Kpop bxb oneshots

By BubusRayy

10.5K 135 227

Welcome to my first kpop bxb oneshots book!! Please do not hesitate to send me any requests I will gladly giv... More

Confession (Jongsang - ATEEZ) fluff
Bully Crush (Johnten - NCT ) angst, fluff
Bully Crush Pt2 (Johnten - NCT ) angst, fluff
Yours (Minchan - Skz) angst, fluff
Time of love (Woosan- ATEEZ) angst/fluff
Tattoo (Chanhao SVT) - SMUT
Sorry, I love you (skz Minsung) - Angst
Time of love pt.2 (Woosan - ATEEZ) Angst/Fluff
Sorry I Love You 2 (Skz Minsung)
Sorry I Love You 3 (SKZ Minsung)
[M] Our Omega (Skz Hyunbinchan)
RIP Sanie 🐾

Sunflower (jeonghao - SVT) Smutt

1.4K 12 14
By BubusRayy

Warnings : idk just bring your holy water with you during this ride.
Summary : just Jeonghan being jealous because of how Minghao's being a lil too close to the members.

[requested by Stitshli36, hope u like it]

Bad day.

Jeonghan woke up and decided that he's going to have the worst day ever. It didn't come out of nowhere, he's been really lacking and their comeback is right around the corner, not to mention the tight schedule they're currently undergoing.

a single glance his way and you can tell he's not having anyone's bullshit, mad, anxious and surrounded by an aura that screams fuck off.

That doesn't go unnoticed by Minghao, Jeonghan usually secretly gives him a daily morning kiss, of course without anyone noticing, calling him his sunflower and other sweet nothings, but today's not the case.

Minghao waited for his morning to start (with a kiss) when he saw him first thing in the morning, when they had breakfast, when they were in the van on their way to their first schedule, when they were in the dance practice room, nothing, not a single glance his way. The older looked stressed out and Minghao's just concerned at this point.

Minghao knew that he shouldn't approach the older, especially after he got called out by their choreographer and was asked to do better, but Minghao didn't mind testing the waters.
They're in a break now and the members are scattered around the studio taking a needed  breather and a water break. We'll, everyone except for Jeonghan who's still a few meters away from the mirror, still practicing the same moves he earlier messed up and not giving himself a break. Minghao frowns, he doesn't like to see Jeonghan of all people pushing himself this hard.

He takes a few steps towards the older and keeps his eyes on his face through the mirror's reflection, waiting for Jeonghan to spare him a look but he doesn't, even when Minghao's literally one step behind him.

"take a break" he said in a soft voice after giving up on the long awaited eye contact.

"no." Jeonghan's quick to answer, eyes still on his own reflection as he repeats the move once again, still wrongly.

Minghao sighs, he knows the older better. There's literally no use of convincing him to rest when he's got this spark of determination in his eyes. And so he just steps to stand beside him, thinking of just giving up on the break and staying with his hyung.

"I can show you how-"

"did I ask?" Jeonghan hissed, not even letting him finish his words. Minghao falters, face falling and gaze lowering down, unable to contain the hard glare he's receiving from the older. He shakes his head as a response.
"right, then get back to rest with the others, I need to focus."

Minghao let out the softest "okay" ever it was almost inaudible but he knew the other heard him when he faced back the mirror and started moving again, or maybe he didn't really hear him and didn't really care.
He can't blame him, he knew his lines and he decided to cross them, so he has to just face the consequences of his actions.

Walking away like a scolded pup, Minghao ponders about his next direction and looking up to scan the tight place full of the members bodies laying and sitting everywhere, he finally decides where to go when he locks eyes with Junhui who's already looking back at him.

Junhui is sitting down right across the room, his back against the wall as he faces the mirrors. So it's no surprise that he's seen everything that happened between the two. He gives the younger a gentle smile when he approaches him, patting the space next to him as an invitation to sit down and Minghao did just that. He notices how fidgeting the younger is as he sat down and Junhui knew exactly what he wants, already familiar with his body language at this point.

he pats his shoulder giving out a sigh "you can lean on me if you want to, don't look at me like that."

"oh? thank you." Minghao visibly relaxes, moving a little closer to lean on Junhui, head resting comfortably on his shoulder.

