The Surrogate - A Dramione Fa...

By Anniartist39

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While on her way home from work, Hermione finds herself running into the new Mrs. Malfoy, formally known as A... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4 - IVF Conceiving
Chapter 5 - Week 4 (part 1)
Chapter 6 -Week 4 (part 2)
Chapter 7 - Week 6
Chapter 8 - Week 7
Chapter 9 - Week 8
Chapter 10 - Week 9
Chapter 11 - Week 10
Chapter 13 - Week 12
Chapter 14 - Week 13

Chapter 12 - Week 11

93 3 4
By Anniartist39

Hermione gasped for breath as she lost her arms' strength, causing her to fall more onto the toilet, tears stinging her eyes from the violent sickness that had just overcome her... 

she was home alone. 

She was home alone and she was sick. 

She was home alone and she was so sick, she had to use BOTH hands to keep herself from actually falling into the toilet. 

It came on so suddenly... so fast that she had just barely made it to the toilet before her stomach decided to play reverse on her dinner from the night before... she didn't even have time to put up her hair! And now... 

she was pale... 



and just downright exhausted... 

and alone... 

so alone... 

why was she always alone? 

Did she do something wrong? 

Was she being punished? 

Was Ron having second thoughts? 

Where is he? 

Where's her Ron? 

Her Fiancé? 

The one she's supposed to marry? 

Where is the one who loves her the most? 

Just then she jumped back up to the toilet, as another bout of dry heaves tried to set her throat on fire

*knock knock knock* came the front door...

someone was here... 

someone was here and she couldn't move... 

she felt so weak

"Granger? Are you ready?" she heard someone call out to her from the other side of the main door

*knock knock knock*

"Granger? Are you there?"

She couldn't move, she was so weak, but she had to... she HAS to let him know that she's still home... that she's home alone

*knock knock knock*


In absolute desperation, she forced herself to move to grab her wand, then pulling it out, she forced herself to point it towards both open doors of the bathroom and her bedroom and took aim "B-bom-bar-da" she whispered out in pure exhaustion, immediately the spell hit its target... the lamp on the dresser directly across from her exploding in a loud shatter


"GRANGER?! GRANGER OPEN THE DOOR!" she heard the doorknob shaking as if trying to be forced open "YOU DON'T HAVE A BLOODY SPARE KEY!?" she heard

Forcing her wand up again, she took aim "b-bom-barda" and shattered the dresser mirror right beside the once lamp


"HERMIONE!!! Fuck this ALORHAMORA!!!!" she heard as her arm finally gave up its strength, causing her to drop both her arm AND her wand "GRANGER! GRANGER, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

"h-help" she barely spoke as she began to black out, just catching the figure that came around the corner








"mmn" Hermione groaned as she began to wake up to the constant sound of the beeping. 

The first thing she noticed was the super white ceiling... 

the next was that she was in a bed with railings... 

after that, she saw the IV in her hand... 

and then finally she noticed "M-Malfoy?"

"Granger" Draco jumped to his feet from his chair as he rushed over to the pregnant woman "Bloody hell, Granger, you gave us all a scare"

"What happened?" Mione asked as she was still waking up

"You fainted from losing too much energy from getting so sick so much... bloody hell, Granger, if we knew that your morning sickness was that bad, we would have never left you alone"

"I-it's not... not usually... how did you find me?"

"Well, that's all thanks to your brilliant mind... I was just debating leaving when I heard the first explosion and I knew something was wrong. When I finally got in, the first place I looked was your room, but only saw the shattered mirror and... was it a vase?"

"A lamp, actually"

"Right, anyway... I noticed that they had both been shot deliberately, then I heard your very faint call for help. You ended up completely fainting in my arms. From there I brought you here to St. Mungo... Granger, you've been asleep for three days"

Hermione's eyes popped open "is the baby okay?!"

"Calm down... it's okay... the baby is fine, and what's more important... so are you"

Hermione shook her head "no... the baby's life comes first"

"Granger, without you... there is no baby" Draco pointed out with pleading eyes for her to understand

"R-right... um... where's Astoria?"

