The Emperor of Arcadia

By Darkdecade97

94.7K 1.8K 3.9K

Jaune, is a "normal" student in Beacon, known as the Leader of Team JNPR to his friends and in Beacon, he is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

4.7K 90 189
By Darkdecade97

In the Kingdom of Mistral, there is one place that everyone knows is considered a dangerous area, one where no innocent civilian can go without getting into trouble and that is the Mistral Below. Which is located in the Lower Levels of the Kingdom. It is a place full of criminals and where many organizations of the Criminal Underworld do business.

Right now, over a dozen Arcadian Military Trucks can be seen driving to the Lower Levels. The streets are quiet as word got out that the Arcadians are seizing control of all assets in the Mistral Underworld, and these Organizations are not going down without a fight.

Which is the biggest mistake they'll ever make.

By the entrance of the Main Headquarters of one of Mistral's top Criminal Organizations. Over a dozen armed men exit the Trucks, fully armed to the teeth. They wear black armor and gear, donning face masks that are of Samurai origin. These are Enforcers of the High Table and we're sent to exterminate all Criminals by any means necessary.

The Team Leaders ordered all Enforcers to head inside. The Enforcers are armed with Spike's Tactical Compressors. They head in to the entrance and opened the doors slightly, once they made it inside, they see the place is empty. All of a sudden, multiple flash bangs rolls towards the floor as they explode. Loud popping sounds echo out in the room as the Enforcers enter the Lobby.

They slowly make their way towards the Lobby, guns drawn. The area is nothing but silent, not a single soul in sight. They continue moving, unknown to them, the Criminals are hiding under the tables, waiting for the signal to ambush them.

Three Enforcers can be seen making their way to an entrance leading to a Hallway. When all of a sudden, a Criminal comes out from his hiding spot and fires his weapon at the Enforcer, shooting him on the head. It did nothing but burst into dust on his helmet, the three turn around and unloaded all their bullets at the Criminal.

More Dust Rounds hit the Enforcers, they quickly turn around and fire at a group of around 5 Criminals, all of them getting gunned down easily.

Another round of Dust Bullets hit the Enforcers with the three not fazed by it at all. One of the Enforcers went up to his teammate's armor and picks up a magazine, reloading his weapon. The three turned around and continued laying down fire at the retreating Criminals. They were gunned down when they were flanked by more Enforcers.

Mistral Criminal: We need backup! These guys are tearing us apart!!

Mistral Underworld Enforcer: We're heading in!

More of Mistral's Underworld top Enforcers head in with the big guns and fired them at the High Table Enforcers, and again. They shrugged it off and fire their Assault Rifles at the Underworld Enforcers, all of them getting shot down one by one.

High Table Enforcer: Move out and secure the area. Leave none alive.

All of the High Table Enforcers move in the HQ as gunshots can be heard all around, they pass through a Hallway where they see multiple Criminals getting gunned down as High Table Enforcers fire at them from the balconies and some got sliced by High Table Enforcers using their Katanas, with one firing his pistol at a kneeling criminal begging for his life.

High Table Enforcer: You're up.

The High Table Enforcer contacts two individuals who are hiding on the rooftops of the building and jumped down.

A gang can be seen running the hell away from the Building. When out of nowhere, a large tentacle grabs around 6 of them and pulls them up towards the rooftops. The remaining gang members fired their weapons at the rooftop, hoping to kill whoever did that.

The gang members slowly look at their surroundings, finding the enemy. Some of them are shaking due to the amount of fear they are feeling. Who knows what could be out there. The one in the front of the pack, looks up for a few seconds and then faces forward. Where he was met with a woman

???: Hi

Before the gang members could react, the woman grabs the criminal in a chokehold and slices his throat, causing a chain reaction that made all individuals in the area have their throats also slashed. She used an ability called Domino, it can cause a chain effect where the user can link the fates of the ones they killed to their allies.

The woman removes her mask, revealing her face. She is one of the Malachite Twins and is a member of Jaune's Unit, she is Melanie Malachite. She, like many others, are specialized in Assassination and undercover missions and has a special power like her sister.

Melanie: Mil, what's your status?

Militia: Heading to your location, just dealing with these pests.

In another area of the HQ, Militia jumps down and throws her Boomerang Swords, she controls them using her gloves as the boomerangs literally decapitate all the Criminals in the area. They panic and try to shoot down the boomerang, but didn't get the chance because their heads got cut off.

Militia finishes it off by getting around 3 grenades and threw them at the group of criminals. Who were conveniently standing next to a crate of Fire Dust. They explode and caused a chain reaction that destroyed part of the Base, giving the twins an entrance.

Compared to Melanie's Outfit. Militia may be assigned for assassination missions, but her outfit tends to be fitted more for run and gun missions. She gets along with another member of the Unit because of her methods, she is named Jessie. Who is a "Shoot first, asks question later", kind of gal.

