Wither & Bloom

By reachingthemoon11

1.2K 62 5

Two souls tendering to a bond that fills their hearts to the crest - this is how it is when living with love... More

I - Seedling
II - Hazard
III - Considerate
V - Relapse
VI - All Things End
VII - Homecoming
VIII - Screw Up & Scrutiny
IX - Taking Shots
X - Wedding

IV - Page Turner

78 5 0
By reachingthemoon11

Sitting quietly as he analyzed the items he had just received, Joohyuk held the copies of the suspect mugshot and the investigation report about the attempted murder done to his father a month ago. He leaned back in his chair and let out a deep sigh, mirroring his relief and frustration all at once.

"Wae? Are you suspicious about something?" Detective Jo Insung asked as he studied the look on his face.

"Ani, I believe it." Joohyuk responded as he scanned the last page of the report with his eyes one more time.

"Jinjja? We already wrapped it up but you know we can reinvestigate if you feel like there's something off." Insung said.

"Jinjja. Thank you for helping, hyung," Joohyuk affirmed. "I had talked to this man too when he was held at the detention center. I was able to interrogate him myself."

Insung nodded as he listened carefully. Joohyuk and him had been friends for quite a long time due to the nature of their works. "Why do you seem unhappy about everything though?" He can't help but ask.

"It's not like that, hyung." Joohyuk said, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I just forced myself to believe that maybe there was more into this."

"Something connected to your son's case?" Insung hypothetically spilled.

He gave a light pat on his younger friend's shoulder to comfort him as he stood up and prepared to leave. "I understand how you feel. You're desperate for a new lead about it," he said with concern.

- - -

The loud ring of Joohyuk's phone drifted him away from his deep pondering. He saw Suzy's name on the screen and immediately picked it up.

"Joohyuk," she spoke briefly on the other end of the line, her voice echoed worry within just a single word.

"Gwenchana? You don't sound fine," he asked straightforwardly. He could sense the tension in Suzy's voice, and the feeling started to reflect on him.

"Are you free to come over?" she wondered. "But don't bother if you still have work to finish," she said dismissively.

"Aniya. I'm very much free," he replied immediately to not let her change her mind.

"Sujin has a fever. I have no one else to ask to look after him. Mrs. Jang has her own emergency situation at home too. I'm set to leave soon because I have a surgery scheduled tonight and I can't just dodge on it, but I will go home as soon as it ends." Suzy spilled in detail.

He scanned the desk with his eyes for a moment, seeing all the piled up documents he is yet to read. But he promptly pushed those aside. Sujin needs him, and he couldn't let Suzy down for the hundredth time.

"Suzy-ah," Joohyuk began softly. "Calm down," he reminded her gently. "I'll be there soon. I know you don't want to bug me as much as possible but don't hesitate to call me for situations like this."

She was taken aback by his words. He was right — she made it sound like she was asking him for a favor when in fact they were both responsible for their son's well-being.

"Mian," she uttered almost quietly.

"I'm on my way," Joohyuk affirmed before hanging up the call. He quickly picked up his things and left the office.

Within a few minutes drive, he was able to set foot on their house and quickly went to Sujin's room. The moment he opened the door, his sight was greeted by Suzy who was facing the wall, having a phone call with someone. It was probably a colleague she's trying to bargain with so she could be allowed to come to the hospital a little later.

After their conversation ended, she turned to face Sujin but was surprised to see Joohyuk standing behind her. "Oh, you're here already. That was fast, gomawo. I have to go." She spoke with each word coming out of her lips so hurriedly.

She was undeniably in a frantic state, and he did not know how else he could be of help to her. But he leaned closer, his instincts driving him to hold her on both arms gently.

She was caught off guard by the sudden gesture, but she had no strength to oppose it, nor did she know if she even wanted to. "Relax. You got this. Don't drive too fast." He remindedly softly before letting her go.

Suzy nodded with a deep breath and swiftly walked past him, trying to hide her flushed reaction behind the haste.