"Right here" said woman came walking in with two cups of coffee. She hands Draco one as he sat back down and sets her own down before coming over and gently caressing her best friend's cheek with a small smile "How are you feeling?"

"Better, actually... I don't know what happened... usually, my morning sickness isn't that bad, and it actually hasn't really occurred since I started eating at Baby Craves"

"That's because it wasn't morning sickness" Everyone turns to see Dr. Cruise coming into the room with her chart in hand "Hello Hermione dear... you feeling alright?"

"Much better, thanks"

"What do you mean it wasn't morning sickness?" Astoria asked

"Was it poison?" Draco sprang to his feet protectively

Dr. Cruise shook her head with a smile "no, nothing like that... Miss Hermione here just happened to catch a little virus... the flu to be exact. Tell me dear, were you perhaps playing in the rain?"

Hermione blushed "Well... no... actually, the day before I was on my way home from Harry's when it started to downpour... and of course, I had forgotten my umbrella since I had no idea the storm was coming... I also hadn't been wearing very protective sleeves, since I've also been having hot flashes here lately. I suppose I could have gone back to Harry's, but I was already halfway home, so whether I went home or to Harry's, I would still be soaked to the bone, so I decided to just go home. I tried hailing a taxi, but none stopped... I had no choice but to just walk home"

"Why didn't you just apparate home?" Draco asked in confusion

Hermione blinked at the question before falling back into her pillows with a loud groan "I'm claiming pregnancy brain on that one"

Dr. Cruise and Astoria both chuckled at that one... Draco just looked worried... and confused "Pregnancy brain?"

"Women go through a lot of changes in their bodies when they are pregnant..." Astoria starts "including the mind. Pretty much, it's easier for them to forget, get confused, or become easily distracted"

Draco crossed his arms with a frown at his wife "that doesn't sound like something to laugh about... especially if it's actually real... Astoria, we almost lost them both"

"Wait, what?" Hermione asked as she forced herself to sit up. The three other adults all looked at each other with frowns before turning back to look at Mione

"Hermione..." Dr. Cruise started "Have you been made aware that you have been asleep for three days?"

"Draco did mention it shortly after I woke up, though... now that I think about it, you said I just had the flu... the flu wouldn't knock me out for three days straight though"

"Normally, no, it wouldn't. However, you're a pregnant witch. See, there's a slight difference in pregnancies between muggles and witches... muggles have to only rely on their own bodies to protect and care for their babies. But witches... around the placenta sack, there lies a second sack made of magic. It's like an extra shield the mother uses to protect the child. It also acts as a filter to protect the child from ingesting anything toxic or dangerous, so that they can grow as healthy as they can... this is why you never see wizarding babies with birth defects"

"Okay... that makes sense" Hermione confirms

"Usually, if something dangerous were to try to attack or be passed down to the child, the magic sack would either dissolve it or force it away... in your case, Hermione... it was the latter. Apparently, your magic sack was working twice as hard to protect the child that the virus was trying to attack... and in doing so, it forced the whole of the virus back to you, the surrogate. However, the virus seemed to be a strong one, so even your own body fought it twice as hard, and as a result... not only had you lost all the nutrients in your system, but you were also dangerously dehydrated. Your fever had spiked to 103.7F, and the experience was so strong, had you puked one more time... Hermione, we had to pump blood from your stomach. Honestly, it's a miracle you were able to stay awake for as long as you did... how long had you been puking?"

"Um... it started... I was in bed when I felt the urge to rush to the bathroom... I think that was around... 2... or maybe 3 in the morning? My eyes were watery so I couldn't really see that clearly"

Dr. Cruise nodded "And Mr. Malfoy, what time did you say you found her?"

"Around 2:30 in the afternoon... I was coming to pick her up for the next ultrasound"

"So that means you had been getting sick for about twelve hours?"