Militia: Mel, be advised. I created the distraction we need.

Melanie: Please don't tell me you blew something up again?

Militia: I did, with the High Table Enforcers and this explosion. The big boys on top will send everyone to deal with this threat, but they won't know we already made it inside.

Melanie: I see. Very well then, I will meet you inside.

Militia: Roger that.

She looks towards the room and sees the Underworld leaders sent their goons to deal with this mess. Militia was able to slip past them and made her way inside the Base.

Militia: You guys are making this too easy for us.


In the hallways, it is empty due to all the Underworld's forces dealing with the Arcadians in the main lobby area as Melanie sneakily makes her way to one of the rooms. She looks through the hole in the doorknob and sees multiple guards inside and one of the high ranking members of the Mistral Underworld.

The mark in her hand charges up as Melanie breaks through the door, sending the pieces flying in the room. The guards charge at Melanie, she uses her dagger to parry an attack and kicks the guard to the wall. She slices his throat then parries an attack from another guard, punching him in the face and stabbing the guard in the stomach.

Mistral Underworld Official: Stop him! Guards! Guards! 

The high ranking official runs with Melanie giving chase. She sees him burst through the door and follows close behind. From there, she was met with three Enforcers aiming their guns at her. 

Mistral Underworld Official: Shoot that Bastard! Kill her!!

Melanie uses the mark and stops time. She equips her Crossbow, firing three arrows directly at the Enforcers, killing them as time resumes. Melanie went up to the man and grabs him by the throat.

Mistral Underworld Official: You think you can stop us! Even if you kill us, another will take our place!!

Melanie: Then we'll make sure to kill them all.

She slices the man's throat and drops his body to the floor. Melanie looks behind her to see the Enforcers surrounding her. She stands there and looks at them dead on. Before the Enforcers were about to fire, a smoke bomb was thrown to the floor. The bomb explodes causing the room to get engulfed with smoke. Militia appears and uses the Domino Ability and snaps the Enforcer's neck, the rest got affected by it and collapsed to the floor, dead.

Melanie: I take it you found the targets?

Militia: I have. They're all holed up in the meeting room and I have an idea how to make an entrance.

Melanie: I'm listening.

In the Mistral Underworld HQ, there is a meeting room where all the Criminal Organizations meet and discuss business. But right now, this place serves as their bunker until the Arcadians call off their attack. Should they reach this room or were informed they are close, they will escape through the Tunnel system they created for scenarios such as this.

But right now, they are going to face two threats that will not prepare them for anything they could have ever imagined.

Suddenly, the doors of the room were opened. All the Enforcers aim their weapons at the door to find one of the Lieutenants of the Criminal Organization, enters the room.

Underworld Lieutenant: Any update on those freaks? Did the Arcadians found our location?

The Lieutenant doesn't answer him.

Underworld Lieutenant: Are you deaf? Answer me!

Annoyed by the Lieutenant not responding to his questions. He grabs him by the collar to wake his ass up but found something that shocked him. 

It was a bomb strapped to his chest.

And out of nowhere, the Underworld Lieutenant was able to gain consciousness and spoke to them all.

Underworld Lieutenant: Emperor Jaune sends his regards.


A large explosion sent everyone flying as the Malachite Twins breached the room. Militia used blink and Melanie with Far Reach. Militia quickly threw out her Hook Mines. When activated, anyone within it's reach are dragged to the mine and were given a shock. While Melanie uses the ability known as Devouring Swarm, which allows Melanie to summon a swarm of rats to attack the Enforcers and high-ranking members as they scream in pain or agony.

Mistral Underworld Official: Quick, to the tunnels!

They ran to the Tunnel entrance. Seeing this, Melanie stops time and blinks to the entrance of the Tunnel. She places a mine in the hallway and exits out of there. Melanie watches as the high-ranking officials ran to the hallway of the Tunnel entrance and were met with a large explosion that caused the ceiling to cave the entire hallway.

Militia finishes off the remaining Enforcers by firing an arrow using the Compound Bow, causing an explosion of fire that burns all of them to a crisp. With Melanie firing her Crossbow and Voltaic Gun, her arrows taking out the occupants in the room, she was able to kill them with ease by releasing a doppelgänger to distract them, taking the Enforcers out when they have their backs turned.

Militia: Hey, Mel. You missed one.

She gestures to one of the high-ranking officials limping out to the Hallway. Melanie uses her ability known as Shadow Walk. She turns into her shadow form as she uses her hands that are now made up of a cloudy shadow form and proceeds to crawl her way to him.

Mistral Underworld Official: No! Don't do this! You are making a big mistake crossing with the Underworld! If you kill us, more would try to kill the Arcadians for this!!

She grabs the man and hangs him upside down. But not before she forms a shadow spike and stabs him in the head. Once she was done, she drops his body to the floor.

