Harwal, book 3

By noozaster

54K 3.8K 1.2K

I'm our crew's problem solver, the one who goes on our most difficult and dangerous clients. They see me as b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Final chapter

Chapter 18

1.3K 86 11
By noozaster

Harwal evaluates me for a minute and then lifts my chin with one finger. "Do you want a kiss?"

I gasp, and my cheeks flush with heat. I'm not sure what that means for him. I like kissing, but if it means something more… I'm not sure if I want it.

I lower my eyelids and stare at his thick lips, ready to throw away my logic for a taste. "Maybe…do you?" I whisper and stare into his hooded eyes.

He takes my jaw between his thumb and index finger and leans closer. His breath fans on my lips for just one second, and then his soft lips press against mine.

Harwal licks my lower lip gently and then his canines nick my lower lip. I can taste a tinge of blood, but it's all very ignorable as his tongue invades my mouth. I gasp in surprise as his taste invades my mouth. It's oddly fruity and delicious.

Then it hits me. He tastes like mango.

I moan and lazily grab his wrist, pulling myself towards him to deepen the kiss. I haven't eaten any mango for years, nor has he been fed that, so how is it possible? The toothpastes are still the same old minty one. I guess he's a freak of nature that tastes like mango.

Harwal's tongue has a strange texture, but it feels good against mine. His hand slides on my jaw and around my head, and he pulls me closer tightly. I'm forced to sit up, no matter how my muscles feel like I can't. I'm sitting up, and his other hand comes to support me on the small of my back.

I press against him, and soon, I'm straddling him on top. I can feel his cock hard between me and his stomach and that makes it evident how hollow I am without it inside. I can't believe I'm going to do this.

I lift my ass up and tremble up on my knees on his thighs, keeping my mouth interlocked with his, and then I get my hand between us. I moan into his mouth as I circle my fingers around his width. I rise up more and press him against my opening, filling myself again with his cock.

Harwal grunts and his grip on my waist tightens as I begin to lower myself down his length. It isn't as bad as the first time, but it does stretch me yet again. I pull off our kiss to take a deep breath, which turns into a low moan. I share intense eye contact with him as I keep sinking, but he breaks it first by kissing me again.

I ride his cock and try to keep up with his mouth, which feels impossible. I wrap my hands around his thick neck and revel in this weird feeling that keeps building inside me. I'm not sure if it's an orgasm or something else, but it is filling me up.

His teeth nick my lip and again, and then he licks it. I'm sure I'd be terrified normally, but I'm feeling too good to pay heed to it. I saw the canines, they're sharp, it happens.

Harwal pulls away to stare at me again and I lick my lips lazily. Yep. Blood…mixed with mango. "Are you marking me?" I whisper and lift my hips up.

His gaze moves to my lips and his mouth thins into a line. I thrust down and his eyes close.

"Did you?" I whisper again and press my lips on his thin line. I teeth his lower lip and lick them to share the irony taste.

"Be careful," he whispers and grips my ass tightly. "It will be bad if you continue."

I chuckle and pull back. "Bad?" I lick the leftover blood off my lips and smack them. "You're gonna bite my neck like a vampire?"

"I don't know what a vampire is," he mumbles and tilts his head, looking at my neck. His gesture makes me arch it and I feel a shiver of excitement at the intense stare he gives it.

I think I've lost my senses. I don't even know what marking means, other than a couple months of smell, and here I am, taunting the guy to do it.

"You want to do it?" I ask, despite my sane side telling me I shouldn't. I arch my neck more and smirk at him. He narrows his eyes and pushes me down on his cock, making me yelp.

"I have told you so many times that I'm pureblood," he whispers and nicks my lip again. "What is normal for others, isn't for me."

"I… don't know what that means," I gasp out as he keeps lifting me on his cock.

"For others it might be a couple months, but for me it's…" he takes a moment to lick under my ear, then he whispers, "permanence."

I moan loudly, just as he said it, my orgasm rides through me without even any stimulation to my clit. I grab onto his shoulders and sink down on his lap, piercing myself into his length.

Harwal's remains under my ear and he's grabbing me really tightly against him, it feels so good to feel his soft skin against mine. But he's unnaturally still, even for him.

I pant and stroke up his neck to his jaw and palm his cheek. "Are you… OK?"

He's unmoving, but he breathes out a long breath as soon as I finish my question. "Amusing," he mumbles against my skin. He lifts his head and shoots me with such a fiery gaze my insides clench. "You challenge my self-control."

It's my turn to do his famous head tilt. "I'm not challenging anything," I say with a chuckle and lick my lips. "You're the one who started nibbling on my lip."