They didn't really need to say anything as they enjoyed each other's presence. It went like that for a good moment before Jun decided to speak.

"what's wrong with him today?"

"hm?" Minghao's lost in his thoughts when the other spoke, he looks up to see Junhui looking somewhere ahead of them and when he follows his eyes, he sighs when he realizes that Jeonghan's reflection is staring back at them. "I don't know, he looks stressed."

"very stressed," Junhui adds, "and he keeps on messing up though I don't know why."

"who knows.." he shrugs, looking up to face the older with a soft blush tinting his cheeks at their close proximity.

They didn't realize they've been starting back at each other until someone called for Junhui, the older soon snapping out of it and running away, leaving behind a whining Hao.

What is he going to do now?

He pouts and ponders again, deciding on his next target because there's no way he's going to stay alone.


Focus, he said.

Jeonghan couldn't do shit to save his face, not when his eyes couldn't stray away from Minghao.
He wasn't paying any mind at first, his whole attention poured into his reflection on the mirror, but when Mingyu started whispering things into Minghao's ear as he plays some game (probably superstar) using Wonwoo's phone and the Minghao started giggling, Jeonghan had to notice. He moved his eyes from the mirror and glanced at the other boy who's starting to gather the attention of everyone in the room. Jeonghan did not like nor appreciate the way Minghao would blush a cute shade of pink when Mingyu was whispering something to him as he sat sandwiched between the Minwoo pair.

Jeonghan literally blinked and Minghao was now on top of Vernon? they were basically chest to chest as they bickered over something. Were they in some sort of wristling match or something? Jeonghan had honestly no fucking idea as he watched Minghao's arms hanging above their heads as they were harshly grabbed from the wrists by a maniacally laughing Vernon.

Jeonghan grew grumpy as Minghao and Vernon grew louder. If he wasn't being so hot-headed, he'd have been the one playing around with his sunflower, letting his giggles fill his ears instead of watching other members do that for him.
It was the maknae's turn now to leave a rough kiss on Minghao's cheek, seeing that there was nothing he could do since his arms were restrained by Vernon, earning a loud groan from Minghao before he giggled like a school girl.

Jeonghan lurched forward, wanting to peel them off of his sunflower, and maybe punch them one by one, but Seungcheol pulled him back, eyeing him dangerously.
"I know this is not your best day, but let the kids enjoy their time out." he said.

but even Seungcheol couldn't calm him down as Seokmin kissed the other cheek with as much aggressiveness. Now what the hell is going on? Jeonghan thought.
Minghao usually wouldn't allow it, was he that desperate for attention today?

Jeonghan really didn't know how he made it till the next day, without losing a braincell or two. How he managed to finally master the choreography of their title track right on time while undergoing so much pressure was beyond him really, but who cares? At least he did something out there and had everything cleared by D-day.
About Minghao, he couldn't help but kind of blame himself for it. If Jeonghan wasn't harsh on him, he wouldn't have liked the attention he was receiving from the members. Now that he had a relieved smile on his face as he laid on his bed, Jeonghan drifted off to dreamland with the thought of giving his sunflower the attention he needed as soon as they have their pre-record schedule done by next day.

but do we always have everything go as planned? do we really have every wish we make magically fulfilled by next day? Of course not.
Neither fate nor the author were by Jeonghan's side by the next day.

Starting from the members who felt extra clingy to Minghao so early in the morning as he helped making them breakfast.
"smells nice" they would say inituativly before they end up back hugging him or sticking to his side by the counter.
To the most frustrating part which is the fact that Minghao didn't actually mind any of that, not even the way Mingyu had his chin lazily draped over his shoulder as he cut the veggies. There was actually a gentle smile tugging at Minghao's lips at the clingy bear who was careful not to put a weight on his shoulder.
The way he gave Seokmin his good morning hug and ruffled his hair asking him to wash up. The way he was paying extra attention to the members all morning was slowly getting on Jeonghan's nerves, and the fact that Minghao hadn't even indirectly asked for a morning kiss left Jeonghan speechless.