Joohyuk let her leave quietly without another word to spare him, wondering if his comforting gesture meant overstepping to her.

But instead of pushing his thoughts further, he just sat beside Sujin who lay asleep on the mattress. He then held his son's tiny fist and aimed the thermal scanner at him. "Thirty-eight point two degrees Celcius," he took note in his mind.

He looked at the surroundings and saw a bowl of warm water and the towel beside it. He reached for it and gave Sujin a tepid sponge treatment, despite guessing how many times Suzy had also done it for their son.

After that, he helped himself to the fridge and planned what he can prepare for both Sujin and Suzy given the ingredients in store. His eyes darted at the fresh chicken meat and thought of cooking samgye-tang. A soup would be good for all of them, his mind spoke.

After everything was set at the kitchen, he walked back immediately to their son's room. He saw Sujin with his eyes open already. "Aigo, you're awake adeul" he said as he hurriedly walked towards the little boy. "Feeling better?" Joohyuk asked as he placed the back of his hand on his son's neck.

His tiny figure shifted a little and pointed at the bedside table, aiming at the thermal scanner. Joohyuk smiled, trying to stop himself from laughing due to his little mistake and at his son's adorable act.

"Heol. Uri Sujin is really smart. Taking after eomma, huh?" He complimented as he grabbed the scanner instead. "Thirty-seven point eight," said the figures on the screen.

"Your temperature lowered a little. Maybe a soup would do better, don't you think?" He asked Sujin. "Ne appa," the boy responded eagerly despite his weakened state. 

Joohyuk chuckled at his son's enthusiasm and gently ruffled his hair before standing up to get him a bowl of soup.

Hours passed by as they ate dinner and watched TV together. Joohyuk had also given Sujin the right dose of orally suspended paracetamol that Suzy left with a note on it.

"What time do you think eomma will come home?" Joohyuk asked softly, glancing at his wristwatch as he continuously stroked his son's hair.

As the night wore on, the surroundings grew quieter. Before he knew it, it was already past midnight. He pulled the blanket up to cover his son's body better then moved to him closer, unintentionally drifting off to slumber the moment he did so.

Suzy came home at two in the morning, greeted by the two who were both sound asleep. After placing her bag aside, she checked on Sujin's temperature — he only has a low-grade fever now.

"Looks like appa took great care of you," Suzy uttered quietly, her eyes darting to Joohyuk who was sleeping still in his work clothes.

She left them for a moment to go to other room and change her clothes. As she dressed into more comfortable garments, she can't help but think of something else.

Bothered by the thought, Suzy then opened one of the cabinets again and browsed through a few shirts and pajamas that Joohyuk kept still. She grabbed a pair then brought them to Sujin's room.

Suzy gently nudged Joohyuk awake and handed him the clothes. "You should change into these," she said softly.

He rubbed his eyes sleepily prior to giving Suzy a small smile, but before he could even do so, she already has her back on him the moment his vision got clearer, seeing her walk out of the room so quickly. "Gomawo," he just said to himself as he held the clothes from her.

As Suzy returned to Sujin's room while holding a tray with a pitcher of water together with three drinking glasses, she lightly pushed the unlocked door open with her foot. The moment she held her head up, she was surprised by the unexpected sight in front of her. The things she was holding almost slipped due to shock.

Joohyuk heard the sound of the door opening fully within a second. He quickly glanced at it only to lock eyes with Suzy as he stood there almost naked, in the middle of changing his clothes. He quickly put the sleepwear on as Suzy stood at the doorway with her eyes shut tight.

When he was fully clothed, Joohyuk walked towards her and helped her carry the tray. As she felt him near her, Suzy finally allowed herself to see again.

She then spoke, trying her best to exclaim not so loud to not wake Sujin up. "How can you strip here like that?!" She scolded him.

"Mian, I thought you'll stay a little longer outside so I did not mind changing clothes here." He explained as he brought down the tray on the table, also feeling shy about the encounter.

