tapped beneath their feet. Running around the corner was none other than Red Arrow as he held his bow in hand and an arrow loaded to be released. Quickly, he hid behind a wall for cover, as he looked over to see his pursuer's only for an arrow to fly past him grazing his cheek.

Red Arrow: Nngh!

He grunted in pain.

Quickly he flipped from behind the wall as he aimed his bow at his attacker, only to react late to an exploding arrow shot by his feet. As an explosion erupted, he was sent flying back, while a cloud of smoke and dust clouded the area, he once stood in. Standing back up he aimed his arrow into the smoke only for a figure to run at incredible speed as they jumped out of the smoke cloud and punched Red Arrow across the face sending him flying back. Releasing the arrow, he had in hand he misfired at the ceiling causing an explosion with his arrow creating more smoke.

As he slowly began to recover another figure, tall with a muscular build, stood behind him. Quickly Red Arrow reacted by swinging his bow at the opposing threat only to watch as his weapon shattered upon coming in contact with their shoulder. He was then punched in the jaw, flying away from where he stood as he slid along the ground.

Red Arrow: Ugh!

He groaned.

Hearing the sounds of a train coming, he sat up quickly with blood leaking from his nose and busted lip as he shielded his eyes from the blinding light. As the train came to him, it passed along the rails as the attackers stood to the side watching as the train passed by. Once it did his attackers stepped out to be revealed as The Flash, Aquaman, and Green Arrow as they walked over to where he last stood, only to see that he had fell through a grate through the floor.

Aqualad grabbed his water bearers as his tattoos glowed as he stares into the abyss.

Robin landed on a perch as he stared into Gotham.

Kid Flash crouched down as he grabbed his goggles before pulling them over his eyes.

Dekiru landed on the ground with a smile graced upon his face as he charged his power with white electricity bouncing off of him.

Superboy floated above happy harbor as he stared out into the skies.

Ms. Martian flew back into the midnight sky as the moon reflected behind her.

Artemis pulled back her arrow as she concentrated on her target, as she then released it.

Flashes of the team were then shown as they were standing in the training center with Batman, Red Tornado, and Black Canary infront of them discussing their mission.

Another flash then showed a clip of Superboy and Robin jumping up out of a Cargo plane, as another showed Dekiru and Aqualad hid behind a table.

Another showed Ms. Martian using her psychic abilities to tear apart a plane, as another showed Robin standing up with Artemis standing behind him.

Another one then showed Kid Flash running with Dekiru not to far behind him.

Another one showed Robin and Superboy behind a crate ducking incoming fire as he then threw a batarang towards a enemy.

Then the final one showed the entire team standing infront of a huge explosion.

In a burst of flashes, it showed:
Batman pulling up a picture of Red Arrow
The Team looking incredulous
Aqualad kicking a door open 
Izuku standing in his room alone
Superboy looking angry
Deku and Shigaraki standing inside their mindscape
Red Arrow taking aim
Artemis dodging an explosion
Zatanna kissing Izuku on the cheek
A bright flash of green light

The team then turns around to stare out to the fourth wall.

Young Justice

{Intro Over}

{Mount Justice}
December 31, 07:16 EST

After what happened back on Santa Prisca, the team were still shaken by what happened. Their leader, the one they looked up to the most was gone. No longer fit to lead the team due to his condition and his family matters. Now with what's left, Aqualad now leads the team in his position as they walked through the halls of the cave.

Aqualad: Though yesterday was a shocking revelation of sorts, we have reason to feel proud of its victories. Though Dekiru may not be here to join us due to his immediate termination from the team, he has left us with one thing left to be unchanged.

He says as behind them Zatanna looked down with a down casted look sadden for what happened to him as she felt a hand from Artemis placed on her shoulder.

Artemis: It'll be alright, Izuku just needs to cool down. He's in a state of grieving.

Zatanna: I know. But what I saw yesterday wasn't anything like him at all. And I doubt it had anything to do with Shigaraki. It has to be something else, or otherwise...he wouldn't have reacted like that when we tried to stop him. When I tried to stop him.

She told her as she remembered the way Izuku had reacted. The chaotic look on his face the way he just wanted to cause disaster to all who stood in his way. Not caring who they were as he bled black blood from his nose and mouth.

Dekiru: "You're all just in my way, a nuisance. Don't get in my way or otherwise I won't spare you for what's to come."

She recounted. Her shoulders shivered remembering him say that to them, to her.

Artemis: Hey, you can't blame yourself. We all tried to help in some way.

Rocket: Yeah, you can't let that get to you. I might not have known him as much as the rest of you do but I know he was a cool down to earth kind of guy.

She said also trying to reassure Zatanna as she looked thankful at her friends.

Infront of them Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad looked back also noting how their friend had reacted the other day.

Kid Flash: You really think Izuku will get better? You know, after all of this?

Robin: I know he will. He has to the team still needs him.

Aqualad: Though what he said yesterday may have been out of plain anger and emotions fueled by burning hatred for Vandal Savage, I know that my friend just needs time to be alone. For he is hurting.

He said balling his fist in regret as he remembered how he couldn't even help his friend when it mattered.

Behind them Superboy walked with Miss Martian as she too was saddened.

Miss Martian: "Do you think Izuku will be okay. I mean I didn't wish to protrude in his thoughts, but I could sense that he was in deep pain. Suffering from the loss of his father, torn between grief and anger, but do you think he will get over that?"

She asked him.

Superboy: "If there's one thing, I know about Izuku, he's tough. He's been through more things than anyone on this team. Even myself. He took up for me, and he showed me a new side of life in a new light I never thought I could ever see myself in. So, I know it. Batman made a stupid call trying to kick him off the team as leader, cause when he bounces back believe me, he'll be wrong he ever told him to step foot out of this cave."

He told her as Miss Martian thought about what he said for a moment as she smiled knowing he was right. Izuku will recover and come back as good as new. She knows it.

Robin: Getting off track. Somehow the bad guys are still getting inside intel about us.

Kid Flash: Yeah, but at least we know none of us are the mole.

He said as they walked to the mission room to see Batman standing there with Red Tornado as they watched as the team walked into the room.

Batman: That's correct. The mole was Red Arrow.

He said as he tapped on the computer's hologram keyboard as it projected an image of Red Arrow on the screen. After hearing what Batman had said the three boys were shocked.

Robin: Roy?

Kid Flash: No way!

Aqualad: Batman, that cannot be. He was Green Arrow's protege. We have all known him for years.

They argued in denial and shock.

Red Tornado: Unfortunately, the Roy Harper we have known for the last three years is another 'Project Cadmus' clone.

Batman: We've learned the real Speedy was abducted and replaced immediately after becoming Green Arrow's sidekick. The clone was pre-programmed with a drive to join the Justice League which is why he was so angry over any delays to his admission and why he refused to join the Team. This Roy Harper had no idea he was a clone or a traitor. And his subconscious programming drove him to become League worthy. So he struck out on his own as Red Arrow. When he was finally admitted his secondary programming kicked in and he attempted to betray the League to Vandal Savage. Fortunately, I had already deduced Red Arrow was a clone. We were prepared.

He said as the Team thought back to all of Roy's previous actions. Actions that couldn't be explained why, and why he was always so quick to judge and say no when it came to helping the Team, why he was so quick to judge Izuku and Artemis, to then slowly starting to trust them. 'Was it all just an act', they thought, 'Or was he programmed from the get-go to get along with them just for his mission'. These were the emotions they were feeling one of betrayal and confusion.

Red Tornado: Savage was subdued but Red Arrow escaped. He is now a fugitive, armed and dangerous.

He told them.

Superboy: If you guys hadn't rescued me from Cadmus.

He says as he begins to think about what if he was in that same situation or how he might have been the mole and he hadn't known for so long.

Robin: What, what really happened to the real Roy?

Batman: We don't know. He isn't at Cadmus. We have to face the possiblility that the real Roy Harper is dead.

He said as the three boys held their heads down in sorrow. Artemis looked to Kid Flash wanting to reassure him as she was going to place her hand down on his shoulder, but she hesitates.

Aqualad: The clone Roy, The Team will find him.

Batman: Negative. Red Arrow's a member of the Justice League now. Leave him to us.

He said as he shut down the computer board and received a transmission from the Watchtower.

Batman: I'm needed on the Watchtower. Tornado, stay with the kids. Aqualad, in place of Deku's termination from the team, you are now Leader. I hope you will make better choices than he did.

Computer: Recognized. Batman, 0-2.

He said leaving as suddenly Zatanna placed her hand to her head sensing something mystical at play. Turning around Aqualad faced the team.

Aqualad: "Clone or no clone, Red Arrow was one of us. We will go after him."

He told them.

Suddenly, Red Tornado walked up behind Aqualad as he was about to place one of the same chips that were used to mind control the League on him. But before he could Red Tornado suddenly shut down before he could even reach him getting the attention of the Team.

Miss Martian: "Tornado!"

Superboy: "What happened to him?"

He questioned.

Kid Flash: "He's totally powered down."

Robin: "All functions off line."

He said checking his sensory with his computer gauntlet hacked into him.

Zatanna: "Guys, I'm sensing a low-level mystic force at play. I-I don't know if it caused his shutdown but now that I think about it I was getting the same buzz off Batman."

She tells them as Robin looks up recounting what his mentor had said earlier.

Robin: "Batman. He called us kids, and called Izuku, 'Deku'."

Artemis: "The name my 'dad' only called him when they encountered each other."

Robin: "Right. He never does that."

He says.

Kid Flash: "Look. One of those biotech chips we confiscated off Cheshire."

He said grabbing the piece of tech out of Red Tornado's hand.

Aqualad: "Something is not right. Robin, Kid, Zatanna, Rocket. See if you can get Tornado back online. I, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis will go to find Ro-Red Arrow."

He said correcting himself.

Zatanna: "No wait. What about Izuku? He needs to know what's going on if there is something going on with the League and with your friend."

