Half and Half

By Ginnyrules27

9.5K 592 304

The Isle was her home. Auradon was his. It was all they ever knew-until something happened to make it so that... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Thirty One

151 13 11
By Ginnyrules27

Belle stood in front of her council, staring down one member in particular. How could she? Yes, Belle was aware that she and Adam had been complacent in what Leah had done but they had never actively denied the children of the Isle food!

It had been Elsa who had been able to provide the tapes that put Leah on the food barge, visibly bribing the barge attendants to delay though Belle could only assume that part. As great as the videos were, they had no sound. Leah could have been singing 'How does a Moment Last Forever' for all Belle knew.

However, the large stacks of cash that could be seen clear as day by the cameras proved differently. That and the endless 'engine failures' noted on the shipping records as to excuse the delays was enough proof Belle needed.

"Welcome," she said to her council; thankful that both Aladdin and Elsa had enough willpower not to glare at Leah lest she be tipped off as to what was going to happen. Then again almost everyone on the council hated Leah to some degree. "I'm sure you're all wondering why I gathered you all here."

"I will admit Queen Belle, it was a question on my mind though we serve at your pleasure," Phoebus told her. He wasn't going to lie, he was more than a little thankful he had kept his council position after Belle's victory during the election considering he had been the man who motioned for Beast to go to the Isle. That had been one of the reasons why he had not hesitated to second the motion to eliminate the need to elect their High King and Queen when Belle had proposed it during one of their regular council meetings.

In all honesty, he'd only gone along with it because it eliminated the chance Leah would be able to rule in the background should Aurora or Phillip ever be elected. No one wanted that. Oh he was sure Aurora or Phillip would be a great ruler but the thought of Leah anywhere near the High Queen's crown was almost terrifying.

"I promise you, Captain Phoebus, this is something I wish I didn't have to convene you for however it is something we need to discuss," Belle said. "It appears as though the food issues that young Mal brought to our attention all those months ago are still plaguing the Isle."

"Oh my!" Snow White gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. "But...but then that means that former King Beast wasn't responsible! The culprit is still at large! Oh those poor people!"

"Please," Chi-Fu scoffed. "It's a prison! And former King Beast still bears the responsibility for not checking on the food during his time on the throne. As does Queen Belle I would say. Wouldn't it be best if we just...follow what we did last time?"

"Chi-Fu, you are not seriously suggesting we re-traumatize Prince Ben and Princess Abigail are you?!" Snow exclaimed.

"Enough!" Belle said, making sure to keep her voice steady even though she felt like screaming. She had to keep control of her council, she hadn't even considered that the meeting might go sideways and the council would vote to send her to be with Adam as opposed to punishing Leah. Belle would not put her children through that. "While I appreciate Chi-Fu's viewpoint, the matter still stands that there is someone purposefully making it so that Auradon citizens are failing to get decent food. Are failing to get edible food. Prison or not, that is still a matter of human rights. Wouldn't you agree, Queen Leah?"

The entire council froze as the final word left Belle's lips, though she was certain she saw Aladdin move from his usual seat next to Eugene to sit next to Elsa instead. The suspicion was only cemented when the smell of popcorn seemed to fill the room.

And we wonder where Emir and Akiho get it from though Akiho's more likely to get his antics from his mother, Belle thought. At least Aladdin and Elsa are doing their best to keep it hidden, and with all their help in pouring over the records and finding the video footage, I can't blame them for some hijinks. Especially since given Emir and Akiho's grounding, there haven't been that many hijinks in the castle.

"Her majesty asked you a question, Queen Leah," Elsa spoke after a few minutes where Leah failed to produce a single word.

That seemed to be all the prompting Leah needed to speak. "Forgive me Queen Belle, you see I'm a little confused."

"What was it that I said that confused you Queen Leah? Please, enlighten me so that I can ease your confusion," Belle told her.

"Well it's just I'm a little confused as to why I was singled out," Leah said.

"Oh well that's simple," Belle said. "You ran Aurora's campaign for Queen, lambasting me for, and I quote, 'wasting Auradon resources on a bunch of criminals'. Do you deny it?"

"We said a lot of things on my daughter's campaign, you can't honestly expect me to remember everything we said do you?"