"I-I guess" Hermione hadn't realized it had been that long, but... she was right, it had been nearly nonstop since she had woken up that morning

"Well, that would explain why you were so dehydrated. I'll be sure to add that to your chart. As for your stay here... we've had you on a drip for rehydration and nutrients... as it stands, your body forced itself into a small coma until you were strong enough to wake up. Now then, can I please see your arm for your blood pressure? And open your mouth for the thermometer... unless you'd rather do it doggy style" Cruise smirked. Hermione immediately dropped her jaw open. A few moments later, the thermometer was taken from her and the cuff was being unvelcroed as Dr. Cruise noted her vitals. "Well... everything looks good... I'd still like for you to stay over one more night, just for observations"

"Alright" Hermione agreed

"Alright" Dr. Cruise switched out clipboards "So, since we're all here anyway... would you like to have that delayed ultrasound now?"


"I am glad to see you are alright, Miss Granger"

"Oh! Uh, yes... thank you" Hermione says... 

watching Lucius Malfoy... 

sitting in her living room... 

sipping tea 

"U-uh... would you, perhaps, like some scones?" Hermione asks as she starts to raise from her seat

Lucius sets his cup down on the coffee table "That won't be necessary... please, sit, do not worry about such things"

Nervously... reluctantly... she sat back in her seat, still not quite sure how to act with Lucius Abraxas Malfoy... 

sitting in her living room... 


Lucius sighs "How are you, Miss Granger?"

"Um... fine... the Dr. said I'm perfectly fit as a fiddle"

"I'm not talking about your physical health"

... well... THAT caught her off guard "I-uh... I'm not sure I understand"

"It is to my understanding that you haven't seen Mr. Ronald Weasley in over a month" Lucius raises an eyebrow as Hermione reluctantly nods her confirmation... he sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose "So in other words, you have been staying here... in this house... alone?"

"Apartment, actually, but... yes" she reluctantly admits

"I'm not so sure I approve of this arrangement..." Hermione looked up to see Lucius Malfoy looking... concerned(?) "especially after what happened just these last few days"

"Oh. Um... i-it hasn't been that bad. And usually if I start feeling lonely, Harry and Ginny have opened their doors for me"

"I understand that, but what of when they are not home? What of when Miss Ginerva bares her second child? You are pregnant, Miss Granger... you need proper care and rest, which is hardly likely in the presence of a newborn AND a four-year-old toddler"

"With all due respect, Mr. Malfoy, I don't believe that is your decision. I'm a grown woman. An independent. I can make my own choices, for myself."

"I understand that, and I am not trying to belittle you or your personal decisions"

Hermione blinked "You're not?"

Lucius sighed "IsupposeIdeservethat... No, Miss Granger... I'm not. I understand that you are a strong, intelligent, independent woman, and I respect that. However... even if the child were not my grandchild, you ARE pregnant, and after our discussion the last time we met... I'd feel a bastard for not extending the invitation"

"What invitation?"

"Miss Granger... as you know, my wife and I have moved out of the manor. We moved into our smaller estate at the edge of France... Narcissa has already put into motion, building a nursery for when Draco and Astoria come to visit with our grandchild... while I myself have been working on plans for the room next to it... Miss Granger, should you ever feel the need to get away, to not be alone, or even to BE alone... that room is yours"

Hermione's jaw dropped "I-I uh-"

"After everything you have given to and sacrificed for my family... even after my own family, including myself, have caused both you and your friends such great pain... it is the least I can do to offer you a safe haven, or an escape. Even after your pregnancy has passed... the room is yours. Now, I know how you feel about house elves, however, I have assigned one to your specific room. So whenever you arrive to your room, she will appear before you. Should you need assistance, she will help you. Should you need myself or Narcissa, she will fetch us. Should you need a doctor, she will apparate you both to Saint Mungo. Should you wish to be alone, you need only tell her. Should you wish for company, she will accompany you, or fetch any of us Malfoys, whichever you feel most comfortable with. She will only work when you are at the estate, as she has been designated to serve you and you alone. You may treat her as you wish... her name is Lilly"

"Why are you helping me like this?" Hermione whispered as tears filled her eyes

Lucius reached over and wiped away a stray tear from her cheek "I'll admit... I've been a rather large prick to you and your friends growing up, and... I know we've only met with one another a small handful of times since this pregnancy began, but... I've honestly come to care and worry for you as if you were another daughter, the first being Astoria"