Kid Flash: "She's right. If we're going go aboard with this we need a plan, we need him."

They say as Aqualad thought for a moment before he made up his mind.

Aqualad: "Izuku may not be the Leader of the Team anymore, but the role still lays within his hand. After you fix Red Tornado, the rest of you go and find him. Tell him what's going on and try to see if you can bring him back to the cave."

Kid Flash: "And what happens if we can't? How do we even find him, he doesn't live at his old home if you forgot."

He said doing an explosion expression with his hands.

Zatanna: "Don't worry, I know how to find him."

She said to him as he nodded. With that, Aqualad and the others left the cave as Robin turned back to Red Tornado.

Robin: The problem is hardware, not software. I'll need to know where to start.

He questioned as Zatanna looked up to the ceiling of the cave.

Zatanna: "I have an idea."

She told him.

After going up into Tornado's apartment she found what she was looking for as she found his android body. Bringing it down towards the group she sat the body down on a table as Kid Flash wired a cord from the cybernetic body to the android body plugging it in. Once it was in Robin started the syncing process between the two.

Robin: Download in progress.

Rocket: So, Tornado built this android to party.

She says.

Zatanna: Not how he'd put it when we found out, but yeah, more or less.

Computer: Recognized. Black Canary, 1-3.

As she stepped through the cave, Canary walked out from the zeta-tube.

Canary: Hey, guys. I wanted to check in and see how you're handling the-

Before she could finish her sentence, she saw what they were doing as she was shocked.

Canary: What are you doing to Red?

Kid Flash: It's now how it looks.

Canary: It looks like you're downloading his consciousness into a new body.

She said.

As on the screen Kid Flash and Robin looked back to see that the download had finished as Kid Flash chuckled nervously.

Kid Flash: Hehe, okay, it's pretty much exactly how it looks. But-

Before he could finish the android rose up suddenly to realization as Red Tornado was able to speak through his android body now with conscious transferred over.

Red Tornado: Ah, Team, get out of the cave now!

He warned them, seeing this the mind-controlled Black Canary revealed herself as she unleashed her Canary Cry.

As her scream traveled over to the Team, Red Tornado tried to fight through though his new body wasn't equipped to deal with sound attacks just yet as pieces of his body was starting to tear off revealing the wires and cables underneath. His upper half was suddenly torn off from his lower half that crashed into Zatanna and Rocket as his upper half crashed against Kid Flash. Jumping over the table, Robin landed on his hands as he then pressed off and tried to punch Canary who in turn grabbed his hand and slung him over her shoulder to the floor before proceeding to throw him away.

As Robin stood back up on his feet, Canary was about to blast him again only to hear the sound of beeping as she looked down to see a bomb had been planted on her shoulder as it exploded releasing knock out gas. Quickly, Rocket sat up as she created a sphere to surround Canary within the gas as she started coughing only to fall unconscious. Once she was subdued the Team was now able to stand at ease.

Zatanna: Uh, Black Canary attacked us?

She asked.

Red Tornado: Black Canary is the least of our problems. We must abandon the cave. And search for Izuku, for he is our only hope of defeating this threat.

He told them as the Team looked at each other and nodded.

Running to the bay area they stood infront of the sphere as it transformed into its Super-Cycle mode. Once it was done the computer came on over the Cave's P.A. system.

Computer: Recognized. Icon, 0-20. Doctor Fate, 0-17. Captain Marvel, 0-15.

As the three stepped through the zeta-tubes to enter the bay area they saw that the Team were gone.

Outside they flew out of the cave and into the sky riding aboard the Super-Cycle.

Red Tornado: Stay off your radios. Let Zatanna track Dekiru. Then afterwards we will let the Super-Cycle track Superboy. Instruct her to mask all signals. We cannot allow the League to track us.

Kid Flash: Right of course. Just one question. Why is the 'Justice League' after us? And what does Izuku have to do with being the one to stop it all.

He questioned him.

{Coast City}
December 31, 9:00 CDT

After the explosion, Hoseki moved in, with her children, to Liam's parents' house. They had two spare rooms for them to stay in as they grieved for their loss.

But in someways everyone has a different type of grief.

Standing in his room, Izuku stood looking outside the window at the grey clouds and the snow stuck to the ground. His eyes devoid of any kind of hope or light. All there was a seething fit of bottled up anger and frustration building up inside of him. Remembering how he was too weak to save his father's life from the hand of the man who calls himself to be his grandfather.


After leaving the cave Izuku rushed to the hospital his father was in. Running down the hall he looked through each room trying to find his father.

Izuku: Dad?! Dad?!

Doctor: Sir you can't keep running around checking rooms like this patients are trying to rest.

He told him but Izuku ignored him. He was worried for his father hoping he wasn't too late. As he took a turn he saw his grandparents standing in the hallway holding his sister who was crying in their arms.

Izuku: Grandma, Grandpa, Eri!

Eri: Big Brother!

She cried out as she jumped down from her grandmother's arm and ran to him as he picked her up and hugged her. Eri cried in his arms as Izuku held her tightly.

Izuku: What happened to dad? Where is he?

He asked only for Eri to point to the glass window. Looking through the window he saw his father laying down on a bed with multiple cords stuck to his body. Half of his face was burned off, his right arm was torn off, and he had half of both of legs gone. In the room his mother sat by his side holding his shoulder as tears streamed down her eyes.

Izuku: "No..."

Putting Eri down he rushed into the room as he walked over to his father's side.

Izuku: D-Dad?

He spoke.

Looking up Hoseki saw her son as she looked back to her husband who slowly opened his eyes.

Liam: Hehe, t-there he is. There's my big champ.

He said softly. His voice horsed out due to his pain as tears were threatening to fall down Izuku's eyes as he sniffed holding them back.

Izuku: I'm here, dad. I'm here. J-Just please don't go.

He says as he holds his hand.

Izuku: I'll find the bastard who did this to you, and when I do I'll-

Liam: Izuku.

He stops him.

Liam: I-I thought I told you never to speak like that again. You should never do anything out of revenge or anger.

Izuku: But dad. Look at what they did to you. What they could've did to mom, and Eri.

Liam: B-But they didn't Izuku. They didn't. I-I'm just glad your mother and sister were able to survive. And it makes me even more proud to see you standing before me.

He says as he holds his hand up to his face as a tear fell from Izuku's eye.

Liam: My son. I love you so much. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to watch as you become the man you will grow to be when you get older, but just know I'll be watching from above. So please, take care of your sister and mother. Watch over them. You'll be the man of the house while I'm gone.

He told him as Izuku couldn't hold it in any more as tears were falling down his eyes. Before he could even say anything the heart monitor went flat as Liam's hand fell from Izuku's face and to the side of the bed.

Izuku: D-Dad? Dad wake up.

Hoseki: Liam? Liam!

She called out to him as Eri cried on the other side as her grandparents held her. Balling his fist Izuku cried as he looked at his dad who laid dead on the bed.

Izuku: DAD!


Remembering seeing his father laying dead on the bed, Izuku balled his fist.

Izuku: I have to do something. His killer is still somewhere in the city all I have to do is just find him.

AFO: "And then what will you do? Get vengeance for your father's death?"

He spoke in his mind.

AFO: "Will you make that man feel the pain your father rivaled in as he laid to rest on that grave of a bed?"

Izuku: It's what he deserves. He took him from me, from my family.

AFO: "But how will you find him? What tools of punishment will you use to ensure that the man knows that he will never be able to harm others like he did to your father?"

He questioned as Izuku's gaze hardened as he looked outside the window.

Izuku: I'll make sure he dies a painful death. Him and Vandal Savage. I'll kill them both.

He said.

Outside the house a knock at the door got the attention of Izuku's grandmother who came to the door.

Marissa: Who is it?

Zatanna: It's Zatanna, Mrs. Blake.

She says over the door. Knowing who it was Marissa opened the door to see Zatanna as well as the others in their civilian wear.

Marissa: Zatanna, it's so good to see you again. And who are these kids with you?

Zatanna: These are Izuku's and I friends. Wally and Robin.

Robin: Nice to meet you Mrs. Blake.

Wally: Yeah, nice to meet you.

They said as they shook her hand.

Marissa: Oh please, come in. I'm sure you're here to see Izuku right?

She asked allowing them to walk in as she closed the door.

Zatanna: Yes. Where is he?

She asked.

Marissa: He's in his old room. It's down the hall to the left he wrote his name on it when he was little so you'll know exactly where to go to.

Robin: Thanks Mrs. Blake.

He said as they walked down the hall as Marissa watched.

Marissa: I am so glad Izuku has such good friends.

She said gratefully.

As the three walked down the hall they passed by a few family pictures of younger Liam with his parents and then a family picture with Liam, Hoseki, His Parents, and his kids.

Looking at the picture Wally grinned knowing how important this family was. And how devastated they are because of a loss. Arriving infront of his door Zatanna took a deep breath before she knocked on the door.

Zatanna: Izuku? Can I come in?

She asked.

Slowly the door opened as it revealed Izuku was telekinetically moving the door open. As the three walked into the room they could feel the overwhelming tension in the air surrounding him. It felt as if breathing it in could possibly knock them unconscious.

But with those two, only Zatanna was brave enough to speak to break the tension.

Zatanna: Izuku. We need you.

She said to him.

Not even looking over his shoulder to acknowledge her, Izuku continued to stare out of the window.

Izuku: No, you don't. The Team doesn't need me anymore. I'm not the Leader, and you all don't have to worry about me ever getting in the way again.

Wally: What? Who told you that? Cause whoever did lied.

He spoke.

Robin: Izuku we know your grieving the loss of your father, and we feel bad for you and your family. We truly do. You treated us like your own family. A band of sidekicks who formed together to create our own team. Me, Wally, Kaldur'ahm, and You. We did that. Not Batman or anyone else on the League. We can't do this without you.

Wally: He's right man. With what's going on now with Roy, who now turns out to be a clone like Superboy and the real Roy probably dead somewhere, and the Justice League now coming after us we need you more than ever.