Suzy eyed him annoyingly then went straight beside Sujin, grabbing the duvet and covering her entire self with it. As she breathed deeply while hiding underneath and trying to regain her composure, she felt the bed stir as another weight added on the mattress.

She got out of hiding to face him, only to be met by his back and wide shoulders shielded with silk fabric. Joohyuk spoke knowingly as he sensed her eyeing him angrily even from behind. "Don't worry. I'm fully clothed." He uttered before bringing himself to sleep. 

- - -

As he was about to turn the page of the book he was reading while sitting at the couch, he heard Suzy let out a lazy yawn. He peaked behind the novel he was holding, admiring the morning view in front of him.

He then got up nonchalantly and went to the kitchen, walking past Suzy as if he didn't see her in the room.

"What's with him," she whispered to herself, her brows furrowing in an instant. Trying to shake off her impending annoyance, she stood up to wash her face and brush her teeth in the bathroom. Upon stepping back into Sujin's room right after cleaning herself, she was greeted by the rich and savory aroma of chicken soup.

Joohyuk held the tray with two bowls slightly up, signaling Suzy to eat with him. "Good morning," he greeted, hoping that would be enough as a peace offering.

"You made samgye-tang?" She asked in a tone that he couldn't really describe clearly. He couldn't tell if she was amused, or annoyed, or maybe both. "Who told you to touch the chicken at the fridge?" Suzy questioned once more.

"Ah, about that. I just wanted to make soup for Sujin last night. I thought it would be okay to-" He froze in the middle of his speech as Suzy sat down beside him to reach for her share and taste it.

As she sipped a spoonful in her mouth, she let out a few words absentmindedly. "Your cooking is a saving grace." The words slipped out of her so carelessly, making her a little concerned if he would be delighted to hear so when she conveyed it in a not-so-pleasant way. Hence, she turned to face him, but her fret disappeared in an instant as she just caught him smiling at her, looking happy to have pleased her taste buds.

After eating, he took the chance to speak in an attempt to find resolve on a matter that lingered in his mind for quite a long time now.

"Can we talk about something?" Joohyuk said solemnly, putting down his spoon and looking at her intently. "I know things between us are complicated, but can we really keep living like this?"

Suzy sighed heavily, knowing that he was right. "I know," she admitted reluctantly. "It's just... I don't know what to do anymore."

Joohyuk took a deep breath, trying to organize his thoughts. But before he could say a word again, Suzy did first. "I was planning to tell Sujin about us, but I know I shouldn't decide on it alone." She said honestly.

Joohyuk's heart sank at Suzy's words. He knew this conversation was long overdue, but he never expected to have himself prepared for it. The weight of her words felt heavy on his heart as he tried to find the right words to say.

"I understand your concerns, Suzy-ah," Joohyuk finally spoke, breaking the silence between them. "But have you thought about how Sujin might react? He's still young and innocent, and I don't want him to be caught in the middle this complexity."

Suzy nodded slowly, understanding where Joohyuk was coming from. "I know it won't be easy for him," she agreed. "But we can't keep lying forever. Eventually, he'll find out the truth one way or another."

Joohyuk sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I just don't want to hurt him," he admitted quietly.

"Just think about how much happier he is when you're around. Do you think he would like it if he knew we're compromising all along?" She asked him bluntly.

"Then let's not compromise." He said firmly, subtly hinting at her. Suzy's eyes only narrowed in confusion at what he is implying.

"Maybe it would be better if we make it real once more. Me staying here again." Joohyuk suggested.

The look on Suzy's face became more serious as she spoke, "You're kidding, aren't you?"

Their conversation was held back abruptly by Sujin's voice. "Eomma, appa" called the little boy from the bed, yawning afterwards as he rubbed his eyes.

Suzy turned to face Joohyuk one last time before standing up. "We'll continue later," she gravely uttered before shifting her attention back to their son.

He could only gulp at her final remark, wondering if he made the right choice or it would only make things worse for the both of them. Joohyuk was actually scared that he might ruin things just when he believed Suzy was becoming more comfortable with his presence. Yet above all, he knew he at least had to try.

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