Melanie: The Mistral Underworld now belongs to the High Table. Your services are no longer required.

She looks behind her to see Militia walking up to the man's corpse and picking up his emblem. The emblem is that of his criminal organization.

Militia: The benefits of serving the Emperor of Arcadia.

She placed the emblem on her backpack which is full of different emblems of the organizations.

Militia: Mother will use this to show what's left of the Underworld as a reminder to not mess with the High Table. After all, she has a seat among it's ranks.

Melanie: Indeed, the same can be said for Junior.

Militia: And Roman will, if he puts his end of the bargain.

Melanie: Yup.

Melanie walks up to the window that overlooks the base to see the High Table Enforcers have secured the area and are bringing in the prisoners and it's a ton.

Militia: I would say this is a mission accomplish on our part

Melanie: Indeed. All that's left is to secure the City and the Kingdom of Mistral is ours.

Militia: Let's hope Jaune knows what he's doing. More and more Huntsmen Guilds are rioting and it will turn worse as the day passes by.

Melanie: Sadly it will. Let's hope we can contain this before it's too late.

Mistral: Arcadian Staging Point

In the middle of the Kingdom of Mistral, the Arcadians have set up a large Staging Point where all of their forces can gather, they even built a Make-shift Command Post to discuss their plan of approach. The force they brought to Mistral are that of Warriors from the Kingdom of Kugane.

The Kingdom of Kugane is a large Continent located in the Eastern Regions of Arcadia. They are known to have more of a Cultural style of living. There are Modern Cities in the Kingdom, but most prefer the more traditional living style.

But what makes the Kingdom of Kugane so well known amongst the Arcadians is their Warriors. Men and Women trained the minute they were born, around the ages of 8-9, children who wished to walk the path of a Warrior were trained by their Fathers, Mothers, or Grandparents on the ways of the Samurai before heading to the Academies. Those who refuse can live their life however they want. Although, there were those that hated their child for not choosing the way of the Warrior due to how certain Families have served and fought many battles.

Every single person in the Kingdom is trained to be the perfect Warrior, taught everything on how to fight and survive in the wilderness. The people of Kugane are not known to hold your hand and you must be the one to guide yourself through this journey. To grow and understand. If you don't, you will never survive this harsh but beautiful world.

By the Landing Bay, Arcadian Transports can be seen landing and deploying the Troops as Jaune alongside Lie, Nora, and Team ST(R)Q exit the Transport and make their way to the Command Center, which is a large tent they have set up.

Jaune: Lie, has Ozpin and his Inner Circle arrived?

Lie: No, they are heading to Haven to sort things out with the whole Lionheart situation. My Father and Lord Katsumoto will join us on this meeting.

Jaune: And with the riots the Huntsmen of Mistral are doing. We need to act fast

Nora: Indeed. But we all know the Huntsmen in this Kingdom won't stand a chance against the High Council, especially with your Father, Lie.

???: Indeed, we will show the people of Mistral just what the Warriors of Kugane are capable of.

The group enters the tent and we're met with three individuals. The first among them is Lie's Father, Li Ren. Who is a member of the High Council and the former head of Clan Ren, that title is now given to his son. Right now he is donning his Samurai Armor, one fit for a General.

The next is Moritsugu Katsumoto, his Clan has been serving the Arcs for ages and have earned a spot as one of the most powerful and influential Clans in all of Arcadia. He is the leader of the High Council.

And the last is a woman with black hair that's tied up into a bun, and has red eyes. She is Ài Yao, a member of Jaune's Unit. Ài is a martial arts expert and is deadly with a Katana. She specializes in stealth and infiltration, Ài can infiltrate and take out an enemy Outpost in under 15 minutes. She was recommended by An into Jaune's Unit as Ài is personally trained and the apprentice of An Ren, Lie's Mother.

She also wrote a book about amazing Tea Recipes which is a best seller in Kugane and Arcadia. Lie loves this book with all his heart.

But there is one thing that we should know about Ài.

Nora: Well, well, well, if it isn't the Head of the Yao Clan. It seems you still look pale as ever, keep adding more makeup and you'll look like a ghost. Which is a good thing cause Lie won't see your ugly ass face.

Ài: Ah yes. Nora Valkyrie, the now General of the Pegasus Knights, make sure you don't fall of your horse and die a pathetic death. If that ever happens I may have Lie all for myself. He isn't your fiancé yet, so I still have my chance.

Nora: In your dreams, asshole!

Due to Lie being dense like Jaune, An would have set him up with Ài, because she believes the two are perfect for each other. She should know, she invited her and Lie to "friend" meetups, if you like to call it that and the two are very close friends. Which Nora hates, like really hates.

Lie can only sigh at the two's antics.

Jaune: Cheer up, Lie. Maybe you can date the two of them. That way they won't rip each other's throats out.

Lie: Really, Jaune?

Jaune: You always tease me about getting a Harem, now it's your turn.

