The Player Swap Up

By SonsOfPitches

253K 5.1K 823

This is my story of Alex Morgan and Cristiano Ronaldo because honestly I think, if she wasn't married, they'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
see pic before reading
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
please read and understand
Chapter 15
Funny story
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Cover Contest!!!
Chapter 20
Cover Contest!!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
completely sorry.
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28 Part 2
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 41 Part 1
Chapter 41 Part 2
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
my dilemma
Chapter 44
It's up!

Chapter 7

7.2K 160 30
By SonsOfPitches

Cristiano POV

I took one last look into the mirror at six fourty five and walked downstairs. "Mãe?" I called

"In here Cris!" I heard her call back from the kitchen

I walked in there and saw my boy in his height chair. I smiled and sat next to him.

"I have time to feed him." I said reaching for his food from my mother's hands.

"Are you sure? You're picking her up at seven. You look very handsome by the way." She said stroking my cheek.

"I'm positive." I said beginning to give him the first spoonful of his baby food.

"C'mon buddy open up," I said after he refused his first bite. "Here comes the airplane!" I said and began making airplane noises which made him laugh as I fed him. "That's my boy."

I wiped his mouth and took his dishes to the sink and washed them before kissing his head and looking at the clock. 6:57

"Shi-taki mushrooms." I caught myself before cursing in front of Cristianino.

"I gotta go! Love you!" I called as I ran out the door

"Be careful Cristiano dos Santos Aveiro!!" I heard my mother yell

I texted Alex and told her I will be there in ten minutes.

She replied with an 'okie dokie'. Who says that anymore? I thought smiling, it was cute.

Stop. Don't fall too hard too fast.


Alex POV

I waited in the front room of the house and looked out for Cris' car. I bit my nails, it's a habit, a nervous habit.

Is this a date? Or just friends going out?

Marcelo thought date, I thought I have no freaking clue.

I texted Abby about it after he left and she said that she thought it was a date also. Well I hope he thought it was just a friendly dinner. I'm not looking for anything right now.

I saw a red Audi R8 pull up. I got up to go outside when I saw him get out and walk towards the door. Holy- crap. Date. He definitely thought date.

I heard the doorbell ring and I first rushed to get it then slowed down. I opened the door and smiled.

"Hey." He said

"Hi.." I murmered

"Ready to go?" He asked

I nodded "Yeah I am."

We walked out to the car and he opened the door for me. Oh yeah, definitely thought date.

I buckled and we were off. "So where are we going?" I asked

He looked over at me with a small smile before turning his eyes back to the road "If I told you that piece of information, I'd have to kill you."

"I'm willing to risk it."

He laughed "No way am I telling you!"

"Oh please! Just okay fine give me a hint?"

He gave me a look "Fine. Um well the only hint I can give you will give it away!"

"That's my kinda hint. Just tell me!" I laughed

He sighed "Fine fine. There is this vegetarian place that has any food you can think of, and it's really calm and quiet there. I heard you tell Gareth you were a vegetarian," he shrugged "Thought I'd take you here."

I couldnt stop the grin forming on my face "That sounds great, really great."

"I'm glad." He said letting out a breath

We arrived at a cute little restaurant that was called 'Vegos'

"This place is so cute!" I said

But he was already out of the car opening my door for me. "Thank you." I said as I got out

"You look really pretty, by the way." He commented putting his hand on the small of my back and leading me inside. I tried to picture a friend doing this and said "You don't look to bad yourself there superstar."

He smirked at turned to the hostess and spoke spanish to her. A minute later she is leading us to a back room with one table in it. People gasp as we walk by and some fans rush over to ask Cristiano for an autograph. He of course signs stuff for them, I've read he has never turned down a picture, autograph or hug unless it was absolutely necessary.

That's one of the things I liked about him. What the? Had I just thought that? I got to put some brakes on.

We got to I our table and the waiter pulled out my chair and gave a grin. Um I'm kinda with someone? Hello? Date or no date that's not okay. Te loco?

Cristiano glared at him but he didn't seem to notice as he took our drink orders. Keeping with the winks and grins my way.

" Tráeme un nuevo camarero. No voy a tratar este!" Cris spoke angrily *this says get me a new waiter, I'm not dealing with this.*

He scurried away and later a girl came over with our drinks. " Lo siento mucho sobre eso." She said sheepishly *I'm very sorry about that.*

"Thank you." I murmered as she set down my water. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were American."

"It's okay, I speak spanish." I smiled at her

"Oh well qué puedo traerte?" *what can I get you?* she asked

" Voy a tener la ensalada  con rancho por favor." *I'll have a  salad with ranch please.* I said closing my menu

I felt Cristiano's eyes on me and I looked up and met his eyes. He looked intrigued, " Voy a tener y una ensalada por favor." *I'll have a salmon and side salad please.* He handed out menus to her and she walked away. "You speak spanish?"

