
נכתב על ידי Shamrock-Queen

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His fingers pulled at the neck of his robes to loosen them as he addressed you without turning to look at you... עוד


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נכתב על ידי Shamrock-Queen

The reign of Emperor Jonathan was a precarious line that many close to him had to walk carefully. He was quick to anger and wielded his power like a whip to crack over the backs of his subordinates whenever one stepped a toe out of line.
His strength is godlike, befitting a man viewed as a demigod son of Jupiter left among mortals to grace them with his might. A sentiment that was shared across the empire, and swelled within his thick skull.

He had his good days, but more often he had his bad. Today was a very bad day, and his mood was on full display from the tense squaring of his shoulders to the heavy crack of his sandals hitting the fine marble floor. It echoed throughout the palace hallways.

There were few things that could quell his fire once it started to burn like a Plutonian pit opening up from the ground. He needed a soft body to bury his frustrations in, and whichever he got his hands on now would have to suffice.
He had dozens of concubines at his disposal, many of whom either garnered his wrath from past indiscretions as menial as a misspoken word, or had hidden themselves from him when they caught wind of his sour mood.

Yet, even the servant woman seemed to act just as his whores did and ran from him when they heard him storming through the lesser levels of the palace.
The other servant girls scrambled out of the kitchen, leaving you behind as you gathered water by the back door.
You were a new addition to the palace staff. A recent purchase to help fill the kitchen and tidy the gardens. It should have been rare that you ever saw the emperor in the flesh, as you were but a lowly spoil of war. Like a copper coin on the floor, overshadowed by the decadence of the palace and its ladies.

You had been fetching water by the back entrance to the kitchen when you saw a few of your fellow servants running towards the stables at the back pasture. You ceased your movements of lifting and pushing the pump handle to fill your jug to look out at the fleeing women with fearful curiosity. Something ferocious drew nearer, and you were far too naive to run from it as the others had.

You heard him first, his voice bellowing out of the kitchen like smoke from a blast of fire. The rough ceramic of the clay jug burned into your skin as you held it tighter to your chest for fear of what might burst out of the back entrance that sat so close to where you seemed to be frozen in place.

The profile of his face, twisted in anger, and the curl of his tousled blonde hair over his gold-leaf crown came into view in the open doorway. His opulent blue robes stood in contrast to the drab, melancholy gray stones that lined the walls of the kitchen.

He was flipping over platters and throwing plates, teeth tightly closed, and eyes nearly red with rage as she shouted, "Where the fuck is everyone..."
He had turned as he screamed, his eyes locking on your shivering form and cutting through your skin like a hot iron.

"You. Come here!"

You didn't move; you were far too scared to even flinch.

He lumbered out the door, knocking the once-ajar wood out of his way to clatter against the stone wall. Each step brought him ever closer, showing you more of his magnitude in height and bulk. A tall, thick menace that stalked you down where you stood on weak knees.
His chest nearly taps your nose before he leans in to growl into your face. "When I tell you to come, you come! Understand?"

Your head just shakes like a rattle as you try to nod, fighting the sting of a tear trying to brim into one of your eyes. Your hands tighten their hold on the water jug as you nearly try to hide yourself behind it. A hick caught in your throat as you fought off the urge to start sobbing.
This enraged him even more, and his thick hands grabbed at the handles of the jug, tore it from your grasp, and flung it towards the stone wall. Water exploded forth along with shards of clay as the jug shattered from impact.

He grabbed at you next, encircling those hard hands around your wrists and yanking you from where you'd planted your feet. A shriek erupted from your chest, burning your lungs as you tried in vain to pull away from his hold. You proved to be no match for him; practically nothing compared to his strength as he began dragging you from the water spout and back into the kitchen.
Your skin scratches along the cobbled floor as your knees give way and you fall to the ground. He wasn't deterred by this and continued to drag you along through the kitchen before reaching a short set of stairs to finally yell at you.

"Get on your damn feet!!"