Ài: Actually, Jaune. Violet has been speaking with the girls and is getting more and more in agreement with the Harem Route.

Jaune: WHAT?! I'LL DIE!!

Ài: No you won't, stop over-exaggerating.

Li coughs to get everyone's attention.

Li: Now that his highness is here. We can discuss our plans going forward with the Kingdom of Mistral.

They all head for the table as Ài placed a device that creates a hologram of the entirety of Mistral.

Katsumoto: As of now. Our armies were able to capture and take control of all of the Mistral Below. The High Table and it's forces are routing what remains of the Mistral Underworld.

Jaune: Yes, Mel and Mil informed me there are still small pockets left, but we can let the High Table decide their fate. With the Underworld under our control, the Mistral Council or whoever wishes to be foolish among them, won't stand against us.

Li: Indeed, we made sure to show them what happens when you cross all of Arcadia.

Lie: So, we are marching towards the Capital?

Li: Indeed, our forces will secure the Capital and the entire Kingdom until we can implement the necessary changes, our only worry is the Huntsmen. We all know about the phasing out of Huntsmen and Huntresses due to the announcement of the Militarization.

Katsumoto: Indeed, Mistral has no way in defending themselves and Atlas will be useless as they won't help the Kingdom unless it benefits their own needs. We need to show them that they should be the ones defending their home, not them.

Ài: I still find it idiotic that the 3 Kingdoms decided to remove their own Military after the Great War. Just because there is no war, doesn't mean you need to discontinue the army. You need it to stay in order to defend the people. Without it, you can easily be invaded.

Lie: You are right on that, Ài.

Jaune: That is why we need to announce Lionheart's betrayal. With this, we will garner more support from the populace and cause their opinions about the Huntsmen to decrease.

Summer: He's right on that mark. With all the riots and now terror attacks, the Huntsmen and Huntresses are doing, they are losing more support as the days go by.

Tai: And with the announcement, it will make it so much worse.

Jaune: That is why we need to contain it before it gets worse. Summer, I want you to contact Ozpin and inform him of-

Ozpin: That won't be necessary.

The group turns around to see Ozpin and Ironwood entering the tent and they looked stressed.

Qrow: Judging by your look and Jimmy's. Something bad happened back in Haven?

Ironwood: Unfortunately so. Apparently the Mistral Council betrayed and sided with the Huntsmen. That whole ploy of supporting us was a lie, they gathered over a thousand Huntsmen and have made the entirety of Haven a Fortress.

Ozpin: What makes it worse is they sent the Guilds into the City and are causing multiple terrorist attacks. We have the Arcadian Security Force evacuating the civilians. We originally used Riot Gear, Tear Gas, and even the Water Cannon to disperse the crowd. But the minute they threw bombs at us, all bets were off.

Ironwood: What Ozpin is saying your highness, is we need authorization to use deadly force. The Mistral Council essentially declared war on us. What are your orders?

They all look to Jaune as he gave them his answer.

Jaune: Gather all our Forces of the Kingdom of Kugane, send half of the Army to the City while the rest get ready to attack Haven. Lords Katsumoto, Li, I entrust you two to be ready once we're done securing the City.

The two High Council Members nod.

Jaune: The rest of you will go with me to secure the City and end this threat in the Kingdom. We tried methods that will end this problem with peace or even small shows of force. But it seems the Huntsmen want a war and if they want war. We'll give them one!!

They all nod as they prepare their forces for the Battle of Mistral.


Outside the Staging Point, the Forces of Kugane are gathering Legions of Kugane Infantry Soldiers. These are Soldiers that are outfitted with modern tech. Besides their Traditional ways and the use of Magic as well as other techniques. The Kingdom of Kugane, like many others, opted for the Militarization of their Army.

Their designs still have motifs of Samurai armor in them, but are heavily armored and solely rely on their guns to get the job done. But are still trained to use a Katana, so even in close-range, these Soldiers are still deadly.

Jaune and his group made their way to the Arcadian Transport and were met with a squad that will join them.

They are known as the Seven Luminary Knights

The Seven Luminary Knights, each Knight Faction serves a Kingdom of Arcadia or a important individuals such as the Emperor or the Queens of Arcadia.

One example of this is the White Knights, who serve under the command of Bianca Arc. Each Faction of Knights has around 10-20 Knights, chosen by the Empress of Arcadia or now the Emperor.

The Black Knights on the otherhand, serve under the High Council's Leadership and are tasked with protecting them or accomplishing missions under their orders.

Ài: It's nice to see we have one of the Seven Luminary Knights joining us on this battle.

Lie: Indeed, these Knights are the elite of the elite. They make any Huntsmen look like a bunch of street thugs.

Nora: Yup!

Lie: But there is one important thing about the Black Knights, and it's their Squad Leader.

They can see the leader of the Black Knights walk up to them and takes off their helmet, revealing themselves to be a woman.