I nodded "Sí." He laughed "What else can you do?"

I thought for a moment "Language wise? Soccer? Or just in general?"

"Mmm all three." He said leaning his head on his hand

"Well, I speak spanish, French, Italian and a little bit of Russian, oh and also ASL. Umm I'm not sure what to say for soccer... and I also have no idea what I can do in general." I finished

"Russian? Wow. What are you an Einstein?"

I shrugged "What about you?"

"Portuguese, Spanish and a little bit of Greek."

"Wow, What are you an Einstein?" I mimicked him

He rolled his eyes at me "You're just a really funny gal, where do you get this stuff?"

"I get it all up here." I said pointing to my head.


When this non date but a date but mostly non date date was over it was twelve in the morning.

I don't think I've laughed that hard in, forever. Since my mother died, I have never laughed as hard as I did tonight and when we pulled into my drive, I didn't want to get out of the car of the non date.

"That was, really fun." I said biting the inside of my cheek.

"It was. I'm glad we did it." He said smiling

I looked down at my hands unsure of what to do. I heard a door shut before I looked up to see he was at my door, opening it.

I got out and he led me to the front door. "Um- I um- we should-" I stuttered

"We should do that again. Is that what you were going to say?" He said smiling

"Um yeah, sure yup.." I said looking up at him

Wow his eyes. They were Carmel Brown. So so pretty.

"I should probably go.. I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked hopefully "At practice of course, but I think everyone wanted to go out. You're apart if everyone so.."

"That sounds fun, like a lot of fun. Thank you for tonight, I had a lot of fun." Realizing I said fun like eight times I blushed

He stroked his hand hand over my cheek "Anytime."

Then he walked away and I opened my door he walked backwards and gave me a wave and then he was in his car.

I went inside and closed the door. I pulled out my phone and dialed Abby.

"Um Alex? Yeah it's like 11 am here. I'm at practice and coach is pissed."

"Tell her I said hi." I said still smiling

I heard her call to coach that I said hi. Then I was talking to coach.

"We are practising Alex."

"Can we take a fifteen minute break?" I asked

I heard her sigh "Please? Pretty please?" I begged

"I'm growing too soft. Okay fine. FIFTEEN MINUTE BREAK LADIES." She yelled I had to take my ear away from the phone.

"Wow. Thanks." Abby said, back on "What's up? Isn't it like 3 am over there?"
"Almost one actually."

"You sound weird. What's wrong?" She asked clearly weirded out

"I just got home from my non date, with Cristiano Ronaldo."

"I take it went well? Where'd you two go?" She asked

"It went well. He took me to this vegan place, he said he heard talking and remembered I was a vegetarian. And it was amazing." I said feeling like I was in a daze

"Well looks like little Alex has a crush!"

"Speaker phone please!!!"

I heard from the background "Oops." Abby said "Do you mind if they know?" She asked

"Um no they just have to swear not to tell. Anyone. It's not a public thing. Besides we are just friends."

"It's Cristiano Ronaldo." I heard her announce.

"You're kidding!"
"Damn! Go Alex!"
"Ugh he's like heaven in a body."
"Can we share?"

I laughed "Okay shutup! Again,  we are friends."

"Wait," I heard Heather start "Doesn't he have a girlfriend? Irina what's her face?"
I sighed "He broke up with her..."


Then they all started chanting "ALEX HAS A BOYFRIEND! ALEX HAS A BOYFRIEND! "

"Oh stop!!!! He's not my boyfriend!! For the last time. Friends!!" I yelled over them


"Bye Alex!"
"Keep us updated Lex!"
"Hey don't be a stranger and Skype us sometime!"

"OH MY GOD Wait!! Did Benzema hear all this. Oh my god." I said mortified

I heard silence "Uh yeah.. yeah I heard it.." I heard a male voice

"OH MY GOSH. PLEASE PLEASE!!Oh my gosh Benz please keep this to yourself. Please!!" I begged

I heard him laugh "Don't worry I will, by the way- he doesn't go vegetarian for just anybody. Cristiano is one of the healthiest guys I know, but he loves his real meat. So consider yourself something special."

I heard awww's from the girls "Thank you I guess. Alright night girls! Have fun training!"

"Bye!" They yelled

I laughed and hung up. I love my team.

I went upstairs and got ready for bed and saw a text from Cristiano.

I had a lot of fun with you tonight, let's do it again. Goodnight Alex. Sweet dreams.

Annnd my heart just melted. Awesome



Ugh Summer is here!!!!

I'm going to be bored all summer. My family never does anything.

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