The Ministry Child: Phantomime

By IStoleTime

4.7K 233 361

After the death of her Father Albany is struggling with her grief, she had lost every single member family in... More

Take Your Time
Lockdown At The Ministry
Romantic Gestures Never Go To Plan
That Ghoul!
Ghostly Encounters
Halloween With The Ghouls
Cluedo At The Ministry
A New Year, A New Routine
A Change Of Scene
Copia, What Did You Do?!
Times Of Change
Back To Business
He's Back
Papa Nihil
Revisiting The Past
Our Old Getaway
I Missed You
Breakfast At The Ministry
The European Tour
Another City, Another Country
An Outing With Two Papas.
Near The End
Los Angeles
Returning From Hellfest
Let's Play Ball!
A Day At The Beach
Training At The Beach
A Nightmare Revisited.
Jesus Is Coming
Glass Caskets
Father Jim DeFroque
Rude Awakening
Calling From A Land Down Under

Mystery Solved

124 6 12
By IStoleTime

Chapter Seven!

Mystery Solved

September 2020- The Los Angeles Ministry 

The next few days passed by quickly after the supernatural events that had occurred in Papa Nihil's office, the unholy church had become peaceful once again. There had been an investigation by the late Papa Nihil's former favourite ghoul, he had managed to get to the bottom of which ghoul had been in the deceased Papa's office where Albany had her fright. 

Albany had accompanied Phil to the lower chambers of the Ministry, their way had been guided by a metal latern. The dimly lit hallways and dark open doorways where the ghouls lurked were unsettling. There was no windows or natural daylight, the ghouls slept on metal bunks with feathered pillows and woollen blankets for comfort. She had no idea that they lived beneath the unholy church, she had always been told that they lived within the stone walls. The culprit was soon revealed to her, it turned out that the smallest ghoul of the Copia's bandmates was the one behind the supernatural events that had occurred days ago in Papa Nihil's office. 

Phil had forced Sodo to apologise to Albany over his cruel prank in front of his ghoul kin, the experience for the smallest ghoul had been humiliating. Sodo had overheard Albany saying things about him in the hallway on the night of Phil's arrival which caused the little grudge, she hadn't realised she had upset him. The smallest ghoul's voice remained unheard, but his body posture and hand gestures told a different story. Albany was unsure if his apology was genuine, his eyes gave away the rage he was feeling over the situation he had found himself in. She had apologised to him too, she didn't want any bad vibes between them since they both lived at the Los Angeles Ministry.

The unholy church was silent, it was Saturday afternoon. Albany was sitting on one of the armchairs in library, she had a blanket draped over her legs and a hot cup of coffee on the side table. The fireplace had been lit, there was daylight creeping through a gap between the dark heavy curtains. Albany had spent the last hour with her nose stuck in a book, it was the only place she could get some peace. The ghouls had been hanging around Copia this morning at the breakfast table, they were demanding his attention since they were getting restless due to the lack of touring. Albany had decided to take her leave, she didn't feel comfortable around the ghouls since she had been spooked by Sodo in her Father's office. She felt like they were judging her over her close relationship with Phil, it wasn't her fault that she had been raised by her Father's favourite former ghoul due to the lack of nannies. She planned to avoid the ghouls today, it may settle the tension between them if she remained hidden from their sight. 

A chilly draft caused Albany to shiver, she brought her knees to her chest and snuggled down in the armchair. She drank some of her coffee and continued to read her chosen book, but footsteps entering the library caught her attention. Her gaze remained on the opening between two bookcases, she listened to the approaching footsteps. It wasn't long until she saw a familiar face, it was Copia. A smile crept across her features when she heard a cheerful sound escaping his lips, her lover had found her hiding place amongst the books of the unholy church. His voice was soon heard, he was pleased to see his lover.

" There you are, Albany!" He said.

" Hello, Copia." She said while she closed her book. " Do you need me for something?"

" I was wondering if you would like to join me and the ghouls for a board game extravaganza?" He asked.

" What's a board game extravaganza?" She asked.

" I don't know, but it sounded more impressive when I said it inside of my head." He replied.