Harwal huffs and lifts me up from my thighs, then he plunges me back down quickly. My legs shiver wildly on his legs. I'm kneeling on his legs and riding him.never in my wildest dreams was this a scenario to happen. I muffle the grunt that rises as he continues to pump inside me. This has to be the first time I've been in this kind of position, and I do like it if only I weren't already so exhausted I can't move.

"This isn't… a quicky," I murmur between breaths and lean my head against his chest.

"You started it," he says my words back and travels his hand to lift my chin. He kisses me again and I melt with the ministrations, giving the last of my energy to languidly kiss him back and enjoy the taste.

This time my orgasm takes a bit longer to come, but he helps me by circling a finger on my clit. I come and moan my release into his mouth, and soon he also comes inside me, filling me again with his cum. The heat is just something I'm not going to get used to.

I humm deep as he nicks my lip again, then I'm really drained. I collapse against him and feel him lodged deep inside me. It's a weird feeling. I pant and try to push myself upright, but my hands shake helplessly against his chest.

Oh boy, this is some seriously jacked sex. I snort and that clenches my insides on his cock. I moan lazily and pat him. "Could you help me off?"

Harwal lifts me from my thighs and I hiss as he removes himself from within. I'm going to be sore for a while. I close my eyes and grunt, remembering what I'm supposed to do tomorrow. Fucking hell, I should've thought twice before suggesting this. I need to do my business with Dr. Peep and his companions.

Shit. That sours my mood.

I wiggle around to try and lie down on the bed, but Harwal has other plans. After he's out of me he just hugs me on top of him. I'm too lazy to try and fight it, and I don't know if I want to.

I'm not the type to get attached with sex but what if he is? I really should've thought this twice. I don't really regret it now, but tomorrow? Who knows.

Harwal's hand strokes up and down my back and I humm in response, which makes him stop suddenly.

"We should take a shower," he says and helps me off his lap, flipping me on my back to the bed. I'm a starfish again, too lazy to try and cover myself.

"You go first, I'll rest," I mumble and wave a lazy hand.

The bed dips as he takes off towards the shower. I keep my eyes cracked to watch him walk. His horns are almost scraping along the ceiling, but he's hunched the whole way. It's a funny sight, also surprisingly alluring. I didn't think I'd ever find his size attractive of all things.

Damn. I bite my lip and shake my head. I probably should be worried.

I sigh and slide a hand down to my crotch, the moment I touch the slimy shit there I pull back and make sure it isn't blood. It isn't, but I wouldn't have been surprised. Would've been worth it.

All of this was a bit intense, considering it's supposed to be a one-time thing. I'm not sure I want it to be just a one-time thing, if that's what I get. I press my hands on my lower stomach, still feeling like his cock is inside me. I really thought I'm just going to have wild, raw sex, and be done with it. But boy, that was a more intense experience than I could've imagined. Especially with such a stoic guy.

I cross my legs from my ankles and lick the small cuts on the inside of my lower lip. They're not bleeding anymore, but they taste rusty. I frown and freeze. Did I goad him to bite me?

I shoot up and groan at the movement, but I ignore the ache. He said that his bite would… permanently mark me. What the hell does that mean?

I lick my cuts again. Is this a mark? Is this permanent? I sniff my arm, but I don't smell anything but sweat and his sun-kissed scent. It's not that, is it? Am I gonna smell like him?

I grab my head and muss my hair, releasing a puff of soot. I stop and watch as they float down to the bed. Harwal never said if he marked me with this or not, did he? But… why would he?

I sigh, relaxing at that thought. They're a one-partner species, they don't go around 'marking' whoever. I think. Especially this guy, if his thing is permanent.

I really need to ask more about the whole scent mark thing. My wondering about it is useless.

I inch to the edge of the bed and struggle to get my legs in the right position. I'm awfully sore with the contact to the bed.

Tomorrow is going to be literal pain. I take deep breaths and listen as the shower is shut off. I wobble up and shake my head in disbelief. I consider myself to be in good shape and flexible, but he managed to turn that reality right on its head. I rub my hips and realise he never once grabbed them. Every man that is grabby grabs my hips. Harwal was grabby, but not once did he do that.

I blink and slide my hands higher on my waist, feeling a little achy there. How did he know I don't like that? I stare at the dark grey carpet and pat my hips more, really not feeling any other soreness than what I can expect from sex. How strange.

Only time he would've realised that was way back when we were in that double room back in Jas' ship. There was the time when he lifted me from the ground from my hips. But… I didn't say anything about it, did I? Either he doesn't normally grab hips, or he's incredibly observant.

