
By meowismeisay

16.2K 642 398

(**BillDip**) Dipper Pines can't help but see the demon in that way. And it scares him. It makes him sick. Bu... More

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I Adore

3K 82 81
By meowismeisay

Dipper Pines always knew he wasn't a normal boy. Even his twin sister knew that - and she certaintly expected her brother to like the same gender. But his love for a certain isosceles triangle was definitely not expected. And this isn't geometry homework. More like demon summoning.

            Bill Cipher definitely isn't like any other demon - he has the ability to feel feelings, to have emotions. Anger being his topmost used next to chipper. But he never expected the young boy to have such a large crush on him, he knowing this since he knew all. The boy shouldn't love the demon, especially after what the demon had done. Gotten into his great uncle's mind, taken over the kid's body, and that certaintly wouldn't be the end of it. Bill just didn't get it.

            Dipper sat in his room, on his rock for a bed, chewing on the end of a pen. His mind ached from three days of no sleep, but he was scared he'd run into the dream demon again. And he couldn't be seen like this. His sister, Mabel, tapped on his shoulder, taking the boy's mind off of the triangle. "Bro-Bro?" she asked innocently, her eyes pleading for his attention.

            Dipper removed the pen from his mouth, the bitter taste of ink too strong to handle. "I'm not taking a shower, I might fall asleep."

            Mabel sighed. "I was just going to ask if you wanted some breakfast, but I guess I'll go then if you don't want me here."

            Dipper realized he was hungry through the bitter-coppery tatse of ink and blood. Nausea struck him, and he rushed to the bathroom, puking up saliva,  since that's all he'd had in his stomach, for he hadn't eaten dinner last night. "I'm hungry, Mabel. Please get me something to eat," he said disappointed at his weakness, "hurry up, I don't wanna puke again."

            Mabel rubbed her brother's back, silently agreeing to her brother's request. She ran down the stairs, brushing past Wendy. "Hey, Wendy, can't talk, got to get Dipper some breakfast, bye." Mabel rushed into the kitchen, scavenging the pantry for food. Doritos? Definitely not, they'll remind him of Bill. Granola bars? That won't be soft on his stomach. How about-

            "Watcha thinkin' Mabes?" Wendy asked, standing behind the girl.

            Mabel frowned, but quickly replaced it with a smile. "Dipper's really sick, and he needs to eat soon, but it has to be gentle for him to digest."

            "Well, I do have some soft cookies in my secret snack stash. But Dipper owes me one, okay?"

            Mabel gave Wendy a quick hug, then ran over to Wendy's food hiding place, grabbing the snickerdoodles, then running up the stairs she burst through the door, exclaiming her brother's name.

            Dipper massaged his temples, curled up in a ball on his bed. "What is it, Mabel? Did you bring food?"

            Mabel giggled. "Yup. Wendy's snickerdoodles. You owe her one."

            Dipper grabbed the box, opening it quickly and stuffing a cookie in his mouth. He needed to ask Wendy where she got these when he felt better. Or, in other words, got over himelf. "Ugh, Mabel, I'm so tired. But 'm scared."

            Mabel sat down next to her brother, smiling. "Dip, if you truly have a crush on Bill, why are you so afraid of him?"

            Dipper held back his tears, cuddling up next to Mabel. "I know that he knows I like him. And I'm afraid of that. I'm afraid he'll be angry. I'm afraid," he said, letting the tears spill, "I'm afraid he won't want to see me ever again because he's disgusted by me. He already doesn't like humans."

            Mabel hugged her brother, encasing him in her warmth. "Dip, there's no reason to worry like that. Maybe he's pitying you. Maybe's it's best you see him. Just sleep, Bro-Bro. You need it. I know you need it. You know know you need it. And I bet Bill will just be there to see if you're okay."

            Dipper let out another quiet sob, trying to catch his breath. "Will... will you sing me a lullaby?"

            Mabel nodded her head, clearing her throat. "Hush now, quiet now, it's time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed." She repeated this lullaby until he was snoring. Mabel rested her brother onto his bed, taking his hat off of his head. "Sleep well, Dipper."


