After crossing, I became the...

By LunarBunnee

19.2K 390 0

UNEDITED MTL Title : 穿越后我成了万魔之母 Author : 榆舟唱晚 Jiang Qi registered an account for the most popular holographi... More

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Ch 31

139 6 0
By LunarBunnee

Dravis certainly doesn't condone illicit activities. But I think that after today, the city that never sleeps on the 39th floor might usher in a very thorough rectification.

Of course, this is not because this kind of borderline behavior will be banned in Stormwind Prison from now on. In fact, it is shocking that you expect a succubus to have such integrity.

This is just a boring and uninteresting venting behavior of an impotent and furious succubus who is always unable to please in front of the mother god.

The door of the casino slowly closed behind them, and those bunny boys had already surrounded them, and each of them was very skillfully assigned to serve beside the five girls, and surrounded them all the way to the depths of the casino. 

This place is indeed the pillar of the entire city that never sleeps, welcoming the most center of the gold-selling cave, Jiang Qi walked all the way, only felt that its extravagance was as gorgeous as the residences of several demon kings she had seen the comparisons are comparable, and at present, perhaps only Scarlet's Ash Palace can be held steady.

——If Dravis and Cather knew Jiang Qi's inner evaluation, they might spend huge sums of money overnight to upgrade the Storm Prison and the Tower of Babel.

Absolutely don't leave the impression of a poor ghost in the heart of the mother god! And if you are actually compared to the red dragon who has no aesthetics at all, and all the styles and behaviors are no different from the nouveau riche where would they put their faces?

Jiang Qi had to pay special attention to Cornett's behavior along the way. When keeping the snake shape, Cornett couldn't speak, and could only make some slight "hissing" noises. But Jiang Qi always has an inexplicable intuition—or a hunch that if she doesn't hold down Cornett, then the latter will definitely cause her a little bit of trouble.

In this way, she finally passed through the hall without incident.

At the elevator door, a beautifully dressed red-haired beauty in a black long dress that sculpted her figure lazily raised her eyes when she heard footsteps approaching.

"Yo." Her gaze first fell on No. 13, and she gave an inexplicable smile, and then looked at Jiang Qi and the others who were following behind him, "Is your introducer here today?"

"They are challengers who want to climb the tower." No. 13 leaned forward, smiling and making a close relationship with the red-haired woman, "Sister Bella, please let me take them to the city lord?"

The woman named Bella put down the pipe she was holding, and knocked No. 13 on the head gently.

"Even if you want to make a profit, you have to pay attention to some basic laws.

If just go in and gamble with others, I will turn a blind eye and let you pass; but if the object of the bet is the city lord If not, then the item of asset verification cannot be avoided."

No. 13 suddenly became frowning.

He retreated to Jiang Qi and the others, and quickly explained the cause and effect of the matter to them.

It's not just anyone who comes, opening their mouths to make a bet, the city lord of the city that never sleeps will readily agree and accompany him—that is, after all, the lord of the city that never sleeps, the owner of the entire 39th floor, not just any cat or dog. , have to go out to welcome guests.

For this reason, a precondition of [asset verification] is added.

If a guest who comes to the casino wants to gamble with the city lord, then he must prove that he has enough assets, or possesses some rare treasures that interest the city lord, in order to be able to win the game with the city lord. Eligibility for betting.

After Seventy-one and the others heard No. 13's explanation, they all staged a "click" scene, looking at each other in blank dismay.

If they were rich, they wouldn't even dare to look at the stalls on both sides of the street before, but insisted on asking No. 13 to bring them straight to the casino! Why, isn't it that poor people are not allowed in this world? Do ghosts exist?

Even though they haven't said anything yet, looking at the expressions on their faces, No. 13 has already guessed something. "Ah, here." The young man scratched his head, feeling a little distressed, "In this case, it will be very difficult for me?" He sighed: "You see, Sister Bella doesn't want to give me a break at all... ..."

Jiang Qi said at this time: "This asset checking calculation, must everyone have it, or can it be counted as long as the entire team meets the standard?" 

No. 13 laughed again: "Oh, if many people form together If the team comes, then of course as long as the team as a whole meets the standard! In fact, it is usually required for individuals, but I can go and grind with Miss Bella!" 

He said while looking in the direction of Miss Bella He glanced at them, then rubbed his fingers with a smile, and showed them a tacit smile of "you understand, I understand, everyone understands".

"Okay." Jiang Qi nodded and walked towards the red-haired Bella.

