After crossing, I became the...

By LunarBunnee

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UNEDITED MTL Title : 穿越后我成了万魔之母 Author : 榆舟唱晚 Jiang Qi registered an account for the most popular holographi... More

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By LunarBunnee

The face of what to eat today gradually put on a mask of pain.

The eyes of the black shadow in front of him are so indicative that it is difficult to pretend not to recognize them. Such eyes are like peach blossoms in the clear water, what to eat today, dare to bet five pieces of [Gold] level equipment, if it is not [Elegy of the Deep Sea] Cassel Drago, he is willing to perform a dirty reincarnation on the spot.

A mere mission in a secret realm, unexpectedly appearing Zhou Ben's boss, this is probably not very good, game planner?

You must know that a devil-level boss like [Elegy of the Deep Sea] clearly appeared in Zhou Hui's 50-player book! 50 people!

Isn't it a little too rude to let him fight alone?

What to eat today Looking at the humanoid black figure in front of him, listening to the heavenly singing that is getting closer and closer to his ears, he can only watch the debuff appearing in his personal status and sigh.

No tank, no milk, no release control, no support, just relying on his crispy output, it really can't be beaten at all. Don't say it's him, even if you call Immortal Da Luo here, there's nothing you can do!

The water flow in front of them changed for a moment, and before they even had time to blink or breathe, the silhouette from the Demon King [Elegy of the Deep Sea] was already approaching their eyes, and there was no possibility of any defense at all.

Generally speaking, this kind of situation should be caused by a tank class in the team who wants to block it to pull hatred, and then control the class to force the control, and then think about what method to use while moving coquettishly while outputting output!

But what do they have now?

What did you eat today? Look at yourself, and look around you. She looks very delicate and frail just by looking at her. Do you think it is an offense to ask her to do even a little heavy work, and she should be placed in the The girl who was well cared for in the crystal cabinet made of crystal, gold, gemstones and all the extravagant things in this world suddenly gave birth to a kind of sadness that a smart woman can't live without rice.

Perhaps this is not a single-player dungeon. After he dies this time, he can try to contact a few well-connected high-level players to challenge together. I just don't know how many people the maximum number of people can enter this secret realm is... thinking about what to eat today.

He seems to have tacitly agreed to the inevitable death.

However, things seem to have taken another turn.

Because what to eat today quickly discovered that [Elegy of the Deep Sea] did not release the group magic control through singing immediately after locking it like Zhou Benzhong did. On the contrary, he stopped in front of them and didn't move for a long time.

If it wasn't for the light in those pink eyes that were constantly flickering on and off, what I ate today would almost make me think that Zhou Ben's boss on the opposite side is out.

The pitch-black silhouette tilted his head. It was just such a simple movement, but people could feel some kind of pure doubt from him.

It's like... He should have followed the procedures and instincts and devoured the two creatures that appeared in front of him in one bite; but now, for some other reason, some of the codes in the written program were disordered , so that the code needs to be reorganized to determine which side should be followed to run.

This kind of judgment and combing did not take too long, and there was already a conclusion.

What to eat today I saw [Elegy of the Deep Sea] getting closer to Jiang Qi.

He seemed to have no malice at all, he just wanted to get closer to the girl, and rubbed against the girl's palm like a puppy, as if he wanted to get a pet.

What to eat today can't help but slowly knock out a question mark: "Huh?" Forgive his ignorance, what is this doing?

However, the girl with moon-blue hair beside her seemed to be familiar with it.

She reached out her hand in a familiar movement that made people feel weird after watching what I ate today, and gently patted [Elegy of the Deep Sea] on the head. And the latter was indeed soothed by such actions, and the restless emotions that existed around him gradually calmed down, and it even seemed strangely harmless.

"I like it." From the direction of the dark silhouette, such a weak voice floated intermittently, "I like it."

Those that existed in him before—whether it was the terrifying sense of danger, or the cold evil spirit mixed with

"Let's get out of here first." What did he eat today said dryly, "There is a kind of existence among different species." Once these out-of-patrol captains don't send back a signal to the main city for a while, they will realize that there is a problem, and immediately lock on the coordinates of the lost contact to find it." Jiang Qi responded thoughtfully, and took a picture. 