Belle shook her head and tightened the blue bow that held her hair back. Over the months since Adam had been sent to the Isle and the election for Queen, Belle hadn't had the time to keep her hair short and so began wearing her hair the way she had back in her old village. Back when she had the strength to verbally spar against an injured and angry Beast and come out the victor.

"If I didn't know any better Queen Belle, I would assume you were accusing me of being the one to sabotage the food the Isle was receiving," Leah said. "And I know you wouldn't turn a member of one of the oldest royal families in Auradon into a scapegoat just to get your husband back now would you?"

"This is not about me getting my husband back, this is what honor and the souls of all the children and mothers who have died because of your scheming demands," Belle shot back. "I've worked with you for many years Leah, and so I have to admit when I found out what you'd done I was almost at a lost for words."

She picked up the remote that was sitting in front of her and turned on the projector that had the dock footage already prepared. She also pretended not to notice Eugene get up and sneak over to where Aladdin and Elsa were sitting and sat down next to them. Both of the men were working hard to hide their furious expressions but they still shown through the masks they had to wear in royal life.

Then again, maybe Belle shouldn't have been surprised. Who better to know the pain of trying to find something to eat than a former thief or former street rat? And now, truly face to face with the person responsible for children suffering that same fate when it wasn't necessary?

"But then," Belle said as the footage continued to play, "I had to ask myself why I was shocked. After all, you are the same woman who tried to pressure Adam and me into entering Ben into a betrothal contract, who tried to pressure Adam into the contract after Abigail arrived premature and there were rumors she might not make it through the night, let alone grow up into childhood. And then there's the reports I get from Chip Potts on how you've poisoned your granddaughter against anything to do with the Isle."

"How dare you!"

"Is it or is it not true you helped Princess Audrey write a letter to Ben saying she could no longer be friends with someone who was 'tainted' by the Isle?!" Belle snapped.

"You have no proof that was my doing! Perhaps Audrey realized it would behoove her not to damage her prospects by being seen with—."

"Your granddaughter was five when she wrote that letter," Belle snapped once more, slamming her hands on the desk in front of her and sounding more like her imprisoned husband than a meek Queen. "Unless Audrey is as eager a reader as Ben is, I somehow doubt she would even know what the word tainted means!"

"Audrey has the right to decide who her friends are! The fact that Aurora continues to drag her and her brother to your castle whenever she has a meeting with you proves I'm only looking out for Audrey's right to assert boundaries!"

"Your boundaries are not the kingdom's boundaries, Queen Leah. And the kingdom will no longer turn a blind eye while you lurk in the shadows and slowly decimate the Isle's population!" Belle exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, this is going a lot better than the last time we had a meeting about the Isle," Aladdin muttered to Eugene.

"Ten dollars says Leah faints in the next five minutes."

"You're on."

Belle shook her head, either not hearing or opting to ignore the whispered betting happening off to the side. "Do you have any defense for this Leah? I honestly don't see how you could defend killing innocent children but I look forward to seeing if there is a defense."

"Innocent? After what her family did to mine!" Leah exclaimed. "I know you are blinded by whatever false tale that little brat told you but the people of the Isle need to pay for their crimes against us!"

"And what crimes did Milah Hook commit against Auradon?" Belle asked as she pulled out a notebook. This notebook held the names of all the people who had died on the Isle with Leah pulling her food stunt. Well, all the names that could fit into the notebook but that was still a fair amount of names considering Belle's tiny handwriting. "You say that the people of the Isle committed crimes against us, Leah, and I'll agree with the notion that a criminal act should be punished. I was in this room when you voted to send my husband to the Isle if you needed a refresher for your memory."

"They're villains! Every single one—."

"What crime did CJ Hook commit to earn the punishment of losing her mother?" Belle said, her voice cold. Mal had been telling her more and more of the Isle as she got used to Belle, and every piece of information made Belle's heart break every time. "She was a baby, a newborn, and because of the lack of resources including the food you tampered with Leah, she will never know who her mother was. She will have no memories other than what her older siblings tell her."

"And why should that matter?"

"What if that were Audrey?" Belle asked. "Would you think it fair if Audrey be stripped permanently of her mother because of something that happened before Audrey was even born?"

