After crossing, I became the...

By LunarBunnee

19.2K 390 0

UNEDITED MTL Title : 穿越后我成了万魔之母 Author : 榆舟唱晚 Jiang Qi registered an account for the most popular holographi... More

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Ch 36

134 3 0
By LunarBunnee

The scimitar and the scimitar collided with each other, making a teeth-stinging sound, but whether it was Dravis or No. 1, it was obvious that they had no time to care about these.

They were like two ferocious beasts whose eyes were red, and they had no other superfluous thoughts in their minds other than killing the enemy in front of them.

But Jiang Qi soon discovered that things might be far more absurd and bizarre than what she saw.

When the scimitar in No. 1's hand left a wound on Dravis' arm, his own arm seemed to have a moment of stagnation and a little bit of stiffness when it moved; and when Dravis' thunderstorm hit on the first day, he seemed to have also been sanctioned by the electric current, which caused the scimitar in his hand to lose its original aim when it attacked next time.

This kind of situation happened frequently in their battles, not just once or twice occasionally, to the extent that it couldn't be explained by reasons like "accident".

There is indeed some kind of inevitable connection between them, as what Jiang Qi said before on the 1st.

And let everything settle down, and there is no evidence to struggle and refute, when the hair hanging from Dravis' neck was caught in a dangerous attack that was about to cut his throat When it was cut off, the string of conspicuous numbers appeared on the young man's exposed neck.

It is exactly the same as No. 1, like "001" which is an absolute symbol of a certain identity.

Then everything has been presented in front of Jiang Qi without any concealment.

Although I don't know what is the reason for the current situation, but there is no doubt that all of them are 001—or in other words, it is Dravis.

And when Jiang Qi confirmed all this, the battle between Dravis and No. 1 had reached the most intense stage. They seemed to have completely ignored the wounds on their bodies, and they didn't care that killing their partner was also killing themselves, and they only wanted to put the person in front of them to death.

"The sound of the wind, the shape of thunder, thousands of winds obey my orders, all gather here—"

The bluish-white miniature storm and the black-purple thick thunder converged towards his scimitar along with Dravis's quick chanting of words. Even though the magic has not yet fully formed, it can already be glimpsed A terrifying power came from above.

No. 1 sneered in the same way: "Yu Jianchuan, follow Linhai, and thunder follows my orders, and today I can cut the sky—" "

Forbidden law. The spine of the line!"

"Forbidden law. The beam of thunderstorms !"

The hurricane and the thunderstorm collided together, and at that moment, the terrifying impact of power, as if the whole world had a moment of stagnation and color fading, like a black and white movie played back in slow motion.

And from the outside—what can be seen outside the entire Storm Prison, there are billowing thunderclouds gathered on the Storm Prison for some reason, lightning pierced the sky, and the roar of thunder could almost shatter the sky. eardrum.

No one knows exactly how all of this happened, but there is only one thing that is certain—

something extremely extraordinary must be happening in Stormwind Prison.

Such an act of a certain demon king releasing all his power with all his strength naturally attracted the attention of everyone on the entire continent. The battle is coming even more amazing.

——This even awakened the ancient and mysterious existence that had been dormant for a long time.

On the colorful floating sea, a floating island is surrounded by butterflies. There are clusters of flowers and lush forests on the island. The Goddess of Life and the Fountain of Rebirth are all here, and there are so many dazzling colorful butterflies on the island from time to time that even the air seems to be filled with the smell of honey.

And in the center of the entire island is a palace like a fairy tale, shining brightly in the sunlight.

The palace is located here and has been dusty for a long time. But perhaps it was because the aftermath of the power from the Storm Prison was so extensive that even the owner of the palace was awakened.

On the snow-white cloud bed in the palace, a pair of eyes slowly opened.

Those eyes possessed an incomparable brilliance, far surpassing all precious diamonds in this world, looking like colorful colored glaze, gorgeous and clear in color. The owner of the eyes stared in the direction of Stormwind Prison, and then snorted.

How should I put it...

It's extremely provocative, just listening to it like this will make my heart itch, as if my ears will be pregnant in the next second.

"What are those little guys doing? Such a big commotion..."

The young man reprimanded softly, and then ticked his fingers lightly, as if he had dialed some communication.

When the communication was connected,

Cornett's panicked voice came from the other end soon... Obviously, the young man's call caught him by surprise.

"Yueyue about about butterfly? You, are you awake?" Cornett's voice sounded a little flustered. Obviously, the matter of having a conversation with the young man had already brought him an extremely heavy psychological burden pressure.

"You sound like don't really want to hear about me waking up, Evening Bell. "The young man laughed, "It's really interesting... What are you hiding from me?"

"No, it's nothing. "Cornett replied quickly, "What can I hide from you?"