He will not let someone as minuscule as you pull him to your level in the mud. The impudence of his advisers trying to control him had set his nerves on fire, biting throughout his body like the poisonous sting of molten lead. Without the necessary release of pleasure, he would have to seek it through violence.

Somehow, as he looked down at you; still refusing to stand and with a look of fear on your twisted face as you thrashed along the floor; he couldn't help but feel that godly sense again. Your skin is flushed from screaming until your little lungs felt weak, your face is wet with tears as well as stray drool that escaped your open maw, and the vibrant iris of your eyes standing out from the now reddened whites.

You were so weak compared to him, so scared, and so pathetic. It made him feel like the vengeful god he was supposed to be, striking fear into the core of your very heart like he was always meant to.
The anger was able to melt from his shoulders and pool in his chest, spreading warmth instead of burning heat. He stood over you like a god as you cowered so beautifully.

When he spoke again, it was still hauntingly serious. As if he were talking to his citizens instead of a slave, for it didn't bear the kind of bite it did before.

"Get up. I won't ask again."

You sniffled to catch your breath as it wavered in your throat. You still shook, but as he stared into you with those sharp eyes, you slowly fumbled your way back to your feet, just as he demanded.

In the next instant, his large hand fisted into the back of your tunic, hiking it over your shoulders and pulling it a small length up your thighs. Not unlike a cat held up by the scruff of its neck, he used his hold on your clothes to pull you along, making you stumble behind him as he stole you away.

None dared to meet your eye nor his as he dragged you further into the palace than you've ever been allowed to see. The rough stone of the lower levels was abruptly replaced with polished marble and great painted tiles of red and blue that mixed into beautiful mosaics.
He walked ahead of you like it was nothing to drag someone like you into parts of the palace reserved only for the upper crust. You wouldn't make it as far as the emperor's own room; instead, he chose the closest chambers that were empty and tossed you through the doors so that you fell back onto your knees.

He was silent so far since he'd calmed down to a small degree, but he still had an air of aggression that emanated from just his skin. He turned towards the bed, still well made since it was cleaned this morning after its owner left to visit the Senate, which would now be defiled by the most powerful man in all of Rome.

His fingers pulled at the neck of his robes to loosen them as he addressed you without turning to look at you.

"Strip" he said, still serious and with a voice that carried heavily throughout the room. The blue and gold fabric that hid his skin was pulled to show his solid and tightly sculpted body to you. Yet, you didn't follow suit—not immediately anyway.

"You must truly be stupid if you expect me to wait another second. When I say strip, I expect you to tear the shabby cloth off your body!" He raised his voice to echo angrily off the marble walls to surround you as he finally locked his lethal gaze with your scared, wet eyes.
You silently sobbed again as you pulled at your clothes, struggling to get them off of you as they scratched your skin. A sheen of sweat broke out over your body as panic began to set in when the clothes were finally gone and you were left only in your dirty sandals before him.

He pulled the rest of his robes away, showing their semi-hard length that dangled between his legs more tantalizingly than he thought possible. He was clean, perfumed, and had smooth skin over chiseled muscle and strong bones.
You had unkempt hair, dirty nails, and smelled of oven ash, with sun-tinted skin pulled over a malnourished body. But, he saw more from you that only a man would notice in a beautifully bloomed young woman. He saw your soft hanging breasts with delicate soft buds to adorn them, your soft ripe lips, and a round shapely ass and thighs he could sink his fingers into.

You would do for today to satiate his hunger, as your striking fear had fed into his ego.

"Better. Much better. Come here" He drank in your image before sitting on the bed and leaning back on his hands as he watched you move, only to stop you with raised fingers and growl, "Crawl."

You fall back onto your knees, finally submitting without hesitation after learning not to incur more of his ire. You work your hands and knees along the cool, smooth floor until you're at his feet, like many women before you have. Only, this seemed different.

Instead of the skilled whores gifted to him like fine gold, slithering on their bellies to entice him for their own ill-gotten gains, you shook and shivered like a scared puppy laying itself at the mercy of his feet. The concubines resembled venomous snakes hiding in a thicket of flowers; you were far too innocent.