" Just a normal board game then?" She asked.

" Yes, but it will be fun since there will be more than two players." He said.

" I'm unsure, it sounds like a guys afternoon to me." She said with a smile. " Maybe I'll play next time, I'm not really in the mood for board games right now."

" Okay, it's cool..." He said.

" But we can do something later if you want, it's my scheduled night after all." She said.

" I would very much like that, we can play Twister." He said before he approached his lover. " I will let you spin the wheel, there will be music, soda and mini pizzas."

" That does sound nice, it's a date!" She smiled.

" Are you sure you don't want to join us?" He asked, his finger tips came together. " I could do with a trusty banker, the ghouls tend to cheat!"

" What board game are you plaining to play?" She asked.

" Monopoly." He replied.

" I think I'll pass." She said while she opened her book. " I'm okay here, but enjoy the choas with the ghouls."

" Albany, baby..." He said.

" Yes, Copia?" She asked.

" You're okay with Sodo now, right?" He asked.

" Of course, we're on good terms right now." She replied, her gaze met with his own. " Sodo apologised, but I don't think the ghouls are fond of me right now since Phil made an example of Sodo in front of them. I think Phil has out stayed his welcome in their eyes, but I still like having him around."

" Right, right..." He said.

" Why don't you go and play your board game with the ghouls." She said, her speaking tone was reassuring. " I will come and find you later, I promise."

" And you're sure you don't want to join us?" He asked.

" I'm very sure." She replied in an amused tone. " The ghouls may haunt me again if I asked them for Income Tax or send them to jail, it may not end well if they can't collect their two hundred dollars."

" Ah, good point!" He said. 

" Now go and some have fun. I'm cosy here with my book." She said.

" Okay, I will see you later." He said before he leaned in close and kissed her cheek. " I love you, I like you."

" I love and like you too, Copia." She said.

" Bye, bye!" He said.

" Goodbye." She smiled.

Copia stepped away from the armchair and waved his finger at his lover, she returned his adorable farewell with her own finger wave. A sigh of contentment escaped Albany's lips while she turned her attention back towards the book she was reading, but she soon felt Copia taking her hand in his own. Her gaze was met by a face she adored, his thumb brushed against her hand before he tenderly kissed it. A smile crept across her features when he playfully trailed kisses up arm, he then declared his love for her once again. She returned his declaration with a kiss, but that didn't stop him from asking her again to join them for the board game extravaganza. She felt guilty about declining his invitation, but the thought of playing Monopoly with Copia and the ghouls was already giving her an headache.


30th October  2020- The Los Angeles Ministry  

The next few weeks passed by quickly at the Los Angeles Ministry, it was almost All Hallows' Eve. The unholy church had cancelled it's yearly celebrations with his dark excellency, there would be no spooky decorations or parties being thrown in the hallways this year. 

Albany was busy in the kitchen, she was preparing a special feast for Copia and the ghouls this evening. They were planning on throwing their own All Hallows' Eve feast in one of the executive suites on the third floor since the Clergy members would be absent this year, it would only be a gathering of two since ghouls weren't really classed has human. Rolling out some puff pastry Albany was in the middle of making mummified hot dogs, she had dried the hot dog sausages for the spooky filling. She had already baked some Halloween cookies, there was a saucepan full of basil pesto pasta with cheesy meatball eyeballs cooling on a tray. They had brought several candy apples,  eight bags of gummy worms, five bags of potato chips and seven dips from the local convenience store. There was a homemade tiramisu in the refrigerator and jell-o pots for the ghouls, they still had to decorate the executive suite on the third floor. 

Copia was in charge of decorating the cookies, he had insisted that he was the man for the job. Albany was grateful for his help, she still plenty of things to do before the ghouls showed up for the spooky feast this evening. Copia was sitting at the kitchen table, he was icing and decorating the spooky cookies. He had already made a mess, there was powdered icing sugar  and chocolate chips scattered across the table top. There was a couple of missing limbs from some of the cookie men and red icing on the rim of a random coffee cup. Copia had been helping himself to the cookies he had been decorating, he had somehow managed to get red icing down his chin. It would take them over an hour to clean up the kitchen and the mess Copia had created at the table.