The young man didn't know whether he believed it or not, but put this topic aside for the time being, and asked another question about him. More concerned: "What's going on with the storm? Even I was woken up. "

"A small problem, a small problem, can be solved soon. "Kornit laughed, "Oh, you know him, he will cut off one [self] every thousand years, so that he can maintain the authority of the demon king. "

"Oh. "He said this, and the young man understood, "The car overturned? As I said earlier, his method is not reliable. "

The young man sarcastically said: "If you can't reach a reconciliation with yourself, how can you be a good demon king? How can you protect the six kings in this world for the Mother God?

" It is successful, but after all, it leaves many flaws. "

"You tell Baofeng for me, if he can't be the devil king, there are some existences who can take over the kingship in his place. When the young man said this, he was quite casual, "I remember that there were fifty-two survivors of the original experimental products? Except for the storm, the rest were still kept in the black tower by you. "

"Just pick one out of it." If it's just a [container], then it doesn't matter to anyone. "

"I know, I know, I'll tell him..." Cornett murmured and asked tentatively, "Well, don't you have anything else to say? Then you go on sleeping, and I'll hang up." Lost communication? "

Go to sleep, go to sleep! It's best to fall asleep before the avatar who stays outside reports the news that the Mother God may have come into the world! He doesn't want Yuedie to become a competitor and participate in the battle for the Mother God Come!

"Evening Bell." He said, "You sound like you really want me to continue to go back to sleep..." "Now, I really have to wonder if there is something you have to hide from me , Things that I don't want to know."

In Stormwind Prison, Cornett was about to cry, and suspicious tears began to gather in his pair of sapphire blue pupils.

De, La, Wei, Si!

See who you have provoked!


All that happened to the outside world came from the deepest and bottom three people in the Storm Prison, so naturally they would not know.

At the same moment when the young man with the colorful glazed pupils woke up, Jiang Qi was looking up, watching the two young men who were in the center of the battle fall down like falling stars, and finally fell hard to the ground.

The battle between them is indeed dangerous, and the magic confrontation is even more powerful.

It's just that all the aftermath of power dissipated quickly when it reached Jiang Qi's front, like using an eraser to erase the faint traces left by pencils on white paper, it didn't take much effort at all, and it could even be said that some It's too easy.

Because of such special preferential treatment, of course Jiang Qi did not suffer any harm in this duel. She walked towards the two of them.

The landing point of Dravis and No. 1 is not far away, and it is a distance that can be seen just by looking up at the other side. Naturally, they all heard the girl's approaching footsteps, so they all tried their best to turn their heads towards that side, hoping to see the girl's figure.

Jiang Qi gradually approached, and then walked towards Dravis very naturally without any hesitation .

The face of the youth with porcelain blue hair suddenly brightened, and the whole person looked as if he had been injected with vitality and vitality, and he was alive and alive in an instant; compared with him, No. 1 looked a little miserable and sad, Like a homeless stray dog ​​that was drenched in the rainstorm, the light in his eyes gradually dimmed.

"Dravis." The girl stood beside the demon king of the storm, looking down at him condescendingly, "You need to give me an explanation." 

It's just that Dravis didn't seem to hear Jiang Qi's words at all.

The young man seemed to have broken all the gentle shells he had worn before, and when he spoke to Jiang Qi, there was imperceptible excitement : "Mother God, you chose me between him and me— —Is that so?!"

The question was really inexplicable, but Dravis looked at Jiang Qi with a look of longing and longing that he didn't necessarily notice. , It is rare to reveal some of my emotions in front of the mother god, and I want to get such an acknowledgment from her.

Jiang Qi didn't know why Dravis asked this question, but under the guidance of her intuition, she was keenly aware that her next answer might be crucial, and what would be decided - including something in the present and in the future direction.

However, such thoughts were fleeting in her alarm clock, and the girl put aside those distracting thoughts, and walked one after another in Dravis.

He nodded in his gradually ecstatic eyes.

"Of course I will choose you," she said, "because the only one I know and recognize is you, Dravis." "I am still waiting for your explanation, Lord of the Storm. Laughing.

He laughed so hard, but at the same time, tears overflowed from his eyes uncontrollably.

" Yes, you are right. "The devil of the storm tried his best to stand up, and bowed down respectfully in front of Jiang Qi, "You admitted me, so I am the devil. "

The moment his voice fell, Jiang Qi heard a slight "click" sound from behind. She turned her head and was surprised to find that No. 1 was peeling off piece by piece like a pottery figurine, and then in a dull 

At the same time, the storm and thunder wove into a crown and fell on the top of Dravis's head.

[Whispering of the storm], the guardian of the black tower, your eternal eagle dog and watchdog German Lavis, I met the Mother God here."

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