The sentiment pulled his lips into a smile, letting the sharper edges of his almost perfect teeth glint from the reflecting light in the room.

His fingers graced the bottom of your chin to lift your face toward him, forcing you to drink in his perfect form. His skin was like milk and honey, and his hair was a gleaming gold only slightly tarnished by a darker root. His fingers were soft and warm as they traveled over your cheek, past your ear, and curled into the back of your hair before dusting into it and yanking you by the very root with which it was held in your skull.

It wasn't to pull you off your knees but to bend you over the bed so your head was smothered in the plush linen and your soft, round bottom was prominently on display. Above it on your back were a few healed scars from a lashing you'd taken from dropping a plate. He took care to let your scalp go to drag his fingers along thin pink lines before sliding all the way down to cup your ass cheek with his large hand. His arm arched over your back to allow him to sink his fingers into each side of your bottom as he kneaded at the squishy flesh.

He preened as the little squeaks that escaped your quivering throat as small tears beaded into the delicate bedding.

"We hid you in the kitchen?" He asked himself as his fingers slid between the cleft of your thighs to find your pink silken folds, nearly salivating as they came into view. "What a waste."

Digits delving ever further to play and poke at the soft opening of your core as you squirm under his arm. When one pressed hard past your pink folds, penetrating the small opening to widen you as he pleased, your body jerked from under him.

"You truly are the freshest of flowers, and yet we left you to wilt in the kitchens."

You'd never been played with like this before, and with every push and prod of his fingers massaging your inner walls, your head swam and your body twitched.

It was agonizingly slow and methodical as he knelt from the bed to place himself behind you. It gave him leverage to dig his fingers in deeper to curl against your most sensitive, hidden spots.

"The others think they can hide from me, yet I give so much. Look how wet I have you! I bet I could make you cum so fast you'd pass out, couldn't I?"

You bit your lip so as not to cry out to him. It would have been the only response you could muster, and as the pad of his finger grazed a soft and spongy spot at the back of your cunt a sad little moan was forced out of your lungs.

"That's what I thought! Any woman should be willing to kill to have your place; I want you to be grateful," he spoke through his teeth as he held them tightly together.

It was true he had skilled hands and seemed to find appreciation for the sight and touch of your body, but in the end he wasn't interested in just giving you pleasure. No, he wanted to hear you cum as the euphoria twisted with your pain like a hot metal coil bursting apart in your belly and scattering red-hot shards of metal throughout your body.
His thick digits pushed even harder as they dragged and fucked in and out of you with a wet squelch. It made your hips and core hurt as he finger-fucked you into a wet pink mess while holding you down with his other hand.

The palm of his hand smacked against your skin as he worked his fingers feverishly along your quacking walls, listening eagerly to the harmonic sounds of your little whines being buried into his bed linens as you tried to claw away further up the bed. He held you down too hard for you to get away, and he was going to drag out your release like a demon from the deepest pit of the underworld, kicking and screaming in the most beautiful way possible.

"You're gonna cum on my fucking hand!"

The sobs burned your chest as they broke through your throat to escape into the air and echo off the perfectly polished walls. The gush that came forth was unstoppable and yet ever shameful as it spattered against the floor, wetting his hand further as your slip cunt swallowed his fingers tight.

"Oh FUCK. Look at you!" He spoke loudly with a heavy sense of triumph before bringing his hand down onto the side of your thigh with a hard crack, making the quacking heat in your core shock you like a bolt of lightning. The cry that left your lips was just too delicious; he couldn't help himself when he brought his hand down again to echo your pain across the room.

He tore his fingers from your core with a hard jerk, nearly dragging you back with him. If it wasn't for his fingers gripping your hips, you would have fallen off the bed and onto the cool floor.

So far, you've done very well. He looked down at the little wet mess left below you as a badge of honor, gleaming like fine silver. Just the state he'd put you in made the muscles in his stomach and hips tense as he watched your core twitch as he spread you further apart.