He patted the black shadow on his hand, and asked what to eat today: "This, is Kaser ?"

I realized that this should have the same background relationship with the personal legend task I had completed before, which belonged to [Elegy of the Deep Sea]. Therefore, while taking Jiang Qi to transfer positions, he also talked about science with Jiang Qi.

At the very beginning, the world was not completely under the control of the demons as it is now. For example———Bubble Floating Sea was not called Bubble Floating Sea in the past, but it's called Guanghai. The seawater is filled with too high a concentration of light elements, even to the point where creatures with dark elements cannot survive here, and races of other attributes will also feel uncomfortable due to such a high concentration of light elements.

Also because of this, the heterogeneous naturally became the ruler of the entire sea of ​​light.

This wasn't a bad thing in the first place.

The alien race is not a race that kills indiscriminately. On the contrary, they prohibit and behave with restraint. Perhaps because of their race, they pursue advocating truth, goodness, and beauty, and have a lofty ideal of turning the whole world into a utopia.

Logically speaking, it should be easy to survive under such a ruler, and even live a very good life. But this is not the case.

When all the sea tribes in Guanghai mentioned alien species, their expressions would turn pale, and they avoided their existence like snakes and scorpions. They are even willing to hide at the edge of Guanghai to live in seclusion, trying not to be discovered by alien species, even if the available survival resources are extremely scarce for this reason, it doesn't matter.

Because——the heterogeneity is too "correct".

They pursue absolute correctness and have their own set of criteria and logic for judgment. If it is recognized by the standards of the alien species, then they will be treated with enthusiasm, and even strongly invited to settle in the city of the alien species, get the qualification to live in the city, and enjoy the same public rights as the alien species equally.

But if they don't meet the judgment criteria of alien species, they will completely wipe out each other with an absolute cruelty and ruthlessness.

No one can be absolutely right.

And even if it is the same thing, from different angles, there will also be "correct" and "incorrect".

But the alien species don't think about these, they just act like machines, following the cold rules and laws.

However, people are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless?

Except for the alien species itself, there is no other race... any life that can accept such extreme coldness and ruthlessness.

"They will remove all life that they think is incorrect and threatening." While saying this, what to eat today, while following Jiang Qi obediently, as if she was just a mobile pendant [Elegy of the Deep Sea] I took a look, "For example—sea monsters."

If all races on the continent were to be assigned a good and evil attribute, then the sea monsters would definitely be clearly classified into the [evil] group. And this is of course contrary to the rules established by the different species.

But there are not one or two sea monsters. On the contrary, even in the entire ocean, the Kraken can be regarded as an extremely large group, and it is a rare race that can adapt well to the light element.

What's more, the Sea-Monster's individual strength is not weak, and both sides have to survive in the sea of ​​light, and if things go on like this, great contradictions will naturally accumulate.

And this contradiction was indeed triggered one day.

The six-winged chief priest descended from the distant clouds, and everything was resolved like a broken bamboo. But overnight, the Kraken clan was expelled from the deep sea.

On that day, even the sea, which was always white and floating, was dyed a pale red by the blood.

"However, there are still some mistakes in the elimination of alien species." When talking about what to eat today, he glanced at the black silhouette following Jiang Qi obediently, "They didn't expect that there was still a sea monster that escaped." . "

And the sea monster that escaped eventually became the demon king favored by the abyss. He overthrew Gwanghae's rule, and used the bones of different species to build the Needle Tower of Babel on the seabed. All the alien species living in Guanghai in the first generation were wiped out by him, just like how they treated his group back then.

The devil king of the deep sea has brought darkness to the bottom of the sea. Finally, this place is no longer a sea of ​​light where the purity is too high for other creatures to survive, but an ocean suitable for more sea people to live in.

