|| T.E.C.H || inanimate insan...

By We1rd0z_m1nd

5.5K 102 676

------------------------------------------------------------ There are new objects in meeple that work for Co... More

#1- Normal day, like always.
#2- Just brushing it off
#5-Back to the beginning
#6- Chatting and Comforting
#7-Fans dark thoughts
Doodles :3
#8-The new creation!
#9-Taco's business

#4-What happened

499 11 87
By We1rd0z_m1nd

-GORE(the drawing too)
-Mention of death
-Curse words


*Mephone was just laying on his bed, he has been awake for 3 hours now, but all he did was lay down and do absolutely nothing*

*Luckily it was a break day, a day where they didn't have to work but that also means they'll have a meeting later*

*He signed and got up walking over to his table, there were papers, pencils and some cookies on it, he didn't wanna eat anything, not only because his a robot and he doesn't feel hungry but also because Mephone felt to tired to do it*

*He sat down on the chair in front of the table and took a pencil in his hand, he also took a paper and just started drawing*

*WWhenmephone gets bored he liked to draw, but right now he wasn't bored, he just wanted to get his emotions out by drawing*

*He drew and drew for an hour straight, his face glitched a bit telling mephone to stop and take a break, but he ignored it and kept drawing until he had 3 pieces of art, in total*

*He let his pencil down and sat up, grabbing the paper with a drawing of light bulbs dead body, him feeling really guilty and one with Cobs*

*After grabbing them and looking at them for a few minutes he suddenly got a wave of anger just looking at his Cobs drawing*

*Mephone tear EVERY SINGLE ONE of the drawings to pieces, leaving him with gray paper confetti*

*Mephone sighed loudly but with a shaky tone and trew the small pieces of papers in the trash, all of them*

-I FUCKING HATE HIM! *he whispered-screamed and then started sobbing*

*Mephone placed his hands up to his face and slowly slid to the ground*

*while he continued sobbing a small knock was heard on his door and Cabby slid inside*

-O-oh... Hi Cabby... *Mephone quickly whiped his eyes, trying to make the tears go away*

-... Are.. You okay? *Cabby asked in a tight voice, like she was nervous*

-Yes! Im soooo perfectly fiiinee!! *Mephone shouted in a sarcastic way, then he sighed deeply and whispered* Sorry...

-it's okay, but what happened, why are you so angry and gloomy? *She walked over to mephone and placed her hand on Mephones shoulder*

- I- well.. U-uhmm, I just-... *he took a pause and looked up at her, she had a soft and caring smile, like she truly cared, that made him tiar up*
I can't tell you...

*Cabby closed her eyes and she breath out with her mouth then she opened her eyes again and took a step back*
-I understand, I'll let you process your emotions, if you ever need me I'm always here for you.

*she walked over to the door and before she left Cabby turned once more to Mephone and said in a flat voice*

-By the way, in a few minutes we got to gather up for the meeting.

*Mephone looked nervous and scared but he nodded and smiled at Cabby before she quickly left*

*Mephone then stayed quiet in his room trying to process his emotions as best as he could before having to see Cobs again*


*Cobs started talking about how they needed just a few more robot parts and they'll be done in less then a month*

*Everyone cheered or smiled except him, cabby and suitcase*

*After a few minutes of that suitcase raises her foot, waiting to ask Cobs something*

*Cobs turned to look at Suitcase then he raised an eyebrow*
-Yes suitcase, do you have any questions?

*He narrowed his eyes, mephone just looked nervous at suitcase hoping she wouldn't make Cobs angry just like light bulb, so she wouldn't end up dead as well*

*just thinking about that made mephone shiver in fear*

*Suitcase got up and questioned Cobs*
-Do you know where Light bulb is? Did you do anything to her?? *she demanded to know, mephone could tell that light bulb was a close friend to suitcase*

-Oh yea light bulb....yeah, I fired her.
*Suitcase looked shocked and had a tear on her eyes, but didn't wanna make Cobs more angry so she just sat back down*

-Why?! *Test tube quickly got up looking pissed* She was my friend! Couldn't you have asked me first before firing her?!

*Cobs looked annoyed and then but a fake nice face for his "favourite" person*

-I'm sorry, I forgot to do that, but don't worry it was for a good reason, she wasn't fit for the job, she was just...to childish and naive.
*He chuckled, mephone looked disgusted at him knowing that Cobs was half lying right now*

*Test tube said nothing and just walked out of the office and so did suitcase, looking like she was about to cry*

*Cobs frowned annoyed*
-Well they left before I could present to them my new helper that will replace light bulb!

*Right then a cyan box of tissues walked from behind Cobs, looking real sick and confused*
-Uuhh, h-ello *achoo* ugh, hello everyone, my name's tissues and I use any pronouns.

*he quickly sat down on a chair like he was gonna faint if he didn't*

*Mephone was back in his room and he wandered what actually happened to light bulb, like what made Cobs so angry that he would kill someone*


*After everyone left, only Cobs and light bulb remaining in his office*

-Okay old man, what did ya wish to talk with me? *She turned around to Cobs looking unfazed*

-UGH! Why can't you ever just listen?? I told you to shut up! This project is really important and you're literally acting like a child!!

*Light bulb shrugged*
-I'm just doing what makes me happy, this work is to boring, I kinda wanna quit, I don't even know how I got here.

*Cobs looked even more angry and he yelled at Light bulb*
-WHAT?! You wanna quit?! *he then smiled and chucked* Don't worry, I'mma let you quit and you'll never EVER talk about this place!

*He got closer to light bulb, she started feeling uneasy and scared*

*Before she could respond Cobs grabbed her by the shoulder, picked her up and walked over to a wall*

*he covered her mouth and then hit light bulbs head to the wall, really hard, making it crack, then he did it again and again making light bulb start to cry*

*muffled crying could be heard but Cobs didn't care he had a blank expression as he kept banging her head to the wall before a big shatter was audible and light bulbs head was smashed open*

*She had her eyes open wide, full with tears before her face became blank as well, signing to Cobs that she died*

*He smiled like a psycho and laughed a bit before looking down at his hands that had some shards in them*
-If I clean this up I can still use her corpse, I didn't damage the brain to much.
(A/N: D0N'T zexual1ze that plz)

*he quickly cleaned the blood up and took all the shards he could find*

*When Cobs got to test tubes lab he trew light bulbs body in a corner and placed a lot of boxes around her*

*that's when mephone heard the glass and metal noises*

"I guess I didn't put taco to kidnap the right person, that was a waste of time" *he thought to himself before leaving*


0nce an0ther chapter, alz0 1 d0nt th1nk 1ll p0zt 0nce 0r tw1ce a m0nth, 1 th1nk 1ll p0zt 0nce 0r tw1ce a week ^^
(1286 w0rdz)

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