Red Rose | Lady Lesso Fanfict...

By night_gems

3.1K 88 7

Miss Astrid, the new dean for the good school, comes unprepared and scavenging for answers; hardships at the... More

Authors Segment
Astrid Widows
Wake Up
Unexpected Arrival
Miss Astrid
Meeting Time
Teacher in training
Ever vs Never
Lesso's Truth
All In The Books
A Pleasant Nightmare
Rose Extracts
Forever My Lady
Past Resurges (TWO ENDINGS!)

My Lady

197 5 0
By night_gems

For the first time in eternity; sparkly rays of sun, golden and warm, squeeze through secluded monotonous windows. Wherever an Ever goes, she'll radiate her aura, an Ever is more powerful than she may think. And that power could change everything... get her in trouble even.

Astrid, warm and heart fluttering, is sensitive to anything right now. Lesso is something she's never been since a teenager, she's happy. Something's changed in the atmosphere, it feels good for both of them but for nobody else, as they'll soon find out. Lesso forms one singular tear, waking Astrid with it's presence as it drops on her neck; it stings, and glows pink... Oh no... oh no... I, a Never cannot- what is going on? This better go unnoticed by the 'realm of magic'. Lesso shutters herself off of Astrid, arising, stunned as she sits up paranoid. "Are you ok?" Astrid's voice wakes up. "I'm fine, yes." Lesso frantically pushes herself up and rests her hand over her temples, staring outside at the sunshine she has not once seen in the school for evil. Astrid, notices a passionately vibrant, pink emitting tear absorbing into her skin. "Did you just cry the-" Lesso interrupts, "Yes, I did. I just cried the tear of love. Once it absorbs into your skin, you're mine, forever..." Astrid smiles contently. "So, why are you so high-strung?" Lesso's face tries to radiate content-ness as well, but instead beams with anxiety as she decides to educate Astrid on the real problem. "A Never cannot cry such tears... and if we do... our souls weaken, it takes a lot of energy to do so as a Never; everything I've been doing to you, how I've been using love and nurture spells on you, is alarming me and my body. I bet it won't be long until the headmaster finds out about it..." Astrid glances down toward her collarbone, noticing the pink stain, gone. Oh my god! It absorbed! Astrid's heart sparkles with joy, she feels so attached now. It absorbed... Lesso's heart stops, about to implode on itself out of fear. "Lesso, it'll be fine. We just have to be cautious, and stop using your little spells on me... I'm fine." Lesso sighs and stands above Astrid as Astrid still clenches herself on top of the bed. "Come on, dear, we have classes to teach." Their hands meet as Lesso gently pulls Astrid up, brushing the puffed sleeve of her dress, fixing it. "Oh, this dress is a mess." Referring to the tear at the back. "I don't know what I'm going to do, you obviously do not have any princess suitable dresses here... how am I going to make it across the two schools unnoticed?" Lesso looms up at the continuously ticking clock, making note of how fast the time is going. "We still have two hours before the students wake up, that is more than enough time. We'll just quickly go to your school and you pick another dress, simple... just don't even think about fussing over the dress you pick."

"Green... no." First layer forms on the floor, "Teal... no." Astrid sweats, "Yellow... no." Her hands scurry further into the forest of clothes. "Brown... absolutely not!" She scoffs in disapproval. "Pink..." Astrid pauses and puts a finger to her lip, contemplating the bubbly pink dress. "No!" All of a sudden, Lesso's voice scowls with impatience. "Why not?" Astrid looks at Lesso who is crossing her arms, seriously. "Because, it reminds me of that tear... it's foreshadowing..." Before something could be depicted in her face; "Now, hurry up! It's nearly seven." Lesso leaves the Ever changing room once more, allowing Astrid to continue her routine.

"Red... no."

"Orange... ew."

"Purple... yes."