They built a city centered on the Tower of Babel, which later became the world-famous underwater pearl Atlantis. The devil king of the deep sea played an elegy, and all the excess light elements in the sea were expelled to a certain place on the edge of the sea. Over time, that sea area was called "marginal sea", which is one of the few in the world. The place where different species gather and live.

This is the reason why the individual named [Caseldragg] became the Demon King.

The legendary task that what to eat today was completed in the first place, in fact, in some way, it discovered these hidden pasts that would not even be recorded in history books.

The moment he completes the legendary mission, the worldwide boss [Elegy of the Deep Sea] will be open to all players in the whole continent. As the name suggests, it is a lament from the sea, and it is the unwillingness and resentment of all the sea people who died under the absolute justice of the alien species.

What the player defeated in the weekbook was a part of the projection of the deep-sea demon king Casseldragg. After mixing with these chaotic undead, it became a world-class

BOSS that entered the dungeon.

He's Demon Lord Casseldragg, but not quite.

"He just ate up that alien team." Thinking of this, I couldn't help but want to scratch the wall for what I ate today, "The alien species will find it soon."

Their secret missions really don't need to be more difficult!

"I've always wanted to ask, what exactly is a heterogeneous species?"

This question really stopped me from asking what to eat today.

"I only know that they seem to be a race that used to be active in this world, but then quit due to unknown reasons." "The six demon kings forbid giving normal [human rights] to alien species in their own fields, so the existing Most of the alien species hide in some extremely remote places that are rarely found, and the only known large-scale gathering place is the marginal sea." 

The existence of alien species will bring chaos to this world, and they are mistakes that must be eliminated. It is also because of this that the Adventurers Association has long-term hung up the task of [clearing alien species], and the city guards of the six main cities of the demon king will also regularly eliminate them.

...It's like the eradication of alien races that they thought were "wrong" races.

But if we want to study the origin of the alien species, no one can tell why.

"Perhaps in the whole world, only those few demon kings know about it." What to eat today said half-jokingly.

Ordinary people naturally cannot seek the answer to a question with the devil, but this is naturally not true for Jiang Qi. She wrote down Wendian secretly, and planned to turn around and get an answer from the devil.

What to eat today is frantically poking at his task panel.

This kind of secret realm usually goes all the way to the end, unlocking several organs and clues along the way, and defeating the boss at the end of the level after all the exploration is completed, even if the level is successfully passed.

After finding the right direction, he wanted to take Jiang Qi there. As for [Elegy of the Deep Sea], as long as I comfort myself that it is just a pendant, it will not bring too much psychological pressure.

But soon, he will realize what he eats today, and it's too early for him to feel relieved.

Their destination was the city of chalk on the sea surface, but they hadn't walked for too long before they heard thunderous bangs in their ears, and the entire bottom of the sea seemed to be trembling faintly.

If they didn't pay too much attention to this change at first, then when the voices got closer and closer until they almost rang in their ears, what to eat today finally couldn't maintain a stable state of mind .

"What's wrong, this is it?" He complained, and opened the small map to check it out of curiosity. ——Then he let out a scream like killing a pig.

On the small map, they were densely surrounded by red dots representing the enemy. The number is so large that the entire area is blindingly red, and not even a single gap can be seen.

What to eat today heads up.

The swaying alien army came quietly, and there was almost no end in sight at a glance.

Leading this army is a four-winged alien species that is different from all other alien species. His hair color was so light that it almost blended with the surrounding light. He didn't wear armor, but a priest's robe, with a garland woven of golden olive leaves.

The eyes of the four-winged chief priest were fixed on Jiang Qi. His gaze was very complicated, and when he looked at the girl, he carried a kind of doubt and evaluation that was not obvious.

In this oppressive and tense atmosphere, the four-winged heterogeneous priest took a step forward and saluted Jiang Qi.

"At the order of the Chief High Priest." He said, "Please go to Sky City with me."

"What if I refuse?" Jiang Qi asked.

"Then I can only apologize to you first, and then take some extreme actions... Please forgive me."

[Elegy of the Deep Sea] Of course, it is impossible to let them act like this. Even though his sanity is not so clear now, protecting the girl around him is something that is rooted in instinct, without thinking or driving.