They said to him as Izuku still didn't take a look back even after hearing this news. His fist shook with frustration as his eyes lowered.

Izuku: I-I'm sorry. I just can't come back to the Team like this. I can't. I've let you all down. I let my father down. And now he out of all people had to pay the price. With his life.

He spoke his voice filled with sorrow and regret.

Izuku: I can't come back to the Team. I appreciate you all's concern for me, but it's over.

Wally: No it's not. And you need to quit talking like that. We're not leaving here without you.

He refused.

Wally: We're your friends, and we're here to support you no matter what just like you would for us. You saved us so many countless times, and now it's our time to help you.

Robin: We believe in you Izuku. You're more than just our leader, you're our friend.

He said to him as Izuku was having a hard time trying to fight back his emotions as he tightened his fist drawing blood.

Izuku: I appreciate your words, but just go. I can't.

Zatanna: Sometimes you can be persistent, but that's what I like about you.

She said as she walked up to him and moved her hand to his face making him look at her as he saw her determination.

Zatanna: Izuku, you can't let what happened define you for what you did, what you aimed to do. You only did what you could to protect us and those you love. That's what makes you who you are, not what you were destined to become. You're stronger than that, and we believe in you okay. So please, don't turn your back on your team.

She says as she looks at him with an empathetic gaze.

Zatanna: Don't turn your back on me.

She said to him as Izuku looked her in the eyes. As he looked at her his lips wavered as he fought to keep the tears from flowing.

Izuku: I'm sorry, but I just can't come back. You guys will have to do it without me this time. You don't need Dekiru.

He told them.

As the three looked at each other they sighed as Robin and Wally left the room. Before she could leave Zatanna looked back at him as she walked and kissed him on the cheek.

Zatanna: Izuku, I know you're in pain but the Team cares for you truly and so do I. I hope you make the right choice when it comes down to it. I'll let you know what we choose to do afterwards. Okay.

She says as Izuku slowly turns his head over his shoulder to look at her.

Izuku: O-Okay.

He muttered.

Zatanna: And you're right. We don't need Dekiru, we need Izuku. We need you.

Smiling Zatanna left his room as she walked outside the house and met up with the others on the Super-Cycle.

Rocket: So, is he coming?

She asked.

Zatanna: *Sighs* We're just gonna have to trust and wait for him.

Red Tornado: Time is something we don't have. If Izuku doesn't make up his mind soon we may face a greater catastrophe.

He said as Zatanna sighed feeling the Super-Cycle take off into the air as it flew away.

In his room Izuku looked towards his suit that was still in his case laying on his bed as he made up his mind.

{Washington D.C.}
December 30, 10:30 EST

Over the Hall of Justice, Aqualad and the others rode in the Bio-ship in camouflage mode.

Artemis: Computer logs indicate Red Arrow's headed to the Hall from the Watchtower but he could be anywhere by now.

She says as Aqualad looks over his shoulder.

Aqualad: After Roy went solo he installed equipment caches in several major cities. One is here.

He said as the ship landed atop of a building. After walking through the halls of the building he came to the door where Red Arrow was most likely to be. Reaching his hand for the doorknob he twisted it only to find out that it was locked. Stepping back he kicked the door open as he looked forward seeing Red Arrow with his bow in hand and an arrow aimed at him.

Aqualad: I have not come to harm or apprehend you. But the Team requires answers.

Red Arrow: Me first. Tell me something you haven't told anyone else. Tell me who broke your heart.

He says as Aqualad stops looking down as he recounted who he was mentioning as he sighed before looking back up at him.

Aqualad: Tula. The girl I loved chose my best friend, Garth over me, while my best friend on the surface world has an arrow aimed at my chest.

He told him as Red Arrow believed what he had said as he slowly held his bow and arrow down.

After trusting him, Red Arrow followed him back aboard the Bio-Ship as they flew away from the area.

Aqualad: We were told you were the mole, but we have reason to doubt.

Red Arrow: Forget doubt. I was the mole.

He told them gripping his bow tightly in hand as he gritted his teeth.

Superboy: Batman and Tornado said you're a Cadmus clone, like me.

He told him as Red Arrow eases his grip as he started to think about it.

Red Arrow: That explains it. *Sighs* I was a sleeper agent pre-programmed to infiltrate the League. I think...Sportsmaster was my handler. He had a key phrase, 'Broken Arrow'.

He says remembering when he was surrounded by him and Cheshire when he went to confront them after they revealed they were working for Ra's Al Ghul, during the conference between the two Rhelesia's.

Red Arrow: The phrase would shut me down, put me in a hypnotic state to steal secrets for his superiors or incorporate further programming. Like spying on Izuku after the incidents with the Red's for experimentation purposes. I'd then carry out all orders subconsciously completely unaware of what drove me. But I think one of my main orders were to focus suspicion on the three of you.

He said turning around to face Artemis, Miss Martian, and Superboy.

Red Arrow: I'm sorry.

He apologized, though a question still remained in Aqualad's thoughts.

Aqualad: How did Batman discover this and prevent you from betraying the League?

Red Arrow: He didn't. But where is Dekiru I thought, he would've come to speak sense into me or try to figure out what's going on. I have to apologize to him as well.

He asked as the others looked at each other before Miss Martian spoke.

Miss Martian: After we found out who were the true schemers behind the Injustice League and all of the organized crime. We staged a surprise attack to take them down once and for all. But they had a creature, a monster with an exposed brain.

Red Arrow: Project Nomu.

He said surprising the others as he held his head.

Red Arrow: Since I found out who I really was I slowly began to remember everything, even something about that creature who isn't a clone like me or Superboy. But a bio-engineered creature to go toe-to-toe with Izuku.

He said as he realized what he had just said.

Red Arrow: Wait is he alive? Is he okay?

Aqualad: He's fine. But he is no longer apart of the Team anymore.

Red Arrow: What? Why?

He asked.

Aqualad: When we were fighting, Izuku wanted to kill the man responsible for killing his father. His own grandfather, Vandal Savage.

He said as Red Arrow widened his eyes in shock after hearing this news.

Meanwhile, the others were flying on the Super-Cycle through the air skating over the water before ascending to the clouds.

Red Tornado: The entire League is under the complete mental domination of Vandal Savage.

Kid Flash: Izuku's grandfather.

Red Tornado: Yes. Red Arrow seems to have been his means. His method was something Savage referred to as 'Starotech'. An alien bio-organism fused with nano-technology, magic, and traces of Black Blood. A weapon uses to combat against Dekiru should we come face to face with him, the tech will activate some kind of field around us making him weak if he even comes near us.

He explains to them.

Red Tornado: When implanted it shuts down the mind's autonomy allowing Savage to reprogram the individual to suit his needs. Even my inorganic brain was not immune. But the process requires 0.16 nanoseconds to fully integrate with its host's nervous system. That delay allowed me to create an internal sub-program which would disconnect my power cells if I attempted to infect another person.

He said as he looked behind him at his robotic body with an unconscious Black Canary tied up beside it.

Red Tornado: Fortunately, the 'Starotech' is body specific. As John Smith, I am now free of outside control.

Robin: This 'Starotech', it worked on super-powered humans, four flavors of alien, and android, even Dr. Fate defeating all of you without a fight?

Red Tornado: Indeed. A remarkable achievement. One not easily countered. Which is why we need Dekiru to help us should we have to fight them all at once. He alone has the power to overwhelm us all. The power to absorb the powers of the League and physically drain them of their strength. He is what we need if we hope to win this battle.

He said with a sense of urgency.

Miss Martian: I'm sorry, but how its is that you are no longer enslaved?

She asked Red Arrow.

Red Arrow: No 'Starotech', for starters just my Cadmus programming. And once I'd satisfied its last parameter, my mind began to clear. I'm sure Savage planned to 'Starotech' me but he [aused to...bask. I escaped when I saw the window of oppurtunity.

Miss Martian: I promise. I can clear any residual programming from your mind.

She told him.

Robin: "Miss Martian are you in range?"

Miss Martian: "Here, Robin. Linking both squads and decamouflaging."

She said as outside, the Super-Cycle was below the ship as it decamouflaged. Once it did the hangar bay opened as the Super-Cycle was able to fly in and dock itself inside of the ship.

Robin: "Great, cause we really need to compare notes."

He told her as suddenly on the back of the Super-Cycle, Black Canary opened her eyes as she looked forward at the Team.

{Coast City}
December 31, 13:55 CDT


In the black car, the same man who had worked for Bane to plant the bomb in the house was driving in a panic. Swerving through the streets he drove past the red-lights not stopping at all as he was in a hurry.

Man: [Spanish] Debo llegar al aeródromo. ¡Vuelve a Santa Prisca!(I got to get to the airfield. Get back to Santa Prisca!)

He said.

From above, Dekiru moved through the  city following after him as he swung from building to building using Black Whip.

AFO: "You finally found him, now that he is in reach what are you planning to do?"

Dekiru: Exactly as I said I was going to do. Kill him.

He said in a menacing tone.

Within his mind AFO smiled as his vestige was starting to merge with Izuku's soul, slowly.

AFO: In time I will slowly merge with him becoming true chaos incarnate.

Deku: Stop this All For One! You don't need to do this!

He shouts banging against the cage as he glared at him. AFO hearing the sounds of the cage shake looked back at the last user of One For All.

AFO: Oh, but I have every right to do so. This boy is 'My Creation'. He is the perfect vessel to contain both One For All and All For One. I may not have been able to fully take control of him before, but now with his anger and pent up frustration...

He turns back around staring out through his eyes as he could feel himself partially gaining a feel of Izuku's self. A sickening smile spreading across his face with glee.

AFO: He is ripe for the taking.

He said.

Seeing this Shigaraki gritted his teeth as he looked at his hands and then at the cage.

Shigaraki: "No, no more of me being his pawn. No more of me being in his shadow any longer."

