Thalatha ~ Wtm- Mamma Mia/MCU...

By Iconicbxtches

89.8K 1.9K 341

In which Donna Sheridon is Donna Stark, Tony Starks daughter who meets three men on her way to find "her plac... More

Donna stark
Kissed the teacher
Why Did It Have To Be Me?
I have a dream
Andante Andante
Name of the game
Knowing Me, Knowing You
Mamma Mia
Rose's crush
questions A/N


2.7K 83 8
By Iconicbxtches

Everyone, par Rose and Tanya, turned to look at Donna who, once again, was trying to sink into the couch

Before anyone could say anything the movie started playing again. They reluctantly turned back to the screen

The screen shows Donna taking a walk when she suddenly bends forward in pain. She grunts, her face contorted in pain. (Side note pls just imagine that I have the lyrics to I've been waiting for you dispersed cuz I suck at actually doing that.)

Sophie is seen running towards the house worry etched on her face. She stops hearing Donna's yell then rushes to reach the house.

The whole theater looks at the screen in worry.

She enters Donna's room to see her sitting on the floor in a large green shirt, clutching her stomach as she made eye contact with Sophie. She pours warm water into a bowl and instructs Donna to walk around the room.

It shows the mirror view of Donna leaning over in pain, Sophie helping her control her breathes. Donna leaning over the bed screaming.

"You're not gonna go to a hospital?" Natasha asks her. Donna simply shakes her head no.

Donna tightening her grip on Sophie's hand. She arches her back as she screams again. It cuts to her slumping in relief. Smiling softly as she sees Sophie cleaning her baby.

She starts to cry again as she gets handed her baby. She starts talking to her softly, holding her close to her chest.

Tony gasps softly looking at the screen having flashbacks to when Donna's mother gave birth.

The scene cuts to Donna slowly walking towards the pastor person thingy, smiling softly at Sophie. Almost all the people she loves in the same room to see her baby.

She starts singing quietly. "I've never felt this strong, I'm invincible how could this go wrong?"  She smiles at her friends. "No, here, here's where we belong. I see a road ahead. I never thought I'd dare to tread." She stops walking. She looks down at Sophie smiling as the screen fades to black.

The words apeared on the screen in a swirly font. "The end."

Silence filled the theater as the lights turned back on. "So... I'm a grandfather?" Tony questioned, turning to face Donna.

"Yeah you are." Donna smiled sheepishly.

"Cool." Tony nodded his voice strained as he tried to hold back tears. " I'm just gonna go to the bathroom real quick okay? Okay." He got up and rushed to the bathroom.

Everyone stared at the door where Tony had disappeared. Natasha shook her head turning towards Donna, smiling softly.

"Congratulations sweety. What's their name?" She titled her head question.

"Thank you. Umm it's Sophie." Donna smiled back at her.

"So that's who you were talking about!" Clint realized. Donna nodded in confirmation. She turned around hearing her name get called.

"Donna.." It was Bill. Him, Harry, and Sam were standing next to each other looking nervous. She sighed, she was hoping to avoid this conversation.

"Ummm, we were, umm, just wondering..." Sam started.

"Who's the father?" Harry finished.

"Well," She laughed nervously. "You see, I'm not completely sure..." there was an awkward pause where they stared at each other.

"O...Kay." Harry nodded. "I suppose we can just do a DNA tes-"

"No!" He go cut off by Donna. Everyone looked at her strangly. "It's just, I wasn't planning on getting a DNA test for a while. And when Sophie was old enough, I would explain the situation to her and... She could decide if she wanted a DNA test or not." She finished trailing of slightly.

Bill sighed. "If that's what you want, then I'm fine with it." Harry and Sam nodded in agreement. Donna slumped in relief.

She smiled at them. " Thank you, really, and when this si all over your welcome to come back tot he island to visit her. Only if you want to of course!"

"We would love to Donna." Sam smiled reassuringly. "And, I think we should, y'know, talk." Donna nodded, gesturing to one of the rooms that appeared. Sam started walking towards it, Donna following closely behind.

Donna closed the door behind her, mentally preparing herself for the conversation.

"I'm sorry." Sam started when she turned around to face him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I'm sorry I lied to you, and I'm sorry I didn't try harder to find you again. I didnt love her, at least not in the way I loved you. I loved her like a sister and I didnt want to marry her." Donna opened her mouth to talk but was cut off. "And I know sorry won't cut it but, I really am sorry and I'll do anything to get you to forgive me."

"Sam..." He dropped down to his knees. "What are you doing?"

"Please Donna, forgive me." He pleaded

"If you would let me finish!" He went silent at her yell, he nodded quickly when she raised her eyebrow in question. "I... forgive you, and im sorry too. I realize that u should've let you explain yourself before I made you leave. Now please stand up."

He stood, dusting himself off. He grabbed both of her hands in his. "Thank you Donna, really, thank you." Donna smiled gripping his his hands back.

"Sam, did you mean it when you said you loved me?" She questioned softly. Sam simply smiled, pulling her towards him. Her yelp was cut off by his lip landing on hers.

They pulled away after a few seconds to catch their breathe. Donna smiled widely, burying herself in Sam's chest. "We should go back before they get worried. Sam nodded kissing the top of her head.

They walked back into the main part of the theater holding hands. Rose and Tanya squeal, grabbing Donna's hand and dragging her away demanding all the details. Sam smiled walking back to Harry and Bill.

"Sorry boys, she's mine." Sam smiled at them unapologetically. Harry laughed.

"It's fine, I'm actually gay, so don't worry about it." He confessed shyly.

Bill nodded, " Yeah, amd I've got my eye of someone else." He glanced over at Rose who was squealing again. "So you two have my consent, and my congratulations... though I can't say that everyone agrees."

At Sam's confused look he gestured towards Tony who had been glaring at him since he walked back in. Sam winced. "Yeah, that's not gonna be fun is it?"

A bright light flashed as a note fell from the sky above Donna. She grabbed it, clearing her throat before reading it out.

"Dear watchers,

You have completed you movie and in 10 minutes you will be sent back to where you were before you were sent her and you will continue your live however you wish with the information I've given you. So say your goodbyes.

Thank you,
Yours sincerely,

Donna finished the note with a sad smile. She was pulled into a hug by Tanya and Rose. "We'll come visit you as soon as we can okay?" Tanya told her. Donna nodded smiling widley.

She turned to Tony. "I'm proud of you kid. You've done good. I'll come find you, I wanna meet my Grandkid." Donna pulled him into a hug sniffing lightly.

"I can't wait, I'm sure she'd love to neet you!" She pulled back from the hug, accepting the kiss on the cheek.

She hugged Bill and Harry threading them that they better come and visit when this is over,to which the of course agreed. She said her goodbyes the the rest of the avengers.

Finally she turned to Sam. "You'll back won't you?" She asked as she hugged him tightly. He nodded hold her close to him, breathing into her smell.

"Of course I will, I wanna meet our daughter. And of fourse I wanna be with you. I'll see you soon."

As he finished his sentence a bright light enveloped then all sending them back to where they were.

'C' is typing...................

Hi again, finally, I dont have an excuse for not updating I just lost motivation and you all have my brother to thank for this chapter he made me write it, I wasn't planning on doing an epilogue but if you guys want it I'll write it 
Anyway thank you so much for reading, I apologize for the wait and yeah bye!


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