Red Rose | Lady Lesso Fanfict...

By night_gems

3.1K 88 7

Miss Astrid, the new dean for the good school, comes unprepared and scavenging for answers; hardships at the... More

Authors Segment
Astrid Widows
Unexpected Arrival
Miss Astrid
Meeting Time
Teacher in training
Ever vs Never
Lesso's Truth
My Lady
All In The Books
A Pleasant Nightmare
Rose Extracts
Forever My Lady
Past Resurges (TWO ENDINGS!)

Wake Up

258 9 0
By night_gems

Astrid has vanished back to her area of town, fresh meadows and dirt paths winding into the forest that twists into mystery at night time. Her mind is dedicated to obtaining this key again; not only does it protect herself and her house at night but it also - supposedly - opens the crate. Bunnies bounce around, reaching the tips of the overly long grass. She walks, in her delicate, white heels, pressuring fragments of dirt deeper into the ground. The bunnies, stop. She stops, her white heels stop, the white bunnies stop. Grey wolves, a pack of three prey around the meadows, it's odd to see them out in broad daylight at this time of year... she continues walking scared for herself and the baby bunnies but decides to choose herself this time; Astrid wants to live to know the truths of this crate.
Just like the fragments of dirt, fresh meat and fuzz are pressured to collapse underneath the canines. Astrid screams as the wolves attack and obtain their prey for today; leaving remnants of their artwork in the form of little pools of blood. Her dress dances in the wind, melting, waving and soaring as her feet take her to wherever they please; she does not want to be food, she wants to be alive and well. Astrid turns her head back, the wolves are gone? Astrid's steps do not halt, they do not disappear like the wolves. The wolves are still out there, she needs to go, no stopping allowed, even if that means ramming into a tree. Fuck! Astrid struck her head on the branch sticking right out; a new formed scar, stretches within her skin cells, marking blood red, and dripping blood red. To comfort her pain; her fingers steep into the tree bark, clinging onto it, closing her eyes and sucking in all the pain from the tree branch. Gosh, I'm so weak. One little branch and I'm whining, how the fuck am I meant to handle searching for this key in these treacherous woods?  Astrid grew up and still does live, sheltered. An incapability of facing evil doesn't expose her to harm and misfortunate, so, when she does get hurt it's catastrophe. Please, I wish somebody could just help me. Astrid's never had a somebody, ever since her parents passing, she's been alone. She's just secretly so... desperate. Not having a prominent mother figure forever seemed to affect her the most. She always wanted a mother, but never could have one for her whole life. She died when Astrid was a toddler.

Nine seconds pass, nine seconds of darkness and thought. Flashes of people play in Astrid's head, they're unknown figures. Is this my future? Do I finally form a connection with some people? Her knees weaken at the thought of socialisation, she knows she needs it but it's all so scary. People are exactly like those wolves that killed those baby bunnies earlier... they prey on the weak and inexperienced and use them to get somewhere. Astrid overcomes her sorrow, tips her head back up and stares directly at the engravement on the tree in front of her: peculiar, carved... it looks like it's been carved a lot. The carvings form letters, those letters form words, those two main words being; Aggie and Sophie. Agatha and Sophie... from the tale... it really is true... but why is their tree here in Daxville?  Unless...

Astrid awakes, mid-air, cutting off her dream and remembrance of the events from earlier today. Her shoulders now being pierced by the claws of- why the fuck am I being dangled metres and metres above ground by a featherless, skinless and meatless, bird! Astrid hollers at the sight of it's bony, lanky claws penetrating her soft delicate shoulders. Astrid always dreamt of flying high above the waters, lingering down on her little world and being able to view it all. But, now that she has the opportunity it's not the perfect tale she wanted... instead, she's being carried by the skeleton of a pre-historic like bird. Astrid is speechless, thoughtless, brainless. Until something retrieves her brain back, allowing her to think logically again. The School For Good And Evil, Sophie and Agatha! This is their tale, the bird! This is the bird that dropped them at either side.

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