After crossing, I became the...

By LunarBunnee

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UNEDITED MTL Title : 穿越后我成了万魔之母 Author : 榆舟唱晚 Jiang Qi registered an account for the most popular holographi... More

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Ch 20

262 4 0
By LunarBunnee

Jiang Qi chose to enter without any hesitation.

Almost at the same moment she confirmed it, from somewhere in this large space that could no longer be described as just a "room", there was a constant "click click" sound, as if it was something It is constantly trembling, and it has reached the point where it is impossible to ignore it.

What to eat today has the spirit and consciousness of helping the boss to work after taking the money, so even if it stands in front of Jiang Qi. While pulling out his weapon and moving towards the direction of the vibration sound, he still did not forget to appease Jiang Qi's emotions.

"Please rest assured, since I have already received your entrustment reward, I will definitely do my best to provide the service before this order is completed!" There is still a difference between a full meal and a full meal, such a generous person If the rich woman NPC can successfully increase her favorability and receive more tasks from the other party... 

What do you  eat today? I glanced at the [gold] rated ring in my backpack, and my heart was bubbling with beauty.

Modo Modo is not a gold level, but a silver level is also possible.

The source of the vibration was not very far away from them. Today, what to eat used the spear in his hand to pry open some piled-up curtains, a mess of randomly discarded sundries and furniture, and what was finally exposed was a side that had been put away. The bottom mirror.

This mirror is as tall as a person, and the surrounding mirror frame is extremely gorgeously decorated. There are many exquisite patterns carved on it, although you can't understand it, but you can feel it. Draw and outline.

If you only observe it from the outside, this is really a rare work of art.

However, when you turn the mirror over, you can find that the mirror surface of the mirror is not as transparent as it is usually seen, and everything can be reflected in it. It was actually a pitch-black area like an abyss, a pitch-black area that could swallow up even light, let alone trying to reflect figures on it.

But in this dark area, if you look closely, you can find bits and pieces of light mixed in it, like a river of stars in the night sky.

The finger of what to eat today accidentally touched the mirror surface, and the mirror surface suddenly became like the surface of water, and began to ripple with his fingertips as the center.

A FAMILY invitation = popped out in front of what to eat today.

He glanced at Jiang Qi standing behind him, and suddenly realized.

Isn't this just bringing the designated npc to play in the limited secret realm?

What to eat today skillfully sent Jiang Qi a team invitation. After Jiang Qi joined the team, he even glanced at Jiang Xu's name very gossipingly.


It's a name I've never heard of before.

Whether it's the dialogue between npcs, or the text information that various players can access, I'm sure I've never seen [Anderina] appear.

But this should not be the case. "Arcadia" is rigorous in logic, and there has never been a precedent for eating books since its publication. Even if it's just the most inconspicuous passer-by NPC in a certain city, as long as you spend time talking to him, you can find a whole life line behind it, as if... the other party really exists in another world. People in a certain time and space are the same.

But how could it be possible for an important npc like Andelina who appeared in the main quest and obviously possessed a very special identity to remain unknown and never mentioned even a word by anyone?

This is not in line with the common sense of the game!

Thinking about what to eat today, in that case, maybe there is only another explanation.

——When it appeared in some other texts, what Anderina used was another code name and name.

He kept this in mind, and decided to go to the libraries of the main city on each map to burn the lamps after the completion of this task. He must find out all the clues related to the girl.

As for now, let's focus on the secret realm first.

Just before pressing the OK button, what to eat today discovered an unbelievable thing.

How come there are three people in their team channel?

Could it be that the team he formed with his friends hadn't disbanded... With such doubts in his mind, as the captain, he opened the list at What to Eat Today to see who the mysterious third person was.

——Then he shook his hand and quickly turned off the list.

what happened? How did he see some really awesome dirty stuff on the team list?

While wishing that he was just dazzled, he clicked on the team list again, and then let out a mournful cry from his mouth.

Because that name that is not very friendly to the heart still exists there, and it is showing off its presence.


"Aren't we going in?" Seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, Jiang Qi asked with some doubts.