Leaving behind seven layers of all sorts of fabric, sprawled on the floor; Astrid retreats back into the halls, glancing back at her environment: glossy, polished, marbled, pops of colour everywhere. "That took you nearly an hour! Get here, princess!" Lesso's frozen hand manipulates the warmth of Astrid's as she strangles her wrist, pulling her behind her. Now stopping at the end of the hall, right on top of the descent of the grand staircase - that Astrid is overly familiar with. "I swear on my life if I'm late because of you..." Her finger twitches, meeting her opposition, she's blinded by the evil and forgets that this is her lover, not her enemy. She herself has something on her mind; it feels wrong... no matter if Nevers and Evers are allowed to communicate now, this just seems too far... I'm risking so much, but I love her. I love her. Why am I being mean? "Typical Evers..." Slips out before her logic washes over her disrupted mind. Astrid, visibly upset, pulls out a handkerchief. "What?" Bubbling tears leak, breaking through the sleek fabric. "Oh, I'm such a typical Ever..." Handkerchief slipping out of her grasp, falling to the floor. "Do you mind picking that up sweetie pie?" Lesso's face showcases perplexment. She of course, picks up the tear soaked material, instead, feeling a more humane presence: Astrid's heel, pressing Lesso's hand away. "Oh my bad!" Her head swivels left, avoiding all eye contact. "Looks like I'm not just a typical Ever! Leave!" Sweetly, the voice of 'evil' Astrid preaches a fake essence of sarcasm. "Astrid, shut up. This is ridiculous, you are the epitome of an Ever." Astrid turns back, failing to act tough. "What Ever takes interest in a Never though, hm?'" Before Lesso leaves for her own school, she pauses. "You and your sister." Oh! How dare she! Astrid rolls her eyes and tries to neglect the idea - even though she knows well it's true. "What's with you? You're being so snappy... can I do anything?" Lesso sighs and wonders back up the singular step, heels dramatically producing a harsh clicking sound, piercing the floor. "It's just... it's what is bound to happen... I'll tell you more at lunch." Astrid's soon to be sentence melted into a slow, sensual kiss that came from a place of desperation. Delicate eyes shut, ridding of the stinging from the fake, nasty tears. Lesso's aggressive behaviour eased, being able to sift her hands through soft, tamed hair of a princess; grasping a soft natured Evers face in her own vicious touch-starved hands, made her forget the problems. Astrid, victim of an evil kiss, indulges in Lesso's soft but mallocing kiss. They pull together tighter, closer and with passion, the thorn lifting her petal, maybe potentially stabbing too. Before she knew it, she was sat on the stair rail, supported by the arms of Lesso and Lesso only, Lesso leaning further into Astrid, coddling her small frame and shoulders, holding her with ease as Astrid dangles off the stair rail. Astrid pulls herself right into Lesso, wrapping her thighs securely on Lesso's hip. "Oh, please, contain yourself my little feisty girl. You're an Ever... darling, act like it. Or there will be consequences." Now she genuinely seems stern. "What consequences?" Astrid tests her luck and softly caresses her mouth against Lesso's chest, her tailored trench coat drawing her waist and hips in all the right ways. "Oh Astrid, you little thing, you're getting too naughty! That's enough!" Lesso grabs Astrid's thighs and staples her body to herself, propping Astrid on her hip, staring down into her eyes, the most loving she ever had; embracing her close. "Gosh, if it wasn't for that stupid frilly dress..." Lesso pokes at it with her finger, annoyed. "You'd be in a much better position right now..." Disappointed, Lesso pecks Astrid's face one last time, poisoning her skin with a devilish red. "Now, if you'd excuse me, darling." Astrid steps back down to her original height, standing on the floor, watching as Lesso strides down the stairs with ease in 6-inch heels. "I have classes to teach!" Lesso yells, about to exit the Ever school, going back to the side of Nevers. Now it's half seven... thankfully I don't have any classes till later. "Thankfully, nobody else saw that!" An Ever student, voices in their immature voice to Astrid, sounding extremely manipulative. Astrid's heart drops. Fuck sake...