The sound of an incoming DOOM call disturbed the peace of the kitchen, it was soon silenced by Copia declining the call on his mobile phone. Albany stopped what she was doing before she looked at him over her shoulder, it was the fourth time he had ignored an incoming call from Sister Imperator. She had no idea why he was ignoring the woman he thought of has his Mother, he normally enjoyed speaking with her everyday. Wiping her hands on her apron Albany approached Copia and rested her hands on his shoulders, she leaned against the back of the chair before she spoke with him. 

" You should really answer that DOOM call." She said.

" But we're busy right now, it's not a good time." He said before he sucked some icing away from his finger. " Sister won't mind, she likes All Hallows' Eve."

" I know, but that's the fourth time you've missed her call since we started cooking." She said with a sigh. " Call her back and speak with her, she probably just wants to wish you a Happy Halloween. Then when your DOOM call ends we can continue with our feast preparations, we still need to carve those three pumpkins in the hallway."

" We have pumpkins?" He asked.

" Mr Saltarian had them delivered to the Ministry, he said they were a gift from the Clergy." She replied.

" I do like carving pumpkins, it's always good fun." He said.

" Call Sister, she misses her little C." She said while she gently rubbed his shoulders. " Also I'm counting on you to think of some party games the ghouls would like to play."

" Fine, fine!" He sighed.

Albany kissed her lover's cheek before she returned to the kitchen counter, she still had to cut the pastry and mummify the hot dog sausages. Slicing the dough she cut it up into strips, taking one of the hot dogs she rolled it up in pastry while she listened to Copia's mobile phone ringing out for a connecting DOOM call with his superior. A familiar voice soon filled the kitchen, but she then heard Copia telling Sister that he couldn't see her on the phone screen. This carried on for a moment or two, the sound of cracking and interrupted sentences were mostly heard from the DOOM call. It wasn't long until Sister spoke again, her voice was much clearer this time. 

" Can you see and hear me now?"

" Ah, yes! Hello, Sister!" 

" There you are, C!" 

" I'm here now, how are you doing?" 

" I'm missing you, but I can't complain."

" Aaawww! I miss you too."

" Cardi, is everything okay at the Ministry?"

" All is good, but it's a little quiet."

" And Albany is well?"

" Albany is doing very good, but she's busy right now."

" Are you sure?"

 " Yes, I can see her from where I'm sitting."

" You have something red on the corner of your mouth and down your chin..." 

" Oh?" 

" Have you been taking care of yourself?" 

" Ummm, yes..."

Albany turned around to face her lover, she leaned back against the counter and watched Copia wiping red icing away from the corner of his mouth. Albany understood what Sister was referring to since she knew about Copia's hidden hunger, she hadn't really questioned or thought about how he was mataining his devilish thirst throughout lockdown. They spent every hour of the day together unless his scheduled board said differently, the only time she was unaware of his movements was when she was asleep. Sister's voice was soon heard again, she was curious about what her little Cardi was up to at the Ministry.

" What are you up to?"

" I'm decorating spooky cookies, they're for the ghouls." 

" Can I see Albany?" 

" Right now?"

" Yes."

" Okay, sure."

Copia asked Albany to join him while he leaned his phone against his coffee cup, she wiped her hands on her apron while she approached her lover. She understood why Sister had requested to see her on the DOOM call, the red icing may have been mistaken for something deceiving. Her hands slipping over Copia's shoulders Albany looked directly at the mobile device, she waved her fingers at her superior before she spoke.

" Hello, Sister." She said.

" Hello, Albany. You're looking very well." 

" Thank you." She said.

" See, she's fine." He said before he showed her an headless cookie. " Unlike this guy, he's not head and shoulders above the rest." 

" Oh, Cardi!"

A smile crept across Albany's features when laughter erupted from the mobile device, his little joke had amused Sister. Copia playfully walked the headless cookie across the table top until he placed it back on a plate, his playful behaviour had broken the tension of the DOOM call. The seriousness of the conversation soon subsidised, they continued to chat and shared each others plans for All Hallows' Eve.

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