And others also remembered that on the snowy field before, Jiang Qi had directly brought out [Silver] level props just to exchange clothes to keep out the cold with them, and a bunch of real gifts from Tie Hanhan who didn't know where they came from. Gold and silver-level props and equipment, my eyes lit up immediately, and I felt as if I had caught hope again!

Bet against the city lord of the city that never sleeps. Please check my assets, do you have the qualifications to go?"

Miss Bella sighed, and when she looked at Jiang Qi, she looked a little sad for some reason.

——She didn't seem like someone is willing to make a betting agreement with the city lord.

But Jiang Qi's attitude seemed very firm, so Miss Bella didn't say much, just took a palm-sized, The disc-shaped magic prop came out and handed it to Jiang Qi.

"Put your storage props on it, you can put as many as you want, as long as you think their total value is high enough. "

And Jiang fact, there is only one storage item.

That is, when she first came to this world, the gold thread ruby ​​that was offered by Scarlett was so exquisite that it was more like an accessory than a magic item. The bracelet.

It may be because it is so rare for a visitor like her to put only one storage item, so that Miss Bella couldn't help asking her: "Is this one enough? "

"That's enough." "Jiang Qi replied.

Miss Bella shrugged: "Well, since you think so..."

She injected some magic power and activated the prop.

"Ka, Kaka..." From the disc came a Some voices that sounded very bad, as if they were stuck.

"Ah? This thing is not broken, is it?" Even Miss Bella encountered such a situation for the first time, she frowned , raised his hand, and slapped the disc a few times, "I haven't seen this thing go wrong before. "

After she took a few shots vigorously, the prop seemed to be able to operate again at last, getting rid of the previous obstacle. I saw it vibrated slightly on the spot for a while, and finally "BOOM——!" Extremely dazzling golden fireworks bloomed on the display screen, accompanied by cheerful and somewhat excessive cheers.

"The verification of your assets has been completed! Currently, the assets you hold are in the city that never sleeps, and you can enjoy the highest VIP treatment! Welcome to the city that never sleeps, honorable guest!" [Congratulations on obtaining the limited title: [Wealth and Enemy Country]

[If and only when you wear this title in the city that never sleeps, you can enjoy the following benefits: city reputation +300%, 60% discount for any consumption in the city, and you can get a number of resources xx every day (this resource is randomly allocated). 】

Of course no one can see this title except the player, but as long as there is the checking result given by the disk, it is enough.

Miss Bella gave way slightly to the side, revealing the door behind her—this thick door, made of gold, jewels, mithril, and all the noble things on this continent, was in front of them. The front slowly opened, and then what appeared in front of the eyes was the luxurious world behind it.

"Please." Miss Bella said, "The casino in the city that never sleeps, welcome all distinguished guests." No. 13 cheered and walked in the front, with a flattering smile on her face, and led them in. 

The sound and noise caused by opening the door is not small, at least the attention and eyes of many people in the venue have been attracted. After seeing that the newcomers were just a few young girls who had gone too far, their eyes became a little more subtle.

But this kind of scrutiny in the dark obviously can't bother Jiang Qi and the others for the time being. After Jiang Qi's arrogant assets were all emptied for some reason, they are all the most honored guests in the entire city that never sleeps, as Yuanpan said before, and no one wants to bypass the guards of the city that never sleeps. Do something about the teenage girls.

No. 13 was beaming with joy, and the whole person seemed to be in high spirits, eager to take off on the spot. He casually grabbed a young man who was passing by them and wearing the same uniform as him, and when he smiled, he showed his teeth: "Number 28! Is the city lord free now?"

The young man held by him raised his face in displeasure, and then he could find that he had almost the same face as No. 13, as if they were poured out of the same mold.

"The city lord is receiving guests now." As No. 28 said this, his eyes rolled and fell on Jiang Qi who was behind No. 13, followed by an unintelligible snort, "You guy, finally I succeeded once, and I have a customer I can bring."

"I thought you were going to be [eliminated] just like this—" "

I'm so sorry, I really let you down." On the thirteenth face The smile was even wider, and when he spoke, there was a sense of yin and yang in it, "Did the guest you brought just lose their qualifications? It's so pitiful, now you have to go out to find suitable guests again."

No. 28's complexion suddenly sank: "

You don't need to worry about it!" He stopped talking to No. 13, turned around and left, but he could see some anger from his back.

On the thirteenth, he whistled and explained to Jiang Qi and the others: "Don't worry, I used to have some friction with that guy, so this is just a few words of ridicule. The city owner is still gambling with other guests. 