A pitch-black shadow spread out from under him, and even the seawater with a very high concentration of light elements could not completely cover it. They turned into the appearance of countless sea people, and fought with those alien soldiers.

"Protect..." [Elegy of the Deep Sea] murmured, "It cannot... be taken away."

The chief priest seemed to have noticed his existence only at this time.

He frowned, as if he felt a little disgusted and incomprehensible to the existence of [Elegy of the Deep Sea]: "The remnants of the Siren Clan? I didn't expect there to be a fish that slipped through the net." "Forget it, let's solve it together.

" ."

He stretched out all the wings behind him, and the already extremely high concentration of light elements around him immediately increased by more than one gradient. It was as if the sun had fallen from the sky and fell into the ocean, giving the illusion that the entire ocean was boiling.

From the mouth of [Elegy of the Deep Sea] came out even though he tried his best to endure, there was still a bit of pain leaked out.

When the dark shadows encountered those lights, they immediately melted like ice and snow next to the stove. , and soon there will be nothing left.

The four-winged chief priest had a kind of compassionate cruelty on his face.

"Stop doing unnecessary struggle and resistance."

As he said this, he also walked towards them——to Jiang Qi. "You will not be my opponent."

Of course it is impossible to watch Jiang Qi, the most critical NPC in his mission, really be taken away. He hurried forward to join the team protecting Jiang Qi .

He is also worthy of being one of the top players who started exploring Arcadia when the server opened, and is currently ranked very high among all players. He can actually fight back and forth with the four-winged chief priest.

It's just that the blue bar of what to eat today can't really be compared with NPCs, not to mention that they don't have to face only the boss of the chief priest. What to eat today While parrying the attack of the chief priest ,

he shouted "Wow!"

How can it be a problem!

But [Elegy of the Deep Sea] Mu Mu was stunned and ignored him at all.

"Kather." Jiang Qi shouted, "Do you know how to use the magic he said?"

[Elegy of the Deep Sea] Only then did it start to operate like a machine with the correct password entered, and gave a response.

"Death song... can't do it." He said, "My eyes are lost. The power is incomplete, invisible, and the rules." 

The deep sea demon king Kaseldrago has a pair of very special eyes.

He was born with the ability to see the rules of death, and under the rules, everything looks so pale and fragile.

The lack of an eye represents the lack of this rule, just like adding a layer of debuff artificially, directly banning several powerful skills.

If this kind of good thing is used to play Zhou Ben in normal times, he will definitely be ecstatic about what to eat today. However, now everyone is a teammate who needs each other, but you just pull your hips at this time. If you can, what to eat today just want to find a piece of tofu and bump into it.

"You mean." Jiang Qi listened to his words but was thoughtful, "As long as we can make him [complete], we can clear this secret realm." "Yes." Explain to Jiang Qi what to eat today,

" [Elegy of the Deep Sea] masters

the group-type instant death magic that few people on the continent of Arcadia can master. If you use that magic, it will not be a problem to deal with these alien armies."

Because that magic often causes them to overturn. The chief culprit of the group's destruction! What to eat today I am so impressed with this hateful tooth-itching magic!

Jiang Qi nodded.

She first looked at the single eye of [Elegy of the Deep Sea] in front of her, then lowered her head to look at the necklace hanging from her chest, and felt that she probably understood something.

The alien army was coming menacingly behind, but the expression on the face of the moon-blue-haired girl did not fluctuate much, and even revealed a strange calmness.

What Cather said when he gave this necklace to her was clearly recalled.

The authority that can represent a demon king can be carried around very preciously, and it is clear that there is no magical power in it, but it will still be judged by the system as an existence beyond the [gold] level.

Add to that the near-consistent color that I felt really cared about from the start.

There have never been so many coincidences in this world, there are only some "inevitables" that have not been discovered yet.

Jiang Qi raised her hand, brushed away her loose hair, then untied the silver necklace, and beckoned to Cather.

"Keep your head down," she said.

This is not a dead end without a solution. From the very beginning, the key to clearing this secret mission has been held in her hands.