            Dipper opened his eyes to see a black and white colored world. Bill got him before he could dream. He was in the Mindscape now. And Bill would be here soon. He was doomed. "Bill? Bill, are you here? Why are you doing this to me? Please, tell me. I just want to know. I don't know why I like, you, okay, in fact I'll never know as much as you do, but can we at least be friends? Please? It's eating me alive!" he said, biting down on his lip so hard it bled. The taste of sweet copper filled his mouth, and he grimaced.

            Dipper cut his crying short when a tall, skinny, teen with messy blonde hair and formal attire stepped in front of him. "Quiet, Pine Tree. I am here now."

            The boy wiped his eyes, looking up to the demon. "Bill?"

            Bill grinned, and a yellow flash in his eyes meant he had plans. "Yes, it's me, young sapling. I look the way you want me to. I do hope you like it. Do you? Tell me."

            Dipper nodded his head, sniffling.

            Bill leaned down, lifiting the child's head to make eye contact with him. "Why you cry, child? The demon of your dreams is here to give you what you want... for a price, of course."

            Dipper blushed brightly at how close Bill was, and he sighed inwardly, once again to recover from his tears. "What's the price?"

            "I want you to promise yourself to me. Like you measly humans do. I want your hand to be mine for when you come of age."

            "Age of what?"

            "Marriage, silly boy."

            Dipper frowned, closing his eyes to think. "Why, do you want me to... reserve myself for you?"

            Bill's grin remained intact as he pulled out his cane form nowhere, leaning on it with both hands, his eyepatch glowing gold. "Love is a horrifically strong emotion, my Little Dipper. I'd be very powerfull if I harnessed it from another being. That duplicates when it is aimed towards me. Since you'll be giving me the emotion, I'll be giving you and your sister immortality and then your love for me will keep me powerfull, and all will go as well as we wish."

            Dipper' eyebrows stitched together in thought. "How do I know you're not lying?"

            Bill leaned down to the boy again, cupping his face in his hands. "Because I'll be the second male you've kissed all summer." The demon kissed Dipper, it only lasting a few seconds, but the boy savored every bit of it. Bill glowed a bright blue, and he let out an estaic grin. "Ah, I can feel the power surge through me. It's like waking from the best sleep ever for you, Pine Tree."

            Dipper lightly blushed at the nickname, his fingers touching his own lips. His fingertips glowed as well.

            "Well, kiddo, do we have a deal?"

            Dipper took the outstretched hand, shaking it. "It's a deal."


            Dipper awoke aruptly, it being six at night. He glanced over at the other side of the room to see Mabel, knitting a sweater that seemed to be for him. "Mabes?"

            Mabel glanced at him, smiling. "Well, I'm happy to see that someone's awake after all this time. How'd it go?"

            Dipper smirked softly, thinking about it. The boy brushed his fingers over his lips again, watching the blue glow fade from his fingertips once more. "He kissed me."

            Mabel let out a girly squeal, then jumped up and hugged her brother. "Oooh, I'm so excited for you! Tell me everything that happened!"

And so Dipper explained what happened, and the smile slowly disappeared from Mabel's visage. "You... you promised yourself to him?"

            Dipper chuckled awkwardly, rubbing his arm. "Yeah... I mean, I figured that we'd be safe from him trying to destroy us... I figured you'd be safe. I kinda did this for your safety and my sanity."

            Mabel hugged her knees to her chest. "But what about everyone else? Will they die?"

            Dipper frowned, thinking about it. "Well, maybe later on I can ask for people not to die and such. But now's too early. It'll just take time - and visits every summer to Gravity Falls."

            Mabel smiled lightly. "I guess that part will be fun."

            "Well, there won't be multiple visits if he doesn't let me leave."

            Mabel giggled into her sleeve, knowing this was serious but it was funny to hear that. "There is that, too, isn't there?"

            "I don't even know if he's the clingy type or not."

            "Ha! Says you, Dip. You're all for that triangle, and you know it."

            "That's not fun-"

            Dipper was interrupted by their grunkle calling for them. "Kids! One of you! There's this boy looking for Dipper!"

            Mabel looked at Dipper, trying to hold back her laughter.

            "Oh, crap. He didn't, did he?"