I lean on the wall with my arm straight and cross my legs, feeling a little something-something leaking. Harwal appears behind the corner with a towel wrapped around his hips and his pants folded on his arm.

I'm still having my existential crisis over this, so I join him in the staring competition he starts. Could he have noticed it so far back ago and remembered it?

"Is something wrong?" Harwal asks and throws his pants on the bed. "Do you need help?"

I shake my head and stroke my hip. "Do you… nevermind." I decide it's not that important and wobble past him while using the wall as support. "I'll be right back."

"The water is cold," he says behind me and I almost jump out of my skin.

"Yeah, I know. Not much warm water around these parts," I say and yank the bathroom door open.

"What were you about to ask?"

I swivel my head and get met with his pecs in my face. "You didn't grab…my hips," now that I say it out loud, it sounds silly.

"You don't like it." He says as a matter of factly. "Did you want me to?"

So he did notice it. What else has he observed? I bat my eyes and shake my head. "I'm just wondering how you knew."

He opens the cabinet on the right and takes a towel from the highest shelf, then places it on the sink. "Back at the Shurak's ship. You looked like I stabbed you when I picked you up. It was either me, the touch, or the place I touched."

Honestly it was probably all of the above then. I grunt, impressed at his assessment and wave my hand. "Okay, thanks… You can go now."

"Are you sure you'll manage?"

I shoo him and shut the door behind him. I may be hurting a bit, but I can wash myself, christ. What does he think he is? A sex god that renders me useless?

I support myself with the sink and the walls to the shower and snort at the ridiculousness of this. That assessment might not be too far from the truth. Frankly, if he helped me shower, I'm not 100% sure if I could keep my hands off. My pussy has suffered enough for today.

I turn on the shower and hiss at the ice that comes out. I drench myself and turn it off to soap up. My thighs wobble as I crouch to wash down my privates and there is a nice sensitive throb going on.

No wonder the girls like Zohra, if they're all like this. I think I gained a new understanding of Rosaline's obsession with them.

I suppose Jas has a good reason to brag about making his man sprain himself. I can't even begin to imagine how I could manage to sprain anything of Harwal's.

I sigh and turn the shower back on. It's probably better to literally cool down.

As I dress with my granny-like movements, I think of tomorrow and steel myself for the ordeal. My best bet is to try and get Dr. Peep to take me into the basement before the whole thing, maybe I could convince him to switch me with Greece.

I shake the soot off my top and gnaw at my lip. Guilt hits me like a ton of bricks. I just had mindblowing sex and my friend is stuck in a shitty place. God, I'm so shit.

I wrap the sheer on my boobs and search for the last piece from everywhere, but it's not in sight. Then I step on something squishy and grumble. It's completely soaked on the shower floor.

"Karma is a bitch," I mumble and pick it up. It's the scarf that hangs on the shoulders and covers the boobs a bit better. I wash it in the sink and take it out to the room and throw it on the door of a cabinet.

Harwal sits on the armchair silently with his hands on his stomach. He's not looking at me as he usually does, but instead stares at the ashy window, which shows absolutely nothing.

He has taken off the sheets and piled them on the floor next to the bed, which makes me chuckle. Also I feel sorry for the cleaners, but they're probably used to it.

As he says nothing, I pull out the motel blow dryer from the small table and start drying my hair in front of a nasty, smudged mirror. It's going to be full of knots without any conditioner or brush, but you take what you get.

I use the blow dryer to speed up the drying of my scarf, but the electricity of the day shuts down and the thing with it. I sigh and count to three, which is when the lights shut off.

"Awesome," I mumble and feel around to unplug the hair dryer. The motels are cheap to stay in, but they are equally stingy about everything.

"What happened?" Harwal asks and I throw my hands around, a little alarmed how close his voice was. I couldn't hear him move. Creeper.

"It's the electricity," I say and slap my hand on something warm. He removes my hand from his skin. It seems the time window for touching is over.

"Do we leave?" He asks and I nod, but then realise that he can't see it.

"Yeah," I confirm and snatch the scarf blindly. Then I struggle towards the door. Harwal gets to it first and the dim light of the hallway blooms to show me the way.

I lick my lip, it still tastes a bit like iron, and wrap the wet scarf around my shoulders and chest. "I need grab a parasol from the entry."

Harwal nods and follows after me. It's a bit harsh how he switches to this side after experiencing the wilder side of him. I feel a bit lonely in my afterglow to be honest.