[Elegy of the Deep Sea] Obediently obeyed her orders.

What did you eat today noticed that the design of that necklace was not too exquisite or gorgeous—even on the contrary, it looked a little too simple, so simple that what you eat today felt that this should not be something that appeared in front of you. Ornament on the body of a noble maiden.

If there is anything worthy of comment on this necklace, it should be the pink diamond as the pendant. Transparent, clear, and beautiful, it is difficult to measure its value by approaching.

The eyes of what to eat today were almost completely attracted by the pink diamond - he watched the girl put the necklace on the neck of [Elegy of the Deep Sea], and suddenly realized something.

Is the color of this pink diamond the same as the color of Casseldragg's eyes?

And when the light fades out, you can see that the dark silhouette standing here before has now faded away all the lingering resentment around him, as if someone who was deeply trapped in malice was dragged away, Pulled up from hell, opened his eyes and saw the world.

It was an existence between a teenager and a youth. He had the figure of a youth, but there was still a little childishness left on his face. The pale pink eyes were hidden under the icy blue hair, and when the eyelashes fluttered slightly, there seemed to be water in the eyes.

"I'll give you your eyes."

The alien army is approaching

A short distance away, the leading four-winged chief priest was stretching out his hand towards Jiang Qi, with his fingertips even resting on the girl's shoulder.

However, the girl did not hide or evade. She didn't seem to notice the danger that was approaching her at all, she just stared at the sea monster in front of her, with a fluffy, careless smile on her lips.

That smile gave her an indescribable charm, like an indifferent god on a throne on a high platform lowered his eyes and glanced at all living beings.

"Casedragg." She said, "My deep sea, my demon king."

A little bit of bright gold quietly climbed into the girl's eyes, shining like the setting sun melting gold.

"Go and win the sea for me, and take back the victory."

The moment her voice fell, the originally calm and calm sea around suddenly set off a stormy sea. The last sea monster in the world raised its face and stared at the girl in front of it, its fin-shaped ears trembling slightly.

The sea seemed to be woken up by someone, and it began to move wildly and restlessly, but the sea monster that caused all the changes just stared at the girl in front of her with her finally complete eyes without blinking.

The rules of death are reflected in his eyes, but outside of the rules, the girl's existence cannot be contaminated and is above everything else.

He softly complied with the girl's request.

"Yes, Mother God."

- As you wish.

ah? Mother Goddess? What Mother Goddess?

What to eat today Before he had time to be shocked by the incredible words he heard, or to think deeply about the meaning behind them, he was suddenly speechless because of what happened in front of him.

A colorless wall of water appeared out of thin air, separating the pursuers behind them from them. It is clear that the distance between the two parties is very close, but this very close distance has become a world that cannot be crossed at all.

The sea monster opened its mouth, and the enchanting song echoed faintly on the bottom of the sea. It should indeed be a beautiful tune that may not be found in the sky or on the earth,

but what it brings is the death that visits quietly.

The sea became a tomb and a mausoleum, and the alien army fell down in pieces like a wheat field blown down by the wind. They may not even know what happened, but they have already fallen down in doubt, and their lives have been harvested by death.

This is the reason why the alien species wants to wipe out the Kraken family.

Every sea monster will have its own song when it is born. This song has different effects, some can make the listener crazy, some can make the listener obsessed, some can make the listener dull-in short, all are some extremely negative effects, like a siren This group has the same bad character.

Among the "correctness" of alien species, this is obviously a heinous thing that is not allowed.

Such a race should not have been born, should not exist.

And the song that belonged to Castledragg was doomed the moment he was born. That is to offer the greatest death to the whole world.

The duration of a song is not too long, but when all the dust settles, the sea area is a bit empty. All life has been "cleared", and here is a dead silence that is too frightening. The bodies of the alien species are dissolving little by little, turning into the purest light elements and blending into the surrounding sea water.

However, the siren turned a blind eye to all of them.

He just swayed his fish tail and came to the girl, then bent down, took the girl's hand, and carefully and restrainedly left a kiss on Jiang Qi's fingertips.