"Of course"

"As I've stated before... that you would give up so much of yourself for the sake of my only son's happiness... how can I think of you as anything else? Narcissa feels the same way too. We both see you like a daughter. We care for you, for without you, we would never have this grandchild... and I've heard what happened to your own parents... I'm sorry for your loss"

Hermione looked down to the ground, trying to fight off the tears

"However, if you'd let us... Narcissa and I would like to take up that role for you"

Hermione looked up with her jaw dropped

"Of course, we can't adopt you, because you are already an adult yourself, but... should you ever feel the need for a mother's embrace... or the advice of a fatherly figure... or even to feel a familial bond of sorts... please know that Narcissa and I would be honored to take up that role for you. You will always be safe, wanted, welcomed, and will always have a place in our family"

Hermione sniffed as she wiped away at her tears of thankfulness "Thank you, Mr. Malfoy... I'd like that"

Lucius let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding and stood to his feet, offering his arm to the younger woman "Shall we go see your new room? I'm sure Narcissa would like your opinion on the nursery while we're there"

Hermione nodded as she stood to her feet and took his arm "Thank you... father"

"Don't push it Miss Granger... only those with the Malfoy name may address me as such" he smirked, causing Hermione to chuckle before they disappeared with a *pop*


"You spoke with my father?!" Draco asked in shock as he and Astoria sat at her dining room table

"And your mother... Draco, they gave me a room"

"They what?" Astoria asked in shock

"Mr. Malfoy said that both he and Mrs. Malfoy-"

"Granger, please... use their names with us"

Hermione blinked... realizing that sitting in front of her were... Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy "Oh, um... right... anyway, Lucius said that both he and Narcissa felt uncomfortable with knowing that I have been living completely on my own, with nowhere to go for help if something like before were to happen again"

"Understandable, go on" Astoria encouraged

"Right, well... ... ... guys, they basically asked me to be their daughter"

Astoria smiled as she quickly gathered the thankful-teared woman into her arms "I told you, didn't I?" she whispered in Hermione's ear "You're our family"

"They said the room was mine even after the baby was born" Hermione said through her unstoppable tears

"Of course... why wouldn't it be?" Draco asked as if the very idea they would take it back for ANY reason... was preposterous

"W-well, because I'm no-"

"If you say because you're not family... I will go into your kitchen and take back ALL of your ketchup... and I just bought you a new case!" Draco threatened

"Hermione, look at me" Astoria stated as she pulled back to gently hold Hermione's cheeks "you ARE family... alright? You are my best friend... my sister... I love you... WE love you... Narcissa and Lucius... they're just added extensions to our family... YOUR family... and this baby... it's as much yours as it is mine, heck, it's actually MORE yours than mine"

"Astoria, don't say that... this is YOUR baby"

"Yes, but it was made with YOUR egg... this child has YOUR DNA... so no matter what anyone says or does... you will ALWAYS be a part of this family... okay?" Astoria asks as she places a gentle kiss on her friend's forehead

"Thank you, Astoria" Hermione whispers

"Don't thank us just yet" Draco interrupts "my parent's aren't the only ones worried for your physical, mental, and emotional safety... shall we go and see mine and Astoria's special secret project?"


"I-I... I don't know what to say... Damn you Malfoys... my eyes just won't stay dry around you all" Hermione chuckled as she tried to dry her tears

The three were standing in a beautiful ensuite... complete with pastel violet walls, soft tan carpet, a white four-poster bed (complete with violet bed spreading), a small white wicker bassinette to the bed's immediate left (also with violet bedding), a white side table, a white wooden rocking chair with a violet cushion (a large tan teddy bear with a violet bow sitting on it)... a loaded white changing station against the one wall (with diaper genie right beside it), and the other two walls... one was completely covered with built-in bookshelves, loaded with books of all sorts (including children's books she noticed... was that Dr. Seuss?), and the other... had all the charts, shelves, and toys she had gotten herself but Ron forced her to put away... they were all here. And to top it all off... there was a gentle, calming scent of vanilla and lavender flowing through the room

"you guys... I-I don't know what to say" Hermione admitted

"We made it so that if you wanted to bring anything else in or change anything in any certain way... then it's completely possible" Draco admitted as he scratched the back of his head nervously

"There's also an attached bathroom and a walk-in closet, already filled with clothes for you... Ginny help me pick them out" Astoria added "Also... it seems my in-laws and us both think alike... Periwinkle?!"

