Alpha's Girl

By Melanie5628

120K 2.2K 88

I walked out of the bathroom and felt a presence behind me. I turned around and I felt a pair of strong arms... More

New home New School
Meeting Him
New friends
We meet again
The moment
Maybe my Mate
Your mine
Apologies and the Truth
Authors note
Other mate
Sleepover PT:2
Wasn't Me
The Talk
Authors note
Authors note
Authors note
Hey guys!


2.9K 64 1
By Melanie5628

Jays POV:

After hearing the news yesterday from Celia,
I decided to distance myself from Aviana for today. Ever since I found out she was my mate, all I've wanted to do is keep her to myself, and I'm afraid that I won't be able to control myself the next time I see her. So for her safety, I stayed home.

So far all day, I've been trying to busy myself, keeping self distracted and occupied. Playing guitar, and reading books have mostly been my entire day, until Keaton mind linked me.

Jay, I'm stopping by the house. I'm gonna come in and get you and we're gonna head over to Celia's. I have Aviana, it's a lot to explain right now, but something happened.

He stops.

We have to tell her.

I immediately get dressed and wait for Keaton. Soon I hear his car pull up, so I walk downstairs to see him already waiting for me. He leads me out to the car, where I see my beautiful Avi waiting in the passenger seat, her brows furrowed with worry. I jump in the backseat before hearing her speak.

"What's going on?" She asks. I'm quick to answer.

"We're gonna go to a friends house who can help us," I reply.

"With what? I'm confused," she responds. I don't respond, deciding to wait until we get to Celia's. We pull up to the house, grab Aviana and wait for Celia to open the door.

She opens the door and grins, she says something but I couldn't tell you what it was, my mind was to preoccupied with how we were gonna tell Aviana without her losing her shit.

We quickly go in and Keaton and I take out place in the couch. When Avi realizes that there's no where else to sit, Keaton just had to say something cocky.

"You can come sit on my lap darling," he says. I silently scoff. I've been dying for her touch and attention ever since I got into the car and I'm still being more respectful than this dipshit.

I see Aviana roll her eyes before flipping him off. I smirk, though also surprised Keaton didn't have her over his knee by now. Our girl is very bratty, I like it. I wonder how much brattiness she'll have after I have her. I smirk but stay silent.

"I'm not sitting unless you assholes tell me what's going on," she says. My eyes darken at her statement.

"You haven't told her yet?", I hear Celia question. I quickly look away avoiding her gaze, assuming Keaton is probably doing the same. Celia may look like a sweet, old lady,
But she can get scary when she wants to be, and not even the Alpha of our pack wants to meet her gaze when she gets angry.

"Well are you gonna tell her or am I?", I hear Celia ask.

"We can," I reply, still avoiding her gaze. I look at Keaton, then back at Avi.

"Avi," I start.

"Do you know what Werewolves are?" I ask her. She looks at my dumbly.

"Yes why?" She replies, with a "get on with it" tone of voice.

"Well...," I trail off, scared of how she's gonna react.

"We're Werewolves," Keaton says with pride.
My eyes bulge out of my head in shock, why did he just do that, I thought we were gonna gently ease her into this.

"Keaton!" I scold, seeing him look back at me and scoff.

"What? I might as well out and say it. It's better than the blabbering you were doing," he shoots back at me. I'm quite literally about to punch him when I notice Aviana standing there silently. Just when I think she's about to freak out, she does the exact opposite.

She bursts out in an uncontrollable laughter. I see tears forming in her eyes before she hunches over from her extreme laughter.

Well this certainly wasn't the reaction I was expecting.

I see her try to catch her breath before she starts clapping and says, "That was was probably the funniest joke I've ever heard!" She wipes a few stray tears before me and Keaton both growl in annoyance. How can she think we're making this up? We both get up of the couch and slowly back her into the wall behind her.

I look over at Keaton and mind link him.

We should just show her. She's not gonna believe us no matter what we say.

I wait for his response.

Fine. I'll shift, but you need to be there to calm her down. I pretty sure she prefers you over me right now anyway.

I look back at Aviana before gently taking her hand and leading her outside, with Celia following, probably because she caught on to what we were about to do.

"Now Avi, we're gonna show you something, promise not to freak out," I say hesitantly.

"Please tell me what's going on Jay," she pleads, with desperation in her eyes. I look at her longingly, having the urge to kiss her all over, but restrain myself.

"We're gonna show you," I simply reply. I turn her around towards Keaton, who's currently undressing. I see Aviana quickly cover her eyes, and pink blush covering her cheeks.

"Why is he getting naked?!", she exclaims.
I laugh quietly.

"You'll see, baby, but you have to look at him. Just focus on his face." She slowly uncovers her eyes, before meeting Keaton eyes, trying not to make eye contact with his nakedness.

She is now blushing a feiry red, while waiting for what was going to happen next.

Keaton take a deep breath before closing his eyes, and beginning to shift. His teeth elongate while his bones begin to crack out of place.

I hear Aviana gasp, but her eyes still watching with anticipation.

His fur quickly grows, and before we know it, he's fully shifted into his night black wolf.

I look down at Aviana, waiting for her to try to run, or scream and cry in fear, but once again she surprises me when she doesn't. Instead, she slowly walks out of grasp toward Keaton.

His eyes watch her as she Walks go to him. She stands silently in front of him for a few seconds before outstretching her hand to pet him, all while my jaw was basically on the floor in shock.

Keaton hesitate before rubbing his head against her hand, getting her pets. She looks at him in awe before she whispers, "I can't believe the stories are real."


Hey guys! I just want to say thank you so much for over 300 reads!! Just the other day I only had 200, but then I woke up at saw almost 100 more woolen read my story! Whattt? Thank you so much!!!

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