"Why are you with the dean of evil? The school master says that Evers and Nevers aren't allowed to date..." A young girl, in her first year, broadly approaches Astrid and voices her concern, seeming all too familiar. "We aren't dating, that was not what you saw! She was being evil! She was about to throw me off the stairwell, but I saved myself; it looked like I was straddling her though... which I wasn't. Your little mind just saw the wrong things, dear." Distrusting, the Ever girl frolicked upstairs with the rest of the line of Evers who were exiting their classes. Oh my gosh! She's just a first year student... she won't do anything, right?

"Shut up!" Menacing wails of anger stab throughout walls; ricocheting furthermore off spiky clubs lined up perpendicularly to the material saturated into the floor, resulting in the disappearance of her formality. "Do you even know why you're down here!" Her sleeves venture upward, cruising past tiny wrists and forceful veins, pulsating rushes of warm blood, captivating her heart in a fast rhythm - trying to maintain her changing moods as stress levels rise. Her heel catches the trench coat melting into the concrete floor, unknowingly tearing the pin from it's seams - the dark red one, sculpted into a swan, her signification of evil. "No..." Shaky voices enveloped in the voice of a young Never boy, scared out of his decaying limbs. "I don't play around, boy! I don't have time to waste my precious already draining energy on Never boys like you! You're meant to be a disgrace, a menace, not prince charming! Look at you!" Lesso picks at the boy's buttoned up polo shirt, polished and cleaned, freshly white; finished off with a sophisticated tie, bright and blue. "You're meant to be supporting students no matter what!" Suddenly, his voice tips into one of evil again and Lesso get's even angrier at her own situation. "Nobody supports what I really want, if I can't fully have what I want, none of you deserve what you want either..." A cane, lost and found, sneaks into her snake-ish hands, slithering and clinging tight. It's the first time she's had to use it in ages... "You don't participate in my classes, looks like you won't be participating in your villainy anymore!" Her hand now occupied with an axe, "So much issues within your first year, looks like you aren't suited here." Time ticks, the axe ticks closer to his ticking thoughts. Silence. All is heard is the ticking of the clock in the distance, the boy, sweating out his fear banks for his last breaths. Lesso, banks for her last moment without being bloodstained. The clock ticks, two, one. Jeopardising bursts of electricity fly into Lesso's wrist, stunning her, second-guessing her. I can't do this. Why can't I do this. Axe, smashed into tiny fragments on the ground, oozing with pink illumination. What happened? No! My axe! Why is it smashed, how dare I- Her reflection, weak and hazy beams back into her inability to properly see. It's this... it's my mentality, I'm getting weak... I've drained myself, I put myself in danger. I need Astrid, I need her, now. That's all that keeps me going now. I've done this to myself... The Never boy bites down into the chains that tied him down to the chair - with his newly discovered power of sharp teeth. "You're not as strong as you presume, Lesso..." He pronounces his skinny figure above Lesso who remains half sedated on the saturated asphalt floor. "I won't hurt you, I'm sorry for acting up in your class. I didn't know you had such struggles..." He exits the doom room - the place for misbehaving Nevers. What is going on! I'm so weak... it's what I feared; I'm disobeying the regular orders and risking myself to love somebody... it's the curse. I need to change this! She flicks her finger tip, twisting the index finger in the air, straining as her arm muscles really work to charge her magical request. Astrid, please, help. Lesso's soul and head collapses into the floor, deep and nestled as she awaits her saviour - like a helpless Ever would. Her mind, unaware of her biggest fear, shuts down, drained of everything as her soul is converting into something unexpected. Her body, shivers in the frosts of the dungeon, with no blood pumping; she freezes. Arms blending into the whites of her button up shirt. Little did she know, she alerted two... maybe even three people. She's created a conflict.