Lie: They are commanded by my Sister, Xiu Ren.

Xiu: And I'm happy to serve under you, guys. As for introductions. I will let me second-in-command speak for me.

Black Knight: Hello, your highness. We are the Black Knights and are honored to be at your presence. We promise we will show you that we are worthy of the armor that we don. But first, introductions.

He first walks up to the Black Knight in front of him.

Black Knight: This is Haruto.

The Black Knight pounds his fist on his Teammates' armor. He now walks up to the next member and hits their chest armor.

Black Knight: And this is Haruto.

The Black Knight continues walking to the next set of members.

Black Knight: And this is Haruto. This is....Haruto. Haruto. Haruto. Haruto, and uhhhhh.

He stops dead in his tracks as the Black Knight began snapping his fingers, thinking on who this is and the Knight answers.

Haruto: Haruto.

Black Knight: Haruto.

The Knight walks back to where everyone is.

Nora: So let me guess, your name must be-

Jun: That's right, Jun.

Jaune: Nice to meet ya, Jun. Happy to work with you.

Jun: Of course, your highness. Like I said before, it will be a great honor to serve under you and the Wandering Samurai.

Ài: I believe that's enough introductions for now. Let's head to the Transport and get this under way.

Xiu: She's right. Let's move men!

The group boards the Arcadian Transport as they took off from the Staging Point, alongside them are over a dozen Ships heading for the City of Mistral.

Mistral: The Capital City

In the Capital City of Mistral, it's chaos down there. Fires all around the homes and buildings as the riots or now terror attacks are spreading throughout the Kingdom. In the skies, the Arcadian Transports have finally arrived and began deploying their Troops.

Jaune and his group exit the Transport and we're met with the streets all messed up, buildings were broken into and destroyed. Stores were set on fire and the pavement got blown up, he can even see the remnants of the Arcadian Riot Police Gear such as the Tear Gas and non-lethal rounds they fired.

Jaune: What a mess.

Ài: Tell me about it.

Summer: To think they are causing this much destruction.

Qrow: At this point, Huntsmen should be labeled bandits or terrorists at this point.

Tai: Yup.

Xiu: It gets worse from here. Apparently we have intel from the Security Force that the Huntsmen have bombs everywhere. Once we march through those street, they'll rain down bombs on us.

Nora: I can get my Pegasus Squad here, but they're out dealing with a mission back in Vale. So that's a no go.

Ài: Great, just proves you're useless right now.


Ài: Nothing.

Ignoring Nora's outburst, Ài looks over at Jaune and sees he has a plan. She looks behind her to see what they have in their disposal and has an idea.

Ài: You thinking what I'm thinking, Jaune?

Jaune: Yup, send in the Calvary.


After a couple of minutes, the Soldiers of Kugane were able to gather the battalion that Jaune needs for this task. They are known as the Yokai Riders, Samurais using Allosauruses as mounts.

Lie: Oh, the Yokai Riders? Now that I think about it, the Huntsmen won't be able to hit them due to the Allosaurus' speed.

Ài: Indeed, a perfect strategy to capture the Main Center in the City. Once they make their charge, we follow close behind.

???: And we'll make sure these Huntsmen turn tail and run the minute they see us!!

They all turn to the voice to see the Officer leading the Yokai Riders. She is a member of Jaune's Unit and now works at the Adventurer's Guild, she also does work as a Bounty Hunter and is famous around the Kingdom of Kugane. She has an eyepatch due to an incident in her past, she is Akane Himura.

Ài: Akane, it's good to see you again. It seems you returned to your military service again.

Akane: I made a promise to return back to service once Jaune became Emperor. Isn't that right, Commander?

Jaune: Indeed, and don't call me Commander anymore, Akane. The Unit was disbanded after the Civil War.

Akane: But it doesn't hurt to bring it back. You all know what we are all capable now. Thanks to the opportunities you have given us.

Ài: She's right, Jaune.

Jaune: I'll think about it, but right now we need to get down to business.

Akane: Indeed, my Battalion will lead the charge. Just be ready to cover our backs.

Xiu: Copy that, the Black Knights will be providing support on our end.

She nods as the Yokai Riders got into position, with Battalions of Kugane Soldiers on standby. Both Jaune and Lie got their binoculars to see what they are up against. From what they can see, small movement can be seen around the buildings, meaning the Huntsmen are lying in wait.

Jaune does hand signals to order Akane to have her men serpentine all around, to confuse the Huntsmen. Which will give them the chance to shoot them down.

She nods and gives out the signal. The Yokai Riders charge with the Allosauruses moving at a quick speed.

Huntsman: Kill them!!

The Huntsmen got out of cover and threw their makeshift bombs at the Yokai Riders. The Yokai Riders see the bombs being thrown at them and began serpentining around the street, dodging the bombs or even jumping through the explosions. Akane sees a group of them fortified in a rooftop and throws a grenade, she held it for a certain amount of time so when it lands on the rooftops, it explodes before the Huntsmen can even react.