Holding his hands up he powered up All For One as he reached towards the cage and grabbed it. As he tried to absorb it the power from the cage shocked him blasting him back against the cage he stood in.

Shigaraki: Nngh! Okay, I didn't see that one through enough. I got to try again this time.

He said to himself as he stood up and grabbed the bars again as they flared with red lightning that bounced around his hands before traveling to him.

Outside, the man had drove the car Ferris Airfield as he drove through the gates. Seeing that there were no other buildings to swing from Dekiru grew black wings as he soared through the air flying after the car.

Swerving the car through the airfield he came up to a hangar with five other men waiting on him. Stopping the car he parked it and turned it off as he stepped out holding a gun enhanced with Apokoliptian tech.

Man: [Spanish] (Hurry up! The plane is ready!)

He told him.

As Dekiru looked down he sent tendrils of Black Whip towards him as they stabbed into the ground. Seeing this the men looked back in fear as they saw how the ground cracked underneath the force of the tendrils stabbing into the ground.

Man: [Spanish] ¡Él está aquí! (He's here!)

Man: [Spanish] ¡Disparale! (Shoot him!)

As they opened fire on him Dekiru flew to the ground as he used his wings to deflect the bullets as they bounced off like steel. Looking up he glared at them as he huffed, a flicker of flames escaping from his mouth. Raising his hands he thrusted them forward as blue flames blasted towards them. As the men dodged the flames hit the plane causing it to explode within the hangar as the men were sent flying away.

Their screams echoed through the air as one of the men were able to recover as he used apokalips energy spear to stab into the ground to stop himself from falling back. As he looked up he was met with a fist to the face as he was then punched in the ribs being shattered by the pure force of his blunt fist.

Man: Agh!

He groaned.

Dekiru then grabbed his head smashing his face against his knee breaking his nose.

Man: Aah!

Dekiru: Rah!

He yells as he slams him to the ground before bringing his foot up and stomping on his head pushing him into the ground. Suddenly bullet fired through the air as they bounced off of his wing he used to shield himself. Looking over to his right he saw two of the men shooting at him as Dekiru started walking to them.

As one of the men started using energy bullet rounds the force behind them started to push Dekiru back a little. Grunting he dashed towards the man as he used his wing to slice through the gun in their hand. In shock the man tried to retaliate with a punch only for Dekiru to grab his fist as he begin to crush it.

Man: Ah! Ahh!

He screamed in pain only for Dekiru to silence him by punching him in the mouth as he then kicked him to the ground. As he walked over to the man he started to punch him in the face, again and again and again. Once the man seemed like he was unconscious Dekiru stood up. He then turned around using his other wing to block the fire of incoming bullets as he stared down the man attacking him. Quickly his threw his hand forward as his finger were coated in black with red lines as he shot out and stabbed into his arm holding the gun as he screamed out in pain.

Man: AHH!

He screamed as Dekiru was completely unfazed, not worried about anything that happened to him.

Looking back over to the flames he saw the shadows of the last two men that were standing away from him. Using search he could clearly see them, as he then threw the man he had with rivet stab away.

As the two men stood behind the wall of blue flames they watched as Dekiru walked through.

Stalking his way through the flames as he stared them down with such intensity. Quickly the two raised their guns to shoot at him only for Dekiru to pull them away using his telekinesis. As the two men were now defenseless they looked towards Dekiru who used Black Whip to tie them up.

Dekiru: I'm only gonna ask this once. Which one of you were the ones behind my father's death?

He asks as the two refused to say anything as they tried freeing themselves only for the tendrils to tighten as they screamed in pain.

Dekiru: I'll ask again. Was it you?

He asked the other man as he quickly shook his head no. Using his lie detection ability he could tell he wasn't lying. But that didn't make his actions any less significant as Dekiru used the tendril to lash across the man as he yells in pain before being tossed away.

AFO: "You got him gone. Now, all you have to deal with..."

Turning his head slowly towards the other man who shrieked at just a glance.

AFO: "Is him."

Man: P-Please. Don't hurt me.

He begged as Dekiru glared at him.

Dekiru: Don't hurt you? Did you think about that when you triggered that bomb inside of that house killing the very man that lived there yesterday evening? Did you think he wanted to lose his life because you wanted make the choice that he gets to live or not?

He questioned him as the man couldn't say nothing as he just stared at Dekiru, making him even more angry.

Dekiru: Don't just stare at me! Answer me! Did you think about the life you took from that explosion?! The man who died!

He shouts at him.

Man: Wh-Why do you care? What does he have to do with you?

He asks him as Dekiru glared at him as he took off his cowl revealing his face to him.

Izuku: He was my father! The man you killed was my father! And you took him from me!

He stated as the man was shocked to see that the man he had killed was his father and now he stood before him. Filled with fear he couldn't say nothing as Izuku dropped him to the ground as he started crawling away from him in fear.

Man: I-I'm sorry. I was just doing as I was ordered to I swear.

Izuku: Who gave you the order?

Man: B-Bane. He forced me to join his group since he has my wife and children hostage. Saying that if I failed to come back they would die.

He explained.

AFO: "Why should that matter, huh? He killed your father. He took him away from you, away from us."

He spoke plurality. Inside of his mind Izuku stood there with AFO merging with him.

AFO: You have him now right infront of you. The power is at the palm of your hand. You can take his life just as he took your father's.

He said as slowly AFO begin to raise his right hand, synching his movement with Izuku's as he raised his right hand out to the man. From his hand black lightning begin to spark around his palm of blue flames flickered out.

Man: W-Wait! What are you d-doing?

The man said.

As Izuku glared at the man a single tear fell down his eyes as he stared at him intent with ending his life once and for all just like he did with his father's.

AFO: Do it Izuku. And together we can unleash chaos upon all of those who choose to stand against us!

Deku: No don't do it Izuku! Listen to me!

Shigaraki: Don't give in to his lies! He's already done enough of that to me. He mended me like a string controlling me as if I was a puppet to his will.

He shouted grabbing ahold of the bars to his cage as he started absorbing the mental energy from it as it was causing pain to him.

Shigaraki: Ah! D-Don't give in! You have the chance to be someone different right here! Right now!

Deku: Listen to him Izuku. You aren't like me nor Shigaraki. You're your own person. You decide what you want to do with your power and your life. We don't have control over what you do, and neither does All For One.

AFO: Shut it you insolent swines!

He shouts throwing his hand back as he used his will to force pain onto them both. As Shigaraki held onto his bars he decided to use his free hand to hold AFO in a position as he was starting to come apart from Izuku.

AFO: No, what are you doing?! Release me at once!

Shigaraki: Master, I think it's about time we get rid of you fully once and for all.

Liam: And I agree.

Suddenly, out from his mind. Izuku looks over to his left to see his father manifest within his mind as he looks over towards his son.

Izuku: Dad?

Liam: It looks like you need some help. How about you let your old man handle this.

He says as he reels back his fist allowing Fa-Jin to enhance his strength as he leapt towards AFO.

AFO: No! I won't be destroyed!

He shouts holding his hand up as he created a shield to block the punch as Liam's fist slammed against it. Grunting AFO found himself being overpowered by his strength as he stared at Liam seeing he almost held a striking resemblance to someone else he once knew.

A man who was the associate to another who stole his possession away from him. The one who became the third wielder of One For All.

AFO: "No! T-This can't be! Why? Why is it that you always find a way to come back to attack me!"

He shouts seeing an image of the man in his mind as Shigaraki sees a perfect time to attack as he sends another attack at AFO weakening his power as he was starting to absorb him. With it he looked over to Liam.

Shigaraki: Do it! Do it now!

He shouted as Liam nodded and reeled back his fist and punched the shield again. Once his fist slammed against it once more the shield broke as his fist punched AFO across the face as he yells in pain.


He cried out as his body was reduced to black smoke which was then absorbed into Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: No more of him being around.

Deku: Which means.

As soon as he spoke, the cages over them vanished allowing them to be free once again.

Shigaraki: Free. We're finally free.

Unity: And so am I.

They spoke reappearing before the four in a bright light as its body reconfigured itself before them.

Deku: Unity, where have you been?

He asked.

Unity: After Izuku was brain blasted something happened to me. Like a side effect maybe of All For One's negative influence was left within me.

Shigaraki: Yeah, he said he left a vestige within the core of All For One in case he ever fully perished from within the mind.

Unity: So that's what it was I sensed. I'll need to make sure I don't have another inside of me or otherwise we may run into this very same problem again.

Deku: Right, you do that.

He told him.

With the three talking, Liam looked over towards his son who looked at him but was ashamed to see his father standing before him. After everything he had done. Seeing the look on his son's face he walked over to him.

Liam: Izuku.

Izuku: Dad, I-I can explain. I'm sorry for what I did. I know you told me I shouldn't have done this but I did it anyway. I know you might be mad at me but I just...I just-

He uttered out in a croaked tone. But before he could finish his father brought him into a hug as Izuku started to cry in his father's shoulder.

Izuku: I just had to. I couldn't let him get away with what he did. I couldn't let Savage get away with killing you. I need to find him. I need to make him pay for what he did to you. For taking you away from us. *Sniff* From taking you away from me...I wasn't ready for you to leave yet. I still had more things to learn from you.

He said to him as Liam closed his eyes for a moment before he spoke.

Liam: Izuku, I always told you to think before you act. You might mean I always wanted you to think with your mind, but...I wanted you to think from your heart.

He told him as he let go of his son to look him in the eyes.

Liam: Izuku your heart is your most strongest weapon you have. To care and love for someone when their lives are in danger and to do whatever you can to make sure that they are alright. That's what makes you an incredible hero. Your will, your determination, your drive. All of that if what you use to keep moving forward. To save the lives of those who can't save themselves with a smile on your face letting them know that 'You are here.'

He said as Deku and Shigaraki looked over to scene. Hearing and feeling those heartwarming words as they remembered a wise man who once said them.

Liam: I may not be alive anymore, but everything I taught you is engraved in here.

He says pointing at his heart.