Just then a little house elf popped into the room "Yous calls my Lady?"

"Periwinkle, I'd like you to meet Hermione Granger... she will be your new Missus starting today."

Periwinkle looked back and forth between both women in confusion "Did Periwinkle do somethings wrong, my Lady? Is my Lady sending Periwinkle away?"

Astoria smiles as she crouches down to be at eye-level with the little house elf "Not at all Periwinkle. In fact, it's because you have been doing such a good job, that I want to ask this of you... you see, Miss Granger is a very dear friend of mine and Master Draco's. In fact, she is carrying Master Draco's heir"

Periwinkle looked at Hermione with shock and awe

"Now, because Hermione is now family, Master Draco and I have given her this room for whenever she needs it. Now, what I'm about to ask of you is very important... whenever Hermione comes to this room, I want you to check on her immediately to see if she needs help in any way. If she does, assess the best way to assist her, that is... determine if you can handle it, if Draco or I would be better, or if there's an emergency, take her straight to Saint Mungo. I'd also like to ask that you keep this room as clean and dust-free as possible whenever Hermione is not here, that way, whenever she comes over, we don't have to worry about causing her allergies to act up, or causing her to fall ill, or the baby, once they are born... can you do that for me?"

The house elf bowed "Periwinkle is honored. Periwinkle will do its best to take cares of the new missus and heir"

"Thank you, Periwinkle" Astoria smiled "Would you like to go introduce yourself to your new missus?"

Periwinkle turned, looked at Mione, and shyly walked over "Periwinkle is Periwinkle, Missus." She blushed while averting her eyes and playing with her feet bashfully "Periwinkle looks forward to serving da new missus and heir. Missus can ask anything of Periwinkle, and Periwinkle will do its" she finishes with a bow

"U-uh, thank you... Periwinkle" Hermione says

"Is there anythings the Missus would ask of Periwinkle?"

"Um" Hermione didn't know what to think... when she had been to the Malfoys- er, um... Lucius and Narcissa's... she had asked Lilly if she wanted to be free, but surprisingly... the little elf began to bawl and beg her not to send her away. That was when Lucius explained that Dobby was actually an exception... that most house elves would actually die without a master, because they would literally do nothing with given it as a task... that includes eating and sleeping. Hermione ended up having to ask Lilly to fetch her some chamomile tea and reassuring her that she wouldn't free her if she didn't want to be free... to which Lilly eagerly shook her head and pretty much BEGGED Hermione to let her work... Hermione didn't want to insult Periwinkle like she did Lilly... especially since Periwinkle seems to be younger than Lilly, but... she ALSO didn't want to be cruel to her either, so... "um, well... honestly, I don't really need anything right now, but... if it's alright with you, you don't have to call me Missus"

Periwinkle looked up at her in confusion "What should Periwinkle call the new missus then if Periwinkle cannot call Missus, missus?"

"You can call me by my name if you want... My name is Hermione, or if it's easier, Mione would be fine"

"Miss Mione?"

"That works, I suppose"

Periwinkle smiles big "Periwinkle looks forward to serving Miss Mione. If Miss Mione needs Periwinkle, just call for Periwinkle"

"Alright" Hermione smiles back

"Thank you Periwinkle... you are dismissed" Draco states. The house elf gives a low bow, before popping away. "Gotta admit Granger... you took having your own house elf pretty well for being the founder of SPEW"

Hermione rolled her eyes "That's because I made the mistake of offering to set Lilly free when I first met her... you're not the first to appoint a specific elf to me... your parents beat you to it" she smirked

"Salazar... I KNEW we should have told them about her room here"

"Oh sush" Astoria playfully slapped her husband "The point is that no matter what happens, Hermione always has somewhere safe to go... whether it be to the Potters... to your parents... or here with us."

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