Astrid, on the polar opposite side of the school, felt something. It was urgent too. Her 3D perception of the world littered with a spitting pink and red combined hue to her East, she dropped everything, blaring at the blinding light, flickering into the high afternoon sun, burning up into black smog, sparkling with twinkles of pink and red. A fire? Her racing mind discussed all the plausible reasons. A fire! Definitely.. She walked further, unable to control her steps as she felt inclined to bolt, not bothering with the fact her dress touched the ground, infecting with fragments of dirt and dust; heels muddying by the second, marking her entrance to the evil school. Wincing, Astrid looked above; towering black pillars, large gloomy windows... the usual, but to her right... things were different. Pink! Red! The fire! She inched closer, trying to bash down the door as it was locked to avoid intrusion. Fuck! I need to think! Her body ascends into the air out of nowhere; screaming. Her flight attracted her to the right place, dropping her on top of the dew-ridden grass, staining her dress. The illumination cleared, flickering into little pulses of circular light, trailing her through a... tunnel? Burrowing underneath the earth, she was protected from the guards who marched around this school. She was safe, presumably. Besides gigantic earthworms, cat-sized rats, poisoned flowers and TNT, littered and breathing amongst ancient soils, arching above and compacting Astrid in darkness; she was fine, and continued crawling, instincts raging. Astrid halts, now at her destiny... her fate; last red checkpoint burning into malt and ash, combusting. Her vision eases from a painted over red hue to a neutral crisp vision, focusing like a lens probe on her love. "Leonora!" Unexpectedly mouthing the true name and not just a last name, Astrid was in a case of hardship and seriousness when she saw The Leonora Lesso, frail and white as snow on the ground, straight and hardening like a stone carving. "No!" Sorrowing, incapable of helping as she herself was the weakling, her knees weakened. Weakening like Lesso herself, falling to the floor abruptly; grazing her powdery skin through velvety texture. On her last motion, last word, last blink, Lesso grinned a weak grin - not like her usual eye catching grin. "Kiss me. Lock it in, now. It's too late. We're going to be hurt either way, just... don't let me die." Astrid blurted out one single thing: salty water, penetrating her eyelids. If I kiss her, and she revives, it's true love, and if it does: we could be in trouble. If I kiss her and she doesn't revive, I'll be devasted. I'm going to be devasted either way... but I can't witness her die. Heart fluttering with energy, injecting the frozen one with a poisonous but sincere love, lit the room in a glow as Astrid's lips caressed once over Lesso's, brushing the smallest crease of her iced up lip. Already? Is this how strong things really are... For once, an Ever was doing something herself, saving somebody else, but it was all in wrong nature -somehow still being the strongest experience and energy ever summoned upon the school. Astrid full-heartedly gives Lesso revival with passion and desire, rekindling her heart with her own fire; melting the ice. She already unlocked my heart... I never got to do so hers. Now's my chance. The kiss burnt and stung, in a good way. Astrid suffocated herself with the intensity, unable to breathe. She swore she could hear herself breathing double the amount. "What a cliché way to get bought back to life..." Lesso pushed her lips back slightly and crept almost silent words out, whispering directly to Astrid. "Oh my god!" Astrid kissed her even deeper, smothering the moment. Smothering the taste of Lesso's lip gloss, smothering her head, drawing it closer, gently kissing her forehead; "I see... you really are my true love, princess... do you know what this means?" Astrid, still in shock of everything and clinging to Lesso, never wanting to let her fizzle away again, stayed silent out of fear. "We've broken the biggest rule of this school. But, it's serious love... we're in danger." Astrid, back to her typical Ever self, cries. "But- I can't let you go-" Lesso unravels Astrid's arms from around herself and instead takes charge, cradling Astrid in her lap, softening her face. "You don't have to. You see, my dear... an Ever needs love, otherwise she'll perish. A Never doesn't need love, she'd perish with it." Astrid, insecure with her understanding, cocks her head. "Essentially; I've gone against the rules of evil, you've gone against your own rules too... an Ever is meant to find a prince, not an evil dean. Evers and Nevers are not allowed to date." Astrid scoffs, "I thought they dropped the whole thing with forbidding Evers and Nevers?" Lesso sighs, "Yes, to a certain degree. They just wanted to stop the fights between students and lessen the competition, not influence romance." Astrid cannot fathom any of this and ignores everything. "Just... all we can do now is stay secret and you have to tell me if you start experiencing anything weird revolving magic." Once again, once more, Astrid allows herself to be consumed, she just wants to forget this all. She's meant to be the petal, not the thorn... it's meant to be that way; but it isn't, right now. Lesso is turning into the petal, she's going against her own obligation, draining her soul.. that's what happens to an Ever - not a Never. The Ever is the lover, the Never is the hater. "Maybe you're not a Never... Lesso?" Hands stop healing Astrid's hurt, halting in position adjacent to her jaw. "If I wasn't a Never, I wouldn't have been here for so long. I am a Never, I always will be." Those same eyebrows arch down again, either accidentally or purposefully; "The schoolmaster just can't accept the fact that a Never can love... our evil is a spectrum. Your good is a spectrum, nobody is perfectly good or evil. Look at you earlier! You used dark magic without even using it, your anger got the best of you and you lashed out with your good spells. Nobody is good or evil, we're all both." All of a sudden, witch-like hands steal the angelic face of her Ever, pulling it close. "We just have to convince them." Spontaneous thoughts plague her mind; she has an urge to fight for her rights. "Good luck with that, we just need to hide." Lesso rejects, her pessimism and insecurity dominating. "No, you have the answer. The school changed the rules ever so slightly, they were aware of the unneeded atrocities starting because of the clear distinction between the schools. The idea of one being 'superior' is dismissed. So, why isn't the idea of love changed? Why can only Evers reign superior in love? It seems Nevers and Evers are more similar than presented; we cast spells, all from a place of some form of evil, and defence, even you a Never, can cast defence spells. You defended me from death, I defended you from death. An Ever is just as powerful as a Never, a Never is just as weak as an Ever. We're the proof, Lesso!" Adrenaline of succeeding pumped her upward, floating high like a little dove in her confidence. "Sit down!" Shot by an arrow, the dove bleeds out and dies. Lesso's always right...