            Mabel giggled, getting up. "I guess he did," she said, pulling her brother down the stairs with her. They made it to the front door to see the same teen Dipper had spoken to in the Mindscape.

            Dipper blushed, avoiding eye contact. "Oh, hey, Bill."

            "Heya, Pine Tree~!" Bill shouted, hugging the boy as tight as he could.

            Stan stared at the two with strange looks. "You know this guy, Dipper?"

            Bill raised an eyebrow, letting go of the boy. "But why of course! We're dating," the demon said, holding Dipper's hand, making him blush even brighter.

            Stan sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I'm not even going to ask," he said, walking off to his room and slamming the door.

            Bill grinned down at the boy. "Well, didn't he take that lightly? Anyway, I came down to your reality to bring you this," he said, producing a gold ring from blue flames. The ring had a perfect isosceles triangle on it instead of a jewel, and it gave off an eerie glow when it was brought to extreme light. Bill placed it on the boy's left hand ring finger, his grin still intact. "Do you like it? Tell me."

            Diper smiled slightly at the ring. "It's great, Bill. Thanks," he said, wrapping his arms around the demon's torso.

            Bill's grin relaxed into a smile. "Aww, how cute. He's hugging me." Bill wrapped his own skinny arms around the boy, patting the soft mop of brown hair.


            "Okay, yep, that's enough hugging for you," Bill said, unwrapping himself from Dipper, as well as removing the boy from him."As you are adorable, we can't sit here and hug all day. I have things to do, places to be, dreams to corrupt. But I can stay a bit longer, if you like, my dear."

            Dipper blushed, nodding his head. "Please stay as long as possible."

            Bill smiled sweetly now, taking the boy's hand, causing a blue glow to emit from thier hands. "Well, let's go upstairs with Shooting Star and see what there's to do, hmmm?"

            Dipper smiled up at Bill, as a way to answer 'yes'. Mabel started up the stairs, waiting at the top for the two.

            "Hold your breath kiddo." Bill snapped his fingers, the two surrounded in flames until they appeared at the top of the long flight of stairs as well. "That's much faster," he said, squeezing the boy's hand. Bill grinned when the boy squeezed back, the emotion powering him greatly.

            "Let's all go to Mabel's room, since my room's really messy right now," Dipper suggested, to which they all obliged, heading into the glitter and unicorn covered room. Mabel sat on her bed, and Bill and Dipper sat on the ground, Bill forcing the boy into his lap.

            "C'mere my kitten," Bill said, pulling Dipper closer to him, the boy sadly finally just letting him cuddle with him.

            "I'm not a kitten, Bill," Dipper said, relaxing into Bill's chest.

            Mabel giggled. "Well, of course you are, Dip, because you sneeze like one and your hair is fluffy like one," she said, earning a look of anger from her brother.

            "You're not helping, Mabel."

            "I knoooowwww."

            Dipper's anger was cut short when Bill brushed his fingers over the boy's cheek, earning a happy smile from the kid. "Do you love me, Pine Tree?"

            Dipper blushed, looking at the blue disappearing from Bill's fingertips. "Yes, Bill, I do love you. But do you love me?"

            Bill grinned, feeling the power flow through him. "Of course I do, my sweet." Bill kissed Dipper on the head, the boy smiling blissfully.

            Mabel smiled, leaning her head on her palms. "G'daww, you guys are so cute. Forget going to Rom-Coms any more! I can just watch you guys!"

            Bill smiled slightly at this, his grin had weakened because the boy was drifting to sleep. "Well, I'll be putting Pine Tree to bed before he decides to use me as a bed. Have a nice day, Shooting Star!"

            Mabel waved goodbye to him as he carried the boy in his arms out of the door. "Byyyyyeee!"

            Bill made it to Dipper's room, resting the child on his bed. "Goodnight, honey. Sleep well. I'll make sure of it."

            Dipper curled up in his blankets, nodding his head. "Okay. But don't leave until I'm asleep, okay?"

            Bill grinned. "That will be no problem, my Little Dipper." The demon kissed the boy's forehead, and Dipper fell asleep. Bill savored the last bit of power before he left, going back to the Mindscape to manipulate people's dreams. Bill wouldn't be destroying Dipper's. At least not tonight.

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