Not to mention, the subtle touches he was receiving from the members as they complimented his outfit in the waiting room. Jeonghan sat at the farthest corner in the room eyeing everything with a pair of dark, brown, almost red eyes filled with anger and jealousy.
The worst part? It's that Jeonghan knows he shouldn't be feeling any of this. He's not even his boyfriend or anything, he doesn't even know what they are since they haven't talked about it yet (even though they already did the nasty many, many times before).

Jeonghan tried not to dwell on any negative feelings as he went on stage, focusing on the moves that gave him a really hard time for the past days. Maybe if he takes Minghao out for ice-cream after schedule and talk to him they'll get everything sorted out.
The stage performance was soon done with an incredible sense of pride. Jeonghan received a grin from the leader as they made it back to the changing room as a wordless way of saying "you did well." to that he felt like a heavy weight was lifted off of his chest. He's really glad that he didn't let his struggle affect the teamwork in any way.

Now he can focus on his unsolved issues with his little sunflower. Come to think of it, he shouldn't have scolded him back in the practice room. He felt bad eventually and now he just wanted to apologize and shower his baby with affection.

"eh? Where's he?" he mumbled with a confused expression as he looked for him as soon as he made it to the dorms. They've been separated by the managers as they went home in different vans, the one Jeonghan was in being the end of the tail, which explains why he was one of the last to make it home.

"looking for something?" Seungcheol was the first to approach him meanwhile the other members eyed him awkwardly. He had this glint of eagerness as he swayed his long hair and ran into the dorm, which was sort of an eyesore for the others who had zero energy left.

"my sunflower~" he sing-songs with a bright smile.

"eh, your sunflower was taken out by Junhui for some ice-cream." Seungkwan said with an eyeroll and a bored tone before walking away.

"what??" Jeonghan's eye twitched.

"I mean," Seungcheol sighed patting his shoulder as he spoke with a low voice. "someone had to make it up to him for the trashy way you treated him the other day, don't you think? The kid's mood turned down ever since."

The leader left one last pat on Jeonghan's shoulder leaving him too and tailing after the members as they took turns for extra relaxing showers. Jeonghan clenched his fist as he stood there, the once forgotten wave of anger and jealousy soon resurfacing and slowly consuming him as he glared at the front door
He lost track of time as he sat facing the entrance. Few hours later his eyebrows twitched in focus when the front door opened revealing a giggly pair who took their shoes off by the entrance and put slippers on. And there goes the rosy blush tinting Minghao's cheeks and ears as he turns towards Jun, a "thanks" on the tip of his tongue. He must've really had a good time with the other.

"Hao!" Jeonghan calls grabbing the pair's attention, his voice is tight (angry).

Junhui smiled one last time at Minghao as he excused himself.
"See ya later, sunflower." he said and Jeonghan saw red.

Just how fucking dare he?

He's going to destroy Junhui. He's going to destroy Minghao. The gentle facade was torn apart the second Minghao giggled shyly to that nickname that was supposed to be his and his only. He glared at Jun's back as he walked away.

"Hannie?" Minghao tilts his head, still oblivious as Jeonghan walks over to him and once he met his ice-cold glare, he finally realized what happened. It takes some short moments for the obvious truth to come to his attention.

The older said nothing as he grabbed his wrist, dragging him to his room and shoving him against the door as soon as they stepped in. There's an unmistakable look of irritation on his face, eyes narrowed slightly and jaw visibly clenched.

"just what the hell were you thinking, Hao?" Jeonghan practically growled at the other boy, shocking him into silence.

Minghao lowered his gaze as he stared down somewhere far away from the older's hard glare. He didn't know he made Jeonghan very, very angry and he didn't even know what was coming as he never saw this side of him before. Jeonghan made sure to always be gentle with him and it was rare to see his bad side, which didn't take away any of his fear.

Minghao's brain went blank as the other waited for an answer.

"I-I don't know, Hannie. I g-guess I just w-wasn't thinking?" the younger said unsure.

"you're goddamn right you weren't!" Jeonghan screamed, slamming his fist against the door making him flinch and whimper.
"I mean, damn it Hao, you've had them all over you ever since the other day! I know you're not stupid, you knew what they were doing." Jeonghan said, grabbing his jaw and forcing him to meet his furious gaze.