Liam: Izuku, I love you, your mother, and your sister with all of my heart. I would give my life a second time in order to save you if I could do it in a heartbeat. But you proved you would also do the same. And that makes me very proud of you. To see you are already growing up to be the man I always wanted you to be.

Izuku: Thanks dad. That means a lot to hear from you.

He said wiping his eyes.

Liam smiled at his son as he rubbed his head.

Liam: Good. Then get back out there and go and save your friends. They need you. The world needs Dekiru: The Emerald Avenger.

He said as Izuku smiled as he looked at his father proudly.

Deku: You know that name is a lot cooler than mine used to be.

He says as the three walk over.

Izuku: Oh really, and what was your name.

Deku: Deku: The Hero Who Never Gives Up.

Izuku: That's a long name.

Deku: I know right.

He laughed off as he looked at him.

Deku: You're gonna do great Izuku. I believe in you.

Shigaraki: And so do I. You really helped changed my view of things, just a little not too much. I still don't mind destroying things when I get the chance to steer the wheel.

He said as the others laughed it off as Liam looked at him.

Liam: You have to deal with this everyday?

Izuku: Mostly. Though it has been quiet for a while. I do miss it. A lot.

He said as the world begins to shine brightly as Liam smiles at his son.

Liam: Go get em, son.

As he returns back to his body he stares at the scared man infront of him. Sighing he lowered his hand as he walked over to him and held out his hand to help him up.

Izuku: Come on, let me help you up.

Man: W-Wait. You're not going to kill me?

Izuku: I mean if you want I can do it quickly.

Man: No thanks.

He said as Izuku helped him up as he turned to the plane and saw that even though it was burning and pieces of it was everywhere he knew he needed to help the man somehow.

Izuku: We need to find you another plane somehow.

Man: Oh don't worry we had a spare just in case.

He said holding up the spare keys.

Izuku: Oh, okay then. Well I'm off.

He said pulling back on his cowl as he turned to leave. As the man watched him go he was confused on why he didn't hurt him, why he didn't kill him.

Man: Hey wait! Why didn't you hurt me or why aren't you going to turn me in?

He asked as Izuku stopped as he turned over his shoulder and looked at the man.

Izuku: Even though you were responsible for killing my dad, you weren't the main culprit. Besides you have a family that needs you and I couldn't take you away from them. That wouldn't be the 'Hero Thing' to do.

He said with a soft smile.


Feeling his phone buzz he pulled it out as he saw he got a text message from Zatanna.

Zatanna: *Izuku, we're going to fight the Justice League. Vandal Savage has them all mind controlled thanks to what was inside the case. We will be in the Watchtower. Please, I believe in you Izuku. Please come help us.*

The text said as he read and knew what he had to do.

Izuku: I gotta go but I hope you get to your family safe.

Man: I will. Thank-you, El Vengador Esmeralda.

He said to him as Izuku nodded before taking off into the air.

December 31, 23: 16 EST

Computer: Recognized. Black Canary, 0-13. Red Tornado, 0-16. Red Arrow, 0-21.

After the zeta tube scanned them the three stepped through as they walked into the central room of the Watchtower. Infront of them Vandal Savage walked up to them.

Savage: Any problems?

Canary: Despite an initial setback, I was able to re-infect Red Tornado and Red Arrow.

Red Tornado: As well as the entire team. They await re-programming back on Earth.

They said.

Savage: Hmm, I think not. You see, 'Starotech' does not reprogram the mind it offers us remote control of it.

He said looking back as it was revealed that Klarion was the one controlling the 'Starotech' with his magic hacking into the computer granting him control over everything, as Teekl sat on his shoulder resting.

Klarion: We know exactly who's infected and who's not and none of you are.

He said as from above, green constructs began to wrap around the three like chains as Green Lantern Hal Jordan descended down. Savage looked on at the three as he smiled.

Savage: But that is easily rectified.

He says as Canary tried strugling to break free so did Red Arrow but it was futile.

Savage: 50,000 years of life and nothing ever troubled me as much as the founding of the 'Justice League'. Dedicated to maintaining society's calcified status quo the League would protect mankind from disaster, crime, tragedy of any kind.

He says walking up to Canary as he placed the chip onto her neck as it sunk into her skin getting back control over her.

Savage: Had you never heard of the survival of the fittest? In essence, you heroes ought to protect humanity from its glorious evolution. As such you forced my more enlightened colleagues and myself to organize a response. We created a co-optive network of operatives.

He says as he goes and place another in the back of Red Tornado's head.

Savage: Placed key individuals in key positions, made certain we were on the cutting edgeof all new technologies.

He says as he placed the last one in the back of Red Arrow's neck.

Savage: Genetic Engineering.

He says thinking about the genomorphs, and the Nomu.

Savage: Bio-chemical engineering.

He says thinking back to the Blockbuster Venom and Black Blood.

Savage: Robotics and Nanorobotics.

He says thinking about Amazo, The Red's, and The Fog.

Savage: And even techno sorcery. Not to mention every conceivable method of mind control. And even a few experiments to test on a certain 'Grandchild' of mine.

He said.

Savage: Cold hard science and a little misdirection. And now you champions of stagnation have become our agents of change. Forcing the human race to evolve on a more advance schedule allowing the Earth to take its rightful place at the center of the cosmos.

He said.

Meanwhile, within the Watchtower. The Team stood behind a crate in hiding as they looked on Robin computer gauntlet.

Robin: "RT, did it. Wirelessly bypassed security for us as soon as he arrived. Savage shouldn't know we're here."

Aqualad: "Move out."

He told them.

In the storage space, Plastic Man was moving cargo inside the room. As he was an arrow hit one of the cargo as green gas engulfed his lungs. As he stretched his head out of the smoke a black blur ran over and placed a chip in the back of his neck that deactivated the chip that was already in place. In the hallway, Hawkman was walking through the hall when he sensed something. Looking behind him he was met with a fist to the face knocking him to the floor as Robin landed behind him and placed a chip in his neck deactivating his.

In the laboratory of the Watchtower, The Atom was slicing a piece of the leftover Starro tentacle on a plate to make more 'Starroctech'.

Zatanna: Etativel taht ssorg gniht.

She said as the chopped piece he had cut off began to float in the air causing Atom to return to a medium size to grab it. As he did Miss Martian in camouflage mode placed the chip in his back as he fell unconscious.

While Captain Atom was walking, he was suddenly trapped in a sphere by Rocket as Aqualad landed behind him unnoticed. Before Captain Atom realized the sphere was taken down and Aqualad used his water whip to attach the chip onto the back of his neck knocking him unconscious.

In the room, Klarion noticed a few of the 'Starotech' signatures going offline as he growled in anger, his face twitching as he looked more sinisterly angry.

Klarion: Rah, the brats are aboard. They've taken away four of my toys.

He told him. Savage then held his hand up to his earpiece as he spoke through it.

Savage: Has Dekiru left Coast City?

He asked.

Geten: *No. But he is on the move.*

Savage: Keep me posted on his movements.

Geten: *Understood.*

He said ending the call.

Savage: Recall all League away missions. It's time to put these children in their place once and for all.

Klarion: Yes! Finally!

Teekl: *Meow*.

Klarion: Oh, yeah. Hey, Vandal. Shouldn't those three be back online by now?

Savage: What?

Panicked he looked back only for Canary to release a Canary Cry sending Green Lantern Hal Jordan flying away as Savage shielded himself with his arms. Red Tornado then created a tornado to slow Savage down as Red Arrow ran over to Hal Jordan as he placed the chip on the back of his neck regaining control of himself.

GL Hal Jordan: Nngh...Contact him.

Red Arrow: Contact who? Who did you want me to reach?

He asked as Hal fell to the floor face first. As he did his ring begin to hum with a green light going in and out.

As Canary looked towards Klarion she released a Canary Cry towards him as he simply summoned headphones over his ears.

Klarion: You'll be sorry.

He said as suddenly, a boom tube opened up as from within Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkwoman, Green Lantern John Stewart, and Batman came through. As they did Canary turned to attack them only to be knocked away by Hawkwoman's mace to the face. Seeing this Red Arrow readied a fire arrow to shoot as he released it only to watch as it passed through Martian Manhunter. Though the fire weakened him he fell to his knees, as Batman ran past him towards Red Arrow as he grabbed his head and slammed him against his knee before punching him in the face and then proceeding to kick him to the floor.

With Red Tornado, a green construct was made to restrain him in the air as Superman and Wonder Woman flew over as they ripped his arms and legs off from both sides as he then fell to the floor unable to fight anymore. With the three subdued and defeated, Savage stood over them satisfied with his accomplishments.

Savage: The children have clearly reverse engineered a 'Starotech' cure and vaccine. So, there's no point in taking them alive.

Klarion: Goodie. So that means we get to kill them.

He said with glee.

Flying through the air he flew all the way back to his burnt down house. Something that was left there, something that wasn't recovered from the explosion. He had hoped that it was still there.

Shigaraki: "So, if you don't mind me asking. What do you plan to find back at what used to be your old home?"

He asked.

Izuku: Something that could possibly help against the fight.

He said as he flew down towards the neighborhood to his old home. Landed on the ground. He looked at where the house used to be infront of him as he sighed to himself. Stepping forward he started to walk towards the burned down home to where his old room used to be. As he was walking he stepped on broken glass only to look down and see it was a picture of him and his family. Staring where he was being held by his dad who smiled at the photo. Izuku smiled remembering the memory of his father.

Izuku: I promise dad. I'll make you proud. I'll make sure I stop Savage for good just like you did.

He said to him as he took the picture out of the frame and rolled it to place in his suit. Walking to his old room he saw the only things that were still there was his dresser and bed spring. Walking over to his bed he kneeled down and reached under using his telekinesis to drag anything out from underneath. Coming out was a small box and a bigger box.

Picking up the small box he saw that inside was his full gauntlet.

Izuku: Man, it's been a while since I used these. I really have to use them back over again, so they won't get old of course but it's nano-technology so I doubt it ever will get old.