"Absolutely amazing. Just..Fuck." He growled into the air as he pulled himself to stand behind you while you were still bent over the bed. His fingers dig into the sides of your soft thighs, and he revels in the feeling of his hands sinking into your body.

His cock had grown so hard, bobbing stiffly in the air as it throbbed over your back. He pulled his hips away to drag the smooth, round tip of his cock, all flared and pink, to align it with your slickened channel. The head pushed in first and was quickly followed by the rest of his length as it pressed all the way to the very end of you, knocking against a deep inner chamber at the back of your cunt.
The walls of your inner core were pulled tightly around in a tight, wet, and unwelcome embrace. Your nails scratched at the bedding as you wiggled from underneath him, fighting the fullness of his cock tearing through to your belly.

"You are so pathetic. You still try to get away?!" He laughed as his arm encircled your windpipe and tightened around your neck. He used his weight to pin you to the side of the bed as he dragged his cock back from within your folds before jerking it back in, slamming his hips against the back of your ass.

It was like white fire moving in and out along the sensitive flesh of your inner core, burning your body from the inside out and forcing inhuman sounds from your tired little lungs.

"You. Will. Go. Nowhere! I OWN YOU!" Each word was ended with a sharp, hard thrust. He shucked your cunt over his cock with fervor as he suffocated you with his body.
His arm tightened, stealing much-needed air from your exhausted little body, all the while he groaned and grunted over you from his frustration with his constituents.

"They don't think I can fucking lead. I have all the power, and I will burn this country to the ground if I have to!" His hips never relented as they crashed against your own.

"Fuck! You got so tight." He gritted out into the air as he drew his head up from your hair, where he had once buried it. His cock not only kissed the very opening of your womb; it nearly cracked it open as it forced its way towards it as he found his release and sent you spiraling towards yours.

You were still so very sensitive from the abuse of his fingers, and as he stole your breath and fucked bright, hot energy into your body, your head began to lull to its side, and a thin dribble of saliva trailed out of the corner of your mouth.
Your eyes rolled away, darkening your vision as the heat of your climax washed over your body and drowned your mind, leaving only the fluttering sensation of your core pulsing around his hefty cock and the swell of your belly and womb as he came.

Your mind is broken, and your left drooling against his arm. Completely brain dead, your inner body is pulled, twisted, and stirred by the fire of his cock.

The deepest part of your being is tainted, painted, and stained by his seed, forever marking you as his. Your soft pink cunt was destroyed for anyone else but himself, just the way he wanted you.
He breathed into the air with loud huffs as his arm loosened from around your neck, letting a rush of air make your head grow dizzy.

He looked down at you as a dribble of sweat trailed from his forehead to the apex of his neck. He was still deeply buried within you, soaked in your slick beauty and the thick pool of his seed he held inside of you. It was a delicate afterglow that left his heart racing, but soon his emotions would right themselves and he'd pull himself away.
He tears his cock out of your heavily abused core like a ripcord, making you fall back onto your knees with a cry as a large collection of his semen dribbles out along your thighs.

He stood to the side and stretched his arm over his shoulder as he addressed you.
"Get up." He ordered, not giving you so much as a second glance.
You pushed on your shaking arms and feet before tottering into a standing position before him. You'd regained enough sense so as not to disobey him.

"Fetch me my evening meal and a sweet wine. Take the robes to cover your shame before leaving." Most peculiarly, he gestured towards his own clothes instead of yours.

"Quickly!" His voice was raised, not giving you any more time to ponder his choice to send you out in his elegant garb.
You tossed the robes of gold and blue over your body to cover as much as you could, but he was so much bigger than you that you were practically swimming in the sea of gorgeous fabric. It must have amused him to parade you out in front of his courtiers with his clothes nearly falling off of your body as you did his bidding.

You bid him a goodbye as you leave to fetch his dinner. He turns back to the bed as you approach the door and calls out to you. "Do not leave me waiting or I will be forced to find you again."

You nod back at him with a "yes, my liege." Before you jogged away from the chamber, tears already threatening to well up in your eyes.

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