Minghao's eyes started to well with tears.
"I'm sorry, Hannie."

"sure you are, Minghao." Jeonghan said with a hint of sarcasm, smirking at the whimper Minghao let out at the use of his bare name. "you let him call you sunflower, Hao, sunflower. That's my name for you, mine only."
though Jeonghan spoke with a harsh tone, Minghao could sense the traces of hurt behind it. That's why Jeonghan was so angry, Minghao had hurt him, and Minghao was willing to do anything to make it up to him.

"I-I know Hannie, I'm so sorry.."

As soon as Jeonghan let go of his jaw, Minghao ducked his head down in shame and that must've triggered something within the older as he tugged at his hair, pulling Minghao's head up to meet his gaze again.

"you don't look elsewhere as I speak to you, little boy." Jeonghan fights the urge to grin mischievously at the submissive noise the younger let out, trapping him under his hypnotizing eyes and using the other hand to grip Minghao's hip, letting his fingers slip under his sweater as he gave his hip a threatening squeeze.
"who gets to call you sunflower?"

"y-you." Minghao moaned when the sudden twitch in his pants took him by surprise. Since when was he into rough manhandling?
"Hannie, just you~"

"what about Junhui?" Jeonghan growled, tightening his grip on Minghao's hair, but not enough to hurt him. "does he or any of the others get to call you sunflower?"

"no, Hannie, just you!" Minghao said reflexively, afraid of being hurt if he tried shaking his head. "I'm only Hannie's sunflower, only you."

"That's right." the older rasps, loosening his grip on Minghao's hair experimentally only to give it another tug, smirking at the vulnerable moan that elicited the younger's throat. "oh? You like that, sunflower?" Jeonghan asked raising an eyebrow.

Minghao's face flushed a cute shade of red and he didn't answer, too shy to confirm his guess, but Jeonghan soon had his answer as he suddenly pushed his hips against Minghao's, chuckling when he felt another twitch through the fabric of their comfy sweatpants.

"seems like you do~"

Minghao moaned out and went limp in Jeonghan's hands as the older rolled his hips a few times, making the Minghao's mind go blank with pleasure.
Jeonghan pressed his lips into Minghao's neck and whispered "Seriously.." a little taken aback by the younger's sudden and quick submission. He dragged his nails across Minghao's stomach before settling his hand back on his hip. Goose flesh rippled across Minghao's skin and his nipples hardened. No fucking way.

Not even Minghao was expecting such a reaction out of the mere roughness of the older. Submitting was unfairly intoxicating for the both of them.

Jeonghan pulled away from Minghao's delicious neck and released his dark locks from his grip, using a finger to touch on his chin, just to maintain the eye contact.
"what's your color?" he asked although he knew the younger wanted him just as much.

"green." and Minghao confirmed his thoughts with a soft smile, loving the fact that no matter how consumed Jeonghan was by his own anger, he'd always make sure not to harm him in any way.

and that was all Jeonghan needed as he kissed Minghao hotly, prying his way into the raven haired boy's mouth. He swirled his tongue into Minghao's hot cavern and sucked on his tongue like his life depends on it. A broken moan escaped the younger's throat at the sensation as he bucked his hips involuntarily into Jeonghan's, making him break the make out session and grip his hips with both hands holding him firmly in place and pinning him to the door.

"don't forget who's in charge, lil boy~"

Minghao let out a noise between a moan and a soft cry, his brain was too foggy to connect to his tongue yet as he looked up at him with wide eyes brimmed with tears. He felt his cock jump in his pants at Jeonghan's deep tone and annoyed glare. He knew what was going to happen soon, and he acted scared for effect. It just made the whole thing so much hotter.

Jeonghan smirked at how desperate his boy was. He was already completely hard and Jeonghan could feel that.
Not wanting to drag things out any more, he pulled Minghao's shirt off over his head, tousling his dark hair. The latter reached his hands out to pull on Jeonghan's shirt, and Jeonghan slapped his hands away.
"I don't think you deserve to take my shirt off, or even get to touch me today. You've been such a naughty lil boy. Remember?"

Minghao whimpered and tried to back up, but failed considering he was burgered between Jeonghan and the door.