The other Yokai Riders do the same and throw their grenades in the building, blowing up the Huntsmen inside. The Riders jumped to the rooftops, whipping out their Katanas and slicing the Huntsmen, with some throwing shurikens or kunais. They even let their Allosauruses bite the Huntsmen as they shake them around, before throwing them to the ground and ripping their throats out.

Lie: All Units let's move!!

The Kugane Soldiers got out of their positions and charge to the streets, firing their guns at the stragglers. They use their shields to protect them from Dust Rounds being fired by the Huntsmen.

Up in the skies, multiple Drop Pods drop to the street as they deploy squads of Imperial Warriors, with the Squad Leaders equipping their Katanas as the blade lights ups.

Xiu and her Black Knights equip their Pistols, with Lie doing the same. They fire at the oncoming Huntsmen and the rounds caused a huge explosion sending them flying. Jaune comes in and jumps in the air, delivering a slash filled with fire, it causes an explosion that burns the Huntsmen and turns them into ash. Ài comes in at a quick speed and takes them out, all you can see was a red blur as she equips her dual Katanas and slices them into bits. They fire their weapons at Ài, but she was too fast that you can only see her afterimage once she moves into a new spot.

Jaune: Seems you're not so rusty after all.

Ài: The same can be said for you.

In the streets, more and more Huntsmen continue holding back the Kugane forces. When all of a sudden, they were ambushed by the Kugane Special Forces.

These Modern Samurai have access to Exo-Suits, meaning they are faster, stronger, and far more deadlier than the average Samurai.

They boosted themselves to the Huntsmen's positions and began slashing them with their Katanas. The Huntsmen fire their weapons, but the Dust Bullets bounce off their armor as the Samurai use their boosted legs to dash towards them. Kicking the Huntsmen in the chest, causing their ribs to crack.

Some even karate chop the Huntsmen's arms off with the Exo-Suits. Their punches and kicks are so strong it sends the Huntsmen flying. It was made worse when one Samurai punched 4 of the Huntsmen's heads off. Seeing the losing battle, the Huntsmen turned tail and run.

In the streets, Jaune alongside his group and the main force, continue to push the Huntsmen back. When they see something being launched from the sky.

Ài: All Units, be advised. King Onis are inbound and ready to assist.

Transport Ships drop squads of King Onis to battle. They walk through the streets of Mistral and fire their Eye Blasters, destroying multiple buildings with groups of Huntsmen inside.

The remaining Huntsmen keep getting pushed back as the Kugane's forces continue their march, with the Yokai Riders cutting of their escape and the Samurai pinning them down. It made it worse with the beams coming from the King Onis, causing explosions all around.

Some Huntsmen dropped their weapons and surrendered. While some foolishly continue to fight.

Xiu: We got incoming! Knights, formation!!

Xiu spots a large group of Huntsmen heading for their positions. The Huntsmen know they are going to die here, but they want to take Jaune with them.

Ài: They're headed right for us! Xiu, defensive formation!

The Black Knights get into a circle and formed a perimeter around Jaune, shielding the Emperor and his group.

When all of sudden, they see a woman get into a stance as she is engulfed by a large amount of flames. Suddenly, once she made her move. She zooms towards the group of Huntsmen as the shape of the flame now turns into a Dragon, with her flying with it.

From there, she delivers one swipe as the large Flame Dragon zooms past the group of Huntsmen. The attack caused all of them to burn into nothing but ash. Jaune, his group, and all those watching were amazed seeing the attack. With some recognizing the woman.

Kugane Soldier: Wait, that Breathing Style.

Kugane Soldier: It's no doubt about it, it's her.

Kugane Soldier: Indeed, this fight will be over quick.

The group walks up to the woman, she is a slender youthful woman that looks like she hasn't aged past her mid-to-late twenties, with light skin, and long flowing black hair kept up in a low ponytail by a red ribbon wrapped around at the back of her head with bangs hanging on the right side while having shoulder-length hair strands hanging on either side. She wears a Shinigami shihakushō. Though, she wears a shortened hakama resembling a skirt as well as a black, white, and red obi. She wears stockings and black boots and a red samurai arm and shin guard to protect her forearm and shins. A grey Haori that includes a hood with a rhombus printed on the back with the kanji word for South in the middle.

But their is one thing that stands out about her appearance.

Tai: Wait, why does she look like-

???: Raven Branwen. I can answer your question, but I know you won't believe me at first. But his highness and Lord Lie know the truth.

Qrow: And what truth is that?

Saya: That I am indeed Raven Branwen, but now take the name, Saya Himura. The Raven Branwen you know, your teammate, Tai Xiao Long's wife, Yang Xiao Long's Mother, and Qrow Branwen's Sister, is nothing but a clone and I am the original.