After venturing up and out of the doom room, unthawing from the frost nestled deep down there. Hall walls stapled with axes, arrows, swords and tearing portraits of previous deans. I'm next... paint chips, vanishing into murky dark air. The fragments of those deans, now long gone, their history crumbling, their canvas tearing. They painted their story, now it was ripping, shredding, being clawed at by the little trolls who are in charge of maintaining the 'cleanliness' of the school for evil. Astrid freezes, noticing the other members of faculty berating the beauty of art. They're just trolls... Astrid squeezes Lesso's hand for comfort in the protruding night, blackening each second as they walk through the main halls, coming close to the dining hall. Astrid's mind clears of horror as she recognises warm, humid glows spewing out from a large open door frame. Lesso shrieks in her head. "You found the Never Ever rose?" A warm, condescending voice questions somebody. Fuck! They found the rose... I left it in my bedroom! They would've suspected something off about me and searched my room! Oh my fucking god! Lesso maniacally avoids and approaches the door at the same time, eavesdropping and peeping her insanity into the room, glimpsing at the man, the school master and a younger man. Skinny, somewhat charming for his devilish Never body, near starved looking like an underfed goat in his facial features. All this made up for with his prince appearing attire. "Yes! I checked Lady Lesso's bedroom, she passed out and I snuck her key. I had to know the truth, I wanted revenge... she was going to chop my head off!" The screeching, whining boy cried like a wimp. This little pesky drowned rat! He deserved it! He wouldn't listen to my lecture in class today... his head should be chopped of, he didn't want to use it, why should he have it? Lesso's eyebrows tip even further, creasing her forehead. "What made you think it was acceptable to sneak into your deans bedroom?" For once, the school master was defending Lesso's authority. "She snuck into my head! She manipulated me!" Now the boy was just correlating lies, it was obvious. It was obvious in Lesso's face as her face boiled hatred, boiling hot in the deathly cold. "Well... I can't defend Lesso if she's been handing out this rose to somebody special... an Ever. Now, go to bed. I'll deal with this..." Warm hues fade to black again, Lesso huddles Astrid closer to contain her anger and to comfort Astrid. "What is going on?" Astrid's mellow voice bellows upward to Lesso, who is peering into the halls, eyeing every corner for threats. "We're on the radar." Flick, goes the switch in the dining room. Flick, goes the second switch; pure darkness looms in every corner. Within a flick of a finger, Lesso pulls Astrid behind her, zipping through the ebony depths, just like a shooting star would. To block out the idea of another presence stepping, Lesso speaks to Astrid, finally returning to Astrid's original question. "That boy... he was in the doom room earlier today, I fainted in the midst of punishing him and he would've stole my key and the little imp would've snuck in my bedroom! I think he could sense something was off about me... I couldn't even axe his head off! He definitely suspected something..." Astrid's hopelessness cocks her head to the left, signalling her confusion. "He found the rose... the Never Ever rose. The one that grew in the gardens for millennia until little me picked it. They know I'm aware of it, they obviously can assume I'm using it on an Ever." Creaking wood slams shut in the vast halls, Astrid and Lesso hide behind the corner wall, listening to the door seclude the Nevers from the outside world as the school master leaves to do god knows what. "Ok, why don't we just go to bed and forget all of this happened! Alright?!" A demeanour of uncertainty consumes Lesso's usually wise mind. Her body is weakening, she falls to her knees, Astrid hovers, falling to her knees too and huddling Lesso from behind. "You aren't stable. I need to do this all..." Both of them remain confused, but little did both of them know, something has the answer. Astrid just needs to think. They help each other up, weakness dragging Astrid down; dragging herself down to the floor with her weakness, Astrid gasps at the dismay of Lesso. "Honey?" A once glowing with radiance - like honey, face blinks back pale white, a deathly, sickened hue in her eye. Skinny body skinnier than ever, soul sucked, identity draining into one of a dying individual. Astrid places her dainty hands on even more dainty body, deepening her touch on the tie restrained around a high white collar. Her hand flares upward as Lesso coughs, her chest pumping and beating with the coughs. Astrid's fierce and beaming eyes wince down toward Lesso's near grey, green eyes; eyes drawing down Astrid's body, so does her hand as it trails up her chest, clasping tight around her back. "Take me to the bedroom, please. I can't fathom being awake any-longer like this." Astrid stares down at Lesso, quivering in fear, supporting her hard situation as she lay upon the hard floor, back pinned on top of the wood. Both as weak as a feather, struggle to support each others weight as Astrid lifts Lesso delicately, cradling her close, silently crying at the impending doom as she walks both them up stairs.