"you know what? Take off your pants and follow me." he said, his voice demanding and the younger literally felt his knees buckling at that.

Nonetheless, he took a shaky breath in and out before getting rid of his gray sweatpants and following up the older who disappeared into the bathroom.
As soon as he stepped inside, he was roughly grabbed by his boxer clad ass and he was shoved against the wall, face first. Minghao hissed at the coolness of it against his feverish skin, having no time to complain as he felt Jeonghan press his hips into his ass, his half erection making Minghao whine with a burning desire.

Minghao blinked and his underwear was tossed away with Jeonghan's eager hands. In a moment, his cheek was pressed back against the wall, he could feel a hand laying flat on his back and another placed dangerously and firmly on his hip, and if that delivers any message for the younger, it would be to stay in place and to know better than to turn around.

after a few moments of kneading the skin of Minghao's hip with his thumb, Jeonghan moved his hand and gave a tap to one of his buttcheeks, a smirk on his face at how it jiggled with one simple tap. Minghao moaned and held his breath when he felt the older's breath tickling his neck, he's so dangerously close.

"you know what to do, sunflower.." Jeonghan whispered, his voice velvety. "work your magic for me, come on~" he gave another slap this time a little harsher it left a reddish handprint on the milky flesh.

Minghao gasped widening his eyes "y-you're not going to p-prep me..?"

"not today." Jeonghan leaned back and Minghao whined when he no longer could feel his hands on him. "I don't feel like you really deserve it after what I saw and heard earlier."

Minghao was lost in his state of shock until he felt warm water on his skin, Jeonghan turned the shower head on.

"no lube?" Minghao gulped, the worst part was that he knew that he can't look back and give him his best puppy eyes.

he can't believe Jeonghan's sudden behavior. This is the first time he asks him to do things himself and it's making Minghao feel embarrassed.

"not even." he could hear the smirk in his voice. "water will do it for you and besides, you've gotta work a little more to realize just how spoiled you have been."

Minghao let out a breath of guilt and nodded, accepting his fate as he moved a hand below him, touching his rim with his hesitant fingertips. Soft grunts and whimpers escaping him as he tried to expose his touch deprived hole by grabbing a buttcheek with a hand and working a wet finger in and out with another.

a frustrated breath resonated from behind and next thing Minghao knew was his hands being pried away as he heard Jeonghan growl.

"This is taking longer than it should!" he said pressing a hand on Minghao's shoulder to keep him in place and shoving two fingers in without any warnings.

"oh god!"


"y-yellow" Minghao gasped out.

Jeonghan softened. It's been a while since they've done it anyway and he's aware that his little sunflower is not used to this rough side of him so he needs to be careful.

"hmm.." he pressed a kiss on his shoulder, giving him the time he needs to adjust. "tell me when you're ready, my little sunflower."

That elicited a soft noise from the younger's throat as he panted, his fingertips twitching on the wall as he tried to relax around Jeonghan's fingers. The way they touch the right places inside of him and Jeonghan's not even moving them yet was making him needy for more, no longer uncomfortable.

"g-green.." he finally breathed out. "please move, Hannie."

Minghao backed up his hips against Jeonghan's fingers earning just another slap on his cheek, and a firm "stay still" from the older.

and before he knew it, he felt his insides churning and his knees weakening as Jeonghan set an unforgiving pace of his fingers, not forgetting to curl them around and touch the most sensitive bundle of nerves repeatedly making him mewl. What started off as slight discomfort for Minghao has turned all too quickly into a desperate, terrible need for relief.

"what was that?" Jeonghan panted with crossed eyebrows as he heard him mumble something under his breath.

"cuh-- cum... please." was all he could let out and Jeonghan should've guessed by the way he was squeezing around his fingers and slowly sliding down the wall, losing all control over his knees.


Minghao screamed when he felt an unforgiving squeeze around his throbbing member. The growing knot in his stomach exploding like fireworks but with no sense of relief as his orgasm got denied, leaving his entire body rigid and burning with a horrible mixture of fire and pain.