Team ST(R)Q: WHAT?!

Tai: Clone?! What do you mean the Raven we know is a Clone?!

Qrow: I'm too drunk for this!!

Summer: So the Raven we know....was a clone this whole time....But how?

Saya: I lost my memories of that day, but I was able to find out the truth. I was kidnapped and cloned by an organization, they replaced me with the clone due to my Semblance. I was subjected to a mind wipe and multiple experiments, such as trying to alter my semblance to allow me to create portals without the need to connect with someone emotionally as well as instant teleportation. They injected me with something that gave me high-speed regeneration, healing factor, enhanced speed, endurance, strength, and reflex, including intense training in order to become their perfect weapon. It wasn't until I was 13, that I made my escape. From there, I ended up in a forest outside of Kugane, where a patrol found me. Once I was nursed back to health, they took me to the High Council.

She continues to explain her story.

Saya: After explaining to them of having no memories and how I got here. The High Council decided to welcome me with open arms. One of the Clans adopted me and I inherited their name, Himura. After being adopted, I was treated as one of their own, and joined the Kugane Military, specifically the Shinto Guard, samurai-esque warriors infused with the power of the Shinto Gods and mythical creatures of equal status. Because of my prior modifications, I was able to rise through the ranks with ease.

Qrow: 'Just hearing this, our Raven will be jealous of Saya and her power'

Summer: 'If Raven were here, she would have a mid-life crisis and an identity crisis'

Saya: After serving for 20 years. I became the General of the Himura Clan and was well known amongst the Clans for my skills and leadership. During those years, I encountered the same organization that kidnapped me. So I made it my personal mission to eliminate them and after 5 years of tracking down every cell and base; I finally found their HQ. I alongside my fellow Elite Guards, stormed the base and eliminated everyone. After the mission, my forces began searching through their inventories and database. When I encountered a prison cell, one containing 2 little girls, both were sold by their parents to undergo the same training and experiment I went through. Feeling the connection and pity, I decided to take them in and adopted them as my daughters, their names are Akame and Kurome.

Jaune: And Saya over here, has truly made a name amongst the powerful members of Arcadia.

Lie: While not officially part of the Clans or the Adventurer Guilds; she does contracts with them as a freelancer and mostly kept to herself.

Ài: She was also offered a position in the High Council but respectfully denied.

Lie: As a matter of fact. Saya is the original Wandering Samurai. Her tales and skills are what inspired the name to come to fruition. Rumors said she was the one who built the armor herself, forged from the metals she created.

Qrow: But why do you look so young?! You look like you're Ice Queen's age, you are suppose to be old like us!! No offense. 

Jaune: There are rumors that Saya is immortal. We asked her before, but she has neither confirm or deny the question.

Saya: All I can say is, when I went through that portal. I wasn't transported back to my home, but was transported back to the past. 

Qrow is getting a headache from this information while Tai and Summer are speechless by this revelation.

Summer: So you knew about this the whole time?

Jaune: No, Lie and I were only told of this information once we took our positions of power. My Mother and Lie's parents knew the truth. We wanted to keep this a secret until we were ready to reveal it and I don't want Yang finding out about this.

Nora: Yeah, Oum knows what she will do.

Saya: I won't accept her as my daughter, she may be my Clone's Daughter. But I do not approve of her attitude and what she is now. I'm sorry.

Tai felt upset about that, but she is right. Yang is not her daughter despite her being Raven. The original Raven mind you.

Saya: I will deal with the rest of the Huntsmen as the reinforcements from the other Kingdoms will arrive in a matter of minutes. It's best you head to Haven immediately and deal with this threat. 

Before she left, Saya looks towards Jaune and said this

Saya: And your highness, if you didn't attack the Branwen Tribe. I would have been the one to do it.

Team ST(R)Q watches her leave, still stunned at what they learned. Seeing this, Jaune snaps his fingers to get their heads back in the game.

Jaune: Hey don't zone out. Saya is right, we need to leave for Haven immediately.

Xiu: Indeed, and it seems our reinforcements have arrived.

Ài: And they are from the Kingdom of Knights.

They look towards the street and see a Legion of Knights heading their way. These are Warriors of the Kingdom of Knights, you would know which Country they are by the design of the armor.

Lie: With them here, they can help secure the Kingdom before the Black Arms try anything.

Ài: And it appears they are being led by an old friend.

She point to the knight up front, Jaune looks closely and sees it's someone he recognizes.

She is Joan "Angel" Aubert, she is known as the Angel of Jaune's Unit. She is loved and cared for by everyone. She is born a leader and a Warrior, she is an expert at using a Sword and is equipped with a Flag that is customized to be a weapon. She grew up idolizing the Arcs as Juniper helped her family, a lot. Now, growing up, she owes them a debt. She now serves Jaune as Commander of his Elite Guard and is loyal to him by a fault.