He said to himself. Going to the other box he opened it up to see that inside were his old vigilante suit.

Izuku: Yeah, it's been a while since I last dawned this. I didn't even think this would survive, though these...

Reaching his hand down into the box he pulled it out to reveal his notebooks he had taken notes on the most recent heroes and villains on how to improve their game.

Izuku: I'm glad I got these out in time. It would've been a real horror if someone else had got them. They would have every tool in the book to use against us or their enemies.

He said as he placed the book back down ontop of the stack. Though unknown to him when the books had stacked up in numerical order, one of the books were missing.


Looking up, Izuku heard the sound of something shaking, something humming.

Izuku: What is that?


Looking to his left he saw that the noise was coming from his dresser as he stood up and walked over to it. Staring down at the dresser he knew what was inside of it. Something he had put in that was a gift from another to him. Exhaling, he reached down and grabbed the drawer as he pulled it out to only see a small black box that was humming with an ethereal green light coming from within.

Reaching his hand down he grabbed the box as he held it in his hand. Without any hesitation he opened the box as a burst of green light flooded from within it and something flew out of it circling around him. As Izuku had shielded his eyes from the light he removed it to see a Green Lantern ring floating infront of him as he was in awe.

Izuku: "W-Wait a minute. Is this what he meant?!"

Shigaraki: "Well I'd be damn."

Deku: "Wow, it looks like you're about to have one heck of year."

They said to him as the ring began to beep scanning Izuku before it stopped.

Ring: *Izuku Midoriya-Utsukushi of Earth Sector 2814. Under the selected chosen of the Guardians of the Universe, and Green Lantern's Hal Jordan and John Stewart. You have shown to have great will over fear of any obstacles to overcome. You have been chosen to become a Green Lantern. Do you accept?*

It said.

As Izuku stared at the ring he had a flash of his life everything he has done this far. Teaming up with Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad to save Superboy who would then join them. Meeting Miss Martian who would later prove she has what it takes to be on the Team with them. Becoming Leader for the Team and stopping a shipment of steroid drugs from leaving Santa Prisca. Fighting and Stopping Amazo who was created by his master Professor Ivo. Meeting Artemis who would to prove she has what it means to be on the Team. Fighting Klarion the Witchboy and awakening the horrifying power of All For One. Going on a mission in Bialya and partially losing his mind to reveal the original Izuku Midoriya and Shigaraki were still inside of him alive. Fighting the Injustice League only after risking his life to save his team from the Reds. Meeting Zatanna who would later become the one to help him come to grips with his life. Helping the others get better with their powers and skills as they grew stronger together as a team, a family. Spending time with his sister Eri who was the ball of light in his eyes. His mother who spent everyday to cook for her child who taught him how to cook as well. And then his father, the man who taught him, trained him how to do everything he knows how to do.

All these important people that were in his life are those who helped defined him to become a better man. Balling his fist with determination he stared at the ring as he spoke,

Izuku: Yes. Yes I do.

With that the ring slipped on to his middle finger, as it then began to glow a green light as that light begin to wrap around Izuku's body coating him in that light.

Once the light had died down Izuku saw he no longer stood in his suit, but in a Green Lantern uniform. His suit consisted of a sleek green bodysuit adorned with the iconic Green Lantern emblem on his chest. A green mask covered his face, leaving only his determined eyes visible. Green energy radiated from him, and he felt an overwhelming sense of purpose and courage.

GL Izuku: Whoa. This is sick.

He says as he then looks to the finger on his ring as he tightens his fist. With that he jumps into the air only to come back down.

GL Izuku: Wait, what?

Confused he tries again only to just be jumping up and down. As a man was walking his dog, he looked over to see Izuku jumping as he shook his head.

Man: Weirdo.

He says as he goes on about his day.

GL Izuku: Agh! What is this thing doing? And why can't I use my other powers? It's like I got this mental block on me not letting me do anything?

Ring: *Ring battery is low. You must recite the Green Lantern oath in order to function at full power.*

GL Izuku: And how do I do that?

Ring: *Recharge the ring into the power battery.*

It said as suddenly the power battery floated infront of Izuku appearing out of thin air.

GL Izuku: Oh. Okay then. So what's the oath I don't really know it that well since I haven't been to Oa.

Ring: *Processing memory into core functions now.*

In a flash, the memory of the oath was implanted into his head as Izuku's eyes became white.

GL Izuku: In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power, Green Lantern's light!

With that a bright glow of green light flashed around him as Izuku felt the energy and strength radiating from the ring. Pouring into his very body as he felt himself grow stronger. With the light dying down he looked down at his suit to see the energy bouncing around his body, like a smooth ocean wave in a protective aura.

Ring: *Ring is now functioning at 100%. All capabilities are now available for use.*

GL Izuku: Alright! It's showtime baby!

He shouts as he rocketed off into the sky. Flying with such speed as he then spun around before soaring through the air.


Twirling around he looked down to see he was high above the city as he then flew down. The people walking along the streets looked up to see him as they were surprised.

Kid: Wait, that's Dekiru!

Kid: He's a Green Lantern now!

Man: Green Lantern Dekiru. That doesn't sound bad at all.

He said.

As Izuku flew through the city he heard the cheers and excitement coming from below from the people as they cheered him on. A smile gracing his face as he blasted off leaving the city.

But from atop a building Geten stood watching as his old friend flew off out to the city limits. Quickly he holds his hand up summoning his ice dragon as it roared behind him. Turning around he got onto the dragon as it roared taking flight to catch up with the new Green Lantern.

Computer: Recognized. Captain Marvel, 0-15. Icon, 0-20. Doctor Fate, 0-17.

As the three stepped through the zeta-tube. They looked around to see that the room was empty, but unknown to them Miss Martian was floating above them in camouflage mode. With three pieces of the 'Cure-Tech' in her hand she lowers them using her telekinesis as one of them managed to attach to Doctor Fate alerting the other two. Icon sent a radiate blast towards Miss Martian as the blast destroyed the last two 'Cure-tech'. Quickly she dodged the blast, as Icon followed her with his eyes being distracted as Rocket flew up and attached the extra 'Cure-tech' she had to his neck freeing him of its control. After she did, Zatanna walked into view as Captain Marvel ran over to her.

Zatanna: Trulb tuo 'Mazahs'!

She said as Captain Marvel spoke.

Captain Marvel: SHAZAM!

Calling their lightning he was struck reverting back to his child form as Zatanna placed the 'Cure-tech' in the back of his neck freeing him from their control. Aqualad and Miss Martian then came out from hiding to join her and Rocket.

Rocket: "Too bad 'Curo-tech' doesn't work as fast as 'Starotech'. We could use these guys."

Aqualad: "It is a small miracle, Queen Mera and Doctors Roquette, Spence, and Vulko were able to re-engineer a cure and vaccine at all."

He says as Zatanna looks towards Doctor Fate as she walks over to him.

Kid Flash: "Hey, if you guys aren't busy."

Aqualad: "On my way. Zatanna, did you have any luck reaching Izuku?"

He asked her as she looked back at him.

Zatanna: "I texted him, but I don't know if he responded."

Aqualad: "We need him. *Sighs* You three rendezvous with Robin and Superboy."

He told them as he ran off to go and join Kid Flash. Groaning Billy stood up rubbing his head as the three were glad to see that he was up. Seeing this Zatanna looks to them.

Zatanna: "You two go ahead, I'll catch up."

She says to Rocket and Miss Martian as they nod and leave. Turning back to Doctor Fate she walks over to him and places her hands on the helmet only for to immediately be shocked by a defensive spell.

Zatanna: Ah! Nngh, Temleh, esaeler ym rehtaf!

She says lightning sparks around her hands as she used the lightning to try and force the helmet off of her father only for the helmet to redirect the lightning back at her sending her far away. Quickly Billy ran to help her up as Zatanna was trying her hardest to fight back her tears as she rubbed her eyes.

Zatanna: I can save Fate from Savage, but not my father from Fate.

She says as she looks at the floor balling up her fist.

Zatanna: "Izuku where are you."

She says worriedly.

As Izuku flew out past the shores of the city. He approached the sea as he flew over the water. Looking down he saw his shadow but it wasn't all that he saw. The reflection of a large ice dragon flying above him caught his attention as he looked back.


The dragon roared attempting to attack Izuku as he dodged at the last minute. As the dragon claws hit the water it flapped its wings in the air flying back up.

Geten: Well, well, well. It seems you finally got a new change of clothes.

He spoke standing on the dragon's back as he stared at Izuku.

GL Izuku: I mean yeah. It was about time I get something new. You know try out the waters a little bit.

Geten: Trying out is all you will be doing. You may have become a Green Lantern, but I have become something more.

Holding his hands up all the molecules in the air begin to freeze up as they fly towards him. The ice dragon itself was starting to crumble as it started to meld with Geten.

Geten: Something powerful...

As the ice began to meld together they formed a giant ice hand and legs as two giant wings flew out from his back. He then roared out as a cloud of mist exploded from him as he flapped his giant ice wings flying in the air. As Izuku watched, it was then revealed he became an ice dragon-human hybrid.

Geten: Someone monstrous!

GL Izuku: Oh, wow. So you manipulated the ice to conjoin with you to turn into...this. What do you call this form, Snowman Fury? Jack Frost Got Your Nose?

He quips as Geten roared in this form spreading his wings out as the water pushed waves beneath them as ice flakes flew around them.

Geten: This is your grave! Ice Ply: Dragon Smites!

He roared as he then breathes a cold beam of ice towards Izuku who instinctively shot his hand forward thinking of shielding himself. From his ring it constructed a shield that protected him from the blast. As the blast died down Izuku looked down to see the water below had frozen.

GL Izuku: Whoa! It actually worked. So whatever I think of this ring can just do it.

Geten: Rah!

He roars flying down to him as he attacked by swiping his claws through the air as Izuku dodged the attack. He then jumped over another attack as he flew to the air only for his ankle to be grabbed by Geten's ice tail as he slammed him down on the frozen part of the water.