I buy a parasol and ask for room service to clean the room on the way out. I'm having a bit of a struggle to walk, but I'm feeling much better after the cold shower therapy. I glance at the clock above the doors and suck in a breath. How the hell has it been three hours? I quicken my achy steps, and skitter back home.

Gran knits on her armchair in the silence as we get inside.

"We're back," I say and wave at her as I remove my shoes. I stick the parasol on the stand and tell Harwal he should go wash the soot off. Poor guy has to shower again.

Grandma looks up at me from under her brow, watching me silently as I shuffle past her to my room. The bathroom door shuts and I start changing my clothes.

"You went and fucked with him, didn't you?" Grandma suddenly says behind me.

I spin on my heels and blink rapidly. "What?"

She clicks her tongue with a shake of her head. "You're walking bow-legged, and appear with a parasol from the motel," she says and grunts in disgust. "I don't care what you do, but be nice. He saved our Dante."

"Right," I mutter and turn back to my drawer. I take out a black t-shirt and jeans. "I don't think it's any of your business what I do."

"It isn't, but don't ruin the relationship with someone who can help your boy."

Oh my god. I didn't think I'd be berated for having sex at this age. I slip on my t-shirt and face her disappointed stare. It's all coming from a place of care, I repeat to myself.

"Sorry, I'll make sure to think twice before ruining someone by fucking them," I say, unable to stop my snarkiness. "I'm such a bad influence on everyone."

"Hmph, you don't have to act like a whore in your civil life too. Control yourself a bit," she hisses the last sentence.

"Oh my god," I mutter and pull on the skinny jeans, which she immediately looks at disapprovingly.

"You already fucked," she says in a hushed tone. "Have some decency."

This would be funny if she wasn't so serious. I raise my hands in surrender and dig out my old harem pants, printed with ugly colourful flowers.

"Is this suitable?" I ask her. She huffs and leaves me alone. I guess they are fine?

I change to them and stretch the rubber band on them. These are the pants I used when I was pregnant. I couldn't bare to throw them away, even how faded they are. I suppose they're now coming to good use to un-sexy myself. I snort at the ridiculousness.

"Mom!" Dante yells and I wobble to the living room, where Dante is covered with soot. He comes to press a kiss on my cheek, careful not to touch me with his dirty hands.

"How are you back so early?" I ask and check him over for possible injuries, but see none. "Is everything okay?"

He gives me an odd look and removes a backpack from his back. "It's the end of the week, mom," he says and looks around. "Anyway, today a man who knew about the lab came by… Where's Harwal?"

"What did you find out?" I urge him.

Dante stops looking around and smiles. "They said that there's an auction tomorrow evening, does that help?"

My heart skips a beat in horror. That could mess up every plan we got. That also gives Dr. Peeps appointment time has some horribly convenient timing.

"Yeah, that's actually really good information," I say and pull his sooty face to mine and mooch him a kiss on the cheek. "Take a shower, Harwal is"—the bathroom door opens—"nevermind, go take a shower, hun."

Dante nods and wipes the corner of my lip. "I got you ashy."

I chuckle and shoo him to the shower. Dante dips his head as he passes Harwal to the bathroom. If there something I can be damn happy about, it's how Dante has grown to be such a sweetheart.

I wag my finger at Harwal and grandma cleas her throat loudly. I shoot her a glare and she gives me a nasty one back.

"Sofie, make some food, would you? Your son—" she stresses the word "—deserves some after a hard day's work."

I smile and nod. "Of course I will. Harwal come with me."

Grandma coughs loudly, trying to get my attention, but I'm not going to deal with her. I need to talk about actual business.

I rummage through the fridge and take out yesterday's leftovers. "Dante said that there will be an auction tomorrow," I say and put the wok to heat up. "That could be problematic. We can't trust the client at all, as we can't be sure if he's planning on something. That also means that Greece could be moved."

"Does this change our plan?" He asks and crosses his arms.

"We should go early. If we get lucky the client will meet us, so I can try to ask him about Greece." I'm stuck staring at his arms as I think. "We need to be much more alert. They have a lot of security and random people around when the auctions are on."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

I turn back to the stove, grab yesterday's rice and dump it in the wok. "I'm not sure… more people gives us more excuses to go around, but it also adds more possible witnesses if we have to do something more drastic."

"Don't worry about it too much. We can't plan for something we don't know about," Harwal says and pats gently on my back. "Your grandma keeps looking here strangely, so I'm going to go and sit there."

I groan and peek after him. I narrow my eyes at gran and she puts on a haughty expression. She's such a busybody.

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