"Can you take my coat off? I'm sweating." Blankets encasing overheating skin, dripping with a fever, fall off as Lesso moves agitated in her feverish situation. Closing the door behind her, attempting to not disturb the peace of a chilly two in the morning atmosphere; Astrid glides to the bedside, and begins to slip her hands inside the coat. Her touch intertwines with the heat radiating off of Lesso. "It's negative three degrees and you're acting like it's thirty degrees! This isn't normal!" She starts sighing as her hand does the opposite of disappointment, feeling up Lesso's chest and neck, the coat begging to be loosened. Sleek, ashy cotton falls on her fingertips, motioning down even further when her hand yanks at the coat's collar, caressing down the sleeves and slipping them off. She slips herself on to Lesso as everything else reminiscing Lesso's formal, tailored suit-coat slips off. "You don't deserve to feel like this." Astrid nuzzles her face into Lesso's neck, cuddling as she's surfaced on top. "Oh yes I do." Her hands fiddle Astrid's hair even straighter. "I deserve to feel loved by you, my dear." Astrid's puzzled eyes rest as she realises Lesso's slightly pathetic attempt at flirting. "So, love me!" Lesso smirks when a pillow beneath her catches her relaxed head in it's coolness. Buttons laced tight against crisp white fabric, flick back, beginning to expose black lace underneath; the long fading colourless fingers in control. Astrid feels like a brick of sexual-ness smacked her in her face and she gasps, ignoring her cherry red face. Another button pops open, Astrid's mouth popping open, gasping harder. "What are you doing-" The same finger, once clipping back shirt buttons, clips back Astrid's words. "Love me." A croaky voice protrudes, rasping for it's old dominant self back. Astrid holds herself up by the palms; digging into the sheets, face-to-face with Lesso and her drained face. "No. You're not well!" Lesso sighs sharp, realising how stupid she's being and smiles dearly at Astrid, pulling her to her side instead of straddling on top of her. "I'm sorry, my princess." Astrid's soothed hair twirls as Lesso plays with it again, kissing Astrid's forehead in the meanwhile. She coughs again, harder than last time, it sounds painful. "This is horrible, but- I love you too much, I can't stop destroying my soul for you." Lesso notices Astrid's sombre as well and consumes her pain with her own; directing Astrid's fragile face into her chest. Astrid's legs move around Lesso's and she clings them tight, as well as she clings her arms right around her waist. Astrid cries, then Lesso, emotions mirroring identically, a shared moment and thought of hardship for everything on going. I need to find a solution. Raising her head off of Lesso's chest, witnessing Lesso asleep in misery. And I need to do it now. Lesso places a weak touch on Astrid's hip. She needs me more than anything. She needs me like I need her when she's strong and her usual self. Astrid takes her eyes off of a drained of evil soul and lingers her eyes to Lesso's book shelf, empty and devoid of any valuable books for this purpose. The school library will have books on this, surely... and I'm a dean, they'll give me anything. I need to go tomorrow, I just need to make sure Lesso's ok before I go. Hopeful eyes see through Lesso's closed with hopelessness eyes, peering into her pessimistic thoughts, helping Astrid realise how desperate Lesso really is. "You're just as weak as all of us..." Astrid whispers into Lesso's ear before falling asleep, bodies interlaced, trying to heal the wounded.