"I don't really see how that's relevant, neither Audrey nor Aurora would ever do anything that would jeopardize their health."

Belle sighed and shook her head. "Clearly we're not getting anywhere and you have no defense so I'll ask for suggestions for sentencing."

"I vote that we send Queen Leah to the Isle," Eric spoke up. "As well, Queen Belle, I'd like to propose we set up foster homes here in Auradon should any children on the Isle need to be removed from unsafe environments. They shouldn't be made to suffer any more than they already have."

Belle nodded, ignoring Leah's squawk of outrage. "I'd be happy to work with you King Eric on setting up the foster homes, but does any one second King Eric's motion for sentencing?"

"Oh honestly, are we not even going to have a trial?" Chi-Fu shook his head. "Between this and getting rid of the elections, you're turning into quite the dictator Belle!"

"If punishing people who tamper with the food of innocent children or people who have committed no crimes against any one in this room makes me a dictator, then I'll have to brush up on the definition of dictator Chi-Fu," Belle said, her voice cool as she looked at the older and smaller man.

"I'll second King Eric's motion," Shang spoke up.

Belle nodded. "All those in favor of stripping Queen Leah of her title and sending her to the Isle of the Lost, raise your hands."

Honestly, it almost seems cruel to have any other option...but it is what protocol demands, Belle thought with an inward sigh as almost al the hands in the room went up.

"And all those in favor of a not guilty?"

Chi-Fu and the Duke raised their hands.

"Well then, by an overwhelming majority, Leah you are to be stripped of your title and sent to the Isle of the Lost post haste. I'll be sure to write to your daughter regarding her new role as Queen as well as notifying her about the now vacant spot on my council."

"You can't do this!"

"Oh but you'll find I already did," Belle said. "Now are you going to leave on your own or do we need the guards to escort you? Actually...just so you don't get lost on the way...guards!"

Two guards stepped into the room. "Yes your highness?"

"Please escort Leah to the Isle of the Lost," Belle said. "If she wants, she can have time to call her family to say goodbye."

"Yes your highness," the guards nodded and began to escort Leah out of the room.

I should have included quietly as a requirement of her exit, Belle thought as Leah continued to shout about the 'miscarriage of justice' and how Belle would regret her choice of scapegoat.

"Your highness?" Snow spoke up.

"Yes Queen Snow?"

"Well...it just occurred to me that it might not be a good idea to keep those who voted for Leah to escape punishment to remain on your council."

Belle nodded. "A very good point. All those in favor of Chi-Fu and the Duke being removed from my council?"

The vote was unanimous and soon Chi-Fu and the Duke were slinking out of the room.

"Well now," Belle said, opting not to notice Shang's delighted smirk at Chi-Fu's misery, "if there is no other business to attend to, I'd say we can be adjourned. Thank you all so much for coming at such short notice."

"As Captain Phoebus said when all of this started, we serve at your pleasure Belle," Tiana said. "And Belle, if you give me the chance to talk to Naveen, we'd be happy to help with setting up foster homes in the Bayou de Orleans if they're needed."

"I hope they're not but your assistance would be most appreciated," Belle said, giving her fellow royal a smile.

"If we can't help with physical homes, I'll talk to Lottie and see about helping financially," Tiana promised. "All of Auradon failed those kids by not noticing the problem before now and it's time all of Auradon stepped up."

"I agree," Kit nodded. "But now, if no one minds, I'm going to make my way home and hug my children."

"I'm about to do the same myself," Belle told him. "You're all adjourned."

Making her way out of the room, stopping only to thank Elsa and Aladdin for their help, Belle made her way to Ben's room. She knew he was likely with Mal but she just wanted to hug him.

"Maman?" Ben asked as she walked through the open door.

"Hello my darling," Belle said. "What are you two working on?"

Mal gave the Queen a small smile as Estelle looked up and gave Belle a doggy grin.

"We're teaching Estelle French," Ben told his mom. "We thought it might be a good idea if Estelle could take commands in a language only we know for when we're on the Isle."

Belle nodded as she sat down on the floor next to Ben and softly wrapped her arms around him.

"Grown ups are weird," she heard Mal mutter but Belle paid her no mind as a thought came to her. Something Ben had said...about the Isle...

Ben might not need to go back and forth...Adam can come home!

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