Jeonghan's hands left Minghao's body and he would've fell on the floor if it wasn't for one of Jeonghan's arms wrapped around his waist like a human belt, holding him up and saving him from the fall.
Minghao whimpered when Jeonghan turned him around, back against the wall and Minghao being afraid of his knees giving up on him, he was quick to wrap his arms around Jeonghan's shoulders for support, ducking his head into his collarbone. Wait, when did Jeonghan even get to take his clothes off?

"you should've asked me to stop when you felt close." Jeonghan said in a calm voice, hand gently caressing his back and bringing him back to reality.

"m'sorry.." Minghao mumbled now facing Jeonghan with a guilty face, arms still circled around his shoulders. The running water against his skin was doing a great job relaxing his tense muscles.

Minghao suddenly felt a tap on his inner thigh and he looked down between their bodies, gulping at the sight of the hard girth of Jeonghan. He circled his arms securely around the older's neck and lifted a folded knee up, giving more space to the impatient tip that's brushing against his entrance.

Jeonghan waited for Minghao to finally lock eyes with him again and there wasn't much words to share as both knew what was coming, only Jeonghan would never go for it without having Minghao's permission.
So, a nod of approval was enough cue to make him move, penetrating him inch by inch until he's fully in and god did he miss this feeling.

Grunts and moans filled the place as both were engulfed by the immensity of the long awaited feeling. Before long, Jeonghan started moving and he soon set a fast pace as he dipped his face in Minghao's neck, a hand on the back of the younger's knee holding it up and the other gripping his hip and keeping him in place.

At this point Minghao was crying from oversensitivity, his other knee was giving up on him as he moaned out some incoherent words in gibberish accent, he was grateful for the fact that Jeonghan actually understood when he tapped his other thigh and Minghao instantly jumped, wrapping his legs around Jeonghan's back and moving his hands to grab on his shoulders.
Minghao was pressed against the wall for support while Jeonghan pounded into him, the change of position making him literally see stars. Minghao's eyes rolled back as Jeonghan kept abusing his prostate. His nails digging angry crescents against the skin of Jeonghan's shoulders feeling his second orgasm crushing against his entire body like an unforgiving ocean wave in an early autumn night, a string of "yesyesyes" followed by a broken cry and some gibberish escaped the young boy's lips as he snaked his arms and legs tighter around his lover.

"f-fuck, Hao.." Jeonghan groaned so out of breath, Minghao's squeezing him so tight.

The way his hole was desperately sucking him in every time he pulled out was genuinely driving Jeonghan insane. He was out of breath, it was too much to take. Minghao's going to be the end of him.

"close?" Jeonghan grunted, heavily breathing and mouthing around Minghao's neck, peppering him with encouraging kisses and love bites.

He knew as a matter-of-fact that Minghao was close and maybe a little too high in his headspace, but he still had to make sure Minghao remembers to ask for permission every time he reaches his high, or Jeonghan won't hesitate to deprive him from his release once again.

"mhm~" Minghao was indeed too far gone in his headspace he couldn't even form words.

"yeah? you wanna cum?" Jeonghan grabbed Minghao's buttcheeks and lifted him up, thrusting a little harder this time and biting his earlobe (his most sensitive spot) as the cherry on top.

"pleaseplease- yes! ngh Ha..nnie, cum~"

Minghao chanted his pleas like a mantra in desperation accent, his hand tugging at Jeonghan's long, wet hair as his legs and entire body tensed in a desperate way to keep his upcoming orgasm at bay. He was full on sobs at this point making the older's insides softening at how much he's trying to be good for him.

Jeonghan had the audacity to chuckle at Minghao's helpless state as he spoke smugly
"alright baby, cum for me- oh shit, Hao!"

Jeonghan cursed when Minghao's loud noises and cries filled the tight space as he reached his high for the second time, this time he had the permission to release, squeezing, squirming and twitching against Jeonghan as he shot his load on their torsos making him chase his own high as he released inside the younger, completely filling him to the brim.

panting, Minghao's head fell forward onto Jeonghan's shoulder, his entire body still twitching as he stayed attached to the older like a baby koala. Smiling, Jeonghan reached a hand and thumbed away his vulnerable tears, stroking his hair and allowing the running water to calm them both down, not without whispering sweet nothings to him like his main job.

"You're always so good for me, sunflower, took me so well like the good boy you are."
he whispered earning a whine and a tighter hug from the younger. Jeonghan chuckled,
"alright baby, let's clean up and talk. I have something to tell you."