Red dwells in her mind, staining every perception she could have. More neon shades infiltrate her mind as the sleep proceeds.


Tall spiked figures - resembling one of a throne, caress remnants of strawberry red fog dearly.

Where are you?

Speaking in either dream or reality, she panics; begging for her love...

A Never attacks an Ever defends...

Rose petals stream from the celling, curving lightly in the near air depleted realm of fiction. It purely is fiction; blade in her hand, hand aching as the muscle flexes to contain it's forceful posture whilst causing penetration.

I'm mistaking every moral.

Red dwells from a now dead carcass. Her vision distracts from her burgundy surroundings, focusing on the burgundy in front of her as it leaks out - continuously.

I attacked, as an Ever. Now we truly have gone against the school prophecy.

A male of formality, once deemed superior to the others at this school - the tip of the hierarchy. Now relies on the floor to oppose his history as it holds his decaying atoms some significance. The school master, now the school's past.

Where is she?

Her head glides away from the body she just extracted from it's life; searching for her means of life. Instead, pleas scavenge through the towering hall, fizzling it's burgundy aura into one of a miserable gloom.

"Astrid! No!" The voice screeches, being whisked away each time her feet inch closer.


Astrid falls to her knees, carving them red; red pouring everywhere, becoming the only distinction in her life. A terrible memory, a rage, a hatred, one she acted out upon. Now everything's bleeding, everything's gone, her lover bleeds and dies amongst ebony shadows in nearby distance.

Come back to me, please! Don't go!

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