We still need to wait for a while, you can do your own activities first, and it is no problem if you want to gamble with other guests for a few rounds?" "But please note that our casino does not welcome credit and old people. "Seventy-one has the spirit of death: "What if someone really made up his mind to be an old man?"

Thirteenth glanced at her, and laughed: "You got the Adventurer's Association are you the kind of adventurer who is a gift from me? Oh, it seems that at least eight out of ten such adventurers will ask us such a question. "

"I advise you better not to do that, because even if you have the magical secret of continuous resurrection, the rules of the Storm Prison and the rules of the 39th floor are absolute. It's not that the city that never sleeps has encountered adventurers who tried to do that, but unfortunately, they will all end up dying so weakly that they can't even be seen—" "

And then one day, they will never be resurrected again. "

Seventy-one and the others felt awe-inspiring when they heard the words.

Isn't this just being forced to take turns by NPCs? When encountering this kind of thing, probably no player wants to stick to this kind of account anymore. The so-called never will be resurrected, in fact, I chose to reincarnate in the filthy soil!

In short, if you still want your current number, then it's better to follow the rules of the casino honestly. Several people nodded hurriedly, expressing that they would never mess around.

But his cryptic warning was obviously not stopped by Jiang Qi's ears.

"If this is the case, can I go and watch the city lord's game first?" Jiang Qi asked, "Didn't you say that this is a project that must be kept secret?" No. 13 was stunned for a while, and then laughed: "Of course. "

"This is originally open to all members. Every time the city lord starts the game, there will be many members to watch - of course, now." "If you are interested, I will take you there now."

Of course Jiang Qi has this interest.

She followed No. 13 to the separate private room upstairs, and No. 71 and the others went to play separately—after all! This place feels like a place of wealth that they can't afford in their game careers! Of course they should seize the opportunity to walk around, and try to see all the places before punching in a card, so that this trip can be worthwhile!

Jiang Qi took a seat in the private room.

Naturally, the comfort and luxury of the private room need not be mentioned. When Jiang Qi sat down, a projection made with special magic props suddenly appeared in front of her. In the middle of the projection screen was a piece of a square table cut out of rubies.

Probably only in the game, can you see such a huge and complete ruby?

There are two people sitting at the two ends of the square table. One of them had an anxious look on his face, and he had very obvious characteristics of the orcs. The chips in his hand seemed to be running low.

And the one sitting opposite him should be the owner of the city that never sleeps. His whole body was covered in a white and purple robe, even the hood was properly put on, and his whole body was tightly wrapped. Only the hand protruding from the sleeve robe, with well-defined joints, slender and slender, is a very beautiful hand that can be ecstatically controlled by two hands.

Right now, the owner of this hand pushed all the dice around him to the center of the table, and then asked with a smiling voice: "Do you want to follow?" The orc's face twitched violently a few times.

He looked extremely painful, but there were very few dice left. If it goes on like this, who knows what will have to be paid in the end?

So, after a long, painful thought, the orc bowed his head.

"I...I give up."

"Then, thank you for the game with you." The owner of the city that never sleeps clapped his hands, "I wish you a wonderful time in the city that never sleeps." 

The owner of the city that never sleeps stared at himself The orc in front of him was taken down with a disheartened face, then he stretched out his hand, gently moved the chips piled up in front of him, and then chuckled lightly.

He turned his face towards Jiang Qi's box and raised his head slightly. Although the man's face was still blurred and could not be seen, Jiang Qi was sure that her eyes had briefly intersected with the man's in the air.

"Then, miss." The city lord invited, "Do you want to choose a good day to start a match with me; or do you feel hot right now and want to compete with me?" 

Jiang Qi then stood up and walked to the screen.

"Let's start now." The girl's voice was clear and lingling, it sounded like the icicles hovering on the river were falling down, "I don't have a lot of time to waste here." 

Perhaps it was from on the ice field, Jiang Qi always felt an inexplicable sense of urgency from the moment she looked into those blood-colored pupils. It seemed that someone was sighing long in her ear, and it seemed that her intuition was making some kind of subconscious warning.

[Quicker, quicker...] [There is not much time left. ][At least, before that must be...] And Jiang Qi decided to follow the guidance of this kind of intuition.

She handed her storage bracelet to No. 13 who had been serving beside her all the time, and at the same time said to the city lord of the city that never sleeps: "It's not too late, let's start now." She will definitely win.

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