Something about Jeonghan's words kept Minghao alerted even during the aftercare. Usually, he'd fall asleep as soon as they finish their session, but what the older said about needing to talk right after a steamy session caught Minghao off guard because what the hell would he need to tell him?

Perhaps.. he doesn't want to do do it anymore? was he done with whatever was going on between the two of them??
No way..

Minghao gulped, fumbling with the fluffy material of his bathrobe as he hesitantly looked up at the male approaching him with a similar white bathrobe on.
Jeonghan smiled as he sat down beside the nervous male on the edge of the bed, holding his hand in his in a gentle attempt to eat up his nervousness. He even gave Minghao's forehead a soft peck to ease him a little, although he looked nervous as well.

"Hao.." he started, his lips twitching in stress accent. "I- listen- I can't do this anymore."

"w-what..?" Minghao blinked

his heart dropped and his eyes instantly shone with tears, lips twitching downwards in a desperate attempt to hold back his sobs. Is this it for them?
He hung his head low and tried to regulate his breathing, was he not good? did he do something wrong? or did Jeonghan find himself somebody? somebody that's not him..?

Jeonghan sighed.

"be my boyfriend, Minghao."

Minghao's expression was literally beyond priceless like if any of the other members were present, they'd clown him for it for the next ten years or so.

"wAHt???" Minghao's eyes were wide and full of shock as he stared back at him.

"I know I should've done better and asked you in a nicer way, I swear I had it all planned but after what happened today I don't think I can risk it anymore!" Jeonghan said in one breath, squeezing his hand to show sincerity.  "I can't just lose you to anyone, sunflower"

"you want me to be your boyfriend?" Minghao blinked, his exe is still processing.

"who else?" Jeonghan clicked his tongue. "I wouldn't have gone this far with you if I didn't want you to be mine and mine only in the first place! I'm just so sorry I can no longer risk losing you for anyone, I want to show you off to the whole world as my boyfriend and my pretty sunflower." he pouted. "I should've asked you this after taking you out on a date but-"


"y-yeah?" Jeonghan gulped. "I mean if that's not too much-"

and he was cut off for the second time by the same lips, this time being pressed against his in a desperate kiss as the boy threw himself in his embrace, quite literally.
Jeonghan was taken aback by his reaction if he's going to be honest, eyes widening in shock before letting out a short breath of relief through his nose and kissing back with a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, hands protectively pulling the gleeful boy closer as they both poured their hearts into the kiss. They both can't believe it's about time they become one and maybe after this one kiss, they no longer have to steal secret kisses in the early morning before meeting with the other members.

Minghao pulled away with a smile, eyes shining with so much love as he stroked Jeonghan's long strands of hair and tucked it gently behind his red ear. Cute.

"I'm sorry I didn't know it'll get you so worked up, Hannie." Minghao gave his lips a short peck in apology. "I will let Jun and all the other members know that only my boyfriend gets to call me sunflower."

Jeonghan's heart exploded at that. "That's right, my good boy."

Minghao beamed and leaned down for another kiss, this time taking it slow because why not?
Jeonghan chuckled into the kiss, pulling him into his lap and kissing him with as much passion. It's just day one into this official relationship and they can't seem to get enough, very nice.

"Jeonghan hyung are you gonna join--"

someone barged into the room but the pair didn't even have the chance to make a reaction as they both flinch when they heard a loud thud.

Hoshi passed out before he could even finish his words.

A/N :

Just came back from a very needed break, this oneshot was 50% satisfying to me ngl but I did my best ig.
Please remember to stay safe and hydrated, until next time!


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Well here's some context, I felt bad for filling my skz book with Minsung stories so here I'm <3 Will mostly be fluff or angst cuz I suck at writting...
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~I am not a writer so don't expect too much from me~ ~ Just my little collection of kpop oneshots ~ It consists of mainly NCT (with the exception o...
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Like the title says just a bunch of k-pop oneshots. The characters don't belong to me. I have only used their names. This book is a figment of my wil...
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This is a one-shot collection Book! You can request on the info and request page where I'll add further information :} You can also see the oneshots...