Nora: Hey, Jaune. Look! It's your sister!


Nora was punched in the face by Joan.

Joan hates when people think her and Jaune are related. New Flash, people. She is not. If they were, then she wouldn't be in love with him. She ain't like the Arc Sisters if you know what I mean.

Jaune: Angel, it's good to see you again.

Joan: It's good to see you too, your highness. It seems I made it just in time.

Jaune: Indeed you did. Like what Saya said, help secure the area and rendezvous with the rest of the Kugane's forces. We'll head to Haven and finish this fight once and for all.

Joan: Of course, your highness! Come on, men. Let's move!

She commands the army of Knights as they march through the streets.

Ài: Even till now she always wants to impress you. Like old times, right?

Jaune: Indeed.

The group now walks back to the Staging Point where they will head to a Transport and make their way to Haven.


After the rest of the Arcadian forces secured the City. Jaune and his group are in the Arcadian Transport discussing the plan for Haven. Ozpin and Ironwood are speaking to them through Holocall.

Jaune: Ozpin, what's the situation in Haven?

Ozpin: We've secured the entire perimeter of the Academy, nothing gets in or out. We even looked up the blueprints of the Academy to make sure no underground tunnels were built, but have troops on standby incase they plan to do so.

Lie: And they haven't made their attack at all?

Ironwood: No, they have been holed up in the Academy and are setting up their defenses. We jammed their communications to make sure they don't try asking the Black Arms for help.

Jaune: Yup, can't have another incident like Menagerie.

Ozpin: Indeed, we will be waiting for your arrival, your highness and will prepare for the announcement.

Jaune: Once the Huntsmen in the Academy will hear that, their motivations will decrease knowing the public is more and more against them.

Summer: Or die trying to kill us, because they have nothing left to lose.

Nora: Yeah, I can see that happening.

Suddenly, they were interrupted when they got a transmission from Jeremiah.

Jeremiah: Sorry to interrupt, your highness. But we have a situation.

When he said that, everyone in the meeting room all looked at Jeremiah. When he said they have a problem, all of them were worried that Nicolas or Salem is on the move again.

Jaune: What is it, Jeremiah? Is Nicolas or Salem at it again?

Jeremiah: Unfortunately, no. This matter involves a media shitstorm in the making. Which we can use to our advantage.

Ozpin: Oh no, please don't tell me the situation with the Huntsmen and Huntresses got worse like here?

Summer: The riots already turned into terror attacks now, won't be too surprised if they start bombing Vale right about now or do something far worse.

Jeremiah: You are right on that, Summer. A small group of Huntsmen have decided to take around 40 Hostages in Vale. We dispatched RAINBOW to deal with the situation.

Jaune: And what's the problem? Don't tell me they had Black Arms forces there?

Jeremiah could only sigh, knowing the minute he tells them. Everyone in this room will feel even more stressed by the situation.

Jeremiah: Apparently, a group of Huntsmen-in-training decided to play Hero and took matters into their own hands. They barged in the Building to rescue the Hostages without a plan, all 40 Hostages were killed in the ensuing firefight.

Nora: Let me guess, it's them?

Jeremiah: Yes, it was Team RWBY and Pyrrha Nikos, luckily the Team with them, Team SSSN, had no part on this whatsoever. The girls have been arrested as we speak.

Even if Jeremiah is talking to Jaune and his group in holocall. He can still hear their groans at the news.

Lie: Seriously? They just barged in without a plan? I already know who's bright idea was this.

Nora: Yup, and look where it got them. A nice Cell in Prison.

Ài: And they call themselves protectors of Remnant. Yeah, "Protectors". What a load of bullshit.

Tai: Wait, guys. Maybe we can-

Summer: Tai, shut up. One more word about asking his highness to free them and I will send you to the Outlands, got it.

That made Tai shut up.

Jeremiah: Your highness, what are your orders?

Jaune: Once I'm done here, I will take Summer and her Team to Vale to discuss this incident. Have Lisa contain this situation, she will know what to do. Hopefully we can use this incident to our advantage and remove the Profession of Huntsmen and Huntresses entirely.

Jeremiah: Understood, your highness.

The transmission ends and all that Jaune can do was sigh at this situation.

Jaune: Ozpin, let's finish what we can in Haven and head back to Vale to sort this mess out. With this, it will cause even more problems with the Huntsmen and the populace. One small incident can spark a war among it's people.

Ozpin: Indeed, and with what's happening here. It may lead to more bloodshed.

Jaune: Right on the dot there, Ozpin. Now then, I believe it's time we gear up and let's get this done people.

They all nod and geared up as they head for Haven.

Summer: Just another day in the Office. Am I right?

Qrow: Yup.

Author's Notes:
- Saya Himura was made by FlashDevil, she will appear in Arcadia related stories or make small cameo appearances.

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