I will bring back the sea for you, I will win victory for you, I will hold the crown in front of you, let the whole world surrender to you, and praise your glory.

He stared at Jiang Qi with those twinkling, peach-colored eyes, and the picture was frozen here. Everything around her gradually darkened, and finally in the darkness, a golden font from the system reminded her that the secret realm was over.

[Special Secret Realm [Elegy of the Deep Sea] has been completed. 】

【Main task: break through the upper limit of the level】

[Mission description: For your words, he will stay in the Tower of Babel forever. Since then, the deep sea has become part of the territory of the abyss, and she can no longer look through the sea to see everything below it...and you.

[Task Reward: Special breakthrough material [Deep Sea], which can be used to break through the upper limit of the level. 】

In the darkness, something slowly fell from the sky and landed in Jiang Qi's open palm. It was the pink diamond that was turned into one of Cather's eyes, which she delivered earlier.

[Yes. 】

The diamond that was supposed to be indestructible turned into powder in Jiang Qi's palm, and then even the powder dissipated, as if it had never appeared before.

Jiang Qi felt as if she heard a very crisp, "beep" sound in her ears. It was the shattering of an invisible barrier that originally existed, giving her a new life like a reborn.

A little bit of golden light remained in Jiang Qi's pupils, and she found some wonderful changes in her vision.

The vision of the left eye is intact, no different than before; but in the range of vision on the right, any existence she sees—whether it is living or not

Whether it is lifeless or inanimate, Jiang Qi can understand the easiest way to destroy the other party and put him to death the moment he sees it.

This is the realization of the rules, and it is the offering of the devil king from the deep sea.

[Name: Jiang Qi/Anderina] [Identity: Player/Mother of All Demons (pseudo)] [Race: Demon Race/? ? ? 】【Level: LV30/? ? ? ]

[Skills: Wind of Wild Feather (Gold)/Blood Magic (Source: Scarlet), Lord of Fire (Source: Scarlet), Night Song (Source: Castledragg), Death Vision ( Source: Casser Drag)]

[Andelina] The two magics that this npc panel previously possessed came from Scarlet, but now there are two new ones from Casser.

Jiang Qi couldn't help thinking of the legendary mission of Cornett that hadn't even started yet, and she probably had some thoughts in her heart.

It seems that a demon king can provide her with two magics.

Thinking like this, Jiang Qi opened her task panel again.

[Main task: Playing as the mother of all demons (30/100)] [Main task: Recognition from the kingship (2/6)]

Another demon king returned to the village smoothly, which made Jiang Qi feel a little unreal.

She withdrew from this secret realm and returned to the room on the top floor of the Tower of Babel that she was in when she entered the secret realm.

Just as soon as she came out, Jiang Qi realized that something was not quite right.

She was not alone in the room. The young man and the teenager stood beside her, as if they had been waiting for a long time.

To be honest, even though the two faces are handsome in their own way, this scene still feels a bit like a horror movie.

"Mother God!"

Seeing that she was awake, Cornitt cheered, and while calling out, he had already arched himself into Jiang Qi's arms without any sense of distance. His voice was sweet and soft, Everyone who heard it couldn't help but look sideways.

"It's great that you're fine. I couldn't find you when I turned around before. It was really a big jump!"

A hand stretched out and pulled Cornett's collar to pull him away. . Dravis cleared his throat, reminding Cornett not to go too far, then raised one hand to his chest, bent slightly, and saluted Jiang Qi.

"It's great to see you come back safe and sound, Mother God."

"Deep Sea has just taken back part of her own power, and now she fell into a short sleep because of the need to integrate and digest that part of power. During this period of time, please allow me and Cornett to serve you."

As he said this, he seemed to mention a sentence unintentionally: "By the way, there will be a festival celebration in Stormwind Prison... I wonder if I am lucky, Can I invite you to take a look?"


It's not a question of whether he is scheming or not, he is really a very special, rare kind of tea, you can understand, right?

- In an interview with the Arcadia Tabloid in the future, the Mother of All Demons said so.

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