Essentially, the person who triggers this secret realm task is what to eat today, Jiang Qi does not have the authority to open the secret realm.

So when she saw what to eat today and didn't move for a long time, Jiang Qi couldn't help asking.

After all, although she didn't know what Kather was going to do, Jiang Qi felt that he would not leave for too long. The limited time needs to be seized. I have to say that the appearance of Dravis did bring some psychological pressure and a sense of urgency to Jiang Qi.

She has to hurry up.

However, when she heard her question, what did she eat today showed a bitter look on her face.

"Are we really going to bring a demon king in?" What to eat today asked in a low voice.

The key thing they want to play is the memory game of [Deep Sea's Elegy]. This is some ground-breaking operation on Tai Sui's head.

It is simply not better.

Jiang Qi didn't understand what he meant at first.

"The devil? Why did you bring them?"

The face of what to eat today has almost wrinkled into a bitter gourd: "But Kaseldragg is in our team."

Jiang Qi was stunned, and then remembered that she was on the edge When Hai was clearing out the alien species, she seemed to have formed a temporary team with Cather.

So what to eat today, I saw this mysterious girl who didn't know her identity opened the team list, and then without the slightest hesitation, kicked Kather out.

"Wait?" What are you eating today, staring at Jiang Qi's operation in a daze, because Jiang Qi's movements are so smooth, he didn't even have time to stop, "If you are kicked out of the team, you will be notified!"

As long as he thought that the devil king of the deep sea suddenly received a voice from outside telling him that he had been kicked out of a certain team by [Anderina], he would feel suffocated for a while.

Death is a small matter, and it is not too difficult to make up for lost levels and experience points; but NPCs like Andelina, who are obviously very high-level, will not obediently be somewhere Waiting for you, by the time he arrives from the resurrection point, he might not be able to find him anymore.

This is a very important event!

However, Jiang Qi obviously couldn't understand the worry about what to eat today that was about to collapse.

"Let's just notify her. It doesn't matter."

Until the identity of [Mother Goddess] remains on her body, the Demon King will be the safest and harmless creature in the world to her.

Let's go, the sky is big, the earth is big, and the gold master is the biggest.

She had said so, she gritted her teeth and chose to open the secret realm regardless of what to eat today.

The black mirror surface gradually turned into a vortex that swirled in the depths, and then expanded violently, "swallowing" the two of them directly. There was no longer any figure on the spot, only the mirror lying quietly on the ground.

But if anyone is standing by the mirror now, they will find that the black color of the Milky Way enveloping the mirror surface is fading rapidly, but within a few breaths, it looks no different from an ordinary mirror up.

The door of the outer room was violently broken open from the outside, and Cather, who had stopped fighting with Dravis and Cornitt, rushed in because he noticed that the breath of the mother goddess had suddenly disappeared from the Tower of Babel. However, the mother goddess who stayed here perfectly until he left has disappeared.

A look of extreme bewilderment and bewilderment appeared on the young man's face.

"Mother God...?"

Why... can't feel the breath of Mother God at all?

It was as if the other party no longer existed in this world.

Behind Cather, Dravis and Cornett walked in together without the slightest twitch, as if they didn't know what politeness and reserve were.

"Where did you hide the Mother God?" Cornett's nose twitched a few times, then he raised his head and looked at Cather with hostility, "I didn't notice the Mother God's breath at all. "

Strange, he didn't remember the deep sea having such a good hiding technique.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have lost his eyes.

Cather, however, did not answer his question. He just walked into the room almost in a hurry, but the room was empty, and Jiang Qi was nowhere to be seen.

Cather was stunned in place. He even looked a little pitiful now, like a wet puppy abandoned by his master in the dark night of the rainstorm.

Cornett was wandering around - the top floor of the Tower of Babel, and this was his first visit.

The boy kicked something under his feet, he bent down to pick it up, and then said "Huh?" in confusion.

"Deep Sea, when did you become interested in collecting mirrors?"

"Mirrors?" Kasher didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at first, but when Cornett had already started to praise the workmanship of the mirrors, he gradually Feeling something was wrong, "What kind of mirror?"