GL Izuku: Ah!

He grunted.

Geten then picked him up with his tail and slammed him down again and again before throwing him to the air only for Izuku to grab his tail at the last minute as he picked him up and threw him into the air.

Geten: Ah!

He yells as he was sent flying in the air. As he was Izuku flew off towards him reeling his fist back.

GL Izuku: "Boxing glove. Boxing glove. Give me Boxing Glove!"

He thought. Imagining the construct with his ring it began to construct a giant boxing glove as Izuku swung his fist. The ring sent the boxing glove right across Getan's face as he yelled in pain being sent across the sky. As Getan recovered quickly he roared at Izuku as he sent shards of ice towards him as Izuku created another shield to block the ice.

Seeing he was blocking his attacks Getan flew towards him flapping his ice wings to increase his speed as he raised his claw down to swipe at him. Letting his shield fade away Izuku held his ring out as he concentrated.

Izuku: "Focus, visualize the power you want to output, and hone it."

Like so, the ring begin to glow before releasing a powerful concussive beam of energy that fired at Geten blasting him back.

Geten: Aah!

He screamed. Looking down at his right arm he saw the ice was destroyed as he looked back at Izuku panickly.

GL Izuku: Ohoho! I can get used to this!

He says as he then starts to shoot beam after beam at Geten destroying parts of his wings, tail, feet, and right arm. With these being destroyed he was being completely overwhelmed.

Geten: "No! I can't loose, not again!" I won't go back a failure!

He roared summoning the ice that was destroyed. As his wings flew out he flapped them sending a gust of cold chilled winds towards Izuku who only allowed the winds to pass by him as they did little to nothing to him.

Though the winds were meant to attack, they weren't the purpose.

Geten: Do you know what misdirection is?

GL Izuku: Of course I do. But the only one who is being fooled is you thinking you can beat me.

Geten: That's what you think!

He shouts as the air begins to shake around him as he looked to see the ice was starting to gradually build up around him. Suddenly he realized what was happening as Geten roared aloud. The ice around Izuku hardened as it closed around him in a dome. Suddenly spikes stabbed out of the dome trapping him.

Geten: Haha! Yes, I finally killed him. I am finally rid of my past, no-one to tether me down to hold me back.

GL Izuku: Aw, so you did still care about me.

He spoke.

Looking towards the ice dome he saw green light shooting from out of the cracks of the dome.

Geten: No! No, no, no, no! This can't be happening! I almost won!

GL Izuku: Key word, 'almost'.

He said as he broke free from the ice dome as his body radiated with enough will power that he was set free. As he levitated in the air he looked towards Geten as he reeled his fist back.

GL Izuku: And your toast.


He roared flying towards him as Izuku smiled. In his hands a giant glowing green bat was constructed as he watched as Geten got close.


He roared.

Just when he was within range Izuku swung the bat in his hand as it smacked against Geten, destroying the ice limbs over him as he was sent flying as far out as the eye can see.

GL Izuku: And it's good. So long Geten, hopefully you'll be better the next time we meet.

He said.

GL Izuku: But I gotta go. Time to go to space.

He said as he rocketed off into space.

Meanwhile, with Artemis she was shooting arrows at her attackers as she released two more only for them to be caught by the Flash as he was running over to her. Just as he was about to attacked, he was suddenly shoved over by Kid Flash who pushed him against the wall. As Kid Flash had him pinned the Flash started to vibrate so fast, he phased through the walls only to reappear by Kid Flash's side punching him across the face.

As Artemis shot another trick arrow at Green Arrow and Aquaman, the arrow exploded before them kicking up smoke. Quickly Green Arrow shot an exploding arrow behind her as she had to duck making a run for it as she bumped into Kid Flash who stood up.

Kid Flash: "I'm amazed we're still alive."

Artemis: "It's cause they're being controlled. They're limited by whoever is pulling their strings. The very thing putting us in danger is the only thing giving us a chance."

Aqualad: "Artemis, Kid!"

Getting their attention, they looked back to see him closing the door to the room as he sealed it shut.

Aqualad: "Now!"

He said to them as Artemis shot an arrow with a line to the far end of the wall as Kid Flash held on tight to her. Smashing his hand on the red button the airlock switch was triggered.

Computer: Warning. Cargo bay venting atmosphere.

The computer said as Green Arrow and Aquaman held on tightly to the floor as the Flash tried punching Aqualad only to slip as the vacuum of space was sucking him back as he slipped falling backwards as he smacked into the other two heroes behind him. Just as they were about to fly outside the Watchtower, Aqualad hit the button as it started to close. Just when it did a green construct of a hand, held it open as a bright light came through. Once it closed the three Leaguers fell to the floor unconscious. Quickly Kid Flash ran over and placed the three chips on the back of the Leaguers neck. Turning around the three watched as the light dimmed to reveal it was Izuku standing in his new uniform.

Kid Flash: "Waitaminute. Izuku, is that you?"

GL Izuku: "The one and only."

Aqualad: "But, you're a Green Lantern now. How?"

He asked.

GL Izuku: "I was chosen. A gift from Green Lantern himself. But now since I'm aboard I need you to tell me. Where's Savage?"

He asked.

In the upper room, Robin dodged an attack from Hawkwoman who swung down with her mace. As she charged at him, she was attacked from behind by Wolf who bit down on her shoulder, pinning her down to the floor as Robin quickly ran over and place the 'Curotech' onto her. After he did a barrier was placed around him by Rocket who saw Wonder Woman throw her lasso at him. As she pulled it back, Rocket created a shield around her placing her in an impenetrable barrier. Seeing how she was trapped Wonder Woman began to punch the barrier to break herself free.

Robin: "Can she escape your force bubble?"

Rocket: "Not if she keeps punching it. The kinetic energy only makes it stronger. But I'm stuck here. Anything I do risks freeing her."

She says as behind her John Stewart flew towards her preparing to attack her only for a bright green light to slam into him. As the dust settled it was revealed to be Izuku who had him in a headlock as he looked up at Rocket.

GL Izuku: "Then let me help you out. I got this guy here."

He said as he then threw him away as he flew after him.

Robin: "Wait, Izuku your a Green Lantern? Since when has this happened?"

GL Izuku: "Uh, today. And you might want to lookout. Batman on you 6."

He said as Robin looked back to see Batman jumping down towards him.

Robin: "Got it. Good to have you back, Team Leader."

He said as he then went and kicked Batman away from Rocket as he rolled to his feet.

In the air, Izuku punched John in the stomach as he then raised his knee and threw him through the air as the Green Lantern caught himself as he stared Izuku down.

GL Izuku: "It's good to be back."

He said as he then threw his fist forward shooting a condescend beam of willpower at John as he did the same causing the two blast to clash creating a green light show.

As Batman stood up he looked at Robin who was preparing himself to fight the Dark Knight. Smashing his fist into his hand Batman stared Robin down waiting for him to make his move. As Robin reached in his back pouch, he threw his hand forward throwing beads at him. As they exploded releasing smoke, Batman moved his cape to block the smoke from being inhaled by him. Jumping through the smoke Robin tried to kick him only to get punched across the face.

Meanwhile, above him Superboy was fighting Superman who flew in and punched him across his jaw making him back away as he was then punched across the face into a wall.

Falling to the ground Superman rubbed his mouth as he looked up to see Martian Manhunter standing beside Superman.

Just when the two were about to attack him, Sphere rolled in smacking Martian Manhunter away as Wolf jumped up and bit down on him only to get thrown away. As Superman glared at Superboy he was then smashed into the ground by Sphere rolling back in at the last minute. Giving Superboy enough time to stand up as he saw Superman lifting sphere up with his bare hands. Quickly he used his T.K. abilities to launch the Man of Steel away from him as he looked to Sphere.

Superboy: Go.

He told her as she rolled away.

As Martian Manhunter stood up from ground after being attacked by Sphere. Miss Martian tried to sneak up behind him, only for two arms to stick out from behind and grab her as he turned around and stared at her. Seeing this, Miss Martian slowly reverted to her true form as she stared at him.

Miss Martian: "Sorry, Uncle J'onn. You leave me no choice."

She tells him as she then places him in a telepathic illusion surrounded by fire. As he fell to the ground thinking he was on fire, Miss Martian placed the 'Curo-tech' on the back of his neck freeing him from Savage's control. Once she did she was then punched by Superman sending her crashing against the wall as she fell to the floor. Seeing this angered Superboy as he charged at him.

Superboy: Rah!

He yells punching him across the face as he then kicked him before grabbing his head and slamming him against his knee. Using his abilities, he telekinetically pushed him away before lifting his hand bringing him into the air as he then smashed him into the ground.

In the air. Izuku flew away from John Stewart who was firing at him with assault rifle construct in his hands. As Izuku turned around he constructed a shield to block the incoming fire as the bullet bounced away. Seeing this John continued flying at him as he then made the construct disappear as he constructed a gauntlet over his fist as he punched Izuku's shield cracking it. As he punched it again it shattered as Izuku was then punched across the face.

A feet away from him Izuku looked back at John who constructed two katanas in his hand as he flew at Izuku. Quickly he constructed a shield and a sword as he held up his shield to block John's strikes as he started swinging at his shield. Looking for a moment of oppurtunity he waited for John to swing again as he then countered with his sword before shoving him back as he sent a back-kick only fro John to flip away. Flying back at him he swung his sword as Izuku dodged and swung his only to miss as John tried to swing at him again only for Izuku to dodge. As they both swung at the same time their constructs clashed with each other.

Below them, Robin was flipping backwards with his hand away from Batman only for him to land infront of him. He then sent a right hook only to miss as he came with a left backhand as Robin dodged. He then had to block a kick as he was sent flying back as he caught himself and looked up at Batman as he pulled out his escrima sticks. He then ran at Batman swinging at him only for Batman to block his attacks as he then grabbed his leg and threw him away as Robin landed and looked forward only to see that he was gone. Turning around he received a hook across the face as he was sent flying off of the platform he stood on.

Looking down, Izuku saw him falling as he kicked John away and flew down to him as he caught him by his hand and landed beside Superboy. With the three standing together they looked at their mentors who stared them down prepared to attack.

Robin: We're not gonna beat them one on one.

GL Izuku: So what? You wanna tag-team em?

He said as Robin nodded. Trusting him Izuku looked at their mentors as they came towards them.

GL Izuku: Alright then. Plan B, it is.

He said as he then grabbed Superboy and Robin's hand as he spun around before throwing them forward.

As he did Robin dropkicked Batman into the wall as he groaned in pain before falling to the ground. Once he was down, Robin placed the 'Curo-tech' in his neck freeing him from Savage's control. While he did so, Izuku flew at John as he landed a strong blow across his face as he then summoned multiple chain bells to attack John sending him through a wall before they wrapped around him. Once they did Izuku then moved towards him and placed the 'Curo-tech' that was given to him on his neck freeing him from Savage's control.

As Superman saw this he was about to attack Izuku only for Superboy to jump up and hold him tightly as they fell down. Superman quickly pushed Superboy into the wall to break free, but Superboy held him tightly.

Superboy: Nngh, do it!

Robin: Sure about this?

Superboy: Just do it.

He told him as Robin ran over with a case in his hand. Once he opened it, inside was revealed to be a piece of kryptonite. Feeling the effects of the kryptonite the two were weakened as they dropped to the floor. With Superman now unconscious due to the effects of the kryptonite. Robin ran over and placed the last 'Curo-tech' on him. Flying over Izuku looked at Robin who closed the case with the kryptonite in it.

GL Izuku: Did you always have that?

Robin: No, but Batman does.

Superboy: Ugh, Kryptonite...hurts.

He says as he sits up. Izuku walks over to him holding his hand out to help him up. Superboy looks up at him realizing the new suit and ring he had on.

Superboy: What's with the new suit and ring?

GL Izuku: A change of scenery.

He said as Superboy smiled taking his hand as he stood up.

Superboy: It's good to have you back. I knew you would come back.

GL Izuku: You know I couldn't leave you guys to do this alone.

He says as he looks back at Robin smiling.

GL Izuku: You guys are my family. And I always stick by my family through sticks and stone.

He said as Robin smiled.

Meanwhile, Savage was watching as this had all unfolded. A grim look on his face as he tightened his fist so hard it was starting to tear away the leather over his hand.

Savage: This was a unforeseen event I didn't foresee. No matter, it is time to go.

Klarion: Oh come on, we can take em. I bet with this ring now he can prove an even greater challenge for me, to test the limits to see who is the more chaotic.

Savage: Yes, but in the process, you'd lose control perhaps even destroy this station. Or you both would probably fracture a hold in the very balance of reality itself. And whether or not they're in our thrall the light still needs the 'Justice League' alive for phase two.

He says as Klarion looks at him understanding what he said as he made the computer disappear as he floated to the ground.

Klarion: I wouldn't lose control.

Teekl: *Meow*...

Klarion: You're supposed to agree with me. Whose side are you on?

Teekl: *Meow*...

Klarion: Hehe okay, yeah, I bring the chaos. And he's probably still holding a grudge against you for killing his dad, so maybe we should go.

He said as a portal opened up behind him as he looked back to see the Team running towards them. Flying out a green light caught their attention as they saw Izuku flying towards them.

Savage: Our duet isn't over yet, grandson. Your test may be over, but your final trial has just begun.

He said as the portal closed over them as they teleported away.

GL Izuku: Dangit, I wasn't fast enough.

He said landing where they stood as Kid Flash stood infront of him.

Kid Flash: Yeah, me neither.

He said as the rest of the Team gathered in the room as they looked down to see Red Tornado on the floor missing his arms and legs.

Red Tornado: Congratulations, Team. You have won the day. And Izuku...it is good to see you again.

He told him as he smiled.

GL Izuku: Thanks, sorry I couldn't be here sooner.

He told him as suddenly the computer beeped getting their attention as they looked up to see the countdown was over as it was now the start of the New Year.

Computer: Happy New Year, 'Justice League'.

The computer said as it started playing music in the background. With this the Team knew what this meant as htye celebrated in their own way.

Kid Flash picked Artemis up bridal style as he looked into her eyes.

Kid Flash: I should have done this a long time ago.

Artemis: No kidding.

She says agreeing with him as she kissed him passionately as he kissed back. Superboy stood holding Miss Martian as she smiled and turned around to kiss him passionately. Seeing this Zatanna licked her lips as she turned to Izuku as she wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist.

Zatanna: You know, I never told you this but you always looked good in green.

GL Izuku: And you'd look better with me with you.

He said as she then kissed him as she jumped up wrapping her legs around his waist as he held her legs kissing her passionately. Aqualad stood seeing his friends rejoice in this special occasion as he looked to his left to see Rocket walking over.

Rocket: Liking this team more everyday.

She says as she then kisses him on the cheek, but stops before fully kissing him taking him by surprise as he kissed back softly.

Watching all of this from the floor Red Tornado had a feeling he couldn't express or didn't know how to.

Red Tornado: Human customs still elude me.

He says as Robin and Red Arrow stood by him watching the scene before them.

After recovering Izuku stood with Zatanna staring out to the planet looking at it from above.

GL Izuku: This looks even better than looking at it in a video in class.

Zatanna: And I bet it'll be better when we're back on planet for our date.

She says surprising him as he looks at her.

GL Izuku: For real? Are you serious? You really want to go on a date, like with me? Cause I can make it happen tomorrow first thing we get back home.

He says as she laughs kissing him again as they then heard the sounds of two people flying over. Looking up they saw Green Lantern's Hal Jordan and John Stewart. Seeing this Zatanna knew they needed a moment as she left them.

Hal Jordan: So, you put on the ring?

GL Izuku: Yeah, I mean it's a nice fit don't get me wrong. But I'll have to get better at it to sling it around like you both do.

John Stewart: Then look no further then.

He said. Izuku was confused by what he meant but slowly he began to realize what they were talking about.

Izuku: W-Wait you don't mean?

Hal Jordan: Yep. The Guardians already okay'd it and gave us the green light. So, would you like to do the honors?

John Stewart: Gladly. *Ahem* Izuku Midoriya, of Earth. For choosing to become a Green Lantern, you will be coming with us under our supervision to continue training on mastering your ring on Oa. Home to the Green Lantern Corps.

He told him as Izuku was smiling he couldn't keep it in anymore as he screamed out.


He shouted as he rushed over and hugged his mentors.

Izuku: Your the best, thank-you both so much. I can't wait to go. I'll meet so many cool aliens, I'll need another notebook probably two or maybe five...no I'll just get a whole other collection of books I'll need to be filling them up on my stay.

He says as he then stops to look at them.

Izuku: Wait, how long will my training be for?

He questioned them.

Afterwards, the League including: Batman, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Red Tornado, and Green Lantern John Stewart sat at the table in the meeting room with their proteges Red Arrow, Robin, Aqualad, and the new Green Lantern Izuku Midoriya-Utsukushi. At the table they were discussing everything that had happened today.

Red Arrow: Everything I thought I knew about myself was a lie. I'm not a hero or a sidekick. I'm a traitor. A pawn.

Canary: Roy, it'll be alright-

Red Arrow: I'm not Roy. I don't know what I am. All I know is I need to find the real Roy. I need to rescue Speedy.

He declared, as Green Arrow looked away knowing he has failed his sidekick wherever he maybe.

Batman: Guardian is already searching Cadmus.

He said as meanwhile, in Cadmus labs. Guardian stood in the clone room with defeated G-Trolls, G-Elves, and G-Gnomes. As well as Dubbliex and Dr. Spence as well. Walking in the room was Ra's Al Ghul who walked over to a set of pods containing other 'subjects'.

Ra's Al Ghul: The League will arrive shortly. Leave nothing behind we might need.

He said to Orm, Queen Bee, The Brain, and Lex Luthor.

Behind them, Monsieur Mallah was escorting a pod containing Match within it.

Ra's Al Ghul: Match, of course. Better believe this, might still prove useful as well.

He said walking over to a pod containing the real Roy Harper inside of it. Walking over Lex stood beside him as he looked at the boy.

Luthor: True, we aren't done with him, but we also need him.

He says looking over to Project HK, whose tube was now purple instead of the rest. Inside the water was unfreezing as the clone inside slowly began to awake.

Ra's walked over to see the clone as he was impressed with seeing that the clone was awaking.

Ra's Al Ghul: Hmm, it would be wise to bring Vandal's pet project as well as his many others.

He said as behind that pod were many other large pod's containing various creatures inside. Queen Bee walked up to one as she smiled already taking an interest with one as it had a special name on it just for her.

Queen Bee: I'll be taking this one with me.

Luthor: Of course, Project Ra is yours to keep when we awaken it.

He says looking out to the pods with a smile.

Luthor: Project Nomu will be a huge success for the Light's global initiative.

He said.

After Red Arrow was walked out of the Watchtower with Black Canary and Green Arrow. Aqualad and Izuku saw that something else was wrong, why they were still seating instead of leaving.

Aqualad: Something else is wrong.

He says. As Robin pulls up a screen infront of him.

Robin: The entire League was under Savage's spell for over a day. We've counted for most of the time, but these six went missing for a full sixteen hours we can't account for.

He informed the group showing a screen of the six leaguers who went missing.

Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkgirl, and Green Lantern John Stewart.

As Batman was the first to respond, he pondered on the question of what happened in their disappearance.

Batman: Sixteen hours? What did we do?

He pondered on the question as the others shared looks of concern with one another as the meeting was to be continued.


A/N: Hey you all so this is the last chapter to the story. Stick around for the Epilogue and there will be another chapter explaining where the story will go for those of you who may have questions about it.

Again, I hope you all enjoyed the story.

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