Cornett described it to him.

"That's not a mirror...why do you see it as a mirror." Cather couldn't understand, "It can't even reflect people."

Cornett: "Huh? I think it looks pretty good clearly.

 Cather paused for a moment, as if he was thinking about something, and then a very terrifying look gradually appeared on his face.

"Oops." "" The mother goddess went in. "

Entered the world behind the mirror.

This is a strange secret realm.

When the progress bar of the secret realm loading was finally finished and she was able to see everything around her clearly, Jiang Qi made such a judgment.

There is nothing here. The question is still at the bottom of the sea, but it's not as beautiful as the dream of bubbles floating in the sea. The sea area where she is now will only make Jiang Qi feel dazzling. What surrounds her is not so much sea water, but rather mithril floating with brilliance, even

if It's just that if you stare for a little longer, your eyes will hurt, and you can't wait to stretch out your hands to snap out the eyeballs. For some reason,

Jiang Qi should feel that she seems to have seen such a scene before.

What to eat today is by Jiang Qi's side, he obviously can't stand this too dazzling ocean more than Jiang Qi.

"What's going on? "What are you eating today?" I muttered and complained, "I thought the marginal sea was annoying enough, how could the environment in this secret realm be ten times worse!" "

Jiang Qi's eyes widened.

That's right, it's this one.

Her sense of familiarity from nowhere is probably because the environment here is so similar to the edge of the sea.

And the similarities obviously don't stop at Therefore, the water waves in the distance seemed to be slightly turbulent, if any creature was approaching them from that direction.

"Why did we come to such a remote place? "

My lord priest has ordered that there is a change in the edge of Guanghai, so I sent you and me here to investigate." "

What to eat today is indeed an old player who has experienced many storms. With his miraculous ability, he quickly found a blind spot in the coral reef that was not too tall, and took Jiang Qi to hide. went in.

The voices of those conversations were also gradually approaching them.

"What can Gwanghae do differently ? Is the priest a little too cautious."

"Don't talk too much. Since it is the priest's order, I will just follow the order.

" There is no need for this. A few days ago, the last sea-monster group has also been [purified] by the head priest, and the demons have no ability to approach Guanghai..."

Through the gap between the coral reefs, Jiang Qi saw the owner of those voices— ——They are all life forms made of light, just like the alien species they saw in the marginal sea.

The only difference from the alien species is that these life forms have clear facial features and limbs. If alien species are "inferior products", then they are fully evolved and perfect creatures.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or some other reason, but the direction of this patrol team is actually in the same direction as Jiang Qi's hiding place.

The distance between the two sides is constantly being shortened, what to eat today nervously grasped his spear, and was ready to fight.

However, before the real encounter between the two parties, there was a sudden change.

It was a large group of dark and unclear shadows, which seemed too out of place in this sea of ​​pure white light. It seemed to be lying on the bottom of the sea, but when the patrol team approached, it suddenly exploded, like a net that could not be escaped, engulfing them in one bite.

The whole process was so quick and smooth that it didn't even take a minute to add up.

The shape of the black shadow began to change continuously after devouring those light life forms. Sometimes it swelled greatly, and sometimes it gradually withered away as if it had leaked air.

This process was repeated dozens or hundreds of times, and Jiang Qi even wondered whether the black shadow would explode due to excessive expansion.

The transformation of the shadow finally calmed down. Its shape began to undergo a final change.

When this change was completely stabilized, it had a humanoid appearance, with a long fish tail from the waist down. Where the face should be, there is a beautiful eye pupil like a pink gemstone, which looks like a peach blossom soaked in clear spring water. This may be the only color on Heiying's body.

That is really an impressive eye. Even if there is only one, it will not detract from its magnificence.

And in the second after looking at those eyes, Jiang Qi and what to eat today's personal panel simultaneously appeared the [Locked] buff state. A song like the sound of nature rang in my ears, like the whisper of a sympathizer, lingering and lingering.

From the singing, such a creepy message was conveyed. you.

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